
123 lines
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* \brief Fiasco pager framework
* \author Norman Feske
* \author Christian Helmuth
* \date 2006-07-14
* FIXME Isn't this file generic?
* Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
#include <base/pager.h>
namespace Fiasco {
#include <l4/sys/ipc.h>
#include <l4/sys/syscalls.h>
using namespace Genode;
** Pager activation **
void Pager_activation_base::entry()
Ipc_pager pager;
_cap = pager;
Pager_object * obj;
bool reply = false;
while (1) {
if (reply)
/* lookup referenced object */
Object_pool<Pager_object>::Guard _obj(_ep ? _ep->lookup_and_lock(pager.badge()) : 0);
obj = _obj;
reply = false;
/* handle request */
if (obj) {
reply = !obj->pager(pager);
/* something strange occurred - leave thread in pagefault */
} else {
/* prevent threads outside of core to mess with our wake-up interface */
enum { CORE_TASK_ID = 4 };
if (pager.last().id.task != CORE_TASK_ID) {
PWRN("page fault from unknown partner %x.%02x",
(int)pager.last().id.task, (int)pager.last().id.lthread);
} else {
* We got a request from one of cores region-manager sessions
* to answer the pending page fault of a resolved region-manager
* client. Hence, we have to send the page-fault reply to the
* specified thread and answer the call of the region-manager
* session.
* When called from a region-manager session, we receive the
* core-local address of the targeted pager object via the
* first message word, which corresponds to the 'fault_ip'
* argument of normal page-fault messages.
obj = reinterpret_cast<Pager_object *>(pager.fault_ip());
/* send reply to the calling region-manager session */
/* answer page fault of resolved pager object */
** Pager entrypoint **
Pager_entrypoint::Pager_entrypoint(Cap_session *, Pager_activation_base *a)
: _activation(a)
{ _activation->ep(this); }
void Pager_entrypoint::dissolve(Pager_object *obj)
Pager_capability Pager_entrypoint::manage(Pager_object *obj)
/* return invalid capability if no activation is present */
if (!_activation) return Pager_capability();
Native_capability cap(_activation->cap().dst(), obj->badge());
/* add server object to object pool */
/* return capability that uses the object id as badge */
return reinterpret_cap_cast<Pager_object>(cap);