Norman Feske 4d442bca30 Streamline exception types
This patch reduces the number of exception types by facilitating
globally defined exceptions for common usage patterns shared by most
services. In particular, RPC functions that demand a session-resource
upgrade not longer reflect this condition via a session-specific
exception but via the 'Out_of_ram' or 'Out_of_caps' types.

Furthermore, the 'Parent::Service_denied', 'Parent::Unavailable',
'Root::Invalid_args', 'Root::Unavailable', 'Service::Invalid_args',
'Service::Unavailable', and 'Local_service::Factory::Denied' types have
been replaced by the single 'Service_denied' exception type defined in

This consolidation eases the error handling (there are fewer exceptions
to handle), alleviates the need to convert exceptions along the
session-creation call chain, and avoids possible aliasing problems
(catching the wrong type with the same name but living in a different
2017-05-31 13:16:07 +02:00

272 lines
6.0 KiB

* \brief Fiasco.OC-specific core implementation of IRQ sessions
* \author Christian Helmuth
* \author Stefan Kalkowski
* \author Sebastian Sumpf
* \date 2007-09-13
* Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <base/log.h>
#include <util/arg_string.h>
#include <util/bit_array.h>
/* core includes */
#include <irq_root.h>
#include <irq_args.h>
#include <irq_session_component.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <util.h>
/* Fiasco includes */
namespace Fiasco {
#include <l4/sys/icu.h>
#include <l4/sys/irq.h>
#include <l4/sys/factory.h>
#include <l4/sys/types.h>
namespace Genode {
class Interrupt_handler;
using namespace Genode;
* Dispatches interrupts from kernel
class Genode::Interrupt_handler : public Thread_deprecated<2048*sizeof(long)>
Interrupt_handler() : Thread_deprecated("irq_handler") { start(); }
void entry();
static Fiasco::l4_cap_idx_t handler_cap()
static Interrupt_handler handler;
enum { MAX_MSIS = 256 };
static class Msi_allocator : public Genode::Bit_array<MAX_MSIS>
Msi_allocator() {
using namespace Fiasco;
l4_icu_info_t info { .features = 0 };
l4_msgtag_t res = l4_icu_info(Fiasco::L4_BASE_ICU_CAP, &info);
if (l4_error(res) || !(info.features & L4_ICU_FLAG_MSI))
set(0, MAX_MSIS);
if (info.nr_msis < MAX_MSIS)
set(info.nr_msis, MAX_MSIS - info.nr_msis);
} msi_alloc;
bool Genode::Irq_object::associate(unsigned irq, bool msi,
Irq_session::Trigger trigger,
Irq_session::Polarity polarity)
if (msi)
* Local APIC address, See Intel x86 Spec - Section MSI 10.11.
* XXX local Apic ID encoding missing - address is constructed
* assuming that local APIC id of boot CPU is 0 XXX
_msi_addr = 0xfee00000UL;
_irq = irq;
_trigger = trigger;
_polarity = polarity;
using namespace Fiasco;
if (l4_error(l4_factory_create_irq(L4_BASE_FACTORY_CAP, _capability()))) {
error("l4_factory_create_irq failed!");
return false;
unsigned long gsi = _irq;
if (_msi_addr)
gsi |= L4_ICU_FLAG_MSI;
if (l4_error(l4_icu_bind(L4_BASE_ICU_CAP, gsi, _capability()))) {
error("Binding IRQ ", _irq, " to the ICU failed");
return false;
if (!_msi_addr)
/* set interrupt mode */
Platform::setup_irq_mode(gsi, _trigger, _polarity);
if (l4_error(l4_irq_attach(_capability(), reinterpret_cast<l4_umword_t>(this),
Interrupt_handler::handler_cap()))) {
error("cannot attach to IRQ ", _irq);
return false;
if (_msi_addr && l4_error(l4_icu_msi_info(L4_BASE_ICU_CAP, gsi,
&_msi_data))) {
error("cannot get MSI info");
return false;
return true;
void Genode::Irq_object::ack_irq()
using namespace Fiasco;
int err;
l4_msgtag_t tag = l4_irq_unmask(_capability());
if ((err = l4_ipc_error(tag, l4_utcb())))
error("IRQ unmask: ", err);
_irq(~0U), _msi_addr(0), _msi_data(0)
{ }
if (_irq == ~0U)
using namespace Fiasco;
unsigned long gsi = _irq;
if (_msi_addr)
gsi |= L4_ICU_FLAG_MSI;
if (l4_error(l4_irq_detach(_capability())))
error("cannot detach IRQ");
if (l4_error(l4_icu_unbind(L4_BASE_ICU_CAP, gsi, _capability())))
error("cannot unbind IRQ");
** IRQ session component **
Irq_session_component::Irq_session_component(Range_allocator *irq_alloc,
const char *args)
_irq_number(~0U), _irq_alloc(irq_alloc)
Irq_args const irq_args(args);
long msi = Arg_string::find_arg(args, "device_config_phys").long_value(0);
if (msi) {
if (msi_alloc.get(irq_args.irq_number(), 1)) {
error("unavailable MSI ", irq_args.irq_number(), " requested");
throw Service_denied();
msi_alloc.set(irq_args.irq_number(), 1);
} else {
if (!irq_alloc || irq_alloc->alloc_addr(1, irq_args.irq_number()).error()) {
error("unavailable IRQ ", irq_args.irq_number(), " requested");
throw Service_denied();
_irq_number = irq_args.irq_number();
_irq_object.associate(_irq_number, msi, irq_args.trigger(),
if (_irq_number == ~0U)
if (_irq_object.msi_address()) {
msi_alloc.clear(_irq_number, 1);
} else {
Genode::addr_t free_irq = _irq_number;
_irq_alloc->free((void *)free_irq);
void Irq_session_component::ack_irq() { _irq_object.ack_irq(); }
void Irq_session_component::sigh(Genode::Signal_context_capability cap)
Genode::Irq_session::Info Irq_session_component::info()
if (!_irq_object.msi_address() || !_irq_object.msi_value())
return { .type = Genode::Irq_session::Info::Type::INVALID };
return {
.type = Genode::Irq_session::Info::Type::MSI,
.address = _irq_object.msi_address(),
.value = _irq_object.msi_value()
** Interrupt handler implementation **
/* Build with frame pointer to make GDB backtraces work. See issue #1061. */
void Interrupt_handler::entry()
using namespace Fiasco;
int err;
l4_msgtag_t tag;
l4_umword_t label;
while (true) {
tag = l4_ipc_wait(l4_utcb(), &label, L4_IPC_NEVER);
if ((err = l4_ipc_error(tag, l4_utcb())))
error("IRQ receive: ", err);
else {
Irq_object * irq_object = reinterpret_cast<Irq_object *>(label);