Norman Feske 3f8dfa346c sculpt_manager: remove double name attributes
The 'name' attribute was generated by both the call of 'gen_named_node'
and 'Hoverable_item::gen_button_attr'. Use only the former.
2019-05-06 16:15:26 +02:00

494 lines
12 KiB

* \brief Popup dialog
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2018-09-12
* Copyright (C) 2018 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <os/reporter.h>
#include <depot/archive.h>
/* local includes */
#include <types.h>
#include <model/launchers.h>
#include <model/sculpt_version.h>
#include <model/component.h>
#include <model/runtime_config.h>
#include <model/download_queue.h>
#include <model/nic_state.h>
#include <view/dialog.h>
#include <view/activatable_item.h>
#include <depot_query.h>
namespace Sculpt { struct Popup_dialog; }
struct Sculpt::Popup_dialog
Env &_env;
Allocator &_alloc;
Sculpt_version const _sculpt_version { _env };
Launchers const &_launchers;
Nic_state const &_nic_state;
Nic_target const &_nic_target;
bool _nic_ready() const { return _nic_target.ready() && _nic_state.ready(); }
Runtime_info const &_runtime_info;
Runtime_config const &_runtime_config;
Download_queue const &_download_queue;
Depot_query &_depot_query;
struct Construction_info : Interface
struct With : Interface { virtual void with(Component const &) const = 0; };
virtual void _with_construction(With const &) const = 0;
template <typename FN>
void with_construction(FN const &fn) const
struct _With : With {
FN const &_fn;
_With(FN const &fn) : _fn(fn) { }
void with(Component const &c) const override { _fn(c); }
struct Action : Interface
virtual void launch_global(Path const &launcher) = 0;
virtual Start_name new_construction(Component::Path const &pkg,
Component::Info const &info) = 0;
struct Apply_to : Interface { virtual void apply_to(Component &) = 0; };
virtual void _apply_to_construction(Apply_to &) = 0;
template <typename FN>
void apply_to_construction(FN const &fn)
struct _Apply_to : Apply_to {
FN const &_fn;
_Apply_to(FN const &fn) : _fn(fn) { }
void apply_to(Component &c) override { _fn(c); }
} apply_fn(fn);
virtual void discard_construction() = 0;
virtual void launch_construction() = 0;
virtual void trigger_download(Path const &) = 0;
virtual void remove_index(Depot::Archive::User const &) = 0;
Construction_info const &_construction_info;
Expanding_reporter _dialog_reporter { _env, "dialog", "popup_dialog" };
Attached_rom_dataspace _hover_rom { _env, "popup_view_hover" };
Signal_handler<Popup_dialog> _hover_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Popup_dialog::_handle_hover };
Hoverable_item _item { };
Activatable_item _action_item { };
Activatable_item _install_item { };
Hoverable_item _route_item { };
bool _hovered = false;
State _state { TOP_LEVEL };
typedef Depot::Archive::User User;
User _selected_user { };
bool _pkg_missing = false;
bool _pkg_rom_missing = false;
Component::Name _construction_name { };
Constructible<Route::Id> _selected_route { };
bool _route_selected(Route::Id const &id) const
return _selected_route.constructed() && id == _selected_route->string();
template <typename FN>
void _apply_to_selected_route(Action &action, FN const &fn)
unsigned cnt = 0;
action.apply_to_construction([&] (Component &component) {
component.routes.for_each([&] (Route &route) {
if (_route_selected(Route::Id(cnt++)))
fn(route); }); });
struct Menu
enum { MAX_LEVELS = 5 };
unsigned _level = 0;
typedef String<64> Name;
Name _selected[MAX_LEVELS] { };
void print(Output &out) const
using Genode::print;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _level; i++) {
print(out, _selected[i]);
if (i + 1 < _level)
print(out, " ");
template <typename FN>
void _for_each_item(Xml_node index, FN const &fn, unsigned level) const
if (level == _level) {
index.for_each_sub_node("index", [&] (Xml_node index) {
if (index.attribute_value("name", Name()) == _selected[level])
_for_each_item(index, fn, level + 1); });
template <typename FN>
void for_each_item(Xml_node index, FN const &fn) const
_for_each_item(index, fn, 0);
Menu _menu { };
void _handle_hover()
Xml_node const hover = _hover_rom.xml();
_hovered = hover.has_sub_node("dialog");
bool const changed =
_item .match(hover, "dialog", "frame", "vbox", "hbox", "name") |
_action_item .match(hover, "dialog", "frame", "vbox", "button", "name") |
_install_item.match(hover, "dialog", "frame", "vbox", "float", "vbox", "float", "button", "name") |
_route_item .match(hover, "dialog", "frame", "vbox", "frame", "vbox", "hbox", "name");
if (changed)
bool hovered() const { return _hovered; };
Attached_rom_dataspace _scan_rom { _env, "report -> runtime/depot_query/scan" };
Signal_handler<Popup_dialog> _scan_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Popup_dialog::_handle_scan };
void _handle_scan()
if (_state == DEPOT_REQUESTED)
_state = DEPOT_SHOWN;
if (_state != TOP_LEVEL)
Attached_rom_dataspace _index_rom { _env, "report -> runtime/depot_query/index" };
Signal_handler<Popup_dialog> _index_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Popup_dialog::_handle_index };
void _handle_index()
/* prevent modifications of index while browing it */
if (_state >= INDEX_SHOWN)
if (_state == INDEX_REQUESTED)
_state = INDEX_SHOWN;
bool _index_avail(User const &user) const
bool result = false;
_index_rom.xml().for_each_sub_node("index", [&] (Xml_node index) {
if (index.attribute_value("user", User()) == user)
result = true; });
return result;
Path _index_path(User const &user) const
return Path(user, "/index/", _sculpt_version);
void _gen_sub_menu_title(Xml_generator &xml,
Start_name const &name,
Start_name const &text) const
gen_named_node(xml, "hbox", name, [&] () {
gen_named_node(xml, "float", "left", [&] () {
xml.attribute("west", "yes");
xml.node("hbox", [&] () {
gen_named_node(xml, "button", "back", [&] () {
xml.attribute("selected", "yes");
xml.attribute("style", "back");
_item.gen_hovered_attr(xml, name);
xml.node("hbox", [&] () { });
gen_named_node(xml, "label", "label", [&] () {
xml.attribute("font", "title/regular");
xml.attribute("text", Path(" ", text));
gen_named_node(xml, "hbox", "right", [&] () { });
void _gen_menu_entry(Xml_generator &xml, Start_name const &name,
Component::Info const &text, bool selected,
char const *style = "radio") const
gen_named_node(xml, "hbox", name, [&] () {
gen_named_node(xml, "float", "left", [&] () {
xml.attribute("west", "yes");
xml.node("hbox", [&] () {
gen_named_node(xml, "button", "button", [&] () {
if (selected)
xml.attribute("selected", "yes");
xml.attribute("style", style);
_item.gen_hovered_attr(xml, name);
xml.node("hbox", [&] () { });
gen_named_node(xml, "label", "name", [&] () {
xml.attribute("text", Path(" ", text)); });
gen_named_node(xml, "hbox", "right", [&] () { });
void _gen_route_entry(Xml_generator &xml,
Start_name const &name,
Start_name const &text,
bool selected, char const *style = "radio") const
gen_named_node(xml, "hbox", name, [&] () {
gen_named_node(xml, "float", "left", [&] () {
xml.attribute("west", "yes");
xml.node("hbox", [&] () {
gen_named_node(xml, "button", "button", [&] () {
if (selected)
xml.attribute("selected", "yes");
xml.attribute("style", style);
_route_item.gen_hovered_attr(xml, name);
xml.node("hbox", [&] () { });
gen_named_node(xml, "label", "name", [&] () {
xml.attribute("text", Path(" ", text)); });
gen_named_node(xml, "hbox", "right", [&] () { });
template <typename FN>
void _for_each_menu_item(FN const &fn) const
Xml_node index = _index_rom.xml();
* The index may contain duplicates, evaluate only the first match.
bool first = true;
index.for_each_sub_node("index", [&] (Xml_node index) {
if (index.attribute_value("user", User()) != _selected_user)
if (first)
_menu.for_each_item(index, fn);
first = false;
static void _gen_info_label(Xml_generator &xml, char const *name,
Component::Info const &info)
gen_named_node(xml, "label", name, [&] () {
xml.attribute("font", "annotation/regular");
xml.attribute("text", Component::Info(" ", info, " ")); });
void _gen_pkg_info (Xml_generator &, Component const &) const;
void _gen_pkg_elements (Xml_generator &, Component const &) const;
void _gen_menu_elements(Xml_generator &) const;
void generate()
_dialog_reporter.generate([&] (Xml_generator &xml) {
xml.node("frame", [&] () {
xml.node("vbox", [&] () {
_gen_menu_elements(xml); }); }); });
void click(Action &action);
void clack(Action &action)
if (_action_item.activated("launch")) {
if (_pkg_missing && _install_item.activated("install")) {
_construction_info.with_construction([&] (Component const &component) {
void reset()
_item._hovered = Hoverable_item::Id();
_route_item._hovered = Hoverable_item::Id();
_hovered = false;
_state = TOP_LEVEL;
_selected_user = User();
_menu._level = 0;
Popup_dialog(Env &env, Allocator &alloc,
Launchers const &launchers,
Nic_state const &nic_state,
Nic_target const &nic_target,
Runtime_info const &runtime_info,
Runtime_config const &runtime_config,
Download_queue const &download_queue,
Depot_query &depot_query,
Construction_info const &construction_info)
_env(env), _alloc(alloc), _launchers(launchers),
_nic_state(nic_state), _nic_target(nic_target),
_runtime_info(runtime_info), _runtime_config(runtime_config),
_download_queue(download_queue), _depot_query(depot_query),
void gen_depot_query(Xml_generator &xml) const
if (_state >= TOP_LEVEL)
xml.node("scan", [&] () {
xml.attribute("users", "yes"); });
if (_state >= TOP_LEVEL)
_scan_rom.xml().for_each_sub_node("user", [&] (Xml_node user) {
xml.node("index", [&] () {
User const name = user.attribute_value("name", User());
xml.attribute("user", name);
xml.attribute("version", _sculpt_version);
if (_state >= INDEX_REQUESTED && _selected_user == name)
xml.attribute("content", "yes");
if (_state >= PKG_REQUESTED)
_construction_info.with_construction([&] (Component const &component) {
xml.node("blueprint", [&] () {
xml.attribute("pkg", component.path); }); });
void apply_blueprint(Component &construction, Xml_node blueprint)
if (_state < PKG_REQUESTED)
_pkg_rom_missing = blueprint_rom_missing(blueprint, construction.path);
_pkg_missing = blueprint_missing (blueprint, construction.path);
if (construction.blueprint_known && !_pkg_missing && !_pkg_rom_missing)
_state = PKG_SHOWN;
bool interested_in_download() const
if (_state == DEPOT_SELECTION)
return true;
return _state >= PKG_REQUESTED && (_pkg_missing || _pkg_rom_missing);
bool interested_in_file_operations() const
return _state == DEPOT_SELECTION;
#endif /* _VIEW__POPUP_DIALOG_H_ */