Norman Feske 4d442bca30 Streamline exception types
This patch reduces the number of exception types by facilitating
globally defined exceptions for common usage patterns shared by most
services. In particular, RPC functions that demand a session-resource
upgrade not longer reflect this condition via a session-specific
exception but via the 'Out_of_ram' or 'Out_of_caps' types.

Furthermore, the 'Parent::Service_denied', 'Parent::Unavailable',
'Root::Invalid_args', 'Root::Unavailable', 'Service::Invalid_args',
'Service::Unavailable', and 'Local_service::Factory::Denied' types have
been replaced by the single 'Service_denied' exception type defined in

This consolidation eases the error handling (there are fewer exceptions
to handle), alleviates the need to convert exceptions along the
session-creation call chain, and avoids possible aliasing problems
(catching the wrong type with the same name but living in a different
2017-05-31 13:16:07 +02:00

591 lines
15 KiB

* \brief Audio driver BSD API emulation
* \author Josef Soentgen
* \date 2014-11-16
* Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <base/allocator_avl.h>
#include <base/log.h>
#include <base/object_pool.h>
#include <dataspace/client.h>
#include <io_port_session/connection.h>
#include <io_mem_session/connection.h>
#include <platform_session/connection.h>
#include <platform_device/client.h>
#include <util/retry.h>
/* local includes */
#include <bsd.h>
#include <bsd_emul.h>
#include <extern_c_begin.h>
# include <dev/pci/pcidevs.h>
#include <extern_c_end.h>
extern "C" int probe_cfdata(struct pci_attach_args *);
namespace {
class Pci_driver : public Bsd::Bus_driver
enum Pci_config { IRQ = 0x3c, CMD = 0x4,
CMD_IO = 0x1, CMD_MEMORY = 0x2, CMD_MASTER = 0x4 };
Genode::Env &_env;
Genode::Allocator &_alloc;
struct pci_attach_args _pa { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
Platform::Connection _pci { _env };
Platform::Device_capability _cap;
Genode::Io_port_connection *_io_port { nullptr };
* The Dma_region_manager provides memory used for DMA
* and manages its mappings.
struct Dma_region_manager : public Genode::Allocator_avl
Genode::Env &env;
enum { BACKING_STORE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 };
Genode::addr_t base;
Genode::addr_t mapped_base;
bool _dma_initialized { false };
Pci_driver &_drv;
Dma_region_manager(Genode::Env &env,
Genode::Allocator &alloc,
Pci_driver &drv)
: Genode::Allocator_avl(&alloc), env(env), _drv(drv) { }
Genode::addr_t alloc(Genode::size_t size, int align)
using namespace Genode;
if (!_dma_initialized) {
try {
Ram_dataspace_capability cap = _drv._alloc_dma_memory(BACKING_STORE_SIZE);
mapped_base = (addr_t)env.rm().attach(cap);
base = Dataspace_client(cap).phys_addr();
Allocator_avl::add_range(mapped_base, BACKING_STORE_SIZE);
} catch (...) {
Genode::error("alloc DMA memory failed");
return 0;
_dma_initialized = true;
void *ptr = nullptr;
bool err = Allocator_avl::alloc_aligned(size, &ptr, align).error();
return err ? 0 : (addr_t)ptr;
void free(Genode::addr_t virt, Genode::size_t size) {
Genode::Allocator_avl::free((void*)virt, size); }
Genode::addr_t virt_to_phys(Genode::addr_t virt) {
return virt - mapped_base + base; }
Genode::addr_t phys_to_virt(Genode::addr_t phys) {
return phys - base + mapped_base; }
} _dma_region_manager;
* Scan pci bus for sound devices
Platform::Device_capability _scan_pci(Platform::Device_capability const &prev)
Platform::Device_capability cap;
/* shift values for Pci interface used by Genode */
cap = _pci.with_upgrade([&] () {
return _pci.next_device(prev,
PCI_CLASS_MASK << 16); });
if (prev.valid())
return cap;
* Allocate DMA memory from the PCI driver
Genode::Ram_dataspace_capability _alloc_dma_memory(Genode::size_t size)
size_t donate = size;
return Genode::retry<Genode::Out_of_ram>(
[&] () {
return Genode::retry<Genode::Out_of_caps>(
[&] () { return _pci.alloc_dma_buffer(size); },
[&] () { _pci.upgrade_caps(2); });
[&] () {
donate = donate * 2 > size ? 4096 : donate * 2;
Pci_driver(Genode::Env &env, Genode::Allocator &alloc)
_env(env), _alloc(alloc),
_dma_region_manager(_env, _alloc, *this)
{ }
Genode::Env &env() { return _env; }
Genode::Allocator &alloc() { return _alloc; }
Platform::Device_capability cap() { return _cap; }
Platform::Connection &pci() { return _pci; }
int probe()
* We hide ourself in the bus_dma_tag_t as well as
* in the pci_chipset_tag_t field because they are
* used in all pci or bus related functions and are
* our access window, hence.
_pa.pa_dmat = (bus_dma_tag_t)this;
_pa.pa_pc = (pci_chipset_tag_t)this;
int found = 0;
while ((_cap = _scan_pci(_cap)).valid()) {
Platform::Device_client device(_cap);
uint8_t bus, dev, func;
device.bus_address(&bus, &dev, &func);
if ((device.device_id() == PCI_PRODUCT_INTEL_CORE4G_HDA_2) ||
(bus == 0 && dev == 3 && func == 0)) {
Genode::warning("ignore ", (unsigned)bus, ":", (unsigned)dev, ":",
(unsigned)func, "not supported HDMI/DP HDA device");
/* we do the shifting to match OpenBSD's assumptions */
_pa.pa_tag = 0x80000000UL | (bus << 16) | (dev << 11) | (func << 8);
_pa.pa_class = device.class_code() << 8;
_pa.pa_id = device.vendor_id() | device.device_id() << 16;
if (probe_cfdata(&_pa)) {
return found;
** Bus_driver interface **
Genode::Irq_session_capability irq_session() override {
return Platform::Device_client(_cap).irq(0); }
Genode::addr_t alloc(Genode::size_t size, int align) override {
return _dma_region_manager.alloc(size, align); }
void free(Genode::addr_t virt, Genode::size_t size) override {, size); }
Genode::addr_t virt_to_phys(Genode::addr_t virt) override {
return _dma_region_manager.virt_to_phys(virt); }
Genode::addr_t phys_to_virt(Genode::addr_t phys) override {
return _dma_region_manager.phys_to_virt(phys); }
** Bus space helper **
struct Bus_space
virtual unsigned read_1(unsigned long address) = 0;
virtual unsigned read_2(unsigned long address) = 0;
virtual unsigned read_4(unsigned long address) = 0;
virtual void write_1(unsigned long address, unsigned char value) = 0;
virtual void write_2(unsigned long address, unsigned short value) = 0;
virtual void write_4(unsigned long address, unsigned int value) = 0;
** I/O port helper **
struct Io_port : public Bus_space
Genode::Io_port_session_client _io;
Genode::addr_t _base;
Io_port(Genode::addr_t base, Genode::Io_port_session_capability cap)
: _io(cap), _base(base) { }
unsigned read_1(unsigned long address) {
return _io.inb(_base + address); }
unsigned read_2(unsigned long address) {
return _io.inw(_base + address); }
unsigned read_4(unsigned long address) {
return _io.inl(_base + address); }
void write_1(unsigned long address, unsigned char value) {
_io.outb(_base + address, value); }
void write_2(unsigned long address, unsigned short value) {
_io.outw(_base + address, value); }
void write_4(unsigned long address, unsigned int value) {
_io.outl(_base + address, value); }
** I/O memory helper **
struct Io_memory : public Bus_space
Genode::Io_mem_session_client _mem;
Genode::Io_mem_dataspace_capability _mem_ds;
Genode::addr_t _vaddr;
Io_memory(Genode::Region_map &rm,
Genode::addr_t base,
Genode::Io_mem_session_capability cap)
if (!_mem_ds.valid())
throw Genode::Exception();
_vaddr = rm.attach(_mem_ds);
_vaddr |= base & 0xfff;
unsigned read_1(unsigned long address) {
return *(volatile unsigned char*)(_vaddr + address); }
unsigned read_2(unsigned long address) {
return *(volatile unsigned short*)(_vaddr + address); }
unsigned read_4(unsigned long address) {
return *(volatile unsigned int*)(_vaddr + address); }
void write_1(unsigned long address, unsigned char value) {
*(volatile unsigned char*)(_vaddr + address) = value; }
void write_2(unsigned long address, unsigned short value) {
*(volatile unsigned short*)(_vaddr + address) = value; }
void write_4(unsigned long address, unsigned int value) {
*(volatile unsigned int*)(_vaddr + address) = value; }
} /* anonymous namespace */
int Bsd::probe_drivers(Genode::Env &env, Genode::Allocator &alloc)
Genode::log("--- probe drivers ---");
static Pci_driver drv(env, alloc);
return drv.probe();
** dev/pci/pcivar.h **
extern "C" int pci_matchbyid(struct pci_attach_args *pa, const struct pci_matchid *ids, int num)
pci_vendor_id_t vid = PCI_VENDOR(pa->pa_id);
pci_product_id_t pid = PCI_PRODUCT(pa->pa_id);
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
if (vid == ids[i].pm_vid && pid == ids[i].pm_pid)
return 1;
return 0;
extern "C" int pci_mapreg_map(struct pci_attach_args *pa,
int reg, pcireg_t type,
int flags, bus_space_tag_t *tagp,
bus_space_handle_t *handlep, bus_addr_t *basep,
bus_size_t *sizep, bus_size_t maxsize)
/* calculate BAR from given register */
int r = (reg - 0x10) / 4;
Pci_driver *drv = (Pci_driver*)pa->pa_pc;
Platform::Device_capability cap = drv->cap();
Platform::Device_client device(cap);
Platform::Device::Resource res = device.resource(r);
switch (res.type()) {
case Platform::Device::Resource::IO:
Io_port *iop = new (&drv->alloc())
Io_port(res.base(), device.io_port(r));
*tagp = (Genode::addr_t) iop;
case Platform::Device::Resource::MEMORY:
Io_memory *iom = new (&drv->alloc())
Io_memory(drv->env().rm(), res.base(), device.io_mem(r));
*tagp = (Genode::addr_t) iom;
case Platform::Device::Resource::INVALID:
Genode::error("PCI resource type invalid");
return -1;
*handlep = res.base();
if (basep != 0)
*basep = res.base();
if (sizep != 0)
*sizep = maxsize > 0 && res.size() > maxsize ? maxsize : res.size();
/* enable bus master and I/O or memory bits */
uint16_t cmd = device.config_read(Pci_driver::CMD, Platform::Device::ACCESS_16BIT);
if (res.type() == Platform::Device::Resource::IO) {
cmd &= ~Pci_driver:: CMD_MEMORY;
cmd |= Pci_driver::CMD_IO;
} else {
cmd &= ~Pci_driver::CMD_IO;
cmd |= Pci_driver::CMD_MEMORY;
cmd |= Pci_driver::CMD_MASTER;
drv->pci().with_upgrade([&] () {
device.config_write(Pci_driver::CMD, cmd, Platform::Device::ACCESS_16BIT);
return 0;
** machine/pci_machdep.h **
extern "C" pcireg_t pci_conf_read(pci_chipset_tag_t pc, pcitag_t tag, int reg)
Pci_driver *drv = (Pci_driver *)pc;
Platform::Device_client device(drv->cap());
return device.config_read(reg, Platform::Device::ACCESS_32BIT);
extern "C" void pci_conf_write(pci_chipset_tag_t pc, pcitag_t tag, int reg,
pcireg_t val)
Pci_driver *drv = (Pci_driver *)pc;
Platform::Device_client device(drv->cap());
return device.config_write(reg, val, Platform::Device::ACCESS_32BIT);
** machine/bus.h **
extern "C" u_int8_t bus_space_read_1(bus_space_tag_t space,
bus_space_handle_t handle,
bus_size_t offset)
Bus_space *bus = (Bus_space*)space;
return bus->read_1(offset);
extern "C" u_int16_t bus_space_read_2(bus_space_tag_t space,
bus_space_handle_t handle,
bus_size_t offset)
Bus_space *bus = (Bus_space*)space;
return bus->read_2(offset);
extern "C" u_int32_t bus_space_read_4(bus_space_tag_t space,
bus_space_handle_t handle,
bus_size_t offset)
Bus_space *bus = (Bus_space*)space;
return bus->read_4(offset);
extern "C" void bus_space_write_1(bus_space_tag_t space,
bus_space_handle_t handle,
bus_size_t offset, u_int8_t value)
Bus_space *bus = (Bus_space*)space;
bus->write_1(offset, value);
extern "C" void bus_space_write_2(bus_space_tag_t space,
bus_space_handle_t handle,
bus_size_t offset, u_int16_t value)
Bus_space *bus = (Bus_space*)space;
bus->write_2(offset, value);
extern "C" void bus_space_write_4(bus_space_tag_t space,
bus_space_handle_t handle,
bus_size_t offset, u_int32_t value)
Bus_space *bus = (Bus_space*)space;
bus->write_4(offset, value);
extern "C" int bus_dmamap_create(bus_dma_tag_t tag, bus_size_t size, int nsegments,
bus_size_t maxsegsz, bus_size_t boundart,
int flags, bus_dmamap_t *dmamp)
struct bus_dmamap *map;
map = (struct bus_dmamap*) malloc(sizeof(struct bus_dmamap), M_DEVBUF, M_ZERO);
map->size = size;
map->maxsegsz = maxsegsz;
map->nsegments = nsegments;
*dmamp = map;
return 0;
extern "C" void bus_dmamap_destroy(bus_dma_tag_t tag, bus_dmamap_t map) {
free(map, 0, 0); }
extern "C" int bus_dmamap_load(bus_dma_tag_t tag, bus_dmamap_t dmam, void *buf,
bus_size_t buflen, struct proc *p, int flags)
Bsd::Bus_driver *drv = (Bsd::Bus_driver *)tag;
Genode::addr_t virt = (Genode::addr_t)buf;
dmam->dm_segs[0].ds_addr = drv->virt_to_phys(virt);
return 0;
extern "C" void bus_dmamap_unload(bus_dma_tag_t, bus_dmamap_t)
Genode::warning("not implemented, called from ",
extern "C" int bus_dmamem_alloc(bus_dma_tag_t tag, bus_size_t size, bus_size_t alignment,
bus_size_t boundary, bus_dma_segment_t *segs, int nsegs,
int *rsegs, int flags)
Bsd::Bus_driver *drv = (Bsd::Bus_driver *)tag;
Genode::addr_t virt = drv->alloc(size, Genode::log2(alignment));
if (virt == 0)
return -1;
segs->ds_addr = drv->virt_to_phys(virt);
segs->ds_size = size;
*rsegs = 1;
return 0;
extern "C" void bus_dmamem_free(bus_dma_tag_t tag, bus_dma_segment_t *segs, int nsegs)
Bsd::Bus_driver *drv = (Bsd::Bus_driver *)tag;
for (int i = 0; i < nsegs; i++) {
Genode::addr_t phys = (Genode::addr_t)segs[i].ds_addr;
Genode::addr_t virt = drv->phys_to_virt(phys);
drv->free(virt, segs[i].ds_size);
extern "C" int bus_dmamem_map(bus_dma_tag_t tag, bus_dma_segment_t *segs, int nsegs,
size_t size, caddr_t *kvap, int flags)
if (nsegs > 1) {
Genode::error(__func__, ": cannot map more than 1 segment");
return -1;
Bsd::Bus_driver *drv = (Bsd::Bus_driver *)tag;
Genode::addr_t phys = (Genode::addr_t)segs[0].ds_addr;
Genode::addr_t virt = drv->phys_to_virt(phys);
*kvap = (caddr_t)virt;
return 0;
extern "C" void bus_dmamem_unmap(bus_dma_tag_t, caddr_t, size_t) { }
extern "C" paddr_t bus_dmamem_mmap(bus_dma_tag_t, bus_dma_segment_t *,
int, off_t, int, int)
Genode::warning("not implemented, called from ",
return 0;