Martin Stein 90fcba79c6 nic_router: non-critical logs only when verbose
* Do not log events that are not critical (deadly) to the NIC router if not
  configured to be verbose,
* Print almost all log lines with a prefix of the domain name they are
  related to,
* And, do not use Genode::error and Genode::warning as they make it hard to
  read the log with the domain name prefixes.

Fixes #2840
2018-06-29 10:44:53 +02:00

199 lines
4.5 KiB

* \brief DHCP server role of a domain
* \author Martin Stein
* \date 2016-08-19
* Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
#ifndef _DHCP_SERVER_H_
#define _DHCP_SERVER_H_
/* local includes */
#include <ipv4_address_prefix.h>
#include <bit_allocator_dynamic.h>
#include <list.h>
#include <pointer.h>
/* Genode includes */
#include <net/mac_address.h>
#include <util/noncopyable.h>
#include <util/xml_node.h>
#include <timer_session/connection.h>
namespace Net {
class Configuration;
class Dhcp_server;
class Dhcp_allocation;
class Dhcp_allocation;
class Dhcp_allocation_tree;
using Dhcp_allocation_list = List<Dhcp_allocation>;
/* forward declarations */
class Interface;
class Domain;
class Domain_tree;
class Net::Dhcp_server : private Genode::Noncopyable
Ipv4_address const _dns_server;
Pointer<Domain> const _dns_server_from;
Genode::Microseconds const _ip_lease_time;
Ipv4_address const _ip_first;
Ipv4_address const _ip_last;
Genode::uint32_t const _ip_first_raw;
Genode::uint32_t const _ip_count;
Genode::Bit_allocator_dynamic _ip_alloc;
void _invalid(Domain &domain,
char const *reason);
Genode::Microseconds _init_ip_lease_time(Genode::Xml_node const node);
Pointer<Domain> _init_dns_server_from(Genode::Xml_node const node,
Domain_tree &domains);
enum { DEFAULT_IP_LEASE_TIME_SEC = 3600 };
struct Alloc_ip_failed : Genode::Exception { };
struct Invalid : Genode::Exception { };
Dhcp_server(Genode::Xml_node const node,
Domain &domain,
Genode::Allocator &alloc,
Ipv4_address_prefix const &interface,
Domain_tree &domains);
Ipv4_address alloc_ip();
void alloc_ip(Ipv4_address const &ip);
void free_ip(Ipv4_address const &ip);
bool ready() const;
** log **
void print(Genode::Output &output) const;
** Accessors **
Ipv4_address const &dns_server() const;
Domain &dns_server_from() { return _dns_server_from(); }
Genode::Microseconds ip_lease_time() const { return _ip_lease_time; }
class Net::Dhcp_allocation : public Genode::Avl_node<Dhcp_allocation>,
public Dhcp_allocation_list::Element
Interface &_interface;
Ipv4_address const _ip;
Mac_address const _mac;
Timer::One_shot_timeout<Dhcp_allocation> _timeout;
bool _bound { false };
void _handle_timeout(Genode::Duration);
bool _higher(Mac_address const &mac) const;
Dhcp_allocation(Interface &interface,
Ipv4_address const &ip,
Mac_address const &mac,
Timer::Connection &timer,
Genode::Microseconds lifetime);
Dhcp_allocation &find_by_mac(Mac_address const &mac);
void lifetime(Genode::Microseconds lifetime);
** Avl_node **
bool higher(Dhcp_allocation *alloc) { return _higher(alloc->_mac); }
** Log **
void print(Genode::Output &output) const;
** Accessors **
Ipv4_address const &ip() const { return _ip; }
bool bound() const { return _bound; }
void set_bound() { _bound = true; }
struct Net::Dhcp_allocation_tree
Genode::Avl_tree<Dhcp_allocation> _tree { };
Dhcp_allocation_list _list { };
struct No_match : Genode::Exception { };
Dhcp_allocation &find_by_mac(Mac_address const &mac) const;
void insert(Dhcp_allocation &dhcp_alloc)
void remove(Dhcp_allocation &dhcp_alloc)
Dhcp_allocation *first() { return _tree.first(); }
template <typename FUNC>
void for_each(FUNC && functor)
using List_item = Dhcp_allocation_list::Element;
for (Dhcp_allocation *item = _list.first(); item; )
Dhcp_allocation *const next_item = item->List_item::next();
item = next_item;
#endif /* _DHCP_SERVER_H_ */