2019-05-06 16:15:25 +02:00

220 lines
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* \brief Launchpad child management
* \author Norman Feske
* \author Markus Partheymueller
* \date 2006-09-01
* Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
#include <base/env.h>
#include <base/service.h>
#include <base/snprintf.h>
#include <base/attached_dataspace.h>
#include <launchpad/launchpad.h>
using namespace Genode;
** Launchpad **
Launchpad::Launchpad(Env &env, unsigned long initial_quota)
_sliced_heap(_env.ram(), _env.rm())
/* names of services provided by the parent */
static const char *names[] = {
/* core services */
"RM", "PD", "CPU", "IO_MEM", "IO_PORT", "IRQ", "ROM", "LOG", "VM",
/* services expected to got started by init */
"Nitpicker", "Init", "Timer", "Block", "Nic", "Rtc", "Gpu", "Report",
0 /* null-termination */
for (unsigned i = 0; names[i]; i++)
new (_heap) Launchpad_child::Parent_service(_parent_services, env, names[i]);
* Check if a program with the specified name already exists
bool Launchpad::_child_name_exists(Launchpad_child::Name const &name)
Launchpad_child *c = _children.first();
for ( ; c; c = c->next())
if (c->name() == name)
return true;
return false;
* Create a unique name based on the filename
* If a program with the filename as name already exists, we add a counting
* number as suffix.
Launchpad::_get_unique_child_name(Launchpad_child::Name const &binary_name)
Lock::Guard lock_guard(_children_lock);
if (!_child_name_exists(binary_name))
return binary_name;
for (unsigned cnt = 1; ; cnt++) {
/* if such a program name does not exist yet, we are happy */
Launchpad_child::Name const unique(binary_name, ".", cnt);
if (!_child_name_exists(unique))
return unique;
* Process launchpad XML configuration
void Launchpad::process_config(Genode::Xml_node config_node)
using namespace Genode;
* Iterate through all entries of the config file and create
* launchpad entries as specified.
config_node.for_each_sub_node("launcher", [&] (Xml_node node) {
typedef Launchpad_child::Name Name;
Name *name = new (_heap) Name(node.attribute_value("name", Name()));
Number_of_bytes default_ram_quota =
node.attribute_value("ram_quota", Number_of_bytes(0));
Launchpad::Cap_quota const cap_quota { node.attribute_value("caps", 0UL) };
* Obtain configuration for the child
Dataspace_capability config_ds;
typedef String<128> Rom_name;
if (node.has_sub_node("configfile")) {
Rom_name const name =
node.sub_node("configfile").attribute_value("name", Rom_name());
Rom_connection &config_rom = *new (_heap) Rom_connection(_env, name.string());
config_ds = config_rom.dataspace();
if (node.has_sub_node("config")) {
Xml_node config_node = node.sub_node("config");
config_node.with_raw_node([&] (char const *start, size_t length) {
/* allocate dataspace for config */
config_ds = _env.ram().alloc(length);
/* copy configuration into new dataspace */
Attached_dataspace attached(_env.rm(), config_ds);
memcpy(attached.local_addr<char>(), start, length);
/* add launchpad entry */
add_launcher(*name, cap_quota, default_ram_quota, config_ds);
Launchpad_child *Launchpad::start_child(Launchpad_child::Name const &binary_name,
Cap_quota cap_quota, Ram_quota ram_quota,
Dataspace_capability config_ds)
log("starting ", binary_name, " with quota ", ram_quota);
/* find unique name for new child */
Launchpad_child::Name const unique_name = _get_unique_child_name(binary_name);
log("using unique child name \"", unique_name, "\"");
if (ram_quota.value > _env.pd().avail_ram().value) {
warning("child's ram quota is higher than our available quota, using available quota");
size_t const avail = _env.pd().avail_ram().value;
size_t const preserved = 256*1024;
if (avail < preserved) {
error("giving up, our own quota is too low (", avail, ")");
return 0;
ram_quota = Ram_quota { avail - preserved };
size_t const avail_caps = _env.pd().avail_caps().value;
if (cap_quota.value > avail_caps) {
warning("child's cap quota (", cap_quota.value, ") exceeds the "
"number of available capabilities (", avail_caps, ")");
size_t const preserved_caps = min(avail_caps, 25UL);
cap_quota = Cap_quota { avail_caps - preserved_caps };
size_t metadata_size = 4096*16 + sizeof(Launchpad_child);
if (metadata_size > ram_quota.value) {
error("too low ram_quota to hold child metadata");
return 0;
ram_quota = Ram_quota { ram_quota.value - metadata_size };
try {
Launchpad_child *c = new (&_sliced_heap)
Launchpad_child(_env, _heap, unique_name, binary_name,
cap_quota, ram_quota,
_parent_services, _child_services, config_ds);
Lock::Guard lock_guard(_children_lock);
add_child(unique_name, ram_quota.value, *c, _heap);
return c;
} catch (...) {
warning("failed to create child - unknown reason"); }
return 0;
void Launchpad::exit_child(Launchpad_child &child)
remove_child(, _heap);
Lock::Guard lock_guard(_children_lock);
destroy(_sliced_heap, &child);