2015-10-06 12:18:55 +02:00

858 lines
22 KiB

* \brief Floating window layouter
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2013-02-14
* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
/* Genode includes */
#include <base/printf.h>
#include <base/signal.h>
#include <os/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
#include <os/reporter.h>
#include <os/session_policy.h>
#include <nitpicker_session/connection.h>
#include <input_session/client.h>
#include <input/event.h>
#include <input/keycodes.h>
#include <rom_session/connection.h>
#include <decorator/xml_utils.h>
namespace Floating_window_layouter {
using namespace Genode;
struct Main;
class Window;
typedef Decorator::Point Point;
typedef Decorator::Area Area;
typedef Decorator::Rect Rect;
using Decorator::attribute;
using Decorator::string_attribute;
using Decorator::area_attribute;
static Xml_node xml_lookup_window_by_id(Xml_node node, unsigned const id)
char const *tag = "window";
char const *id_attr = "id";
for (node = node.sub_node(tag); ; node =
if (attribute(node, id_attr, 0UL) == id)
return node;
throw Xml_node::Nonexistent_sub_node();
* Return true if compound XML node contains a sub node with ID
static bool xml_contains_window_node_with_id(Xml_node node,
unsigned const id)
try { xml_lookup_window_by_id(node, id); return true; }
catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_sub_node) { return false; }
class Floating_window_layouter::Window : public List<Window>::Element
typedef String<256> Title;
typedef String<256> Label;
struct Element
Type type;
char const *name() const
switch (type) {
case UNDEFINED: return "";
case TITLE: return "title";
case LEFT: return "left";
case RIGHT: return "right";
case TOP: return "top";
case BOTTOM: return "bottom";
case TOP_LEFT: return "top_left";
case TOP_RIGHT: return "top_right";
case BOTTOM_LEFT: return "bottom_left";
case BOTTOM_RIGHT: return "bottom_right";
case CLOSER: return "closer";
case MAXIMIZER: return "maximizer";
case MINIMIZER: return "minimizer";
return "";
Element(Type type) : type(type) { }
bool operator != (Element const &other) const { return other.type != type; }
unsigned const _id = 0;
Title _title;
Label _label;
Rect _geometry;
* Window geometry at the start of the current drag operation
Rect _orig_geometry;
* Size as desired by the user during resize drag operations
Area _requested_size;
* Window may be partially transparent
bool _has_alpha = false;
* Window is temporarily not visible
bool _is_hidden = false;
bool _is_resizeable = false;
* Number of times the window has been topped. This value is used by
* the decorator to detect the need for bringing the window to the
* front of nitpicker's global view stack even if the stacking order
* stays the same within the decorator instance. This is important in
* the presence of more than a single decorator.
unsigned _topped_cnt = 0;
bool _drag_left_border = false;
bool _drag_right_border = false;
bool _drag_top_border = false;
bool _drag_bottom_border = false;
Window(unsigned id) : _id(id) { }
bool has_id(unsigned id) const { return id == _id; }
unsigned id() const { return _id; }
void title(Title const &title) { _title = title; }
void label(Label const &label) { _label = label; }
void geometry(Rect geometry) { _geometry = geometry; }
Point position() const { return _geometry.p1(); }
void position(Point pos) { _geometry = Rect(pos, _geometry.area()); }
void has_alpha(bool has_alpha) { _has_alpha = has_alpha; }
void is_hidden(bool is_hidden) { _is_hidden = is_hidden; }
void is_resizeable(bool is_resizeable) { _is_resizeable = is_resizeable; }
bool label_matches(Label const &label) const { return label == _label; }
* Return true if user drags a window border
bool _drag_border() const
return _drag_left_border || _drag_right_border
|| _drag_top_border || _drag_bottom_border;
* Define window size
* This function is called when the window-list model changes.
void size(Area size)
if (!_drag_border()) {
_geometry = Rect(_geometry.p1(), size);
Point p1 = _geometry.p1(), p2 = _geometry.p2();
if (_drag_left_border)
p1 = Point(p2.x() - size.w() + 1, p1.y());
if (_drag_right_border)
p2 = Point(p1.x() + size.w() - 1, p2.y());
if (_drag_top_border)
p1 = Point(p1.x(), p2.y() - size.h() + 1);
if (_drag_bottom_border)
p2 = Point(p2.x(), p1.y() + size.h() - 1);
_geometry = Rect(p1, p2);
Area size() const { return _geometry.area(); }
Area requested_size() const { return _requested_size; }
void serialize(Xml_generator &xml, bool focused, Element highlight)
/* omit window from the layout if hidden */
if (_is_hidden)
xml.node("window", [&]() {
xml.attribute("id", _id);
/* present concatenation of label and title in the window's title bar */
bool const has_title = Genode::strlen(_title.string()) > 0;
char buf[Label::capacity()];
Genode::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s%s",
has_title ? " " : "",
xml.attribute("title", buf);
xml.attribute("xpos", _geometry.x1());
xml.attribute("ypos", _geometry.y1());
xml.attribute("width", _geometry.w());
xml.attribute("height", _geometry.h());
xml.attribute("topped", _topped_cnt);
if (focused)
xml.attribute("focused", "yes");
if (highlight.type != Element::UNDEFINED) {
xml.node("highlight", [&] () {
if (_has_alpha)
xml.attribute("has_alpha", "yes");
if (_is_resizeable) {
xml.attribute("maximizer", "yes");
xml.attribute("closer", "yes");
* Called when the user starts dragging a window element
void initiate_drag_operation(Window::Element element)
_drag_left_border = (element.type == Window::Element::LEFT)
|| (element.type == Window::Element::TOP_LEFT)
|| (element.type == Window::Element::BOTTOM_LEFT);
_drag_right_border = (element.type == Window::Element::RIGHT)
|| (element.type == Window::Element::TOP_RIGHT)
|| (element.type == Window::Element::BOTTOM_RIGHT);
_drag_top_border = (element.type == Window::Element::TOP)
|| (element.type == Window::Element::TOP_LEFT)
|| (element.type == Window::Element::TOP_RIGHT);
_drag_bottom_border = (element.type == Window::Element::BOTTOM)
|| (element.type == Window::Element::BOTTOM_LEFT)
|| (element.type == Window::Element::BOTTOM_RIGHT);
_orig_geometry = _geometry;
_requested_size = _geometry.area();
void apply_drag_operation(Point offset)
if (!_drag_border())
position(_orig_geometry.p1() + offset);
int requested_w = _orig_geometry.w(),
requested_h = _orig_geometry.h();
if (_drag_left_border) requested_w -= offset.x();
if (_drag_right_border) requested_w += offset.x();
if (_drag_top_border) requested_h -= offset.y();
if (_drag_bottom_border) requested_h += offset.y();
_requested_size = Area(max(1, requested_w), max(1, requested_h));
void finalize_drag_operation()
_requested_size = _geometry.area();
void topped() { _topped_cnt++; }
struct Floating_window_layouter::Main
Signal_receiver &sig_rec;
List<Window> windows;
unsigned hovered_window_id = 0;
unsigned focused_window_id = 0;
unsigned key_cnt = 0;
Window::Element hovered_element = Window::Element::UNDEFINED;
bool drag_state = false;
bool drag_init_done = true;
Window *lookup_window_by_id(unsigned id)
for (Window *w = windows.first(); w; w = w->next())
if (w->has_id(id))
return w;
return nullptr;
* Install handler for responding to window-list changes
void handle_window_list_update(unsigned);
Signal_dispatcher<Main> window_list_dispatcher = {
sig_rec, *this, &Main::handle_window_list_update };
Attached_rom_dataspace window_list { "window_list" };
* Install handler for responding to focus requests
void handle_focus_request_update(unsigned);
void _apply_focus_request();
int handled_focus_request_id = 0;
Signal_dispatcher<Main> focus_request_dispatcher = {
sig_rec, *this, &Main::handle_focus_request_update };
Attached_rom_dataspace focus_request { "focus_request" };
* Install handler for responding to hover changes
void handle_hover_update(unsigned);
Signal_dispatcher<Main> hover_dispatcher = {
sig_rec, *this, &Main::handle_hover_update };
Attached_rom_dataspace hover { "hover" };
* Install handler for responding to user input
void handle_input(unsigned);
Signal_dispatcher<Main> input_dispatcher = {
sig_rec, *this, &Main::handle_input };
Nitpicker::Connection nitpicker;
Input::Session_client input { nitpicker.input_session() };
Attached_dataspace input_ds { input.dataspace() };
Reporter window_layout_reporter = { "window_layout" };
Reporter resize_request_reporter = { "resize_request" };
Reporter focus_reporter = { "focus" };
unsigned dragged_window_id = 0;
Point pointer_clicked;
Point pointer_last;
Point pointer_curr;
void import_window_list(Xml_node);
void generate_window_layout_model();
void generate_resize_request_model();
void generate_focus_model();
void initiate_window_drag(Window &window);
* Constructor
Main(Signal_receiver &sig_rec) : sig_rec(sig_rec)
void Floating_window_layouter::Main::import_window_list(Xml_node window_list_xml)
char const *tag = "window";
* Remove windows from layout that are no longer in the window list
for (Window *win = windows.first(), *next = 0; win; win = next) {
next = win->next();
if (!xml_contains_window_node_with_id(window_list_xml, win->id())) {
destroy(env()->heap(), win);
* Update window attributes, add new windows to the layout
try {
for (Xml_node node = window_list_xml.sub_node(tag); ; node = {
unsigned long id = 0;
Window *win = lookup_window_by_id(id);
if (!win) {
win = new (env()->heap()) Window(id);
* Define initial window position
win->position(Point(150*id % 800, 30 + (100*id % 500)));
win->label(string_attribute(node, "label", Window::Label("")));
win->title(string_attribute(node, "title", Window::Title("")));
&& node.attribute("has_alpha").has_value("yes"));
&& node.attribute("hidden").has_value("yes"));
&& node.attribute("resizeable").has_value("yes"));
} catch (...) { }
void Floating_window_layouter::Main::generate_window_layout_model()
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(window_layout_reporter, [&] ()
for (Window *w = windows.first(); w; w = w->next()) {
bool const is_hovered = w->has_id(hovered_window_id);
bool const is_focused = w->has_id(focused_window_id);
Window::Element const highlight =
is_hovered ? hovered_element : Window::Element::UNDEFINED;
w->serialize(xml, is_focused, highlight);
void Floating_window_layouter::Main::generate_resize_request_model()
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(resize_request_reporter, [&] ()
Window const *dragged_window = lookup_window_by_id(dragged_window_id);
if (dragged_window) {
Area const requested_size = dragged_window->requested_size();
if (requested_size != dragged_window->size()) {
xml.node("window", [&] () {
xml.attribute("id", dragged_window_id);
xml.attribute("width", requested_size.w());
xml.attribute("height", requested_size.h());
void Floating_window_layouter::Main::generate_focus_model()
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(focus_reporter, [&] ()
xml.node("window", [&] () {
xml.attribute("id", focused_window_id);
* Determine window element that corresponds to hover model
static Floating_window_layouter::Window::Element
element_from_hover_model(Genode::Xml_node hover_window_xml)
typedef Floating_window_layouter::Window::Element::Type Type;
bool const left_sizer = hover_window_xml.has_sub_node("left_sizer"),
right_sizer = hover_window_xml.has_sub_node("right_sizer"),
top_sizer = hover_window_xml.has_sub_node("top_sizer"),
bottom_sizer = hover_window_xml.has_sub_node("bottom_sizer");
if (left_sizer && top_sizer) return Type::TOP_LEFT;
if (left_sizer && bottom_sizer) return Type::BOTTOM_LEFT;
if (left_sizer) return Type::LEFT;
if (right_sizer && top_sizer) return Type::TOP_RIGHT;
if (right_sizer && bottom_sizer) return Type::BOTTOM_RIGHT;
if (right_sizer) return Type::RIGHT;
if (top_sizer) return Type::TOP;
if (bottom_sizer) return Type::BOTTOM;
if (hover_window_xml.has_sub_node("title")) return Type::TITLE;
if (hover_window_xml.has_sub_node("closer")) return Type::CLOSER;
if (hover_window_xml.has_sub_node("maximizer")) return Type::MAXIMIZER;
if (hover_window_xml.has_sub_node("minimizer")) return Type::MINIMIZER;
return Type::UNDEFINED;
void Floating_window_layouter::Main::initiate_window_drag(Window &window)
drag_init_done = true;
/* bring focused window to front */
if (&window != windows.first()) {
void Floating_window_layouter::Main::handle_window_list_update(unsigned)
try {
import_window_list(Xml_node(window_list.local_addr<char>())); }
catch (...) {
PERR("Error while importing window list"); }
void Floating_window_layouter::Main::_apply_focus_request()
try {
Xml_node node(focus_request.local_addr<char>());
Window::Label const label = node.attribute_value("label", Window::Label(""));
int const id = node.attribute_value("id", 0L);
/* don't apply the same focus request twice */
if (id == handled_focus_request_id)
bool focus_redefined = false;
* Move all windows that match the requested label to the front while
* maintaining their ordering.
Window *at = nullptr;
for (Window *w = windows.first(); w; w = w->next()) {
if (!w->label_matches(label))
focus_redefined = true;
* Move window to behind the previous window that we moved to
* front. If 'w' is the first window that matches the selector,
* move it to the front ('at' argument of 'insert' is 0).
windows.insert(w, at);
* Bring top-most window to the front of nitpicker's global view
* stack and set the focus to the top-most window.
if (at == nullptr) {
focused_window_id = w->id();
at = w;
if (focus_redefined)
handled_focus_request_id = id;
catch (...) {
PERR("Error while handling focus request"); }
void Floating_window_layouter::Main::handle_focus_request_update(unsigned)
void Floating_window_layouter::Main::handle_hover_update(unsigned)
try {
Xml_node const hover_xml(hover.local_addr<char>());
Xml_node const hover_window_xml = hover_xml.sub_node("window");
unsigned const id = attribute(hover_window_xml, "id", 0UL);
Window::Element hovered = element_from_hover_model(hover_window_xml);
* Check if we have just received an update while already being in
* dragged state.
* This can happen when the user selects a new nitpicker domain by
* clicking on a window decoration. Prior the click, the new session is
* not aware of the current mouse position. So the hover model is not
* up to date. As soon as nitpicker assigns the focus to the new
* session and delivers the corresponding press event, we enter the
* drag state (in the 'handle_input' function. But we don't know which
* window is dragged until the decorator updates the hover model. Now,
* when the model is updated and we are still in dragged state, we can
* finally initiate the window-drag operation for the now-known window.
if (id && !drag_init_done && dragged_window_id == 0)
dragged_window_id = id;
hovered_window_id = id;
focused_window_id = id;
Window *window = lookup_window_by_id(id);
if (window) {
if (!drag_state && (id != hovered_window_id || hovered != hovered_element)) {
hovered_window_id = id;
hovered_element = hovered;
/* XXX read from config */
bool const focus_follows_pointer = true;
if (id && focus_follows_pointer) {
focused_window_id = id;
} catch (...) {
/* reset focused window if pointer does not hover over any window */
if (!drag_state) {
hovered_element = Window::Element::UNDEFINED;
hovered_window_id = 0;
void Floating_window_layouter::Main::handle_input(unsigned)
bool need_regenerate_window_layout_model = false;
bool need_regenerate_resize_request_model = false;
Window *hovered_window = lookup_window_by_id(hovered_window_id);
while (input.is_pending()) {
size_t const num_events = input.flush();
Input::Event const * const ev = input_ds.local_addr<Input::Event>();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_events; i++) {
Input::Event e = ev[i];
if (e.type() == Input::Event::MOTION
|| e.type() == Input::Event::FOCUS)
pointer_curr = Point(, e.ay());
/* track number of pressed buttons/keys */
if (e.type() == Input::Event::PRESS) key_cnt++;
if (e.type() == Input::Event::RELEASE) key_cnt--;
if (e.type() == Input::Event::PRESS
&& e.keycode() == Input::BTN_LEFT) {
drag_state = true;
drag_init_done = false;
dragged_window_id = hovered_window_id;
pointer_clicked = pointer_curr;
pointer_last = pointer_clicked;
* If the hovered window is known at the time of the press
* event, we can initiate the drag operation immediately.
* Otherwise, we the initiation is deferred to the next
* update of the hover model.
if (hovered_window) {
need_regenerate_window_layout_model = true;
if (focused_window_id != hovered_window_id) {
focused_window_id = hovered_window_id;
/* detect end of drag operation */
if (e.type() == Input::Event::RELEASE) {
if (key_cnt == 0) {
drag_state = false;
Window *dragged_window = lookup_window_by_id(dragged_window_id);
if (dragged_window) {
Area const last_requested_size = dragged_window->requested_size();
if (last_requested_size != dragged_window->requested_size())
need_regenerate_resize_request_model = true;
* Update window layout because highlighting may have
* changed after the drag operation. E.g., if the
* window has not kept up with the dragging of a
* resize handle, the resize handle is no longer
* hovered.
if (drag_state && (pointer_curr != pointer_last)) {
pointer_last = pointer_curr;
Window *dragged_window = lookup_window_by_id(dragged_window_id);
if (dragged_window) {
Point const last_pos = dragged_window->position();
Area const last_requested_size = dragged_window->requested_size();
dragged_window->apply_drag_operation(pointer_curr - pointer_clicked);
if (last_pos != dragged_window->position())
need_regenerate_window_layout_model = true;
if (last_requested_size != dragged_window->requested_size())
need_regenerate_resize_request_model = true;
if (need_regenerate_window_layout_model)
if (need_regenerate_resize_request_model)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
static Genode::Signal_receiver sig_rec;
static Floating_window_layouter::Main application(sig_rec);
/* import initial state */
/* process incoming signals */
for (;;) {
using namespace Genode;
Signal sig = sig_rec.wait_for_signal();
Signal_dispatcher_base *dispatcher =
dynamic_cast<Signal_dispatcher_base *>(sig.context());
if (dispatcher)