
584 lines
16 KiB

* \brief Nitpicker main program for Genode
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2006-08-04
* Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <base/sleep.h>
#include <base/log.h>
#include <base/component.h>
#include <base/heap.h>
#include <base/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
#include <input/keycodes.h>
#include <root/component.h>
#include <input_session/connection.h>
#include <framebuffer_session/connection.h>
#include <os/session_policy.h>
#include <nitpicker_gfx/tff_font.h>
/* local includes */
#include "types.h"
#include "user_state.h"
#include "background.h"
#include "clip_guard.h"
#include "pointer_origin.h"
#include "domain_registry.h"
namespace Nitpicker {
struct Focus_updater : Interface { virtual void update_focus() = 0; };
template <typename> class Root;
struct Main;
** Font used for view labeling **
extern char _binary_default_tff_start[];
** Framebuffer::Session_component **
void Framebuffer::Session_component::refresh(int x, int y, int w, int h)
Rect const rect(Point(x, y), Area(w, h));
_view_stack.mark_session_views_as_dirty(_session, rect);
** Implementation of Nitpicker service **
template <typename PT>
class Nitpicker::Root : public Root_component<Session_component>,
public Visibility_controller
Env &_env;
Attached_rom_dataspace const &_config;
Session_list &_session_list;
Domain_registry const &_domain_registry;
Global_keys &_global_keys;
Framebuffer::Mode _scr_mode { };
View_stack &_view_stack;
Font const &_font;
User_state &_user_state;
View_component &_pointer_origin;
View_component &_builtin_background;
Framebuffer::Session &_framebuffer;
Reporter &_focus_reporter;
Focus_updater &_focus_updater;
Session_component *_create_session(const char *args)
size_t const ram_quota = Arg_string::find_arg(args, "ram_quota").ulong_value(0);
size_t const required_quota = Input::Session_component::ev_ds_size()
+ align_addr(sizeof(Session::Command_buffer), 12);
if (ram_quota < required_quota) {
warning("Insufficient dontated ram_quota (", ram_quota,
" bytes), require ", required_quota, " bytes");
throw Insufficient_ram_quota();
size_t const unused_quota = ram_quota - required_quota;
Session_label const label = label_from_args(args);
bool const provides_default_bg = (label == "backdrop");
Session_component *session = new (md_alloc())
Session_component(_env, label, _view_stack, _font, _user_state,
_pointer_origin, _builtin_background, _framebuffer,
provides_default_bg, *md_alloc(), unused_quota,
_focus_reporter, *this);
session->apply_session_policy(_config.xml(), _domain_registry);
_global_keys.apply_config(_config.xml(), _session_list);
return session;
void _upgrade_session(Session_component *s, const char *args)
size_t ram_quota = Arg_string::find_arg(args, "ram_quota").ulong_value(0);
void _destroy_session(Session_component *session)
_global_keys.apply_config(_config.xml(), _session_list);
Genode::destroy(md_alloc(), session);
* Constructor
Root(Env &env, Attached_rom_dataspace const &config,
Session_list &session_list, Domain_registry const &domain_registry,
Global_keys &global_keys, View_stack &view_stack, Font const &font,
User_state &user_state, View_component &pointer_origin,
View_component &builtin_background, Allocator &md_alloc,
Framebuffer::Session &framebuffer, Reporter &focus_reporter,
Focus_updater &focus_updater)
Root_component<Session_component>(&env.ep().rpc_ep(), &md_alloc),
_env(env), _config(config), _session_list(session_list),
_domain_registry(domain_registry), _global_keys(global_keys),
_view_stack(view_stack), _font(font), _user_state(user_state),
_focus_reporter(focus_reporter), _focus_updater(focus_updater)
{ }
** Visibility_controller interface **
void _session_visibility(Session_label const &label, Suffix const &suffix,
bool visible)
Nitpicker::Session::Label const selector(label, suffix);
for (Session_component *s = _session_list.first(); s; s = s->next())
if (s->matches_session_label(selector))
void hide_matching_sessions(Session_label const &label, Suffix const &suffix) override
_session_visibility(label, suffix, false);
void show_matching_sessions(Session_label const &label, Suffix const &suffix) override
_session_visibility(label, suffix, true);
struct Nitpicker::Main : Focus_updater
Env &_env;
Framebuffer::Connection _framebuffer { _env, Framebuffer::Mode() };
Input::Connection _input { _env };
Attached_dataspace _ev_ds { _env.rm(), _input.dataspace() };
typedef Pixel_rgb565 PT; /* physical pixel type */
* Initialize framebuffer
* The framebuffer is encapsulated in a volatile object to allow its
* reconstruction at runtime as a response to resolution changes.
struct Framebuffer_screen
Framebuffer::Session &framebuffer;
Framebuffer::Mode const mode = framebuffer.mode();
Attached_dataspace fb_ds;
Canvas<PT> screen = { fb_ds.local_addr<PT>(), Area(mode.width(), mode.height()) };
Area size = screen.size();
* Constructor
Framebuffer_screen(Region_map &rm, Framebuffer::Session &fb)
: framebuffer(fb), fb_ds(rm, framebuffer.dataspace()) { }
Reconstructible<Framebuffer_screen> _fb_screen = { _env.rm(), _framebuffer };
void _handle_fb_mode();
Signal_handler<Main> _fb_mode_handler = { _env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_fb_mode };
* User-input policy
Global_keys _global_keys { };
Session_list _session_list { };
* Construct empty domain registry. The initial version will be replaced
* on the first call of 'handle_config'.
Heap _domain_registry_heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
Reconstructible<Domain_registry> _domain_registry {
_domain_registry_heap, Xml_node("<config/>") };
Focus _focus { };
View_stack _view_stack { _fb_screen->screen.size(), _focus };
User_state _user_state { _focus, _global_keys, _view_stack };
View_owner _global_view_owner { };
* Create view stack with default elements
Pointer_origin _pointer_origin { _global_view_owner };
Background _builtin_background = { _global_view_owner, Area(99999, 99999) };
* Initialize Nitpicker root interface
Sliced_heap _sliced_heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
Reporter _pointer_reporter = { _env, "pointer" };
Reporter _hover_reporter = { _env, "hover" };
Reporter _focus_reporter = { _env, "focus" };
Reporter _keystate_reporter = { _env, "keystate" };
Reporter _clicked_reporter = { _env, "clicked" };
Attached_rom_dataspace _config_rom { _env, "config" };
Constructible<Attached_rom_dataspace> _focus_rom { };
Tff_font::Static_glyph_buffer<4096> _glyph_buffer { };
Tff_font const _font { _binary_default_tff_start, _glyph_buffer };
Root<PT> _root { _env, _config_rom, _session_list, *_domain_registry,
_global_keys, _view_stack, _font, _user_state, _pointer_origin,
_builtin_background, _sliced_heap, _framebuffer,
_focus_reporter, *this };
* Focus_updater interface
* Called whenever a new session appears.
void update_focus() override { _handle_focus(); }
* Configuration-update handler, executed in the context of the RPC
* entrypoint.
* In addition to installing the signal handler, we trigger first signal
* manually to turn the initial configuration into effect.
void _handle_config();
Signal_handler<Main> _config_handler = { _env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_config };
* Signal handler for externally triggered focus changes
void _handle_focus();
Signal_handler<Main> _focus_handler = { _env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_focus };
* Signal handler invoked on the reception of user input
void _handle_input();
Signal_handler<Main> _input_handler = { _env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_input };
* Counter that is incremented periodically
unsigned _period_cnt = 0;
* Period counter when the user was active the last time
unsigned _last_button_activity_period = 0,
_last_motion_activity_period = 0;
* Number of periods after the last user activity when we regard the user
* as becoming inactive
unsigned _activity_threshold = 50;
* True if the user has recently interacted with buttons or keys
* This state is reported as part of focus reports to allow the clipboard
* to dynamically adjust its information-flow policy to the user activity.
bool _button_activity = false;
* True if the user recently moved the pointer
bool _motion_activity = false;
* Perform redraw and flush pixels to the framebuffer
void _draw_and_flush()
_view_stack.draw(_fb_screen->screen, _font).flush([&] (Rect const &rect) {
_framebuffer.refresh(rect.x1(), rect.y1(),
rect.w(), rect.h()); });
Main(Env &env) : _env(env)
void Nitpicker::Main::_handle_input()
bool const old_button_activity = _button_activity;
bool const old_motion_activity = _motion_activity;
/* handle batch of pending events */
User_state::Handle_input_result const result =
if (result.button_activity) {
_last_button_activity_period = _period_cnt;
_button_activity = true;
if (result.motion_activity) {
_last_motion_activity_period = _period_cnt;
_motion_activity = true;
* Report information about currently pressed keys whenever the key state
* is affected by the incoming events.
if (_keystate_reporter.enabled() && result.key_state_affected) {
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(_keystate_reporter, [&] () {
_user_state.report_keystate(xml); });
* Report whenever a non-focused view owner received a click. This report
* can be consumed by a focus-managing component.
if (_clicked_reporter.enabled() && result.last_clicked_changed) {
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(_clicked_reporter, [&] () {
_user_state.report_last_clicked_view_owner(xml); });
if (result.focus_changed)
/* flag user as inactive after activity threshold is reached */
if (_period_cnt == _last_button_activity_period + _activity_threshold)
_button_activity = false;
if (_period_cnt == _last_motion_activity_period + _activity_threshold)
_motion_activity = false;
/* report mouse-position updates */
if (_pointer_reporter.enabled() && result.motion_activity) {
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(_pointer_reporter, [&] () {
_user_state.report_pointer_position(xml); });
/* report hover changes */
if (_hover_reporter.enabled() && !result.key_pressed
&& (result.hover_changed || (old_motion_activity != _motion_activity))) {
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(_hover_reporter, [&] () {
_user_state.report_hovered_view_owner(xml, _motion_activity); });
/* report focus changes */
if (result.focus_changed || (old_button_activity != _button_activity)) {
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(_focus_reporter, [&] () {
_user_state.report_focused_view_owner(xml, _button_activity); });
/* update pointer position */
if (result.motion_activity)
_view_stack.geometry(_pointer_origin, Rect(_user_state.pointer_pos(), Area()));
/* perform redraw and flush pixels to the framebuffer */
_view_stack.draw(_fb_screen->screen, _font).flush([&] (Rect const &rect) {
_framebuffer.refresh(rect.x1(), rect.y1(),
rect.w(), rect.h()); });
/* deliver framebuffer synchronization events */
for (Session_component *s = _session_list.first(); s; s = s->next())
* Helper function for 'handle_config'
static void configure_reporter(Genode::Xml_node config, Genode::Reporter &reporter)
try {
.attribute_value(, false));
catch (...) { reporter.enabled(false); }
void Nitpicker::Main::_handle_focus()
if (!_focus_rom.constructed())
typedef Session::Label Label;
Label const label = _focus_rom->xml().attribute_value("label", Label());
/* determine session that matches the label found in the focus ROM */
View_owner *next_focus = nullptr;
for (Session_component *s = _session_list.first(); s; s = s->next())
if (s->label() == label)
next_focus = s;
if (next_focus)
void Nitpicker::Main::_handle_config()
Xml_node const config = _config_rom.xml();
/* update global keys policy */
_global_keys.apply_config(config, _session_list);
/* update background color */
_builtin_background.color = Background::default_color();
if (config.has_sub_node("background"))
_builtin_background.color =
.attribute_value("color", Background::default_color());
configure_reporter(config, _pointer_reporter);
configure_reporter(config, _hover_reporter);
configure_reporter(config, _focus_reporter);
configure_reporter(config, _keystate_reporter);
configure_reporter(config, _clicked_reporter);
/* update domain registry and session policies */
for (Session_component *s = _session_list.first(); s; s = s->next())
try { _domain_registry.construct(_domain_registry_heap, config); }
catch (...) { }
for (Session_component *s = _session_list.first(); s; s = s->next())
s->apply_session_policy(config, *_domain_registry);
* Domains may have changed their layering, resort the view stack with the
* new constrains.
* Respond to a configuration change of the input-focus mechanism
bool const focus_rom = (config.attribute_value("focus", String<16>()) == "rom");
if (_focus_rom.constructed() && !focus_rom)
if (!_focus_rom.constructed() && focus_rom) {
_focus_rom.construct(_env, "focus");
/* disable builtin focus handling when using an external focus policy */
/* redraw */
/* update focus report since the domain colors might have changed */
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(_focus_reporter, [&] () {
_user_state.report_focused_view_owner(xml, _button_activity); });
void Nitpicker::Main::_handle_fb_mode()
/* reconstruct framebuffer screen and menu bar */
_fb_screen.construct(_env.rm(), _framebuffer);
/* let the view stack use the new size */
_view_stack.size(Area(_fb_screen->mode.width(), _fb_screen->mode.height()));
/* redraw */
/* notify clients about the change screen mode */
for (Session_component *s = _session_list.first(); s; s = s->next())
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env)
static Nitpicker::Main nitpicker(env);