/* * \brief Platform interface implementation * \author Martin Stein * \date 2010-09-08 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static bool const verbose = 0; extern unsigned _program_image_begin; extern unsigned _program_image_end; extern unsigned _boot_modules_meta_start; extern unsigned _boot_modules_meta_end; namespace Roottask { /** * Entry for the core-pager-thread that handles all * pagefaults belonging to core-threads. Itself has * to be paged 1:1 by the kernel. Core pager maps all * 1:1 except of the thread-context-area */ static void pager(); static Kernel::Utcb pager_utcb; static Cpu::word_t pager_stack[Cpu::_4KB_SIZE]; } Genode::Thread_base::Context * Roottask::physical_context(Genode::Native_thread_id tid) { using namespace Cpu; using Genode::Thread_base; static const unsigned int aligned_size = Math::round_up(CONTEXT_SIZE, CONTEXT_PAGE_SIZE_LOG2); static Thread_base::Context * _context[User::MAX_THREAD_ID]; if (tid >= sizeof(_context)/sizeof(_context[0])) { PERR("Native thread ID out of range"); return 0; } if(!_context[tid]) { /* Allocate new context */ if(!Genode::platform_specific()-> core_mem_alloc()-> alloc_aligned(aligned_size, (void**)&_context[tid], CONTEXT_PAGE_SIZE_LOG2)) { PERR("Allocate memory for a new stack- and misc-area failed"); return 0; } _context[tid] = (Thread_base::Context*)((addr_t)_context[tid] + aligned_size - sizeof(Thread_base::Context)); /* Synchronize output of 'Genode::physical_utcb' if alignment fits */ if(Math::round_up((addr_t)&_context[tid]->utcb, Kernel::Utcb::ALIGNMENT_LOG2)!= (addr_t)&_context[tid]->utcb) { PINF("%8X, %8X", (unsigned)Math::round_up((addr_t)&_context[tid]->utcb, Kernel::Utcb::ALIGNMENT_LOG2), (unsigned)&_context[tid]->utcb); PWRN("Wrong UTCB alignment in context"); } else { Genode::physical_utcb(tid, (Kernel::Utcb*)&_context[tid]->utcb); } if(verbose) { PDBG("Context %i: [%p|%p|%p|%p]", tid, (void*)((addr_t)_context[tid] + sizeof(Thread_base::Context) - aligned_size), (Thread_base::Context*)((addr_t)_context[tid] - STACK_SIZE), _context[tid], &_context[tid]->utcb); } } return _context[tid]; } void Roottask::pager() { using namespace Genode; using namespace Roottask; typedef Platform_pd::Context_part Context_part; typedef Kernel::Paging::Request Request; typedef Kernel::Paging::Physical_page Physical_page; static Physical_page::size_t context_page_size; if(Physical_page::size_by_size_log2(context_page_size, CONTEXT_PAGE_SIZE_LOG2)){ PERR("Invalid page size for thread context area"); } Request *r = (Request*)&pager_utcb; while (1) { unsigned request_length = Kernel::ipc_serve(0); if (request_length != sizeof(Request)) { PERR("Invalid request"); continue; } addr_t pa = 0; Physical_page::size_t ps = Physical_page::INVALID_SIZE; addr_t va = r->virtual_page.address(); Native_thread_id context_owner = 0; Context_part context_part = Platform_pd::NO_CONTEXT_PART; unsigned stack_offset = 0; if (platform_pd()->metadata_if_context_address(va, &context_owner, &context_part, &stack_offset)) { switch (context_part) { case Platform_pd::STACK_AREA: { Cpu::word_t* pstack = (Cpu::word_t*)physical_context(context_owner); pa = (addr_t)(pstack-(stack_offset/sizeof(Cpu::word_t))); break; } case Platform_pd::UTCB_AREA: pa = (addr_t)physical_utcb(context_owner); break; case Platform_pd::MISC_AREA: pa = (addr_t)physical_context(context_owner)->stack; break; default: PERR("No roottask mapping, " "vaddr=0x%p, tid=%i, ip=%p\n", (void*)r->virtual_page.address(), r->source.tid, (void*)r->source.ip); break; } ps = context_page_size; } else { pa = va; ps = Physical_page::MAX_VALID_SIZE; } Kernel::tlb_load(pa, va, r->virtual_page.protection_id(), ps, Physical_page::RWX); Kernel::thread_wake(r->source.tid); } } void Genode::Platform::_optimize_init_img_rom(long int & base, size_t const & size) { enum { INIT_TEXT_SEGM_ALIGN_LOG2 = Cpu::_64KB_SIZE_LOG2, INIT_TEXT_SEGM_ALIGN = 1 << INIT_TEXT_SEGM_ALIGN_LOG2, ELF_HEADER_SIZE = Cpu::_4KB_SIZE }; /* Preserve old location for now */ long int const old_base = base; _core_mem_alloc.remove_range((addr_t)old_base, size); /* Search for location where text-segment would be mapable * with pages of size INIT_TEXT_SEGM_ALIGN */ if (_core_mem_alloc.alloc_aligned(size + 2*INIT_TEXT_SEGM_ALIGN, (void**)&base, INIT_TEXT_SEGM_ALIGN_LOG2)) { /* Found better location so move */ base = base + INIT_TEXT_SEGM_ALIGN - ELF_HEADER_SIZE; memcpy((void*)base, (void*)old_base, size); _core_mem_alloc.add_range((addr_t)old_base, size); return; } /* Keep old location */ base = old_base; } Genode::Platform::Platform() : _core_mem_alloc(0), _io_mem_alloc(core_mem_alloc()), _io_port_alloc(core_mem_alloc()), _irq_alloc(core_mem_alloc()), _vm_base(0), _vm_size(0) { using namespace Roottask; using namespace Genode; _core_mem_alloc.add_range((addr_t)Cpu::RAM_BASE, (size_t)Cpu::RAM_SIZE); /*************************************************** * Avoid allocations on '_core_mem_alloc' since it * * contains space yet that is in use * ***************************************************/ /* Preserve core's program image range with page-granularity from allocation */ addr_t const img_base = trunc_page((addr_t)&_program_image_begin); size_t const img_size = round_page((addr_t)&_program_image_end) - img_base; _core_mem_alloc.remove_range(img_base, img_size); /* Preserve core's context area with page-granularity from allocation */ addr_t const ctxt_area_base = trunc_page((addr_t)Native_config::context_area_virtual_base()); size_t const ctxt_area_size = round_page((addr_t)Native_config::context_area_virtual_base()); _core_mem_alloc.remove_range(ctxt_area_base, ctxt_area_size); /* Preserve UART MMIO with page-granularity from allocation */ addr_t const uart_base = trunc_page(User::UART_BASE); _core_mem_alloc.remove_range(uart_base, get_page_size()); /* Format of module meta-data as found in the ROM module image */ struct Boot_module { long name; /* physical address of null-terminated string */ long base; /* physical address of module data */ long size; /* size of module data in bytes */ }; addr_t const md_base = (addr_t)&_boot_modules_meta_start; addr_t const md_top = (addr_t)&_boot_modules_meta_end; size_t const meta_size = md_top - md_base; if (meta_size > get_page_size()) { PERR("Boot modules header is larger than supported"); sleep_forever(); } Boot_module * module = (Boot_module *)md_base; Boot_module * init_module=0; /* Preserve boot modules from allocation */ for (; (addr_t)module < md_top; module++) { const char *name = (const char*)module->name; /* Init's module will need allocation because we optimize its location */ if (!strcmp(name, "init")) { init_module = module; continue; } _core_mem_alloc.remove_range(trunc_page(module->base), round_page(module->size)); } _optimize_init_img_rom(init_module->base, init_module->size); _core_mem_alloc.remove_range(trunc_page(init_module->base), round_page(init_module->size)); /***************************************************************** * from now on it's save to allocate memory on '_core_mem_alloc' * *****************************************************************/ /* Initialize ROM FS with the given boot modules */ module = (Boot_module *)md_base; for (; (addr_t)module < md_top; module++) { Rom_module *rom_module = new (core_mem_alloc()) Rom_module(module->base, module->size, (const char*)module->name); _rom_fs.insert(rom_module); } /* Start the core-pager */ if(Kernel::thread_create(PAGER_TID, PROTECTION_ID, Kernel::INVALID_THREAD_ID, &pager_utcb, (addr_t)pager, (addr_t)&pager_stack[sizeof(pager_stack)/sizeof(pager_stack[0])], true << Kernel::THREAD_CREATE__PARAM__IS_ROOT_LSHIFT)) { PERR("Couldn't start cores pager"); sleep_forever(); } /* Core's mainthread shall be paged by the core-pager */ Kernel::thread_pager(MAIN_THREAD_ID, PAGER_TID); /* Initialze core's remaining allocators */ _irq_alloc.add_range(User::MIN_IRQ, User::MAX_IRQ-User::MIN_IRQ); _io_mem_alloc.add_range(User::IO_MEM_BASE, User::IO_MEM_SIZE); /* Setup virtual memory for common programs */ _vm_base=User::VADDR_BASE; _vm_size=User::VADDR_SIZE - get_page_size(); if (verbose) { PINF("Printing core memory layout summary"); printf("[_core_mem_alloc]\n"); _core_mem_alloc.raw()->dump_addr_tree(); printf("[_io_mem_alloc]\n"); _io_mem_alloc.raw()->dump_addr_tree(); printf("[_irq_alloc]\n"); _irq_alloc.raw()->dump_addr_tree(); } } void Genode::Core_parent::exit(int exit_value) { }