Stefan Kalkowski 786a81c846 core: unify log() initialization between kernels
* initialize the log environment implicitly for core
* removing the redundant lock
* unify between base-hw and all others

Ref #2092
2017-02-07 19:20:29 +01:00

472 lines
15 KiB

* \brief Platform interface implementation
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2015-05-01
* Copyright (C) 2015 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
/* Genode includes */
#include <base/sleep.h>
#include <base/thread.h>
#include <base/log.h>
/* core includes */
#include <boot_modules.h>
#include <core_parent.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <map_local.h>
#include <cnode.h>
#include <untyped_memory.h>
/* base-internal includes */
#include <base/internal/globals.h>
#include <base/internal/stack_area.h>
using namespace Genode;
static bool const verbose_boot_info = true;
* Memory-layout information provided by the linker script
/* virtual address range consumed by core's program image */
extern unsigned _prog_img_beg, _prog_img_end;
** Support for core memory management **
bool Mapped_mem_allocator::_map_local(addr_t virt_addr, addr_t phys_addr,
unsigned size)
size_t const num_pages = size / get_page_size();
Untyped_memory::convert_to_page_frames(phys_addr, num_pages);
return map_local(phys_addr, virt_addr, num_pages);
bool Mapped_mem_allocator::_unmap_local(addr_t virt_addr, addr_t phys_addr,
unsigned size)
if (!unmap_local(virt_addr, size / get_page_size()))
return false;
Untyped_memory::convert_to_untyped_frames(phys_addr, size);
return true;
** Platform interface **
void Platform::_init_unused_phys_alloc()
/* the lower physical ram is kept by the kernel and not usable to us */
_unused_phys_alloc.add_range(0x100000, 0UL - 0x100000);
static inline void init_sel4_ipc_buffer()
asm volatile ("movl %0, %%gs" :: "r"(IPCBUF_GDT_SELECTOR) : "memory");
void Platform::_init_allocators()
/* interrupt allocator */
_irq_alloc.add_range(0, 256);
* XXX allocate intermediate CNodes for organizing the untyped pages here
/* register remaining untyped memory to physical memory allocator */
auto add_phys_range = [&] (Initial_untyped_pool::Range const &range) {
addr_t const page_aligned_offset =
align_addr(range.free_offset, get_page_size_log2());
if (page_aligned_offset >= range.size)
addr_t const base = range.phys + page_aligned_offset;
size_t const size = range.size - page_aligned_offset;
_core_mem_alloc.phys_alloc()->add_range(base, size);
_unused_phys_alloc.remove_range(base, size);
/* turn remaining untyped memory ranges into untyped pages */
* From this point on, we can no longer create kernel objects from the
* '_initial_untyped_pool' because the pool is empty.
/* move device memory regions to phys cnode */
seL4_BootInfo const &bi = sel4_boot_info();
Cnode_base const initial_cspace(Cap_sel(seL4_CapInitThreadCNode), 32);
for (unsigned region = 0; region < bi.numDeviceRegions; region++) {
size_t const frame_size = 1UL << bi.deviceRegions[region].frameSizeBits;
if (frame_size != 4096) {
error("unsupported device memory frame size of ", Hex(frame_size));
class Unsupported_dev_memory_framesize{};
throw Unsupported_dev_memory_framesize();
for (uint64_t sel = bi.deviceRegions[region].frames.start,
phys_addr = bi.deviceRegions[region].basePaddr;
sel < bi.deviceRegions[region].frames.end;
sel++, phys_addr += frame_size) {
_io_mem_alloc.add_range(phys_addr, frame_size);
_unused_phys_alloc.remove_range(phys_addr, frame_size);
addr_t const dst_frame = phys_addr >> get_page_size_log2();
_phys_cnode.move(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(sel),
/* core's virtual memory */
_core_mem_alloc.virt_alloc()->add_range(_vm_base, _vm_size);
/* remove core image from core's virtual address allocator */
* XXX Why do we need to skip a page after the end of core?
* When allocating a PTE immediately after _prog_img_end, the
* kernel would complain "Mapping already present" on the
* attempt to map a page frame.
addr_t const core_virt_beg = trunc_page((addr_t)&_prog_img_beg),
core_virt_end = round_page((addr_t)&_prog_img_end)
+ 4096;
size_t const core_size = core_virt_end - core_virt_beg;
_core_mem_alloc.virt_alloc()->remove_range(core_virt_beg, core_size);
if (verbose_boot_info) {
log("core image:");
log(" virtual address range ",
Hex_range<addr_t>(core_virt_beg, core_virt_end - core_virt_beg), " "
"size=", Hex(core_size));
/* preserve sel4 boot info page in core's virtual address space */
addr_t const sel4_boot_info_page = reinterpret_cast<addr_t>(&bi);
_core_mem_alloc.virt_alloc()->remove_range(sel4_boot_info_page, 0x1000);
if (sel4_boot_info_page != core_virt_end)
warning("unexpected core binary layout");
/* preserve stack area in core's virtual address space */
void Platform::_switch_to_core_cspace()
Cnode_base const initial_cspace(Cap_sel(seL4_CapInitThreadCNode), 32);
/* copy initial selectors to core's CNode */
_core_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(seL4_CapInitThreadTCB));
_core_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(seL4_CapInitThreadVSpace));
_core_cnode.move(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(seL4_CapIRQControl)); /* cannot be copied */
_core_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(seL4_CapASIDControl));
_core_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(seL4_CapInitThreadASIDPool));
_core_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(seL4_CapIOPort));
_core_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(seL4_CapBootInfoFrame));
_core_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(seL4_CapInitThreadIPCBuffer));
_core_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(seL4_CapDomain));
/* replace seL4_CapInitThreadCNode with new top-level CNode */
_core_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(Core_cspace::top_cnode_sel()),
/* copy untyped memory selectors to core's CNode */
seL4_BootInfo const &bi = sel4_boot_info();
* We have to move (not copy) the selectors for the initial untyped ranges
* because some of them are already populated with kernel objects allocated
* via '_initial_untyped_pool'. For such an untyped memory range, the
* attempt to copy its selector would result in the following error:
* <<seL4: Error deriving cap for CNode Copy operation.>>
for (unsigned sel = bi.untyped.start; sel < bi.untyped.end; sel++)
_core_cnode.move(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(sel));
/* move the device memory selectors to core's CNode */
for (unsigned region = 0; region < bi.numDeviceRegions; region++) {
for (unsigned sel = bi.deviceRegions[region].frames.start;
sel < bi.deviceRegions[region].frames.end; sel++)
_core_cnode.move(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(sel));
for (unsigned sel = bi.userImageFrames.start; sel < bi.userImageFrames.end; sel++)
_core_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(sel));
/* copy statically created CNode selectors to core's CNode */
_core_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(Core_cspace::top_cnode_sel()));
_core_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(Core_cspace::core_pad_cnode_sel()));
_core_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(Core_cspace::core_cnode_sel()));
_core_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(Core_cspace::phys_cnode_sel()));
* Construct CNode hierarchy of core's CSpace
/* insert 3rd-level core CNode into 2nd-level core-pad CNode */
_core_pad_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(Core_cspace::core_cnode_sel()),
/* insert 2nd-level core-pad CNode into 1st-level CNode */
_top_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(Core_cspace::core_pad_cnode_sel()),
/* insert 2nd-level phys-mem CNode into 1st-level CNode */
_top_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(Core_cspace::phys_cnode_sel()),
/* insert 2nd-level untyped-pages CNode into 1st-level CNode */
_top_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(Core_cspace::untyped_cnode_sel()),
/* activate core's CSpace */
seL4_CapData_t null_data = { { 0 } };
int const ret = seL4_TCB_SetSpace(seL4_CapInitThreadTCB,
seL4_CapNull, /* fault_ep */
Core_cspace::top_cnode_sel(), null_data,
seL4_CapInitThreadPD, null_data);
if (ret != seL4_NoError)
error(__FUNCTION__, ": seL4_TCB_SetSpace returned ", ret);
Cap_sel Platform::_init_asid_pool()
return Cap_sel(seL4_CapInitThreadASIDPool);
void Platform::_init_core_page_table_registry()
seL4_BootInfo const &bi = sel4_boot_info();
addr_t const modules_start = reinterpret_cast<addr_t>(&_boot_modules_binaries_begin);
addr_t const modules_end = reinterpret_cast<addr_t>(&_boot_modules_binaries_end);
* Register initial page tables
addr_t virt_addr = (addr_t)(&_prog_img_beg);
for (unsigned sel = bi.userImagePaging.start; sel < bi.userImagePaging.end; sel++) {
_core_page_table_registry.insert_page_table(virt_addr, Cap_sel(sel));
/* one page table has 1024 entries */
virt_addr += 1024*get_page_size();
* Register initial page frames
virt_addr = (addr_t)(&_prog_img_beg);
for (unsigned sel = bi.userImageFrames.start; sel < bi.userImageFrames.end; sel++) {
/* skip boot modules */
if (modules_start <= virt_addr && virt_addr <= modules_end)
_core_page_table_registry.insert_page_table_entry(virt_addr, sel);
virt_addr += get_page_size();
void Platform::_init_rom_modules()
seL4_BootInfo const &bi = sel4_boot_info();
* Slab allocator for allocating 'Rom_module' meta data.
static long slab_block[4096];
static Tslab<Rom_module, sizeof(slab_block)>
rom_module_slab(core_mem_alloc(), (Genode::Slab_block *)slab_block);
* Allocate unused range of phys CNode address space where to make the
* boot modules available.
void *out_ptr = nullptr;
size_t const modules_size = (addr_t)&_boot_modules_binaries_end
- (addr_t)&_boot_modules_binaries_begin + 1;
Range_allocator::Alloc_return const alloc_ret =
_unused_phys_alloc.alloc_aligned(modules_size, &out_ptr, get_page_size_log2());
if (alloc_ret.error()) {
error("could not reserve phys CNode space for boot modules");
struct Init_rom_modules_failed { };
throw Init_rom_modules_failed();
* Calculate frame frame selector used to back the boot modules
addr_t const unused_range_start = (addr_t)out_ptr;
addr_t const unused_first_frame_sel = unused_range_start >> get_page_size_log2();
addr_t const modules_start = (addr_t)&_boot_modules_binaries_begin;
addr_t const modules_core_offset = modules_start
- (addr_t)&_prog_img_beg;
addr_t const modules_first_frame_sel = bi.userImageFrames.start
+ (modules_core_offset >> get_page_size_log2());
Boot_modules_header const *header = &_boot_modules_headers_begin;
for (; header < &_boot_modules_headers_end; header++) {
/* offset relative to first module */
addr_t const module_offset = header->base - modules_start;
addr_t const module_offset_frames = module_offset >> get_page_size_log2();
size_t const module_size = round_page(header->size);
addr_t const module_frame_sel = modules_first_frame_sel
+ module_offset_frames;
size_t const module_num_frames = module_size >> get_page_size_log2();
* Destination frame within phys CNode
addr_t const dst_frame = unused_first_frame_sel + module_offset_frames;
* Install the module's frame selectors into phys CNode
Cnode_base const initial_cspace(Cap_sel(seL4_CapInitThreadCNode), 32);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < module_num_frames; i++)
_phys_cnode.copy(initial_cspace, Cnode_index(module_frame_sel + i),
Cnode_index(dst_frame + i));
log("boot module '", header->name, "' (", header->size, " bytes)");
* Register ROM module, the base address refers to location of the
* ROM module within the phys CNode address space.
Rom_module * rom_module = new (rom_module_slab)
Rom_module(dst_frame << get_page_size_log2(), header->size,
(const char*)header->name);
_io_mem_alloc(core_mem_alloc()), _io_port_alloc(core_mem_alloc()),
_init_unused_phys_alloc_done((_init_unused_phys_alloc(), true)),
_vm_base(0x2000), /* 2nd page is used as IPC buffer of main thread */
_vm_size(3*1024*1024*1024UL - _vm_base), /* use the lower 3GiB */
_init_sel4_ipc_buffer_done((init_sel4_ipc_buffer(), true)),
_switch_to_core_cspace_done((_switch_to_core_cspace(), true)),
_init_core_page_table_registry_done((_init_core_page_table_registry(), true)),
_init_allocators_done((_init_allocators(), true)),
/* create notification object for Genode::Lock used by this first thread */
Cap_sel lock_sel (INITIAL_SEL_LOCK);
Cap_sel core_sel = _core_sel_alloc.alloc();
create<Notification_kobj>(*ram_alloc(), core_cnode().sel(), core_sel);
/* mint a copy of the notification object with badge of lock_sel */, core_sel, lock_sel);
/* test signal/wakeup once */
seL4_Word sender;
seL4_Wait(lock_sel.value(), &sender);
/* I/O port allocator (only meaningful for x86) */
_io_port_alloc.add_range(0, 0x10000);
* Log statistics about allocator initialization
log("VM area at ", Hex_range<addr_t>(_vm_base, _vm_size));
if (verbose_boot_info) {
log(":phys_alloc: ", *_core_mem_alloc.phys_alloc());
log(":unused_phys_alloc:", _unused_phys_alloc);
log(":virt_alloc: ", *_core_mem_alloc.virt_alloc());
log(":io_mem_alloc: ", _io_mem_alloc);
unsigned Platform::alloc_core_rcv_sel()
Cap_sel rcv_sel = _core_sel_alloc.alloc();
seL4_SetCapReceivePath(_core_cnode.sel().value(), rcv_sel.value(),
return rcv_sel.value();
void Platform::reset_sel(unsigned sel)
void Platform::wait_for_exit()
void Core_parent::exit(int exit_value) { }