Alexander Senier 5ccae43552 Rename Ada runtime to SPARK runtime
The minimal-footprint Ada runtime for implementing library-like
functionality in SPARK is now called "spark" runtime.

The full Ada runtime for entire components written in Ada and using the
libc as glue to the underlying system will move to the world repository
as "ada" runtime.

Issue #3144
2019-02-19 11:08:17 +01:00

31 lines
776 B

package Machinery is
pragma Pure;
type Temperature_Type is mod 2**32 with Size => 32;
type Machinery_Type is private;
procedure Initialize (Machinery : out Machinery_Type)
with Export,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "_ZN5Spark9MachineryC1Ev";
function Temperature (Machinery : Machinery_Type) return Temperature_Type
with Export,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "_ZNK5Spark9Machinery11temperatureEv";
procedure Heat_up (Machinery : in out Machinery_Type)
with Export,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "_ZN5Spark9Machinery7heat_upEv";
type Machinery_Type is record
Temperature : Temperature_Type;
end record with Size => 32;
end Machinery;