Emery Hemingway 9d8bf1373e Chroot: remove merge policies
The chroot server was conceived to automatically place File_system
sessions into segregated root directories by converting session labels
to paths. If multiple children needed to be grouped under the same path,
a 'merge' policy would truncate the session label before path conversion.
Now that init can rewrite session labels and thus reproduce truncation,
the chroot merge feature is redundant and can be removed.

Fix #2846
2018-06-29 10:44:54 +02:00

252 lines
6.5 KiB

* \brief Change session root server
* \author Emery Hemingway
* \date 2016-03-10
* Copyright (C) 2016 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <file_system/util.h>
#include <file_system_session/connection.h>
#include <os/path.h>
#include <os/session_policy.h>
#include <base/component.h>
#include <base/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
#include <parent/parent.h>
#include <base/service.h>
#include <base/allocator_avl.h>
#include <base/heap.h>
namespace Chroot {
using namespace Genode;
struct Main;
struct Chroot::Main
enum { PATH_MAX_LEN = 128 };
typedef Genode::Path<PATH_MAX_LEN> Path;
* Object to bind ids between parent and client space.
struct Session : Parent::Server
Parent::Client parent_client { };
Id_space<Parent::Client>::Element client_id;
Id_space<Parent::Server>::Element server_id;
Session(Id_space<Parent::Client> &client_space,
Id_space<Parent::Server> &server_space,
Parent::Server::Id server_id)
client_id(parent_client, client_space),
server_id(*this, server_space, server_id) { }
Genode::Env &env;
Id_space<Parent::Server> server_id_space { };
Heap heap { env.ram(), env.rm() };
Allocator_avl fs_tx_block_alloc { &heap };
* File-system session for creating new chroot directories
File_system::Connection fs {
env, fs_tx_block_alloc, "", "/", true, 1 };
Attached_rom_dataspace session_requests { env, "session_requests" };
Attached_rom_dataspace config_rom { env, "config" };
void handle_config_update() { config_rom.update(); }
void handle_session_request(Xml_node request);
void handle_session_requests()
Xml_node const requests = session_requests.xml();
requests.for_each_sub_node([&] (Xml_node request) {
Signal_handler<Main> config_update_handler {
env.ep(), *this, &Main::handle_config_update };
Signal_handler<Main> session_request_handler {
env.ep(), *this, &Main::handle_session_requests };
* Constructor
Main(Genode::Env &env) : env(env)
/* handle requests that have queued before or during construction */
Session_capability request_session(Parent::Client::Id const &id,
Session_state::Args const &args)
char tmp[PATH_MAX_LEN];
Path root_path;
Session_label const label = label_from_args(args.string());
Session_policy const policy(label, config_rom.xml());
/* Use a chroot path from policy */
if (policy.has_attribute("path")) {
policy.attribute("path").value(tmp, sizeof(tmp));
} else {
/* generate implicit chroot path from the label */
root_path = path_from_label<Path>(label.string());
/* extract and append the orginal root */
Arg_string::find_arg(args.string(), "root").string(
tmp, sizeof(tmp), "/");
char const *new_root = root_path.base();
using namespace File_system;
/* create the new root directory if it is missing */
try { fs.close(ensure_dir(fs, new_root)); }
catch (Node_already_exists) { }
catch (Permission_denied) {
Genode::error(new_root,": permission denied"); throw; }
catch (Name_too_long) {
Genode::error(new_root,": new root too long"); throw; }
catch (No_space) {
Genode::error(new_root,": no space"); throw; }
catch (...) {
Genode::error(new_root,": unknown error"); throw; }
/* rewrite the root session argument */
enum { ARGS_MAX_LEN = 256 };
char new_args[ARGS_MAX_LEN];
strncpy(new_args, args.string(), ARGS_MAX_LEN);
/* sacrifice the label to make space for the root argument */
Arg_string::remove_arg(new_args, "label");
/* enforce writeable policy decision */
enum { WRITEABLE_ARG_MAX_LEN = 4, };
Arg_string::find_arg(new_args, "writeable").string(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "no");
/* session argument */
bool const writeable_arg =
Arg_string::find_arg(new_args, "writeable").bool_value(false);
/* label-based session policy */
bool const writeable_policy =
policy.attribute_value("writeable", false);
bool const writeable = writeable_arg && writeable_policy;
Arg_string::set_arg(new_args, ARGS_MAX_LEN, "writeable", writeable);
Arg_string::set_arg_string(new_args, ARGS_MAX_LEN, "root", new_root);
Affinity affinity;
return env.session("File_system", id, new_args, affinity);
void Chroot::Main::handle_session_request(Xml_node request)
if (!request.has_attribute("id"))
Parent::Server::Id const server_id { request.attribute_value("id", 0UL) };
if (request.has_type("create")) {
if (!request.has_sub_node("args"))
typedef Session_state::Args Args;
Args const args = request.sub_node("args").decoded_content<Args>();
Session *session = nullptr;
try {
session = new (heap)
Session(env.id_space(), server_id_space, server_id);
Session_capability cap = request_session(session->, args);
env.parent().deliver_session_cap(server_id, cap);
catch (Session_policy::No_policy_defined) {
Genode::error("no policy defined for '", label_from_args(args.string()), "'");
env.parent().session_response(server_id, Parent::SERVICE_DENIED);
catch (...) {
if (session)
destroy(heap, session);
env.parent().session_response(server_id, Parent::SERVICE_DENIED);
if (request.has_type("upgrade")) {
server_id_space.apply<Session>(server_id, [&] (Session &session) {
size_t ram_quota = request.attribute_value("ram_quota", 0UL);
String<64> args("ram_quota=", ram_quota);
env.upgrade(, args.string());
env.parent().session_response(server_id, Parent::SESSION_OK);
if (request.has_type("close")) {
server_id_space.apply<Session>(server_id, [&] (Session &session) {
destroy(heap, &session);
env.parent().session_response(server_id, Parent::SESSION_CLOSED);
** Component **
Genode::size_t Component::stack_size() {
return 2*1024*sizeof(Genode::addr_t); }
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env)
static Chroot::Main inst(env);