2018-05-30 12:26:20 +02:00

111 lines
2.3 KiB

import unittest
Text = "Hello world!"
suite "echo":
echo Text
suite "system":
echo "compile date: ", CompileDate, " - ", CompileTime
echo("endianness: ",
case cpuEndian:
of littleEndian:
of bigEndian:
echo "hostCPU: ", hostCPU
echo "NimVersion: ", NimVersion
echo "nativeStackTraceSupported: ", $nativeStackTraceSupported
echo "getStackTrace:\n", getStackTrace()
echo "getFreeMem: ", getFreeMem()
echo "getTotalMem: ", getTotalMem()
echo "getOccupiedMem: ", getOccupiedMem()
test "isMainModule":
assert isMainModule == true
test "hostOS == genode":
assert hostOS == "genode"
test "alloc/dealloc":
let p = alloc 768
assert(not p.isNil)
dealloc p
test "exception handling":
type NovelError = object of SystemError
try: raise newException(NovelError, "test exception")
except NovelError:
import locks, threadpool
suite "threadpool":
test "spawn":
var L: Lock
proc threadProc(interval: tuple[a,b: int]) =
for i in interval.a..interval.b:
acquire L
echo i
release L
initLock L
for i in 0..3:
spawn threadProc((i*10, i*10+4))
deinitLock L
test "threadvar":
L: Lock
x {.threadvar.}: int
y: int
proc printVal(id: string) =
acquire L
" x: ", repr(addr(x)),
" y: ", repr(addr(y))
inc x
inc y
release L
initLock L
release L
printVal("main thread")
for i in 1..4:
spawn printVal("spawn "& $i)
deinitLock L
suite "I/O":
TestFile = "/testfile"
Text = NimVersion & " - " & CompileDate & " - " & CompileTime
test "writeFile":
writeFile(TestFile, Text)
test "readFile":
assert readFile(TestFile) == Text
suite "staticExec":
const rev = staticExec("git describe")
echo "compile time 'git describe': ", rev
import times
suite "time":
echo "epochTime() float value: ", epochTime()
echo "getTime() float value: ", toSeconds(getTime())
echo "cpuTime() float value: ", cpuTime()
echo "An hour from now : ", getLocalTime(getTime()) + 1.hours
echo "An hour from (UTC) now: ", getGmTime(getTime()) + initInterval(0,0,0,1)
suite "garbage collector":
echo GC_getStatistics()
echo "done"
quit 0