Norman Feske a973d9902b gems: flexible window layouter
This commit replaces the former floating_window_layouter with a new
window_layouter component that supports the subdivision of screen space
into columns and rows, the concept of layers, and the principle ability
to store window layout information across reboots. The latter is
accomplished by reflecting the component's internal state as a 'rules'
report to the outside.

Fixes #3031
2018-11-16 14:53:20 +01:00

336 lines
8.6 KiB

* \brief Window layouter
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2013-02-14
* Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
#ifndef _USER_STATE_H_
#define _USER_STATE_H_
/* local includes */
#include "operations.h"
#include "key_sequence_tracker.h"
namespace Window_layouter { class User_state; }
class Window_layouter::User_state
struct Hover_state
Window_id window_id;
Window::Element element { Window::Element::UNDEFINED };
Hover_state(Window_id id, Window::Element element)
window_id(id), element(element)
{ }
Window_id _hovered_window_id { };
Window_id _focused_window_id { };
Window_id _dragged_window_id { };
unsigned _key_cnt = 0;
Key_sequence_tracker _key_sequence_tracker { };
Window::Element _hovered_element = Window::Element::UNDEFINED;
Window::Element _dragged_element = Window::Element::UNDEFINED;
* True while drag operation in progress
bool _drag_state = false;
* False if the hover state (hovered window and element) was not known
* at the initial click of a drag operation. In this case, the drag
* operation is initiated as soon as the hover state becomes known.
bool _drag_init_done = false;
* Pointer position at the beginning of a drag operation
Point _pointer_clicked { };
* Current pointer position
Point _pointer_curr { };
Operations &_operations;
Focus_history &_focus_history;
* Return true if key is potentially part of a key sequence
static bool _key(Input::Keycode key) { return key != Input::BTN_LEFT; }
bool _key(Input::Event const &ev) const
bool relevant = false;
ev.handle_press([&] (Input::Keycode key, Codepoint) {
relevant |= _key(key); });
ev.handle_release([&] (Input::Keycode key) {
relevant |= _key(key); });
return relevant;
inline void _handle_event(Input::Event const &, Xml_node);
void _initiate_drag(Window_id hovered_window_id,
Window::Element hovered_element)
* This function must never be called without the hover state to be
* defined. This assertion checks this precondition.
if (!hovered_window_id.valid()) {
struct Drag_with_undefined_hover_state { };
throw Drag_with_undefined_hover_state();
_drag_init_done = true;
_dragged_window_id = hovered_window_id;
_dragged_element = hovered_element;
* Toggle maximized (fullscreen) state
if (_hovered_element == Window::Element::MAXIMIZER) {
_dragged_window_id = _hovered_window_id;
_focused_window_id = _hovered_window_id;
_hovered_element = Window::Element::UNDEFINED;
_hovered_window_id = Window_id();
* Bring hovered window to front when clicked
if (_focused_window_id != _hovered_window_id) {
_focused_window_id = _hovered_window_id;
_operations.drag(_dragged_window_id, _dragged_element,
_pointer_clicked, _pointer_curr);
User_state(Operations &operations, Focus_history &focus_history)
_operations(operations), _focus_history(focus_history)
{ }
void handle_input(Input::Event const events[], unsigned num_events,
Xml_node const &config)
Point const pointer_last = _pointer_curr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_events; i++)
_handle_event(events[i], config);
* Issue drag operation when in dragged state
if (_drag_state && _drag_init_done && (_pointer_curr != pointer_last))
_operations.drag(_dragged_window_id, _dragged_element,
_pointer_clicked, _pointer_curr);
void hover(Window_id window_id, Window::Element element)
Window_id const last_hovered_window_id = _hovered_window_id;
_hovered_window_id = window_id;
_hovered_element = element;
* Check if we have just received an update while already being in
* dragged state.
* This can happen when the user selects a new nitpicker domain by
* clicking on a window decoration. Prior the click, the new
* session is not aware of the current mouse position. So the hover
* model is not up to date. As soon as nitpicker assigns the focus
* to the new session and delivers the corresponding press event,
* we enter the drag state (in the 'handle_input' function. But we
* don't know which window is dragged until the decorator updates
* the hover model. Now, when the model is updated and we are still
* in dragged state, we can finally initiate the window-drag
* operation for the now-known window.
if (_drag_state && !_drag_init_done && _hovered_window_id.valid())
_initiate_drag(_hovered_window_id, _hovered_element);
* Let focus follows the pointer
* XXX obtain policy from config
if (!_drag_state && _hovered_window_id.valid()
&& _hovered_window_id != last_hovered_window_id) {
_focused_window_id = _hovered_window_id;
void reset_hover()
/* ignore hover resets when in drag state */
if (_drag_state)
_hovered_element = Window::Element::UNDEFINED;
_hovered_window_id = Window_id();
Window_id focused_window_id() const { return _focused_window_id; }
void focused_window_id(Window_id id) { _focused_window_id = id; }
Hover_state hover_state() const { return { _hovered_window_id, _hovered_element }; }
void Window_layouter::User_state::_handle_event(Input::Event const &e,
Xml_node config)
e.handle_absolute_motion([&] (int x, int y) {
_pointer_curr = Point(x, y); });
if (e.absolute_motion() || e.focus_enter()) {
if (_drag_state && _drag_init_done)
_operations.drag(_dragged_window_id, _dragged_element,
_pointer_clicked, _pointer_curr);
/* track number of pressed buttons/keys */
if ( _key_cnt++;
if (e.release()) _key_cnt--;
/* handle pointer click */
if (e.key_press(Input::BTN_LEFT) && _key_cnt == 1) {
* Initiate drag operation if possible
_drag_state = true;
_pointer_clicked = _pointer_curr;
if (_hovered_window_id.valid()) {
* Initiate drag operation
* If the hovered window is known at the time of the press event,
* we can initiate the drag operation immediately. Otherwise,
* the initiation is deferred to the next update of the hover
* model.
_initiate_drag(_hovered_window_id, _hovered_element);
} else {
* If the hovering state is undefined at the time of the click,
* we defer the drag handling until the next update of the hover
* state. This intermediate state is captured by '_drag_init_done'.
_drag_init_done = false;
_dragged_window_id = Window_id();
_dragged_element = Window::Element(Window::Element::UNDEFINED);
/* detect end of drag operation */
if (e.release() && _key_cnt == 0 && _dragged_window_id.valid()) {
_drag_state = false;
* Issue resize to 0x0 when releasing the the window closer
if (_dragged_element == Window::Element::CLOSER) {
if (_dragged_element == _hovered_element)
_operations.finalize_drag(_dragged_window_id, _dragged_element,
_pointer_clicked, _pointer_curr);
/* handle key sequences */
if (_key(e)) {
if ( && _key_cnt == 1)
_key_sequence_tracker.apply(e, config, [&] (Action action) {
switch (action.type()) {
case Action::RAISE_WINDOW:
case Action::NEXT_WINDOW:
_focused_window_id =;
case Action::PREV_WINDOW:
_focused_window_id = _focus_history.prev(_focused_window_id);
warning("action ", (int)action.type(), " unhanded");
/* update focus history after key/button action is completed */
if (e.release() && _key_cnt == 0)
#endif /* _USER_STATE_H_ */