Martin Stein ccc67d6f68 trace_logger: convenient tracing frontend
The 'trace_logger' component can be used to easily gather, process and export
different types of tracing data. Which subjects to select is configurable via
session label policies and thread names. Which data to collect from the
selected subjects can be configured for each subject individually, for groups
of subjects, or for all subjects. The gathered data can be exported as log

This is an example configuration of the 'trace_logger' component which shows
the default value for each attribute except the policy.thread and

! <config verbose="no"
!         session_ram="10M"
!         session_arg_buffer="4K"
!         session_parent_levels="0"
!         period_sec="5"
!         activity="no"
!         affinity="no"
!         default_policy="null"
!         default_buffer="4K">
!    <policy label="init -> timer" />
!    <policy label_suffix=" -> ram_fs" />
!    <policy label_prefix="init -> encryption -> "
!            thread="worker"
!            buffer="4K"
!            policy="null" />
! </config>

For more details see os/src/app/trace_logger/README.

Fixes #2654
2018-02-09 13:34:20 +01:00

197 lines
8.0 KiB

* \brief Log information about trace subjects
* \author Martin Stein
* \date 2018-01-15
* Copyright (C) 2018 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* local includes */
#include <policy.h>
#include <monitor.h>
#include <xml_node.h>
/* Genode includes */
#include <base/component.h>
#include <base/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
#include <base/heap.h>
#include <os/session_policy.h>
#include <timer_session/connection.h>
#include <util/construct_at.h>
using namespace Genode;
using Thread_name = String<40>;
class Main
enum { MAX_SUBJECTS = 512 };
enum { DEFAULT_PERIOD_SEC = 5 };
enum { DEFAULT_BUFFER = 1024 * 4 };
enum { DEFAULT_SESSION_ARG_BUFFER = 1024 * 4 };
enum { DEFAULT_SESSION_RAM = 1024 * 1024 };
Env &_env;
Timer::Connection _timer { _env };
Attached_rom_dataspace _config_rom { _env, "config" };
Xml_node const _config { _config_rom.xml() };
Trace::Connection _trace { _env,
_config.attribute_value("session_ram", Number_of_bytes(DEFAULT_SESSION_RAM)),
_config.attribute_value("session_arg_buffer", Number_of_bytes(DEFAULT_SESSION_ARG_BUFFER)),
_config.attribute_value("session_parent_levels", (unsigned)DEFAULT_SESSION_PARENT_LEVELS) };
bool const _affinity { _config.attribute_value("affinity", false) };
bool const _activity { _config.attribute_value("activity", false) };
bool const _verbose { _config.attribute_value("verbose", false) };
Microseconds const _period_us { read_sec_attr(_config, "period_sec", DEFAULT_PERIOD_SEC) };
Number_of_bytes const _default_buf_sz { _config.attribute_value("default_buffer", Number_of_bytes(DEFAULT_BUFFER)) };
Timer::Periodic_timeout<Main> _period { _timer, *this, &Main::_handle_period, _period_us };
Heap _heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
Monitor_tree _monitors_0 { };
Monitor_tree _monitors_1 { };
bool _monitors_switch { false };
Policy_tree _policies { };
Policy_name _default_policy_name { _config.attribute_value("default_policy", Policy_name("null")) };
Policy _default_policy { _env, _trace, _default_policy_name };
unsigned long _report_id { 0 };
unsigned long _num_subjects { 0 };
unsigned long _num_monitors { 0 };
Trace::Subject_id _subjects[MAX_SUBJECTS];
void _handle_period(Duration)
* Update monitors
* Which monitors are held and how they are configured depends on:
* 1) Which subjects are available at the Trace session,
* 2) which tracing state the subjects are currently in,
* 3) the configuration of this component about which subjects
* to monitor and how
* All this might have changed since the last call of this method.
* So, adapt the monitors and the monitor tree accordingly.
* Switch monitor trees so that the new tree is empty and the old
* tree contains all monitors.
Monitor_tree &old_monitors = _monitors_switch ? _monitors_1 : _monitors_0;
Monitor_tree &new_monitors = _monitors_switch ? _monitors_0 : _monitors_1;
_monitors_switch = !_monitors_switch;
/* update available subject IDs and iterate over them */
try { _num_subjects = _trace.subjects(_subjects, MAX_SUBJECTS); }
catch (Out_of_ram ) { warning("Cannot list subjects: Out_of_ram" ); return; }
catch (Out_of_caps) { warning("Cannot list subjects: Out_of_caps"); return; }
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _num_subjects; i++) {
Trace::Subject_id const id = _subjects[i];
try {
/* skip dead subjects */
if (_trace.subject_info(id).state() == Trace::Subject_info::DEAD)
/* check if there is a matching policy in the XML config */
Session_policy session_policy = _session_policy(id);
try {
/* lookup monitor by subject ID */
Monitor &monitor = old_monitors.find_by_subject_id(id);
/* move monitor from old to new tree */
} catch (Monitor_tree::No_match) {
/* create monitor for subject in the new tree */
_new_monitor(new_monitors, id, session_policy);
catch (Trace::Nonexistent_subject ) { continue; }
catch (Session_policy::No_policy_defined) { continue; }
/* all monitors in the old tree are deprecated, destroy them */
while (Monitor *monitor = old_monitors.first())
_destroy_monitor(old_monitors, *monitor);
/* dump information of each monitor in the new tree */
log("--- Report ", _report_id++, " (", _num_monitors, "/", _num_subjects, " subjects) ---");
new_monitors.for_each([&] (Monitor &monitor) {
monitor.print(_activity, _affinity);
void _destroy_monitor(Monitor_tree &monitors, Monitor &monitor)
if (_verbose)
log("destroy monitor: subject ", monitor.subject_id().id);
try {; }
catch (Trace::Nonexistent_subject) { }
destroy(_heap, &monitor);
void _new_monitor(Monitor_tree &monitors,
Trace::Subject_id id,
Session_policy &session_policy)
try {
Number_of_bytes const buffer_sz = session_policy.attribute_value("buffer", _default_buf_sz);
Policy_name const policy_name = session_policy.attribute_value("policy", _default_policy_name);
try {
_trace.trace(, _policies.find_by_name(policy_name).id(), buffer_sz);
} catch (Policy_tree::No_match) {
Policy &policy = *new (_heap) Policy(_env, _trace, policy_name);
_trace.trace(,, buffer_sz);
monitors.insert(new (_heap) Monitor(_trace, _env.rm(), id));
catch (Out_of_ram ) { warning("Cannot activate tracing: Out_of_ram" ); return; }
catch (Out_of_caps ) { warning("Cannot activate tracing: Out_of_caps" ); return; }
catch (Trace::Already_traced ) { warning("Cannot activate tracing: Already_traced" ); return; }
catch (Trace::Source_is_dead ) { warning("Cannot activate tracing: Source_is_dead" ); return; }
catch (Trace::Nonexistent_policy ) { warning("Cannot activate tracing: Nonexistent_policy" ); return; }
catch (Trace::Traced_by_other_session) { warning("Cannot activate tracing: Traced_by_other_session"); return; }
catch (Trace::Nonexistent_subject ) { warning("Cannot activate tracing: Nonexistent_subject" ); return; }
catch (Region_map::Invalid_dataspace ) { warning("Cannot activate tracing: Loading policy failed" ); return; }
if (_verbose)
log("new monitor: subject ",;
Session_policy _session_policy(Trace::Subject_id id)
Trace::Subject_info info = _trace.subject_info(id);
Session_label const label(info.session_label());
Session_policy policy(label, _config);
if (policy.has_attribute("thread"))
if (policy.attribute_value("thread", Thread_name()) != info.thread_name())
throw Session_policy::No_policy_defined();
return policy;
Main(Env &env) : _env(env) { _policies.insert(_default_policy); }
void Component::construct(Env &env) { static Main main(env); }