Norman Feske c60604062c decorator: improve robustness of window restacking
This patch improves the detection of new appearing top-most windows.
Such a window should prompt the decorator to bring the corresponding
nitpicker view(s) to the front of the view stack. The original
implementation relied on hints provided by the layouter (the 'topped'
attribute). With the patch, the decorator tracks the top-most window by
itself, which improves the robustness.

As a second improvement, the patch defers the destruction of windows to
the point when all other window operations are completed. This hides
intermediate states when replacing one window by another in one step,
which is typical for console-like scenarios. Hence, this patch should
eliminate flickering artifacts when switching from one virtual console
to another.

Issue #3031
2018-11-16 14:53:26 +01:00

482 lines
13 KiB

* \brief Example window decorator that mimics the Motif look
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2014-01-10
* Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
#ifndef _WINDOW_H_
#define _WINDOW_H_
/* Genode includes */
#include <decorator/window.h>
/* local includes */
#include "config.h"
#include "window_element.h"
namespace Decorator { class Window; }
class Decorator::Window : public Window_base
Nitpicker::Session_client &_nitpicker;
* Flag indicating that the current window position has been propagated
* to the window's corresponding nitpicker views.
bool _nitpicker_views_up_to_date = false;
Nitpicker::Session::View_handle _neighbor;
struct Nitpicker_view
Nitpicker::Session_client &_nitpicker;
Nitpicker::Session::View_handle _handle { _nitpicker.create_view() };
typedef Nitpicker::Session::Command Command;
Nitpicker_view(Nitpicker::Session_client &nitpicker, unsigned id = 0)
* We supply the window ID as label for the anchor view.
if (id) {
char buf[128];
Genode::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", id);
_nitpicker.enqueue<Command::Title>(_handle, Genode::Cstring(buf));
Nitpicker::Session::View_handle handle() const { return _handle; }
void stack(Nitpicker::Session::View_handle neighbor)
_nitpicker.enqueue<Command::To_front>(_handle, neighbor);
void place(Rect rect)
_nitpicker.enqueue<Command::Geometry>(_handle, rect);
Point offset = Point(0, 0) - rect.p1();
_nitpicker.enqueue<Command::Offset>(_handle, offset);
Nitpicker_view _bottom_view { _nitpicker },
_right_view { _nitpicker },
_left_view { _nitpicker },
_top_view { _nitpicker };
Nitpicker_view _content_view { _nitpicker, (unsigned)id() };
static Border _init_border() {
return Border(_border_size + _title_height,
_border_size, _border_size, _border_size); }
Border const _border { _init_border() };
unsigned _topped_cnt = 0;
Window_title _title;
bool _focused = false;
Animator &_animator;
Config const &_config;
static unsigned const _corner_size = 16;
static unsigned const _border_size = 4;
static unsigned const _title_height = 16;
Color _bright = { 255, 255, 255, 64 };
Color _dark = { 0, 0, 0, 127 };
Color _base_color = _config.base_color(_title);
bool _has_alpha = false;
Area const _icon_size { 16, 16 };
* Intensity of the title-bar radient in percent. A value of 0 produces
* no gradient. A value of 100 creates a gradient from white over
* 'color' to black.
Lazy_value<int> _gradient_percent = _config.gradient_percent(_title);
typedef Window_element Element;
* The element order must correspond to the order of enum values
* because the type is used as index into the '_elements' array.
Element _elements[13] { { Element::TITLE, _animator, _base_color },
{ Element::LEFT, _animator, _base_color },
{ Element::RIGHT, _animator, _base_color },
{ Element::TOP, _animator, _base_color },
{ Element::BOTTOM, _animator, _base_color },
{ Element::TOP_LEFT, _animator, _base_color },
{ Element::TOP_RIGHT, _animator, _base_color },
{ Element::BOTTOM_LEFT, _animator, _base_color },
{ Element::BOTTOM_RIGHT, _animator, _base_color },
{ Element::CLOSER, _animator, _base_color },
{ Element::MAXIMIZER, _animator, _base_color },
{ Element::MINIMIZER, _animator, _base_color },
{ Element::UNMAXIMIZER, _animator, _base_color } };
Element &element(Element::Type type)
return _elements[type];
Element const &element(Element::Type type) const
return _elements[type];
unsigned num_elements() const { return sizeof(_elements)/sizeof(Element); }
bool _apply_state(Window::Element::Type type, bool focused, bool highlighted)
return element(type).apply_state(_focused, highlighted, _base_color);
typedef Config::Window_control Control;
class Controls
enum { MAX_CONTROLS = 10 };
Control _controls[MAX_CONTROLS];
unsigned _num = 0;
* Add window control
void add(Control control)
if (_num < MAX_CONTROLS)
_controls[_num++] = control;
unsigned num() const { return _num; }
class Index_out_of_range { };
* Obtain Nth window control
Control control(unsigned n) const
if (n >= MAX_CONTROLS)
throw Index_out_of_range();
return _controls[n];
bool operator != (Controls const &other) const
if (_num != other._num) return true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _num; i++)
if (_controls[i] != other._controls[i])
return true;
return false;
Controls _controls;
** Drawing utilities **
void _draw_hline(Canvas_base &canvas, Point pos, unsigned w,
bool at_left, bool at_right,
unsigned border, Color color) const
int const x1 = at_left ? (pos.x()) : (pos.x() + w - border);
int const x2 = at_right ? (pos.x() + w - 1) : (pos.x() + border - 1);
canvas.draw_box(Rect(Point(x1, pos.y()),
Point(x2, pos.y())), color);
void _draw_vline(Canvas_base &canvas, Point pos, unsigned h,
bool at_top, bool at_bottom,
unsigned border, Color color) const
int const y1 = at_top ? (pos.y()) : (pos.y() + h - border);
int const y2 = at_bottom ? (pos.y() + h - 1) : (pos.y() + border - 1);
canvas.draw_box(Rect(Point(pos.x(), y1),
Point(pos.x(), y2)), color);
void _draw_raised_frame(Canvas_base &canvas, Rect rect) const
_draw_hline(canvas, rect.p1(), rect.w(), true, true, 0, _bright);
_draw_vline(canvas, rect.p1(), rect.h(), true, true, 0, _bright);
_draw_hline(canvas, Point(rect.p1().x(), rect.p2().y()), rect.w(),
true, true, 0, _dark);
_draw_vline(canvas, Point(rect.p2().x(), rect.p1().y()), rect.h(),
true, true, 0, _dark);
void _draw_raised_box(Canvas_base &canvas, Rect rect, Color color) const
canvas.draw_box(rect, color);
_draw_raised_frame(canvas, rect);
static Color _mix_colors(Color c1, Color c2, int alpha)
return Color((c1.r*alpha + c2.r*(255 - alpha)) >> 8,
(c1.g*alpha + c2.g*(255 - alpha)) >> 8,
(c1.b*alpha + c2.b*(255 - alpha)) >> 8);
void _draw_title_box(Canvas_base &canvas, Rect rect, Color color) const
* Produce gradient such that the upper half becomes brighter and
* the lower half becomes darker. The gradient is created by mixing
* the base color with white (for the upper half) and black (for
* the lower half).
/* alpha ascent as 8.8 fixpoint number */
int const ascent = (_gradient_percent*255 << 8) / (rect.h()*100);
int const mid_y = rect.h() / 2;
Color const white(255, 255, 255), black(0, 0, 0);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < rect.h(); i++) {
bool const upper_half = (int)i < mid_y;
int const alpha = upper_half
? (ascent*(mid_y - i)) >> 8
: (ascent*(i - mid_y)) >> 8;
Color const line_color =
_mix_colors(upper_half ? white : black, color, alpha);
canvas.draw_box(Rect(rect.p1() + Point(0, i),
Area(rect.w(), 1)), line_color);
_draw_raised_frame(canvas, rect);
void _draw_corner(Canvas_base &canvas, Rect const rect,
unsigned const border,
bool const left, bool const top,
Color color) const
bool const bottom = !top;
bool const right = !left;
int const x1 = rect.p1().x();
int const y1 = rect.p1().y();
int const x2 = rect.p2().x();
int const y2 = rect.p2().y();
int const w = rect.w();
int const h = rect.h();
canvas.draw_box(Rect(Point(x1, top ? y1 : y2 - border + 1),
Area(w, border)), color);
canvas.draw_box(Rect(Point(left ? x1 : x2 - border + 1,
top ? y1 + border : y1),
Area(border, h - border)), color);
/* top bright line */
_draw_hline(canvas, rect.p1(), w,
top || left, top || right, border, _bright);
/* inner horizontal line */
int y = top ? y1 + border - 1 : y2 - border + 1;
_draw_hline(canvas, Point(x1, y), w, right, left, w - border,
top ? _dark : _bright);
/* bottom line */
_draw_hline(canvas, Point(x1, y2), w,
bottom || left, bottom || right, border, _dark);
/* left bright line */
_draw_vline(canvas, rect.p1(), h,
left || top, left || bottom, border, _bright);
/* inner vertical line */
int x = left ? x1 + border - 1 : x2 - border + 1;
_draw_vline(canvas, Point(x, y1), h, bottom, top, h - border + 1,
left ? _dark : _bright);
/* right line */
_draw_vline(canvas, Point(x2, y1), h,
right || top, right || bottom, border, _dark);
Color _window_control_color(Control window_control) const
switch (window_control.type()) {
case Control::TYPE_CLOSER: return element(Element::CLOSER).color();
case Control::TYPE_MAXIMIZER: return element(Element::MAXIMIZER).color();
case Control::TYPE_MINIMIZER: return element(Element::MINIMIZER).color();
case Control::TYPE_UNMAXIMIZER: return element(Element::UNMAXIMIZER).color();
case Control::TYPE_TITLE: return element(Element::TITLE).color();
case Control::TYPE_UNDEFINED: break;
return Color(0, 0, 0);
Texture_id _window_control_texture(Control window_control) const
switch (window_control.type()) {
case Control::TYPE_CLOSER: return TEXTURE_ID_CLOSER;
case Control::TYPE_TITLE:
case Control::TYPE_UNDEFINED:
class No_texture_for_window_control { };
throw No_texture_for_window_control();
void _draw_window_control(Canvas_base &canvas, Rect rect,
Control control) const
_draw_title_box(canvas, rect, _window_control_color(control));
canvas.draw_texture(rect.p1() + Point(1,1),
Window(unsigned id, Nitpicker::Session_client &nitpicker,
Animator &animator, Config const &config)
_animator(animator), _config(config)
{ }
* Return border margins of floating window
static Border border_floating()
return Border(_border_size + _title_height,
_border_size, _border_size, _border_size);
void stack(Nitpicker::Session::View_handle neighbor) override
_neighbor = neighbor;
Nitpicker::Session::View_handle frontmost_view() const override
return _bottom_view.handle();
Rect outer_geometry() const override
return Rect(geometry().p1() - Point(_border.left,,
geometry().p2() + Point(_border.right, _border.bottom));
void border_rects(Rect *top, Rect *left, Rect *right, Rect *bottom) const
outer_geometry().cut(geometry(), top, left, right, bottom);
bool in_front_of(Window_base const &neighbor) const override
return _neighbor == neighbor.frontmost_view();
void update_nitpicker_views() override
if (!_nitpicker_views_up_to_date) {
/* update view positions */
Rect top, left, right, bottom;
border_rects(&top, &left, &right, &bottom);;
_top_view .place(top);
_left_view .place(left);
_right_view .place(right);
_bottom_view .place(bottom);
_nitpicker_views_up_to_date = true;
void adapt_to_changed_config()
_base_color = _config.base_color(_title);
void draw(Canvas_base &canvas, Rect clip, Draw_behind_fn const &) const override;
bool update(Xml_node, bool) override;
Hover hover(Point) const override;
bool animated() const override
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_elements(); i++)
if (_elements[i].animated())
return true;
return false;
#endif /* _WINDOW_H_ */