
455 lines
12 KiB

* \brief Test for input filter
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2017-02-01
* Copyright (C) 2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
#include <base/heap.h>
#include <base/component.h>
#include <base/session_label.h>
#include <base/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
#include <input_session/connection.h>
#include <input/component.h>
#include <timer_session/connection.h>
#include <os/static_root.h>
#include <root/component.h>
#include <input/event.h>
#include <input/keycodes.h>
#include <os/reporter.h>
#include <base/sleep.h>
namespace Test {
class Input_from_filter;
class Input_to_filter;
class Input_root;
class Main;
using namespace Genode;
using Input::Event;
class Test::Input_from_filter
struct Event_handler : Interface
virtual void handle_event_from_filter(Event const &) = 0;
Env &_env;
Event_handler &_event_handler;
Input::Connection _connection;
bool _input_expected = false;
bool _handle_input_in_progress = false;
void _handle_input()
_handle_input_in_progress = true;
if (_input_expected)
_connection.for_each_event([&] (Event const &event) {
_event_handler.handle_event_from_filter(event); });
_handle_input_in_progress = false;
Signal_handler<Input_from_filter> _input_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Input_from_filter::_handle_input };
Input_from_filter(Env &env, Event_handler &event_handler)
_env(env), _event_handler(event_handler), _connection(env)
void input_expected(bool expected)
_input_expected = expected;
/* prevent nested call of '_handle_input' */
if (!_input_expected || _handle_input_in_progress)
/* if new step expects input, process currently pending events */
class Test::Input_root : public Root_component<Input::Session_component>
Input::Session_component &_usb_input;
Input::Session_component &_ps2_input;
Input_root(Entrypoint &ep, Allocator &md_alloc,
Input::Session_component &usb_input,
Input::Session_component &ps2_input)
Root_component(ep, md_alloc),
_usb_input(usb_input), _ps2_input(ps2_input)
{ }
Input::Session_component *_create_session(const char *args,
Affinity const &)
Session_label const label = label_from_args(args);
if (label.last_element() == "usb") return &_usb_input;
if (label.last_element() == "ps2") return &_ps2_input;
error("no matching policy for session label ", label);
throw Service_denied();
* Prevent the default 'Root_component' implementation from attempting
* to free the session objects.
void _destroy_session(Input::Session_component *) override { }
class Test::Input_to_filter
Env &_env;
Sliced_heap _sliced_heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
* Provide the input service via an independent entrypoint to avoid a
* possible deadlock between the input_filter and the test when
* both try to invoke 'Input::Session::flush' from each other.
enum { STACK_SIZE = 4*1024*sizeof(long) };
Entrypoint _ep { _env, STACK_SIZE, "input_server_ep" };
* Input supplied to the input_filter
Input::Session_component _usb { _env, _env.ram() };
Input::Session_component _ps2 { _env, _env.ram() };
Input_root _root { _ep, _sliced_heap, _usb, _ps2};
typedef String<20> Key_name;
Input::Keycode _code(Key_name const &key_name)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Input::KEY_MAX - 1; i++) {
Input::Keycode const code = Input::Keycode(i);
if (key_name == Input::key_name(code))
return code;
error("unknown key name: ", key_name);
throw Exception();
Input_to_filter(Env &env) : _env(env)
void submit_events(Xml_node step)
if (step.type() != "usb" && step.type() != "ps2") {
error("unexpected argument to Input_to_filter::submit");
throw Exception();
Input::Session_component &dst = step.type() == "usb" ? _usb : _ps2;
step.for_each_sub_node([&] (Xml_node node) {
bool const press = node.has_type("press"),
release = node.has_type("release");
if (press || release) {
Key_name const key_name = node.attribute_value("code", Key_name());
if (press) dst.submit(Input::Press {_code(key_name)});
if (release) dst.submit(Input::Release{_code(key_name)});
bool const motion = node.has_type("motion");
bool const rel = node.has_attribute("rx") || node.has_attribute("ry");
bool const abs = node.has_attribute("ax") || node.has_attribute("ay");
if (motion && abs)
dst.submit(Input::Absolute_motion{(int)node.attribute_value("ax", 0L),
(int)node.attribute_value("ay", 0L)});
if (motion && rel)
dst.submit(Input::Relative_motion{(int)node.attribute_value("rx", 0L),
(int)node.attribute_value("ry", 0L)});
struct Test::Main : Input_from_filter::Event_handler
Env &_env;
Timer::Connection _timer { _env };
Input_from_filter _input_from_filter { _env, *this };
Input_to_filter _input_to_filter { _env };
Reporter _input_filter_config_reporter { _env, "config", "input_filter.config" };
Reporter _chargen_include_reporter { _env, "chargen", "chargen_include" };
Reporter _remap_include_reporter { _env, "remap", "remap_include" };
Reporter _capslock_reporter { _env, "capslock", "capslock" };
Attached_rom_dataspace _config { _env, "config" };
void _publish_report(Reporter &reporter, Xml_node node)
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(reporter, [&] () {
xml.append(node.content_base(), node.content_size()); });
void _gen_chargen_rec(Xml_generator &xml, unsigned depth)
if (depth > 0) {
xml.node("chargen", [&] () { _gen_chargen_rec(xml, depth - 1); });
} else {
xml.node("input", [&] () { xml.attribute("name", "usb"); });
void _deep_filter_config(Reporter &reporter, Xml_node node)
unsigned const depth = node.attribute_value("depth", 0UL);
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(reporter, [&] () {
xml.node("input", [&] () { xml.attribute("label", "usb"); });
xml.node("output", [&] () { _gen_chargen_rec(xml, depth); });
unsigned const _num_steps = _config.xml().num_sub_nodes();
unsigned _curr_step = 0;
unsigned long _went_to_sleep_time = 0;
Xml_node _curr_step_xml() const { return _config.xml().sub_node(_curr_step); }
void _advance_step()
/* exit when reaching the end of the sequence */
if (_curr_step == _num_steps) {
void _execute_curr_step()
for (;;) {
Xml_node const step = _curr_step_xml();
log("step ", _curr_step, " (", step.type(), ")");
_input_from_filter.input_expected(step.type() == "expect_press" ||
step.type() == "expect_release" ||
step.type() == "expect_char" ||
step.type() == "expect_motion" ||
step.type() == "expect_wheel");
if (step.type() == "filter_config") {
_publish_report(_input_filter_config_reporter, step);
if (step.type() == "deep_filter_config") {
_deep_filter_config(_input_filter_config_reporter, step);
if (step.type() == "chargen_include") {
_publish_report(_chargen_include_reporter, step);
if (step.type() == "remap_include") {
_publish_report(_remap_include_reporter, step);
if (step.type() == "capslock") {
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(_capslock_reporter, [&] () {
xml.attribute("enabled", step.attribute_value("enabled", false)); });
if (step.type() == "usb" || step.type() == "ps2") {
if (step.type() == "message") {
typedef String<80> Message;
Message const message = step.attribute_value("string", Message());
log("\n--- ", message, " ---");
if (step.type() == "nop") {
if (step.type() == "expect_press" || step.type() == "expect_release"
|| step.type() == "expect_char" || step.type() == "expect_motion"
|| step.type() == "expect_wheel")
if (step.type() == "sleep") {
if (_went_to_sleep_time == 0) {
unsigned long const timeout_ms = step.attribute_value("ms", 250UL);
_went_to_sleep_time = _timer.elapsed_ms();
error("unexpected step: ", step);
throw Exception();
* Input_to_filter::Event_handler interface
void handle_event_from_filter(Event const &ev) override
typedef Genode::String<20> Value;
Xml_node const step = _curr_step_xml();
bool step_succeeded = false;
ev.handle_press([&] (Input::Keycode key, Codepoint codepoint) {
auto codepoint_of_step = [] (Xml_node step) {
return Utf8_ptr(step.attribute_value("char", Value()).string()).codepoint(); };
if (step.type() == "expect_press"
&& step.attribute_value("code", Value()) == Input::key_name(key)
&& (!step.has_attribute("char") ||
codepoint_of_step(step).value == codepoint.value))
step_succeeded = true;
ev.handle_release([&] (Input::Keycode key) {
if (step.type() == "expect_release"
&& step.attribute_value("code", Value()) == Input::key_name(key))
step_succeeded = true; });
ev.handle_wheel([&] (int x, int y) {
if (step.type() == "expect_wheel"
&& step.attribute_value("rx", 0L) == x
&& step.attribute_value("ry", 0L) == y)
step_succeeded = true; });
ev.handle_relative_motion([&] (int x, int y) {
if (step.type() == "expect_motion"
&& (!step.has_attribute("rx") || step.attribute_value("rx", 0L) == x)
&& (!step.has_attribute("ry") || step.attribute_value("ry", 0L) == y))
step_succeeded = true; });
ev.handle_absolute_motion([&] (int x, int y) {
if (step.type() == "expect_motion"
&& (!step.has_attribute("ax") || step.attribute_value("ax", 0L) == x)
&& (!step.has_attribute("ay") || step.attribute_value("ay", 0L) == y))
step_succeeded = true; });
if (step_succeeded) {
void _handle_timer()
if (_curr_step_xml().type() != "sleep") {
error("got spurious timeout signal");
throw Exception();
unsigned long const duration = _curr_step_xml().attribute_value("ms", 0UL);
unsigned long const now = _timer.elapsed_ms();
unsigned long const slept = now - _went_to_sleep_time;
if (slept < duration) {
warning("spurious wakeup from sleep");
_timer.trigger_once(1000*(duration - slept));
/* skip <sleep> */
_went_to_sleep_time = 0;
Signal_handler<Main> _timer_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_timer };
Main(Env &env) : _env(env)
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env) { static Test::Main main(env); }