Norman Feske 4145417f67 window_layouter: improve window-resize handling
This patch solves an off-by-one problem in the window-size calculation,
which resulted in sporadic artificial resize requests. In Sculpt, this
glitch caused flickering artifacts in VirtualBox windows caused by
superfluous guest desktop-resize handling.

Furthermore, the patch introduces the dropping of resize requests with
unchanged content.
2018-11-29 11:54:30 +01:00

607 lines
16 KiB

* \brief Window layouter
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2013-02-14
* Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <base/log.h>
#include <base/signal.h>
#include <base/component.h>
#include <base/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
#include <base/heap.h>
#include <os/reporter.h>
#include <os/session_policy.h>
#include <nitpicker_session/connection.h>
#include <input_session/client.h>
#include <input/event.h>
#include <input/keycodes.h>
/* local includes */
#include <window_list.h>
#include <assign_list.h>
#include <target_list.h>
#include <user_state.h>
#include <operations.h>
namespace Window_layouter { struct Main; }
struct Window_layouter::Main : Operations,
Env &_env;
Attached_rom_dataspace _config { _env, "config" };
Signal_handler<Main> _config_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_config };
Heap _heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
Area _screen_size { };
unsigned _to_front_cnt = 1;
Focus_history _focus_history { };
Layout_rules _layout_rules { _env, _heap, *this };
Decorator_margins _decorator_margins { Xml_node("<floating/>") };
Window_list _window_list {
_env, _heap, *this, _screen_size, _focus_history, _decorator_margins };
Assign_list _assign_list { _heap };
Target_list _target_list { _heap };
void _update_window_layout()
_layout_rules.with_rules([&] (Xml_node rules) {
_target_list.update_from_xml(rules, _screen_size);
/* position windows */
_assign_list.for_each([&] (Assign &assign) {
_target_list.for_each([&] (Target const &target) {
if ( != assign.target_name())
assign.for_each_member([&] (Assign::Member &member) {
Rect const rect = member.window.maximized()
? target.geometry()
: assign.window_geometry(,
if (_assign_list.matching_wildcards())
* Layout_rules::Change_handler interface
void layout_rules_changed() override { _update_window_layout(); }
* Window_list::Change_handler interface
void window_list_changed() override { _update_window_layout(); }
void _handle_config()
if (_config.xml().has_sub_node("report")) {
Xml_node const report = _config.xml().sub_node("report");
_rules_reporter.conditional(report.attribute_value("rules", false),
_env, "rules", "rules");
User_state _user_state { *this, _focus_history };
** Operations interface **
void close(Window_id id) override
_window_list.with_window(id, [&] (Window &window) {
window.close(); });
void to_front(Window_id id) override
bool stacking_order_changed = false;
_window_list.with_window(id, [&] (Window &window) {
if (window.to_front_cnt() != _to_front_cnt) {
stacking_order_changed = true;
if (stacking_order_changed)
void focus(Window_id) override
void toggle_fullscreen(Window_id id) override
/* make sure that the specified window is the front-most one */
_window_list.with_window(id, [&] (Window &window) {
window.maximized(!window.maximized()); });
void drag(Window_id id, Window::Element element, Point clicked, Point curr) override
bool window_geometry_changed = false;
_window_list.with_window(id, [&] (Window &window) {
Rect const orig_geometry = window.effective_inner_geometry();
window.drag(element, clicked, curr);
Rect const next_geometry = window.effective_inner_geometry();
window_geometry_changed = orig_geometry.p1() != next_geometry.p1()
|| orig_geometry.p2() != next_geometry.p2();
if (window_geometry_changed)
void finalize_drag(Window_id id, Window::Element, Point, Point) override
* Update window layout because highlighting may have changed after the
* drag operation. E.g., if the window has not kept up with the
* dragging of a resize handle, the resize handle is no longer hovered.
_window_list.with_window(id, [&] (Window &window) {
window.finalize_drag_operation(); });
* Install handler for responding to hover changes
void _handle_hover();
Signal_handler<Main> _hover_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_hover};
Attached_rom_dataspace _hover { _env, "hover" };
void _handle_focus_request();
Signal_handler<Main> _focus_request_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_focus_request };
Attached_rom_dataspace _focus_request { _env, "focus_request" };
int _handled_focus_request_id = 0;
* Respond to decorator-margins information reported by the decorator
Attached_rom_dataspace _decorator_margins_rom { _env, "decorator_margins" };
void _handle_decorator_margins()
Xml_node const margins = _decorator_margins_rom.xml();
if (margins.has_sub_node("floating"))
_decorator_margins = Decorator_margins(margins.sub_node("floating"));
/* respond to change by adapting the maximized window geometry */
Signal_handler<Main> _decorator_margins_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_decorator_margins};
* Install handler for responding to user input
void _handle_input()
while (_input.pending())
_input.flush(), _config.xml());
Signal_handler<Main> _input_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_input };
Nitpicker::Connection _nitpicker { _env };
void _handle_mode_change()
/* determine maximized window geometry */
Framebuffer::Mode const mode = _nitpicker.mode();
_screen_size = Area(mode.width(), mode.height());
Signal_handler<Main> _mode_change_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_mode_change };
Input::Session_client _input { _env.rm(), _nitpicker.input_session() };
Attached_dataspace _input_ds { _env.rm(), _input.dataspace() };
Expanding_reporter _window_layout_reporter { _env, "window_layout", "window_layout"};
Expanding_reporter _resize_request_reporter { _env, "resize_request", "resize_request"};
Expanding_reporter _focus_reporter { _env, "focus", "focus" };
Constructible<Expanding_reporter> _rules_reporter { };
bool _focused_window_maximized() const
bool result = false;
Window_id const id = _user_state.focused_window_id();
_window_list.with_window(id, [&] (Window const &window) {
result = window.maximized(); });
return result;
void _import_window_list(Xml_node);
void _gen_window_layout();
void _gen_resize_request();
void _gen_focus();
void _gen_rules();
template <typename FN>
void _gen_rules_assignments(Xml_generator &, FN const &);
* Constructor
Main(Env &env) : _env(env)
/* attach update handler for config */
/* reflect initial rules configuration */
void Window_layouter::Main::_gen_window_layout()
/* update hover and focus state of each window */
_window_list.for_each_window([&] (Window &window) {
bool const hovered = window.has_id(_user_state.hover_state().window_id);
window.hovered(hovered ? _user_state.hover_state().element
: Window::Element::UNDEFINED);
_window_layout_reporter.generate([&] (Xml_generator &xml) {
_target_list.gen_layout(xml, _assign_list); });
void Window_layouter::Main::_gen_resize_request()
bool resize_needed = false;
_window_list.for_each_window([&] (Window const &window) {
if (window.resize_request_needed())
resize_needed = true; });
if (!resize_needed)
_resize_request_reporter.generate([&] (Xml_generator &xml) {
_window_list.for_each_window([&] (Window const &window) {
window.gen_resize_request(xml); }); });
/* prevent superfluous resize requests for the same size */
_window_list.for_each_window([&] (Window &window) {
window.resize_request_updated(); });
void Window_layouter::Main::_gen_focus()
_focus_reporter.generate([&] (Xml_generator &xml) {
xml.node("window", [&] () {
xml.attribute("id", _user_state.focused_window_id().value); }); });
template <typename FN>
void Window_layouter::Main::_gen_rules_assignments(Xml_generator &xml, FN const &filter)
auto gen_window_geometry = [] (Xml_generator &xml,
Assign const &assign, Window const &window) {
if (!assign.floating())
if (window.maximized())
/* turn wildcard assignments into exact assignments */
auto fn = [&] (Assign const &assign, Assign::Member const &member) {
if (!filter(member.window))
xml.node("assign", [&] () {
xml.attribute("label", member.window.label());
xml.attribute("target", assign.target_name());
gen_window_geometry(xml, assign, member.window);
* Generate existing exact assignments of floating windows,
* update attributes according to the current window state.
_assign_list.for_each([&] (Assign const &assign) {
if (assign.wildcard())
* Determine current geometry of window. If multiple windows
* are present with the same label, use the geometry of any of
* them as they cannot be distinguished based on their label.
bool geometry_generated = false;
assign.for_each_member([&] (Assign::Member const &member) {
if (geometry_generated || !filter(member.window))
xml.node("assign", [&] () {
gen_window_geometry(xml, assign, member.window);
geometry_generated = true;
void Window_layouter::Main::_gen_rules()
if (!_rules_reporter.constructed())
_rules_reporter->generate([&] (Xml_generator &xml) {
* Generate exact <assign> nodes for present windows.
* The nodes are generated such that front-most windows appear
* before all other windows. The change of the stacking order
* is applied when the generated rules are imported the next time.
auto front_most = [&] (Window const &window) {
return (window.to_front_cnt() == _to_front_cnt); };
auto behind_front = [&] (Window const &window) {
return !front_most(window); };
_gen_rules_assignments(xml, front_most);
_gen_rules_assignments(xml, behind_front);
/* keep attributes of wildcards and (currently) unused assignments */
_assign_list.for_each([&] (Assign const &assign) {
bool no_window_assigned = true;
assign.for_each_member([&] (Assign::Member const &) {
no_window_assigned = false; });
* If a window is present that matches the assignment, the <assign>
* node was already generated by '_gen_rules_assignments' above.
if (assign.wildcard() || no_window_assigned) {
xml.node("assign", [&] () {
if (assign.floating())
* Determine window element that corresponds to hover model
static Window_layouter::Window::Element
_element_from_hover_model(Genode::Xml_node hover_window_xml)
typedef Window_layouter::Window::Element::Type Type;
bool const left_sizer = hover_window_xml.has_sub_node("left_sizer"),
right_sizer = hover_window_xml.has_sub_node("right_sizer"),
top_sizer = hover_window_xml.has_sub_node("top_sizer"),
bottom_sizer = hover_window_xml.has_sub_node("bottom_sizer");
if (left_sizer && top_sizer) return Type::TOP_LEFT;
if (left_sizer && bottom_sizer) return Type::BOTTOM_LEFT;
if (left_sizer) return Type::LEFT;
if (right_sizer && top_sizer) return Type::TOP_RIGHT;
if (right_sizer && bottom_sizer) return Type::BOTTOM_RIGHT;
if (right_sizer) return Type::RIGHT;
if (top_sizer) return Type::TOP;
if (bottom_sizer) return Type::BOTTOM;
if (hover_window_xml.has_sub_node("title")) return Type::TITLE;
if (hover_window_xml.has_sub_node("closer")) return Type::CLOSER;
if (hover_window_xml.has_sub_node("maximizer")) return Type::MAXIMIZER;
if (hover_window_xml.has_sub_node("minimizer")) return Type::MINIMIZER;
return Type::UNDEFINED;
void Window_layouter::Main::_handle_hover()
try {
Xml_node const hover_window_xml = _hover.xml().sub_node("window");
_user_state.hover(attribute(hover_window_xml, "id", 0UL),
* An exception may occur during the 'Xml_node' construction if the hover
* model is malformed. Under this condition, we invalidate the hover state.
catch (...) {
* Don't generate a focus-model update here. In a situation where the
* pointer has moved over a native nitpicker view (outside the realm of
* the window manager), the hover model as generated by the decorator
* naturally becomes empty. If we posted a focus update, this would
* steal the focus away from the native nitpicker view.
/* propagate changed hovering to the decorator */
void Window_layouter::Main::_handle_focus_request()
int const id = _focus_request.xml().attribute_value("id", 0L);
/* don't apply the same focus request twice */
if (id == _handled_focus_request_id)
_handled_focus_request_id = id;
Window::Label const prefix =
_focus_request.xml().attribute_value("label", Window::Label(""));
unsigned const next_to_front_cnt = _to_front_cnt + 1;
bool stacking_order_changed = false;
auto label_matches = [] (Window::Label const &prefix, Window::Label const &label) {
return !strcmp(label.string(), prefix.string(), prefix.length() - 1); };
_window_list.for_each_window([&] (Window &window) {
if (label_matches(prefix, window.label())) {
stacking_order_changed = true;
if (stacking_order_changed) {
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env)
static Window_layouter::Main application(env);