
195 lines
7.8 KiB

* \brief Log information about trace subjects
* \author Martin Stein
* \date 2018-01-15
* Copyright (C) 2018 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* local includes */
#include <policy.h>
#include <monitor.h>
#include <xml_node.h>
/* Genode includes */
#include <base/component.h>
#include <base/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
#include <base/heap.h>
#include <os/session_policy.h>
#include <timer_session/connection.h>
#include <util/construct_at.h>
using namespace Genode;
using Thread_name = String<40>;
class Main
enum { MAX_SUBJECTS = 512 };
enum { DEFAULT_PERIOD_SEC = 5 };
enum { DEFAULT_BUFFER = 1024 * 4 };
enum { DEFAULT_SESSION_ARG_BUFFER = 1024 * 4 };
enum { DEFAULT_SESSION_RAM = 1024 * 1024 };
Env &_env;
Timer::Connection _timer { _env };
Attached_rom_dataspace _config_rom { _env, "config" };
Xml_node const _config { _config_rom.xml() };
Trace::Connection _trace { _env,
_config.attribute_value("session_ram", Number_of_bytes(DEFAULT_SESSION_RAM)),
_config.attribute_value("session_arg_buffer", Number_of_bytes(DEFAULT_SESSION_ARG_BUFFER)),
_config.attribute_value("session_parent_levels", (unsigned)DEFAULT_SESSION_PARENT_LEVELS) };
bool const _affinity { _config.attribute_value("affinity", false) };
bool const _activity { _config.attribute_value("activity", false) };
bool const _verbose { _config.attribute_value("verbose", false) };
Microseconds const _period_us { read_sec_attr(_config, "period_sec", DEFAULT_PERIOD_SEC) };
Number_of_bytes const _default_buf_sz { _config.attribute_value("default_buffer", Number_of_bytes(DEFAULT_BUFFER)) };
Timer::Periodic_timeout<Main> _period { _timer, *this, &Main::_handle_period, _period_us };
Heap _heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
Monitor_tree _monitors_0 { };
Monitor_tree _monitors_1 { };
bool _monitors_switch { false };
Policy_tree _policies { };
Policy_name _default_policy_name { _config.attribute_value("default_policy", Policy_name("null")) };
Policy _default_policy { _env, _trace, _default_policy_name };
unsigned long _report_id { 0 };
unsigned long _num_subjects { 0 };
unsigned long _num_monitors { 0 };
Trace::Subject_id _subjects[MAX_SUBJECTS];
void _handle_period(Duration)
* Update monitors
* Which monitors are held and how they are configured depends on:
* 1) Which subjects are available at the Trace session,
* 2) which tracing state the subjects are currently in,
* 3) the configuration of this component about which subjects
* to monitor and how
* All this might have changed since the last call of this method.
* So, adapt the monitors and the monitor tree accordingly.
* Switch monitor trees so that the new tree is empty and the old
* tree contains all monitors.
Monitor_tree &old_monitors = _monitors_switch ? _monitors_1 : _monitors_0;
Monitor_tree &new_monitors = _monitors_switch ? _monitors_0 : _monitors_1;
_monitors_switch = !_monitors_switch;
/* update available subject IDs and iterate over them */
try { _num_subjects = _trace.subjects(_subjects, MAX_SUBJECTS); }
catch (Out_of_ram ) { warning("Cannot list subjects: Out_of_ram" ); return; }
catch (Out_of_caps) { warning("Cannot list subjects: Out_of_caps"); return; }
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _num_subjects; i++) {
Trace::Subject_id const id = _subjects[i];
try {
/* skip dead subjects */
if (_trace.subject_info(id).state() == Trace::Subject_info::DEAD)
/* check if there is a matching policy in the XML config */
Session_policy session_policy = _session_policy(id);
try {
/* lookup monitor by subject ID */
Monitor &monitor = old_monitors.find_by_subject_id(id);
/* move monitor from old to new tree */
} catch (Monitor_tree::No_match) {
/* create monitor for subject in the new tree */
_new_monitor(new_monitors, id, session_policy);
catch (Trace::Nonexistent_subject ) { continue; }
catch (Session_policy::No_policy_defined) { continue; }
/* all monitors in the old tree are deprecated, destroy them */
while (Monitor *monitor = old_monitors.first())
_destroy_monitor(old_monitors, *monitor);
/* dump information of each monitor in the new tree */
log("--- Report ", _report_id++, " (", _num_monitors, "/", _num_subjects, " subjects) ---");
new_monitors.for_each([&] (Monitor &monitor) {
monitor.print(_activity, _affinity);
void _destroy_monitor(Monitor_tree &monitors, Monitor &monitor)
if (_verbose)
log("destroy monitor: subject ", monitor.subject_id().id);
try {; }
catch (Trace::Nonexistent_subject) { }
destroy(_heap, &monitor);
void _new_monitor(Monitor_tree &monitors,
Trace::Subject_id id,
Session_policy &session_policy)
try {
Number_of_bytes const buffer_sz = session_policy.attribute_value("buffer", _default_buf_sz);
Policy_name const policy_name = session_policy.attribute_value("policy", _default_policy_name);
try {
_trace.trace(, _policies.find_by_name(policy_name).id(), buffer_sz);
} catch (Policy_tree::No_match) {
Policy &policy = *new (_heap) Policy(_env, _trace, policy_name);
_trace.trace(,, buffer_sz);
monitors.insert(new (_heap) Monitor(_trace, _env.rm(), id));
catch (Trace::Already_traced ) { warning("Cannot activate tracing: Already_traced" ); return; }
catch (Trace::Source_is_dead ) { warning("Cannot activate tracing: Source_is_dead" ); return; }
catch (Trace::Nonexistent_policy ) { warning("Cannot activate tracing: Nonexistent_policy" ); return; }
catch (Trace::Traced_by_other_session) { warning("Cannot activate tracing: Traced_by_other_session"); return; }
catch (Trace::Nonexistent_subject ) { warning("Cannot activate tracing: Nonexistent_subject" ); return; }
catch (Region_map::Invalid_dataspace ) { warning("Cannot activate tracing: Loading policy failed" ); return; }
if (_verbose)
log("new monitor: subject ",;
Session_policy _session_policy(Trace::Subject_id id)
Trace::Subject_info info = _trace.subject_info(id);
Session_label const label(info.session_label());
Session_policy policy(label, _config);
if (policy.has_attribute("thread"))
if (policy.attribute_value("thread", Thread_name()) != info.thread_name())
throw Session_policy::No_policy_defined();
return policy;
Main(Env &env) : _env(env) { _policies.insert(_default_policy); }
void Component::construct(Env &env) { static Main main(env); }