Christian Prochaska 62232f9a35 fs_rom: retry watching a path element after watching its parent dir
If a path element cannot be watched because it does not exist yet, the next
available parent directory is watched to detect the creation of the missing
path element. If a missing path element got created just between the failed
watch request for the element and the successful watch request for its parent
directory, the creation of the path element could remain unnoticed.

With this commit, 'fs_rom' tries to watch a path element again if the watch
request for its parent directory was successful.

Fixes #3398
2019-06-13 12:22:49 +02:00

554 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

* \brief Service that provides files of a file system as ROM sessions
* \author Norman Feske
* \author Emery Hemingway
* \date 2013-01-11
* Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <rom_session/rom_session.h>
#include <file_system_session/connection.h>
#include <file_system/util.h>
#include <os/path.h>
#include <base/attached_ram_dataspace.h>
#include <root/component.h>
#include <base/component.h>
#include <base/session_label.h>
#include <util/arg_string.h>
#include <base/heap.h>
** ROM service **
namespace Fs_rom {
using namespace Genode;
class Rom_session_component;
class Rom_root;
typedef Id_space<Rom_session_component> Sessions;
typedef File_system::Session_client::Tx::Source Tx_source;
* A 'Rom_session_component' exports a single file of the file system
class Fs_rom::Rom_session_component : public Rpc_object<Rom_session>
friend class List<Rom_session_component>;
friend class Packet_handler;
Env &_env;
Sessions &_sessions;
File_system::Session &_fs;
Constructible<Sessions::Element> _watch_elem { };
enum { PATH_MAX_LEN = 512 };
typedef Genode::Path<PATH_MAX_LEN> Path;
* Name of requested file, interpreted at path into the file system
Path const _file_path;
* Wandering notification handle
Constructible<File_system::Watch_handle> _watch_handle { };
* Handle of associated file opened during read loop
File_system::File_handle _file_handle { ~0UL };
* Size of current version of the file
File_system::file_size_t _file_size = 0;
* Read offset of the file
File_system::seek_off_t _file_seek = 0;
* Dataspace exposed as ROM module to the client
Attached_ram_dataspace _file_ds;
* Signal destination for ROM file changes
Signal_context_capability _sigh { };
* Version number used to track the need for ROM update notifications
struct Version { unsigned value; };
Version _curr_version { 0 };
Version _handed_out_version { 0 };
* Track if the session file or a directory is being watched
bool _watching_file = false;
* Exception
struct Watch_failed { };
* Watch a path or some parent directory
* If the given path or a parent directory could be watched, the
* corresponding watch handle is returned and 'path_watched' returns if
* the watch handle refers to the given path (true) or to a parent
* directory (false). Otherwise, 'Watch_failed' is thrown.
File_system::Watch_handle _open_watch_handle_helper(Path watch_path,
bool &path_watched)
try {
File_system::Watch_handle watch_handle =;
path_watched = true;
return watch_handle;
catch (File_system::Lookup_failed) { }
catch (File_system::Unavailable) { }
/* watching the given path failed, try to watch a parent directory */
if (watch_path == "/")
throw Watch_failed();
try {
Path immediate_parent_watch_path { watch_path };
bool immediate_parent_watched = false;
File_system::Watch_handle some_parent_watch_handle =
if (immediate_parent_watched) {
* Watching the immediate parent directory succeeded, now
* try to watch the original path again, in case it has
* been created in the meantime.
try {
File_system::Watch_handle watch_handle =;
path_watched = true;
return watch_handle;
catch (File_system::Lookup_failed) { }
catch (File_system::Unavailable) { }
* Watching the immediate parent directory or the original path
* again failed, so pass on the received parent watch handle.
path_watched = false;
return some_parent_watch_handle;
} catch (Watch_failed) {
/* None of the parent directories could be watched */
* Watch the session ROM file or some parent directory
void _open_watch_handle()
using namespace File_system;
Path watch_path(_file_path);
_watching_file = false;
try {
Watch_handle watch_handle = _open_watch_handle_helper(watch_path.base(),
*this, _sessions, Sessions::Id{_watch_handle->value});
} catch (File_system::Out_of_ram) {
error("not enough RAM to watch '", watch_path, "'");
} catch (File_system::Out_of_caps) {
error("not enough caps to watch '", watch_path, "'");
throw Watch_failed();
void _close_watch_handle()
if (_watch_handle.constructed()) {
_watching_file = false;
enum { UPDATE_OR_REPLACE = false, UPDATE_ONLY = true };
* Fill dataspace with file content, return true if the
* current dataspace is reused.
bool _read_dataspace(bool update_only)
using namespace File_system;
Genode::Path<PATH_MAX_LEN> dir_path(_file_path);
Genode::Path<PATH_MAX_LEN> file_name(_file_path);
Dir_handle parent_handle = _fs.dir(dir_path.base(), false);
Handle_guard parent_guard(_fs, parent_handle);
/* the file handle is opened here... */
_file_handle = _fs.file(
parent_handle, file_name.base() + 1,
File_system::READ_ONLY, false);
Handle_guard file_guard(_fs, _file_handle);
Sessions::Element read_elem(
*this, _sessions, Sessions::Id{_file_handle.value});
/* ...but only for the lifetime of this procedure */
_file_seek = 0;
_file_size = _fs.status(_file_handle).size;
if (_file_size > _file_ds.size()) {
/* allocate new RAM dataspace according to file size */
if (update_only)
return false;
try {
_file_ds.realloc(&_env.ram(), _file_size);
} catch (...) {
error("failed to allocate memory for ", _file_path);
return false;
} else {
memset(_file_ds.local_addr<char>(), 0x00, _file_ds.size());
/* omit read if file is empty */
if (_file_size == 0)
return false;
/* read content from file */
Tx_source &source = *_fs.tx();
while (_file_seek < _file_size) {
/* if we cannot submit then process acknowledgements */
while (!source.ready_to_submit())
size_t chunk_size = min(_file_size - _file_seek,
source.bulk_buffer_size() / 2);
packet(source.alloc_packet(chunk_size), _file_handle,
chunk_size, _file_seek);
* Process the global signal handler until we got a response
* for the read request (indicated by a change of the seek
* position).
size_t const orig_file_seek = _file_seek;
while (_file_seek == orig_file_seek)
_handed_out_version = _curr_version;
return true;
bool _try_read_dataspace(bool update_only)
using namespace File_system;
try { _open_watch_handle(); }
catch (Watch_failed) { }
try { return _read_dataspace(update_only); }
catch (Lookup_failed) { log(_file_path, " ROM file is missing"); }
catch (Invalid_handle) { error(_file_path, ": invalid handle"); }
catch (Invalid_name) { error(_file_path, ": invalid name"); }
catch (Permission_denied) { error(_file_path, ": permission denied"); }
catch (...) { error(_file_path, ": unhandled error"); };
return false;
void _notify_client_about_new_version()
using namespace File_system;
if (_sigh.valid() && _curr_version.value != _handed_out_version.value) {
/* notify if the file exists and is not empty */
try {
Node_handle file = _fs.node(_file_path.base());
Handle_guard g(_fs, file);
_file_size = _fs.status(file).size;
if (_file_size > 0) {
/* assume a transition between versions */
/* notify if the file is removed */
catch (File_system::Lookup_failed) {
if (_file_size > 0) {
memset(_file_ds.local_addr<char>(), 0x00, _file_size);
_file_size = 0;
catch (...) { }
* Constructor
* \param fs file-system session to read the file from
* \param filename requested file name
* \param sig_rec signal receiver used to get notified about changes
* within the compound directory (in the case when
* the requested file could not be found at session-
* creation time)
Rom_session_component(Env &env,
Sessions &sessions,
File_system::Session &fs,
const char *file_path)
_env(env), _sessions(sessions), _fs(fs),
_file_ds(env.ram(), env.rm(), 0) /* realloc later */
try { _open_watch_handle(); }
catch (Watch_failed) { }
* XXX: fix for live-lock, this constructor is called when this
* component handles a sesson_requests ROM signal, and preparing
* the dataspace now will hopefully prevent any interaction with
* the parent when the dataspace RPC method is called.
* Destructor
* Return dataspace with up-to-date content of file
Rom_dataspace_capability dataspace() override
using namespace File_system;
/* always serve a valid, even empty, dataspace */
if (_file_ds.size() < 1) {
_file_ds.realloc(&_env.ram(), 1);
Dataspace_capability ds = _file_ds.cap();
return static_cap_cast<Rom_dataspace>(ds);
void sigh(Signal_context_capability sigh) override
_sigh = sigh;
if (_sigh.valid()) {
try { _open_watch_handle(); }
catch (Watch_failed) { }
* Update the current dataspace content
bool update() override {
return _try_read_dataspace(UPDATE_ONLY); }
* Called by the packet signal handler.
void process_packet(File_system::Packet_descriptor const packet)
switch (packet.operation()) {
case File_system::Packet_descriptor::CONTENT_CHANGED:
if (!(packet.handle() == *_watch_handle))
if (!_watching_file) {
/* try and get closer to the file */
if (_watching_file) {
/* notify the client of the change */
_curr_version = Version { _curr_version.value + 1 };
case File_system::Packet_descriptor::READ: {
if (!(packet.handle() == _file_handle))
if (packet.position() > _file_seek || _file_seek >= _file_size) {
error("bad packet seek position");
_file_ds.realloc(&_env.ram(), 0);
_file_seek = 0;
size_t const n = min(packet.length(), _file_size - _file_seek);
_fs.tx()->packet_content(packet), n);
_file_seek += n;
case File_system::Packet_descriptor::WRITE:
warning("discarding strange WRITE acknowledgement");
case File_system::Packet_descriptor::SYNC:
warning("discarding strange SYNC acknowledgement");
case File_system::Packet_descriptor::READ_READY:
warning("discarding strange READ_READY acknowledgement");
class Fs_rom::Rom_root : public Root_component<Fs_rom::Rom_session_component>
Env &_env;
Heap _heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
Sessions _sessions { };
Allocator_avl _fs_tx_block_alloc { &_heap };
/* open file-system session */
File_system::Connection _fs { _env, _fs_tx_block_alloc };
Io_signal_handler<Rom_root> _packet_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Rom_root::_handle_packets };
void _handle_packets()
Tx_source &source = *_fs.tx();
while (source.ack_avail()) {
File_system::Packet_descriptor pkt = source.get_acked_packet();
/* sessions are indexed in space by watch and read handles */
auto const apply_fn = [pkt] (Rom_session_component &session) {
session.process_packet(pkt); };
try { _sessions.apply<Rom_session_component&>(
Sessions::Id{pkt.handle().value}, apply_fn); }
/* packet handle closed while packet in flight */
catch (Sessions::Unknown_id) { }
Rom_session_component *_create_session(const char *args) override
Session_label const label = label_from_args(args);
Session_label const module_name = label.last_element();
/* create new session for the requested file */
return new (md_alloc())
Rom_session_component(_env, _sessions, _fs, module_name.string());
* Constructor
* \param env Component environment
* \param md_alloc meta-data allocator used for ROM sessions
Rom_root(Env &env,
Allocator &md_alloc)
Root_component<Rom_session_component>(env.ep(), md_alloc),
/* Process CONTENT_CHANGED acknowledgement packets at the entrypoint */
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env)
static Genode::Sliced_heap sliced_heap(env.ram(), env.rm());
static Fs_rom::Rom_root inst(env, sliced_heap);