Emery Hemingway 45a74023a7 part_block: support for up to 128 sessions
Allow sessions for each of the 128 sessions supported by GPT.

Fix #3705
2020-03-26 11:38:59 +01:00

561 lines
13 KiB

* \brief Front end of the partition server
* \author Sebastian Sumpf
* \author Stefan Kalkowski
* \author Josef Soentgen
* \date 2011-05-30
* Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
#include <base/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
#include <base/attached_ram_dataspace.h>
#include <base/component.h>
#include <base/heap.h>
#include <block_session/rpc_object.h>
#include <block/request_stream.h>
#include <os/session_policy.h>
#include <util/bit_allocator.h>
#include "gpt.h"
#include "mbr.h"
namespace Block {
class Session_component;
struct Session_handler;
struct Dispatch;
class Main;
template <unsigned ITEMS> struct Job_queue;
typedef Constructible<Job> Job_object;
using Response = Request_stream::Response;
template <unsigned ITEMS>
struct Block::Job_queue
Job_object _jobs[ITEMS];
Bit_allocator<ITEMS> _alloc;
addr_t alloc()
addr_t index = _alloc.alloc();
return index;
void free(addr_t index)
if (_jobs[index].constructed())
template<typename FN>
void with_job(addr_t index, FN const &fn)
struct Block::Dispatch : Interface
virtual Response submit(long number, Request const &request, addr_t addr) = 0;
virtual void update() = 0;
virtual void acknowledge_completed(bool all = true, long number = -1) = 0;
virtual Response sync(long number, Request const &request) = 0;
struct Block::Session_handler : Interface
Env &env;
Attached_ram_dataspace ds;
Signal_handler<Session_handler> request_handler
{ env.ep(), *this, &Session_handler::handle };
Session_handler(Env &env, size_t buffer_size)
: env(env), ds(env.ram(), env.rm(), buffer_size)
{ }
virtual void handle_requests()= 0;
void handle()
class Block::Session_component : public Rpc_object<Block::Session>,
public Session_handler,
public Block::Request_stream
long _number;
Dispatch &_dispatcher;
bool syncing { false };
Session_component(Env &env, long number, size_t buffer_size,
Session::Info info, Dispatch &dispatcher)
: Session_handler(env, buffer_size),
Request_stream(env.rm(), ds.cap(), env.ep(), request_handler, info),
_number(number), _dispatcher(dispatcher)
Info info() const override { return Request_stream::info(); }
Capability<Tx> tx_cap() override { return Request_stream::tx_cap(); }
long number() const { return _number; }
bool acknowledge(Request &request)
bool progress = false;
try_acknowledge([&] (Ack &ack) {
if (progress) return;
progress = true;
return progress;
void handle_requests() override
while (true) {
bool progress = false;
* Acknowledge any pending packets before sending new request to the
* controller.
_dispatcher.acknowledge_completed(false, _number);
with_requests([&] (Request request) {
Response response = Response::RETRY;
if (syncing) return response;
/* only READ/WRITE requests, others are noops for now */
if (request.operation.type == Operation::Type::TRIM ||
request.operation.type == Operation::Type::INVALID) {
request.success = true;
progress = true;
return Response::REJECTED;
if (!info().writeable && request.operation.type == Operation::Type::WRITE) {
progress = true;
return Response::REJECTED;
if (request.operation.type == Operation::Type::SYNC) {
response = _dispatcher.sync(_number, request);
if (response == Response::ACCEPTED) syncing = true;
return response;
with_payload([&] (Request_stream::Payload const &payload) {
payload.with_content(request, [&] (void *addr, size_t) {
response = _dispatcher.submit(_number, request, addr_t(addr));
if (response != Response::RETRY)
progress = true;
return response;
if (progress == false) break;
/* poke */
class Block::Main : Rpc_object<Typed_root<Session>>,
Partition_table & _table();
Env &_env;
Attached_rom_dataspace _config { _env, "config" };
Heap _heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
Reporter _reporter { _env, "partitions" };
Number_of_bytes const _io_buffer_size =
Allocator_avl _block_alloc { &_heap };
Block_connection _block { _env, &_block_alloc, _io_buffer_size };
Io_signal_handler<Main> _io_sigh { _env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_io };
Mbr_partition_table _mbr { _env, _block, _heap, _reporter };
Gpt _gpt { _env, _block, _heap, _reporter };
Partition_table &_partition_table { _table() };
enum { MAX_SESSIONS = 128 };
Session_component *_sessions[MAX_SESSIONS] { };
Job_queue<128> _job_queue { };
Registry<Block::Job> _job_registry { };
unsigned _wake_up_index { 0 };
void _wakeup_clients()
bool first = true;
unsigned next_index = 0;
for (long i = 0; i < MAX_SESSIONS; i++) {
unsigned index = (_wake_up_index + i) % MAX_SESSIONS;
if (!_sessions[index]) continue;
if (_sessions[index]->syncing) {
bool in_flight = false;
_job_registry.for_each([&] (Job &job) {
if (in_flight || i == job.number) {
Operation &op = job.request.operation;
in_flight |= (op.type == Operation::Type::WRITE ||
op.type == Operation::Type::SYNC);
if (in_flight == false) _sessions[index]->syncing = false;
else continue;
if (first) {
/* to be more fair, start at index + 1 next time */
next_index = (index + 1) % MAX_SESSIONS;
first = false;
_wake_up_index = next_index;
void _handle_io()
Main(Main const &);
Main &operator = (Main const &);
struct No_partion_table : Exception { };
struct Ambiguous_tables : Exception { };
struct Invalid_config : Exception { };
Main(Env &env) : _env(env)
/* announce at parent */
** Session interface **
Genode::Session_capability session(Root::Session_args const &args,
Affinity const &) override
long num = -1;
bool writeable = false;
Session_label const label = label_from_args(args.string());
try {
Session_policy policy(label, _config.xml());
/* read partition attribute */
num = policy.attribute_value("partition", -1L);
/* sessions are not writeable by default */
writeable = policy.attribute_value("writeable", false);
} catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_attribute) {
error("policy does not define partition number for for '",
label, "'");
throw Service_denied();
} catch (Session_policy::No_policy_defined) {
error("rejecting session request, no matching policy for '",
label, "'");
throw Service_denied();
try {
catch (...) {
error("Partition ", num, " unavailable for '", label, "'");
throw Service_denied();
if (num >= MAX_SESSIONS || _sessions[num]) {
error("Partition ", num, " already in use or session limit reached for '",
label, "'");
throw Service_denied();
Ram_quota const ram_quota = ram_quota_from_args(args.string());
size_t tx_buf_size =
Arg_string::find_arg(args.string(), "tx_buf_size").ulong_value(0);
if (!tx_buf_size)
throw Service_denied();
/* delete ram quota by the memory needed for the session */
size_t session_size = max((size_t)4096,
if (ram_quota.value < session_size)
throw Insufficient_ram_quota();
* Check if donated ram quota suffices for both
* communication buffers. Also check both sizes separately
* to handle a possible overflow of the sum of both sizes.
if (tx_buf_size > ram_quota.value - session_size) {
error("insufficient 'ram_quota', got ", ram_quota, ", need ",
tx_buf_size + session_size);
throw Insufficient_ram_quota();
Session::Info info {
.block_size =,
.block_count = _partition_table.partition(num).sectors,
.align_log2 = 0,
.writeable = writeable,
_sessions[num] = new (_heap) Session_component(_env, num, tx_buf_size,
info, *this);
return _sessions[num]->cap();
void close(Genode::Session_capability cap) override
for (long number = 0; number < MAX_SESSIONS; number++) {
if (!_sessions[number] || !(cap == _sessions[number]->cap()))
destroy(_heap, _sessions[number]);
_sessions[number] = nullptr;
void upgrade(Genode::Session_capability, Root::Upgrade_args const&) override { }
** Update_jobs_policy **
void consume_read_result(Job &job, off_t,
char const *src, size_t length)
if (!_sessions[job.number]) return;
memcpy((void *)(job.addr + job.offset), src, length);
job.offset += length;
void produce_write_content(Job &job, off_t, char *dst, size_t length)
memcpy(dst, (void *)(job.addr + job.offset), length);
job.offset += length;
void completed(Job &job, bool success)
job.request.success = success;
job.completed = true;
** Dispatch **
void update() override { _block.update_jobs(*this); }
Response submit(long number, Request const &request, addr_t addr) override
Partition &partition = _partition_table.partition(number);
block_number_t last = request.operation.block_number + request.operation.count;
if (last > partition.sectors)
return Response::REJECTED;
addr_t index = 0;
try {
index = _job_queue.alloc();
} catch (...) { return Response::RETRY; }
_job_queue.with_job(index, [&](Job_object &job) {
Operation op = request.operation;
op.block_number += partition.lba;
job.construct(_block, op, _job_registry, index, number, request, addr);
return Response::ACCEPTED;
Response sync(long number, Request const &request) override
addr_t index = 0;
try {
index = _job_queue.alloc();
} catch (...) { return Response::RETRY; }
_job_queue.with_job(index, [&](Job_object &job) {
job.construct(_block, request.operation, _job_registry,
index, number, request, 0);
return Response::ACCEPTED;
void acknowledge_completed(bool all = true, long number = -1) override
_job_registry.for_each([&] (Job &job) {
if (!job.completed) return;
addr_t index = job.index;
/* free orphans */
if (!_sessions[job.number]) {;
if (!all && job.number != number)
if (_sessions[job.number]->acknowledge(job.request));
Block::Partition_table & Block::Main::_table()
Xml_node const config = _config.xml();
bool const ignore_gpt = config.attribute_value("ignore_gpt", false);
bool const ignore_mbr = config.attribute_value("ignore_mbr", false);
bool valid_mbr = false;
bool valid_gpt = false;
bool pmbr_found = false;
bool report = false;
if (ignore_gpt && ignore_mbr) {
error("invalid configuration: cannot ignore GPT as well as MBR");
throw Invalid_config();
try {
report = _config.xml().sub_node("report").attribute_value
("partitions", false);
if (report)
} catch(...) {}
* Try to parse MBR as well as GPT first if not instructued
* to ignore either one of them.
if (!ignore_mbr) {
try { valid_mbr = _mbr.parse(); }
catch (Mbr_partition_table::Protective_mbr_found) {
pmbr_found = true;
} catch (...) { };
if (!ignore_gpt) {
try { valid_gpt = _gpt.parse(); }
catch (...) { }
* Both tables are valid (although we would have expected a PMBR in
* conjunction with a GPT header - hybrid operation is not supported)
* and we will not decide which one to use, it is up to the user.
if (valid_mbr && valid_gpt) {
error("ambigious tables: found valid MBR as well as valid GPT");
throw Ambiguous_tables();
if (valid_gpt && !pmbr_found) {
warning("will use GPT without proper protective MBR");
/* PMBR missing, i.e, MBR part[0] contains whole disk and GPT valid */
if (pmbr_found && ignore_gpt) {
warning("found protective MBR but GPT is to be ignored");
* Return the appropriate table or abort if none is found.
if (valid_gpt) return _gpt;
if (valid_mbr) return _mbr;
error("Aborting: no partition table found.");
throw No_partion_table();
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env) { static Block::Main main(env); }