Norman Feske 4d442bca30 Streamline exception types
This patch reduces the number of exception types by facilitating
globally defined exceptions for common usage patterns shared by most
services. In particular, RPC functions that demand a session-resource
upgrade not longer reflect this condition via a session-specific
exception but via the 'Out_of_ram' or 'Out_of_caps' types.

Furthermore, the 'Parent::Service_denied', 'Parent::Unavailable',
'Root::Invalid_args', 'Root::Unavailable', 'Service::Invalid_args',
'Service::Unavailable', and 'Local_service::Factory::Denied' types have
been replaced by the single 'Service_denied' exception type defined in

This consolidation eases the error handling (there are fewer exceptions
to handle), alleviates the need to convert exceptions along the
session-creation call chain, and avoids possible aliasing problems
(catching the wrong type with the same name but living in a different
2017-05-31 13:16:07 +02:00

580 lines
13 KiB

* \brief Service providing the 'Terminal_session' interface via TCP
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2011-09-07
* Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <util/list.h>
#include <util/misc_math.h>
#include <base/log.h>
#include <base/rpc_server.h>
#include <base/heap.h>
#include <root/component.h>
#include <terminal_session/terminal_session.h>
#include <base/attached_ram_dataspace.h>
#include <base/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
#include <os/session_policy.h>
#include <libc/component.h>
#include <pthread.h>
/* socket API */
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
static bool const verbose = true;
class Open_socket : public Genode::List<Open_socket>::Element
* Socket descriptor for listening to a new TCP connection
int _listen_sd;
* Socket descriptor for open TCP connection
int _sd;
* Signal handler to be informed about the established connection
Genode::Signal_context_capability _connected_sigh;
* Signal handler to be informed about data available to read
Genode::Signal_context_capability _read_avail_sigh;
* Buffer for incoming data
* This buffer is used for synchronizing the reception of data in the
* main thread ('watch_sockets_for_incoming_data') and the entrypoint
* thread ('read'). The main thread fills the buffer if its not already
* occupied and the entrypoint thread consumes the buffer. When the
* buffer becomes occupied, the corresponding socket gets removed from
* the 'rfds' set of 'select()' until a read request from the terminal
* client comes in.
enum { READ_BUF_SIZE = 4096 };
char _read_buf[READ_BUF_SIZE];
Genode::size_t _read_buf_bytes_used;
Genode::size_t _read_buf_bytes_read;
* Establish remote connection
* \return socket descriptor used for the remote TCP connection
static int _remote_listen(int tcp_port)
int listen_sd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
if (listen_sd == -1) {
Genode::error("socket creation failed");
return -1;
sockaddr_in sockaddr;
sockaddr.sin_family = PF_INET;
sockaddr.sin_port = htons (tcp_port);
sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
if (bind(listen_sd, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, sizeof(sockaddr))) {
Genode::error("bind to port ", tcp_port, " failed");
return -1;
if (listen(listen_sd, 1)) {
Genode::error("listen failed");
return -1;
Genode::log("listening on port ", tcp_port, "...");
return listen_sd;
Open_socket(int tcp_port);
* Return socket descriptor for listening to new connections
int listen_sd() const { return _listen_sd; }
* Return true if all steps of '_remote_listen' succeeded
bool listen_sd_valid() const { return _listen_sd != -1; }
* Return socket descriptor of the connection
int sd() const { return _sd; }
* Register signal handler to be notified once we accepted the TCP
* connection
void connected_sigh(Genode::Signal_context_capability sigh) { _connected_sigh = sigh; }
* Register signal handler to be notified when data is available for
* reading
void read_avail_sigh(Genode::Signal_context_capability sigh)
_read_avail_sigh = sigh;
/* if read data is available right now, deliver signal immediately */
if (!read_buffer_empty() && _read_avail_sigh.valid())
* Accept new connection, defining the connection's socket descriptor
* This function is called by the 'select()' thread when a new
* connection is pending.
void accept_remote_connection()
struct sockaddr addr;
socklen_t len = sizeof(addr);
_sd = accept(_listen_sd, &addr, &len);
if (_sd != -1)
Genode::log("connection established");
* Inform client about the finished initialization of the terminal
* session
if (_connected_sigh.valid())
* Return true if TCP connection is established
* If the return value is false, we are still in listening more
* and have not yet called 'accept()'.
bool connection_established() const { return _sd != -1; }
* Fetch data from socket into internal read buffer
void fill_read_buffer_and_notify_client()
if (_read_buf_bytes_used) {
Genode::warning("read buffer already in use");
/* read from socket */
_read_buf_bytes_used = ::read(_sd, _read_buf, sizeof(_read_buf));
if (_read_buf_bytes_used == 0) {
_sd = -1;
/* notify client about bytes available for reading */
if (_read_avail_sigh.valid())
* Read out internal read buffer and copy into destination buffer.
Genode::size_t read_buffer(char *dst, Genode::size_t dst_len)
Genode::size_t num_bytes = Genode::min(dst_len, _read_buf_bytes_used -
Genode::memcpy(dst, _read_buf + _read_buf_bytes_read, num_bytes);
_read_buf_bytes_read += num_bytes;
if (_read_buf_bytes_read >= _read_buf_bytes_used)
_read_buf_bytes_used = _read_buf_bytes_read = 0;
/* notify client if there are still bytes available for reading */
if (_read_avail_sigh.valid() && !read_buffer_empty())
return num_bytes;
* Return true if the internal read buffer is ready to receive data
bool read_buffer_empty() const { return _read_buf_bytes_used == 0; }
class Open_socket_pool
* Protection for '_list'
Genode::Lock _lock;
* List of open sockets
Genode::List<Open_socket> _list;
* Thread doing the select
pthread_t _select;
* Number of currently open sockets
int _count;
* Pipe used to synchronize 'select()' loop with the entrypoint thread
int sync_pipe_fds[2];
* Intercept the blocking state of the current 'select()' call
void _wakeup_select()
char c = 0;
::write(sync_pipe_fds[1], &c, sizeof(c));
static void * entry(void *arg) {
Open_socket_pool * pool = reinterpret_cast<Open_socket_pool *>(arg);
for (;;)
return nullptr;
Open_socket_pool(Genode::Env &env)
: _count(0)
if (pthread_create(&_select, nullptr, entry, this)) {
class Startup_select_thread_failed : Genode::Exception { };
throw Startup_select_thread_failed();
void insert(Open_socket *s)
Genode::Lock::Guard guard(_lock);
void remove(Open_socket *s)
Genode::Lock::Guard guard(_lock);
void update_sockets_to_watch()
void watch_sockets_for_incoming_data()
/* prepare arguments for 'select()' */
fd_set rfds;
int nfds = 0;
Genode::Lock::Guard guard(_lock);
/* collect file descriptors of all open sessions */
for (Open_socket *s = _list.first(); s; s = s->next()) {
* If one of the steps of creating the listen socket
* failed, skip the session.
if (!s->listen_sd_valid())
* If the connection is not already established, tell
* 'select' to notify us about a new connection.
if (!s->connection_established()) {
nfds = Genode::max(nfds, s->listen_sd());
FD_SET(s->listen_sd(), &rfds);
* The connection is established. We watch the connection's
* file descriptor for reading, but only if our buffer can
* take new data. Otherwise, we let the incoming data queue
* up in the TCP/IP stack.
nfds = Genode::max(nfds, s->sd());
if (s->read_buffer_empty())
FD_SET(s->sd(), &rfds);
/* add sync pipe to set of file descriptors to watch */
FD_SET(sync_pipe_fds[0], &rfds);
nfds = Genode::max(nfds, sync_pipe_fds[0]);
/* block for incoming data or sync-pipe events */
select(nfds + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* check if we were woken up via the sync pipe */
if (FD_ISSET(sync_pipe_fds[0], &rfds)) {
char c = 0;
::read(sync_pipe_fds[0], &c, 1);
/* read pending data from sockets */
Genode::Lock::Guard guard(_lock);
for (Open_socket *s = _list.first(); s; s = s->next()) {
/* look for new connection */
if (!s->connection_established()) {
if (FD_ISSET(s->listen_sd(), &rfds))
/* connection is established, look for incoming data */
if (FD_ISSET(s->sd(), &rfds))
Open_socket_pool *open_socket_pool(Genode::Env * env = nullptr)
static Open_socket_pool inst(*env);
return &inst;
Open_socket::Open_socket(int tcp_port)
_listen_sd(_remote_listen(tcp_port)), _sd(-1),
_read_buf_bytes_used(0), _read_buf_bytes_read(0)
if (_sd != -1) close(_sd);
namespace Terminal {
class Session_component;
class Root_component;
class Terminal::Session_component : public Genode::Rpc_object<Session, Session_component>,
public Open_socket
Genode::Attached_ram_dataspace _io_buffer;
Session_component(Genode::Env &env, Genode::size_t io_buffer_size, int tcp_port)
_io_buffer(env.ram(), env.rm(), io_buffer_size)
{ }
** Terminal session interface **
Size size() { return Size(0, 0); }
bool avail()
return !read_buffer_empty();
Genode::size_t _read(Genode::size_t dst_len)
Genode::size_t num_bytes =
Genode::min(_io_buffer.size(), dst_len));
* If read buffer was in use, look if more data is buffered in
* the TCP/IP stack.
if (num_bytes)
return num_bytes;
Genode::size_t _write(Genode::size_t num_bytes)
/* sanitize argument */
num_bytes = Genode::min(num_bytes, _io_buffer.size());
/* write data to socket, assuming that it won't block */
ssize_t written_bytes = ::write(sd(),
if (written_bytes < 0) {
Genode::error("write error, dropping data");
return 0;
return written_bytes;
Genode::Dataspace_capability _dataspace()
return _io_buffer.cap();
void read_avail_sigh(Genode::Signal_context_capability sigh)
void connected_sigh(Genode::Signal_context_capability sigh)
Genode::size_t read(void *buf, Genode::size_t) { return 0; }
Genode::size_t write(void const *buf, Genode::size_t) { return 0; }
class Terminal::Root_component : public Genode::Root_component<Session_component>
Genode::Env &_env;
Genode::Xml_node _config;
Session_component *_create_session(const char *args)
using namespace Genode;
* XXX read I/O buffer size from args
Genode::size_t io_buffer_size = 4096;
try {
Session_label const label = label_from_args(args);
Session_policy policy(label, _config);
unsigned tcp_port = 0;
return new (md_alloc())
Session_component(_env, io_buffer_size, tcp_port);
catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_attribute) {
error("Missing \"port\" attribute in policy definition");
throw Service_denied();
catch (Session_policy::No_policy_defined) {
error("Invalid session request, no matching policy");
throw Service_denied();
* Constructor
Root_component(Genode::Env &env,
Genode::Xml_node config,
Genode::Allocator &md_alloc)
_env(env), _config(config)
{ }
struct Main
Genode::Env &_env;
Genode::Attached_rom_dataspace _config_rom { _env, "config" };
Genode::Xml_node _config { _config_rom.xml() };
Genode::Sliced_heap _sliced_heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
/* create root interface for service */
Terminal::Root_component _root { _env, _config, _sliced_heap };
Main(Genode::Env &env) : _env(env)
Genode::log("--- TCP terminal started ---");
/* start thread blocking in select */
/* announce service at our parent */
void Libc::Component::construct(Libc::Env &env) { static Main main(env); }