
702 lines
16 KiB

* \brief DesignWare Multimedia Card interface
* \author Sebastian Sumpf
* \date 2013-03-06
* Copyright (C) 2015 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
#ifndef _DWMMC_H_
#define _DWMMC_H_
#include <drivers/board_base.h>
#include <irq_session/connection.h>
#include <os/attached_ram_dataspace.h>
#include <util/mmio.h>
#include <sd_card.h>
struct Dwmmc : Genode::Mmio
enum { verbose = false };
* These apply to card controller 0 and 1 only
enum {
HOST_FREQ = 52000000, /* Hz */
CLK_FREQ = 400000000, /* Hz */
/* CLK_FREQ / (2 * CLK_DIV <= HOST_FREQ) */
CLK_DIV_52Mhz = 4,
CLK_DIV_400Khz = 0xff,
Dwmmc(Genode::addr_t base) : Genode::Mmio(base) { }
template <Genode::off_t OFFSET, bool STRICT_WRITE = false>
struct Register : Genode::Mmio::Register<OFFSET, 32, STRICT_WRITE> { };
* Control register
struct Ctrl : Register<0x0>
/* Controller/FIFO/DMA reset */
struct Reset : Bitfield<0, 3> { };
struct Global_interrupt : Bitfield<4, 1> { };
struct Dma_enable : Bitfield<5, 1> { };
struct Use_internal_dmac : Bitfield<25, 1> { };
* Power-enable register
struct Pwren : Register<0x4> { };
* Clock-devider register
struct Clkdiv : Register<0x8> { };
* Clock-enable register
struct Clkena : Register<0x10> { };
* Timeout register
struct Tmout : Register<0x14> { };
* Card-type register
struct Ctype : Register<0x18, true> { };
* Block-size register
struct Blksize : Register<0x1c> { };
* Byte-count register
struct Bytcnt : Register<0x20> { };
* Interrupt-mask register
struct Intmask : Register<0x24> { };
* Command-argument register
struct Cmdarg : Register<0x28> { };
* Command register
struct Cmd : Register<0x2c>
struct Index : Bitfield<0, 6> { };
struct Rsp_type : Bitfield<6, 3>
enum Response { RESPONSE_NONE = 0,
struct Data_expected : Bitfield<9, 1> { };
struct Write : Bitfield<10, 1> { };
struct Wait_prvdata_complete : Bitfield<13, 1> { };
struct Init_sequence : Bitfield<15, 1> { };
struct Update_clock_registers_only : Bitfield<21, 1> { };
struct Use_hold_reg : Bitfield<29, 1> { };
struct Start_cmd : Bitfield<31, 1> { };
* Response bits 0..127
struct Rsp0 : Register<0x30> { };
struct Rsp1 : Register<0x34> { };
struct Rsp2 : Register<0x38> { };
struct Rsp3 : Register<0x3c> { };
* Interrupt-status register
struct Mintsts : Register<0x40> { };
struct Rintsts : Register<0x44, true>
struct Response_error : Bitfield<1, 1> { };
struct Data_transfer_over : Bitfield<3, 1> { };
struct Command_done : Bitfield<2, 1> { };
struct Data_crc_error : Bitfield<7, 1> { };
struct Response_timeout : Bitfield<8, 1> { };
struct Data_read_timeout : Bitfield<9, 1> { };
* Status register
struct Status : Register<0x48>
struct Data_busy : Bitfield<9, 1> { };
* Fifo-threshold register
struct Fifoth : Register<0x4c> { };
* Bus-mode register
struct Bmod : Register<0x80, true>
struct Fixed_burst : Bitfield<1, 1> { };
struct Idmac_enable : Bitfield<7, 1> { };
* Poll demant register
struct Pldmnd : Register<0x84> { };
struct Idsts : Register<0x8c> { };
struct Idinten : Register<0x90, true> { };
* Descriptor list base-address register
struct Dbaddr : Register<0x88> { };
* Clock selector
struct Clksel : Register<0x9c> { };
struct Emmc_ddr_req : Register<0x10c, true> { };
typedef Genode::size_t size_t;
void powerup()
bool reset(Delayer &delayer)
/* set all three bits */
if (!wait_for<Ctrl::Reset>(0, delayer, 100, 1000)) {
PERR("Could not reset host contoller");
return false;
return true;
void reset_fifo(Delayer &delayer)
if (!wait_for<Ctrl::Reset>(0, delayer, 100, 1000))
PERR("Could not reset fifo");
void disable_irq()
enum Bus_width {
BUS_WIDTH_1 = 0,
BUS_WIDTH_4 = 1,
BUS_WIDTH_8 = 1 << 16,
void bus_width(Bus_width bus_width)
bool update_clock_registers(Delayer &delayer)
Cmd::access_t cmd = 0;
Cmd::Wait_prvdata_complete::set(cmd, 1);
Cmd::Update_clock_registers_only::set(cmd, 1);
Cmd::Start_cmd::set(cmd, 1);
if (!wait_for<Cmd::Start_cmd>(0, delayer)) {
PERR("Update clock registers failed");
return false;
return true;
bool setup_bus(unsigned clock_div, Delayer &delayer)
/* set host clock divider */
if (!update_clock_registers(delayer))
return false;
/* enable clock for card 1 */
if (!update_clock_registers(delayer))
return false;
delayer.usleep(10 * 1000);
return true;
struct Exynos5_msh_controller : private Dwmmc, Sd_card::Host_controller
enum { BLOCK_SIZE = 512 };
* DMA descriptpor
struct Idmac_desc
enum Flags {
NONE = 0,
DIC = 1 << 1,
LD = 1 << 2,
FS = 1 << 3,
CH = 1 << 4,
ER = 1 << 5,
OWN = 1 << 31,
unsigned flags;
unsigned bytes;
unsigned addr;
unsigned next;
size_t set(size_t block_count, Genode::addr_t phys_addr, Flags flag)
enum { MAX_BLOCKS = 8 };
flags = OWN | flag | (block_count <= MAX_BLOCKS ? LD : (CH | DIC));
bytes = ((block_count < MAX_BLOCKS) ? block_count : MAX_BLOCKS) * BLOCK_SIZE;
addr = phys_addr;
return block_count < MAX_BLOCKS ? 0 : block_count - MAX_BLOCKS;
void dump() { PDBG("this: %p f: %x bytes: %u, addr: %x next: %x", this, flags, bytes, addr, next); }
* DMA descriptors
enum { IDMAC_DESC_MAX_ENTRIES = 1024 /* can be up to 65536 */};
Genode::Attached_ram_dataspace _idmac_desc_ds;
Idmac_desc * const _idmac_desc;
Genode::addr_t const _idmac_desc_phys;
Delayer &_delayer;
Sd_card::Card_info _card_info;
Genode::Irq_connection _irq;
Genode::Signal_receiver _irq_rec;
Genode::Signal_context _irq_ctx;
Sd_card::Card_info _init()
using namespace Sd_card;
if (!reset(_delayer))
throw Detection_failed();
/* set to one bit transfer Bit */
if (!setup_bus(CLK_DIV_400Khz, _delayer))
throw Detection_failed();
if (!issue_command(Go_idle_state())) {
PWRN("Go_idle_state command failed");
throw Detection_failed();
if (!issue_command(Send_if_cond())) {
PWRN("Send_if_cond command failed");
throw Detection_failed();
/* if this succeeds it is an SD card */
if ((read<Rsp0>() & 0xff) == 0xaa)
PINF("Found SD card");
* We need to issue the same Mmc_send_op_cond command multiple
* times. The first time, we receive the status information. On
* subsequent attempts, the response tells us that the card is
* busy. Usually, the command is issued twice. We give up if the
* card is not reaching busy state after one second.
unsigned i = 1000;
unsigned voltages = 0x300080;
unsigned arg = 0;
for (; i > 0; --i) {
if (!issue_command(Mmc_send_op_cond(arg, true))) {
PWRN("Sd_send_op_cond command failed");
throw Detection_failed();
arg = read<Rsp0>();
arg = (voltages & (arg & 0x007FFF80)) | (arg & 0x60000000);
if (Ocr::Busy::get(read<Rsp0>()))
if (i == 0) {
PERR("Send_op_cond timed out, could no power-on SD/MMC card");
throw Detection_failed();
Card_info card_info = _detect_mmc();
/* switch frequency to high speed */
enum { EXT_CSD_HS_TIMING = 185 };
if (!issue_command(Mmc_switch(EXT_CSD_HS_TIMING, 1))) {
PERR("Error setting high speed frequency");
throw Detection_failed();
enum { EXT_CSD_BUS_WIDTH = 183 };
/* set card to 8 bit */
if (!issue_command(Mmc_switch(EXT_CSD_BUS_WIDTH, 2))) {
PERR("Error setting card bus width");
throw Detection_failed();
/* set to eight bit transfer Bit */
if (!setup_bus(CLK_DIV_52Mhz, _delayer)) {
PERR("Error setting bus to high speed");
throw Detection_failed();
* Enable Interrupts data read timeout | data transfer done | response
* error
return card_info;
bool _setup_idmac_descriptor_table(size_t block_count,
Genode::addr_t phys_addr)
size_t const max_idmac_block_count = IDMAC_DESC_MAX_ENTRIES * 8;
if (block_count > max_idmac_block_count) {
PERR("Block request too large");
return false;
Idmac_desc::Flags flags = Idmac_desc::FS;
size_t b = block_count;
int index = 0;
for (index = 0; b;
index++, phys_addr += 0x1000, flags = Idmac_desc::NONE) {
b = _idmac_desc[index].set(b, phys_addr, flags);
_idmac_desc[index].next = _idmac_desc_phys + ((index + 1) * sizeof(Idmac_desc));
_idmac_desc[index].next = (unsigned)_idmac_desc;
_idmac_desc[index].flags |= Idmac_desc::ER;
write<Bytcnt>(BLOCK_SIZE * block_count);
return true;
void _wait_for_irq()
* Acknowledge the IRQ first to implicitly activate
* receiving of further IRQ signals on the first usage
* of this method.
bool _wait_for_transfer_complete()
while (1) {
if (read<Rintsts::Data_transfer_over>()) {
return true;
if (read<Rintsts::Response_error>()) {
PERR("Response error");
return false;
if (read<Rintsts::Data_read_timeout>()) {
PERR("Data read timeout");
return false;
if (read<Rintsts::Data_crc_error>()) {
PERR("CRC error");
return false;
enum { IRQ_NUMBER = Genode::Board_base::SDMMC0_IRQ };
Exynos5_msh_controller(Server::Entrypoint &ep,
Genode::addr_t const mmio_base, Delayer &delayer,
bool use_dma)
: Dwmmc(mmio_base),
_delayer(delayer), _card_info(_init()), _irq(IRQ_NUMBER)
~Exynos5_msh_controller() { _irq_rec.dissolve(&_irq_ctx); }
bool _issue_command(Sd_card::Command_base const &command)
if (verbose)
PLOG("-> index=0x%08x, arg=0x%08x, rsp_type=%d",
command.index, command.arg, command.rsp_type);
if (!wait_for<Status::Data_busy>(0, _delayer, 10000, 100)) {
PERR("wait for State::Data_busy timed out %x", read<Status>());
return false;
/* write command argument */
Cmd::access_t cmd = 0;
Cmd::Index::set(cmd, command.index);
if (command.transfer != Sd_card::TRANSFER_NONE) {
/* set data-direction bit depending on the command */
bool const write = command.transfer == Sd_card::TRANSFER_WRITE;
Cmd::Data_expected::set(cmd, 1);
Cmd::Write::set(cmd, write ? 1 : 0);
Cmd::access_t rsp_type = 0;
switch (command.rsp_type) {
case Sd_card::RESPONSE_NONE: rsp_type = Cmd::Rsp_type::RESPONSE_NONE; break;
case Sd_card::RESPONSE_136_BIT: rsp_type = Cmd::Rsp_type::RESPONSE_136_BIT; break;
case Sd_card::RESPONSE_48_BIT: rsp_type = Cmd::Rsp_type::RESPONSE_48_BIT; break;
case Sd_card::RESPONSE_48_BIT_WITH_BUSY: rsp_type = Cmd::Rsp_type::RESPONSE_48_BIT_WITH_BUSY; break;
Cmd::Rsp_type::set(cmd, rsp_type);
Cmd::Start_cmd::set(cmd, 1);
Cmd::Use_hold_reg::set(cmd ,1);
Cmd::Wait_prvdata_complete::set(cmd, 1);
if (command.index == 0)
Cmd::Init_sequence::set(cmd, 1);
/* issue command */
if (!wait_for<Rintsts::Command_done>(1, _delayer, 10000, 100)) {
PERR("Command failed Rintst: %x Mintst: %x Status: %x", read<Rintsts>(), read<Mintsts>(), read<Status>());
if (read<Rintsts::Response_timeout>())
if (read<Rintsts::Response_error>())
PWRN("Repsonse error");
return false;
if (verbose)
PDBG("IRQ: Rintsts %x transfer %s", read<Rintsts>(),
command.transfer == Sd_card::TRANSFER_NONE ? "none" : "data");
/* acknowledge interrupt */
return true;
Sd_card::Cid _read_cid()
Sd_card::Cid cid;
cid.raw_0 = read<Rsp0>();
cid.raw_1 = read<Rsp1>();
cid.raw_2 = read<Rsp2>();
cid.raw_3 = read<Rsp3>();
return cid;
Sd_card::Csd _read_csd()
Sd_card::Csd csd;
csd.csd0 = read<Rsp0>();
csd.csd1 = read<Rsp1>();
csd.csd2 = read<Rsp2>();
csd.csd3 = read<Rsp3>();
return csd;
unsigned _read_rca() { return 0; }
size_t _read_ext_csd()
using namespace Genode;
Attached_ram_dataspace ds(env()->ram_session(), 0x1000, UNCACHED);
addr_t phys = Genode::Dataspace_client(ds.cap()).phys_addr();
_setup_idmac_descriptor_table(1, phys);
if (!issue_command(Sd_card::Mmc_send_ext_csd()))
throw Detection_failed();
if (!wait_for<Rintsts::Data_transfer_over>(1, _delayer)) {
PERR("Error retrieving extented CSD");
throw Detection_failed();
/* clear IRQ */
/* contruct extented CSD */
Sd_card::Ext_csd csd((addr_t)ds.local_addr<addr_t>());
/* read revision */
if (<Sd_card::Ext_csd::Revision>() < 2) {
PERR("Extented CSD revision is < 2");
throw Detection_failed();
/* return sector count */
uint64_t capacity =<Sd_card::Ext_csd::Sector_count>() * BLOCK_SIZE;
/* to MB */
return capacity / (1024 * 1024);
Sd_card::Card_info card_info() const
return _card_info;
bool read_blocks_dma(Block::sector_t block_number, size_t block_count,
Genode::addr_t buffer_phys)
if (!_setup_idmac_descriptor_table(block_count, buffer_phys))
return false;
if (!_issue_command(Sd_card::Read_multiple_block(block_number))) {
PERR("Read_multiple_block failed, Status: 0x%08x", read<Status>());
return false;
bool complete = _wait_for_transfer_complete();
if (!_issue_command(Sd_card::Stop_transmission())) {
PERR("Unable to stop transmission");
return false;
return complete;
bool write_blocks_dma(Block::sector_t block_number, size_t block_count,
Genode::addr_t buffer_phys)
if (!_setup_idmac_descriptor_table(block_count, buffer_phys))
return false;
if (!_issue_command(Sd_card::Write_multiple_block(block_number))) {
PERR("Read_multiple_block failed, Status: 0x%08x", read<Status>());
return false;
bool complete = _wait_for_transfer_complete();
if (!_issue_command(Sd_card::Stop_transmission())) {
PERR("Unable to stop transmission");
return false;
return complete;
#endif /* _DWMMC_H_ */