
235 lines
6.7 KiB

* \brief Fork bomb to stress Genode
* \author Christian Helmuth
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2007-08-16
* The better part of this code is derived from the original init
* implementation by Norman.
* Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
#include <base/component.h>
#include <base/child.h>
#include <base/sleep.h>
#include <base/service.h>
#include <base/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
#include <init/child_policy.h>
#include <timer_session/connection.h>
#include <os/child_policy_dynamic_rom.h>
using namespace Genode;
class Bomb_child : public Child_policy
Env &_env;
Binary_name const _binary_name;
Name const _label;
size_t const _ram_quota;
* Entry point used for serving the parent interface
enum { STACK_SIZE = 2048 * sizeof(addr_t) };
Rpc_entrypoint _ep { &_env.pd(), STACK_SIZE, "bomb_ep_child", false };
Registry<Registered<Parent_service> > &_parent_services;
Child_policy_dynamic_rom_file _config_policy { "config", _ep, &_env.ram() };
Child _child { _env.rm(), _ep, *this };
Bomb_child(Env &env,
Name const &binary_name,
Name const &label,
size_t ram_quota,
Registry<Registered<Parent_service> > &parent_services,
unsigned generation)
_env(env), _binary_name(binary_name), _label(label),
String<64> config("<config generations=\"", generation, "\"/>");
_config_policy.load(config.string(), config.length());
~Bomb_child() { log(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
** Child-policy interface **
Name name() const override { return _label; }
Binary_name binary_name() const override { return _binary_name; }
void init(Ram_session &ram, Ram_session_capability ram_cap) override
_env.ram().transfer_quota(ram_cap, _ram_quota);
Ram_session &ref_ram() override { return _env.ram(); }
Ram_session_capability ref_ram_cap() const override { return _env.ram_session_cap(); }
Service &resolve_session_request(Service::Name const &service_name,
Session_state::Args const &args) override
Service *service = nullptr;
/* check for config file request */
if ((service = _config_policy.resolve_session_request(service_name.string(),
return *service;
_parent_services.for_each([&] (Service &s) {
if (!service && service_name ==
service = &s; });
if (!service)
throw Parent::Service_denied();
return *service;
typedef Registry<Registered<Bomb_child> > Children;
* Check if a program with the specified name already exists
static bool child_name_exists(Children const &children,
Bomb_child::Name const &name)
bool found = false;
children.for_each([&] (Bomb_child const &child) {
if (!found && == name)
found = true; });
return found;
* Create a unique name based on the filename
* If a program with the filename as name already exists, we
* add a counting number as suffix.
static Bomb_child::Name
unique_child_name(Children const &children, Bomb_child::Name const &binary_name,
unsigned const generation)
/* serialize calls to this function */
static Lock lock;
Lock::Guard guard(lock);
for (unsigned cnt = 1; ; cnt++) {
/* if such a program name does not exist yet, we are happy */
Bomb_child::Name const unique(binary_name, "_g", generation, ".", cnt);
if (!child_name_exists(children, unique.string()))
return unique;
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env)
static Attached_rom_dataspace config(env, "config");
Xml_node node = config.xml();
unsigned const rounds = node.attribute_value("rounds", 1U);
unsigned const generation = node.attribute_value("generations", 1U);
unsigned const children = node.attribute_value("children", 2U);
unsigned const sleeptime = node.attribute_value("sleep", 2000U);
unsigned long const demand = node.attribute_value("demand", 1024UL * 1024);
log("--- bomb started ---");
/* try to create timer session, if it fails, bomb is our parent */
static Lazy_volatile_object<Timer::Connection> timer;
try { timer.construct(env); } catch (Parent::Service_denied) { }
if (timer.constructed())
log("rounds=", rounds, " generations=", generation, " children=",
children, " sleep=", sleeptime, " demand=", demand/1024, "K");
/* names of services provided by the parent */
static const char *names[] = {
"RAM", "PD", "CPU", "ROM", "LOG", 0 };
static Heap heap(env.ram(), env.rm());
static Registry<Registered<Parent_service> > parent_services;
for (unsigned i = 0; names[i]; i++)
new (heap) Registered<Parent_service>(parent_services, names[i]);
unsigned long avail = env.ram().avail();
unsigned long amount = (avail - demand) / children;
if (amount < (demand * children)) {
log("I'm a leaf node - generation ", generation, " - not enough memory.");
if (generation == 0) {
log("I'm a leaf node - generation 0");
static Children child_registry;
Bomb_child::Name const binary_name("bomb");
for (unsigned round = 0; round < rounds ; ++round) {
for (unsigned i = children; i; --i) {
new (heap)
Registered<Bomb_child>(child_registry, env, binary_name,
unique_child_name(child_registry, binary_name,
generation - 1),
amount, parent_services, generation - 1);
/* is init our parent? */
if (!timer.constructed()) sleep_forever();
/* don't ask parent for further resources if we ran out of memory */
static Signal_receiver sig_rec;
static Signal_context sig_ctx_res_avail;
if (round == 0) {
/* prevent to block for resource upgrades caused by clients */
log("[", round, "] It's time to kill all my children...");
child_registry.for_each([&] (Registered<Bomb_child> &child) {
destroy(heap, &child); });
log("[", round, "] Done.");
/* master if we have a timer connection */
if (timer.constructed())
log("Done. Going to sleep");