Norman Feske 189c5fa628 input_filter: improve capslock handling
Furthermore, the patch reduces the noise in the log produced by
false-positive error messages that are actually warnings.

Fixes #2548
2017-11-06 13:57:20 +01:00

577 lines
14 KiB

* \brief Input-event source that generates character events
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2017-02-01
* Copyright (C) 2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <input/keycodes.h>
/* local includes */
#include <source.h>
#include <timer_accessor.h>
#include <include_accessor.h>
namespace Input_filter { class Chargen_source; }
class Input_filter::Chargen_source : public Source, Source::Sink
Allocator &_alloc;
Timer_accessor &_timer_accessor;
Include_accessor &_include_accessor;
* Modifier definitions
struct Modifier
enum Id { MOD1 = 0, MOD2 = 1, MOD3 = 2, MOD4 = 3, UNDEFINED };
typedef String<8> Name;
Registry<Modifier>::Element _element;
Id const _id;
Input::Keycode const _code;
static Id id(Xml_node mod_node)
if (mod_node.type() == "mod1") return MOD1;
if (mod_node.type() == "mod2") return MOD2;
if (mod_node.type() == "mod3") return MOD3;
if (mod_node.type() == "mod4") return MOD4;
Modifier(Registry<Modifier> &registry, Id id, Input::Keycode code)
_element(registry, *this), _id(id), _code(code)
{ }
Input::Keycode code() const { return _code; }
Id id() const { return _id; }
Registry<Modifier> _modifiers;
struct Modifier_rom
typedef String<32> Name;
Registry<Modifier_rom>::Element _element;
Modifier::Id const _id;
bool _enabled = false;
Modifier_rom(Registry<Modifier_rom> &registry,
Modifier::Id id,
Include_accessor &include_accessor,
Name const &name)
_element(registry, *this), _id(id)
try {
include_accessor.apply_include(name, "capslock", [&] (Xml_node node) {
_enabled = node.attribute_value("enabled", false); }); }
catch (Include_accessor::Include_unavailable) {
warning("failed to obtain modifier state from "
"\"", name, "\" ROM module"); }
Modifier::Id id() const { return _id; }
bool enabled() const { return _enabled; }
Registry<Modifier_rom> _modifier_roms;
* Key rules for generating characters
enum { NUM_MODIFIERS = 4 };
* Cached state of modifiers, updated when a modifier key event occurs
struct Modifier_map
struct State { bool enabled = false; } states[NUM_MODIFIERS];
} _mod_map;
* State tracked per physical key
struct Key
enum Type { DEFAULT, MODIFIER } type = DEFAULT;
enum State { RELEASED, PRESSED } state = RELEASED;
struct Rule
Registry<Rule>::Element _reg_elem;
* Conditions that must be satisfied to let the rule take effect
struct Conditions
struct Modifier
enum Constraint { PRESSED, RELEASED, DONT_CARE };
Constraint constraint = DONT_CARE;
bool match(Modifier_map::State state) const
if ((constraint == RELEASED && state.enabled) ||
(constraint == PRESSED && !state.enabled))
return false;
return true;
Modifier modifiers[NUM_MODIFIERS];
* Return true if current modifier state fulfils conditions
bool match(Modifier_map const &mod_map) const
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_MODIFIERS; i++)
if (!modifiers[i].match(mod_map.states[i]))
return false;
return true;
unsigned num_modifier_constraints() const
unsigned cnt = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_MODIFIERS; i++)
if (modifiers[i].constraint != Modifier::DONT_CARE)
return cnt;
Conditions const _conditions;
Input::Event::Utf8 const _character;
Rule(Registry<Rule> &registry,
Conditions conditions,
Input::Event::Utf8 character)
_reg_elem(registry, *this),
{ }
* Return match score for the given modifier state
* \return 0 if rule mismatches,
* 1 if rule matches,
* 1+N if rule with N modifier constraints matches
unsigned match_score(Modifier_map const &mod_map) const
if (!_conditions.match(mod_map))
return 0;
return 1 + _conditions.num_modifier_constraints();
Input::Event::Utf8 character() const { return _character; }
Registry<Rule> rules;
* Call functor 'fn' with the 'Input::Event::Utf8' character
* defined for the best matching rule
template <typename FN>
void apply_best_matching_rule(Modifier_map const &mod_map, FN const &fn) const
Input::Event::Utf8 best_match { 0 };
unsigned max_score = 0;
rules.for_each([&] (Rule const &rule) {
unsigned score = rule.match_score(mod_map);
if (score <= max_score)
max_score = score;
best_match = rule.character();
if (max_score > 0)
* Map of the states of the physical keys
class Key_map
Allocator &_alloc;
Key _keys[Input::KEY_MAX];
Key_map(Allocator &alloc) : _alloc(alloc) { }
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Input::KEY_MAX; i++)
_keys[i].rules.for_each([&] (Key::Rule &rule) {
destroy(_alloc, &rule); });
* Return key object that belongs to the specified key code
Key &key(Input::Keycode code)
if ((unsigned)code >= (unsigned)Input::KEY_MAX)
return _keys[Input::KEY_UNKNOWN];
return _keys[code];
* Obtain modifier condition from map XML node
static Key::Rule::Conditions::Modifier::Constraint
_map_mod_cond(Xml_node map, Modifier::Name const &mod_name)
if (!map.has_attribute(mod_name.string()))
return Key::Rule::Conditions::Modifier::DONT_CARE;
bool const pressed = map.attribute_value(mod_name.string(), false);
return pressed ? Key::Rule::Conditions::Modifier::PRESSED
: Key::Rule::Conditions::Modifier::RELEASED;
struct Missing_character_definition { };
* Return UTF8 character defined in XML node attributes
* \throw Missing_character_definition
static Input::Event::Utf8 _utf8_from_xml_node(Xml_node node)
if (node.has_attribute("ascii"))
return Input::Event::Utf8(node.attribute_value("ascii", 0UL));
if (node.has_attribute("char")) {
typedef String<2> Value;
Value value = node.attribute_value("char", Value());
unsigned char const ascii = value.string()[0];
if (ascii < 128)
return Input::Event::Utf8(ascii);
warning("char attribute with non-ascii character "
"'", value, "'");
throw Missing_character_definition();
if (node.has_attribute("b0")) {
unsigned char const b0 = node.attribute_value("b0", 0UL),
b1 = node.attribute_value("b1", 0UL),
b2 = node.attribute_value("b2", 0UL),
b3 = node.attribute_value("b3", 0UL);
return Input::Event::Utf8(b0, b1, b2, b3);
throw Missing_character_definition();
void import_map(Xml_node map)
/* obtain modifier conditions from map attributes */
Key::Rule::Conditions cond;
cond.modifiers[Modifier::MOD1].constraint = _map_mod_cond(map, "mod1");
cond.modifiers[Modifier::MOD2].constraint = _map_mod_cond(map, "mod2");
cond.modifiers[Modifier::MOD3].constraint = _map_mod_cond(map, "mod3");
cond.modifiers[Modifier::MOD4].constraint = _map_mod_cond(map, "mod4");
/* add a rule for each <key> sub node */
map.for_each_sub_node("key", [&] (Xml_node key_node) {
Key_name const name = key_node.attribute_value("name", Key_name());
Input::Keycode const code = key_code_by_name(name);
new (_alloc) Key::Rule(key(code).rules, cond,
} _key_map;
void _update_modifier_state()
/* reset */
_mod_map = Modifier_map();
/* apply state of all modifier keys to modifier map */
_modifiers.for_each([&] (Modifier const &mod) {
_mod_map.states[].enabled |=
_key_map.key(mod.code()).state; });
/* supplement modifier state provided by ROM modules */
_modifier_roms.for_each([&] (Modifier_rom const &mod_rom) {
_mod_map.states[].enabled |=
mod_rom.enabled(); });
Owner _owner;
Source::Sink &_destination;
* Mechanism for periodically repeating the last character
struct Char_repeater
Source::Sink &_destination;
Timer::Connection &_timer;
Microseconds const _delay;
Microseconds const _rate;
Input::Event::Utf8 _curr_character { 0 };
enum State { IDLE, REPEAT } _state;
void _handle_timeout(Duration)
if (_state == REPEAT) {
Timer::One_shot_timeout<Char_repeater> _timeout {
_timer, *this, &Char_repeater::_handle_timeout };
Char_repeater(Source::Sink &destination, Timer::Connection &timer,
Xml_node node)
_destination(destination), _timer(timer),
_delay(node.attribute_value("delay_ms", 0UL)*1000),
_rate (node.attribute_value("rate_ms", 0UL)*1000)
{ }
void schedule_repeat(Input::Event::Utf8 character)
_curr_character = character;
_state = REPEAT;
void cancel()
_curr_character = Input::Event::Utf8(0);
_state = IDLE;
Constructible<Char_repeater> _char_repeater;
* Sink interface (called from our child node)
void submit_event(Input::Event const &event) override
using Input::Event;
/* forward event as is */
/* don't do anything for non-press/release events */
if (event.type() != Event::PRESS && event.type() != Event::RELEASE)
Key &key = _key_map.key(event.keycode());
/* track key state */
if (event.type() == Event::PRESS) key.state = Key::PRESSED;
if (event.type() == Event::RELEASE) key.state = Key::RELEASED;
if (key.type == Key::MODIFIER) {
/* never emit a character when pressing a modifier key */
if (event.type() == Event::PRESS) {
key.apply_best_matching_rule(_mod_map, [&] (Event::Utf8 utf8) {
if (_char_repeater.constructed())
if (event.type() == Event::RELEASE)
if (_char_repeater.constructed())
Source &_source;
void _apply_config(Xml_node const config, unsigned const max_recursion = 4)
config.for_each_sub_node([&] (Xml_node node) {
_apply_sub_node(node, max_recursion); });
void _apply_sub_node(Xml_node const node, unsigned const max_recursion)
if (max_recursion == 0) {
warning("too deeply nested includes");
throw Invalid_config();
* Handle includes
if (node.type() == "include") {
try {
Include_accessor::Name const rom =
node.attribute_value("rom", Include_accessor::Name());
_include_accessor.apply_include(rom, name(), [&] (Xml_node inc) {
_apply_config(inc, max_recursion - 1); });
catch (Include_accessor::Include_unavailable) {
throw Invalid_config(); }
* Handle map nodes
if (node.type() == "map") {
* Instantiate character repeater on demand
if (node.type() == "repeat") {
_timer_accessor.timer(), node);
* Handle modifier-definition nodes
Modifier::Id const id = Modifier::id(node);
if (id == Modifier::UNDEFINED)
node.for_each_sub_node("key", [&] (Xml_node key_node) {
Key_name const name = key_node.attribute_value("name", Key_name());
Input::Keycode const key = key_code_by_name(name);
new (_alloc) Modifier(_modifiers, id, key);
node.for_each_sub_node("rom", [&] (Xml_node rom_node) {
typedef Modifier_rom::Name Rom_name;
Rom_name const rom_name = rom_node.attribute_value("name", Rom_name());
new (_alloc) Modifier_rom(_modifier_roms, id, _include_accessor, rom_name);
static char const *name() { return "chargen"; }
Chargen_source(Owner &owner,
Xml_node config,
Source::Sink &destination,
Source::Factory &factory,
Allocator &alloc,
Timer_accessor &timer_accessor,
Include_accessor &include_accessor)
_source(factory.create_source(_owner, input_sub_node(config), *this))
/* assign key types in key map */
_modifiers.for_each([&] (Modifier const &mod) {
_key_map.key(mod.code()).type = Key::MODIFIER; });
_modifiers.for_each([&] (Modifier &mod) {
destroy(_alloc, &mod); });
_modifier_roms.for_each([&] (Modifier_rom &mod_rom) {
destroy(_alloc, &mod_rom); });
void generate() override { _source.generate(); }