{ system ? "x86_64-genode", self ? { }, nixpkgs ? import { localSystem = "x86_64-linux"; crossSystem = "x86_64-genode"; } }: let inherit (nixpkgs) stdenv buildPackages fetchgit llvmPackages; src = self.outPath or ./.; version = self.lastModified or "unstable"; inherit (stdenv) lib targetPlatform; specs = with targetPlatform; [ ] ++ lib.optional is32bit "32bit" ++ lib.optional is64bit "64bit" ++ lib.optional isAarch32 "arm" ++ lib.optional isAarch64 "arm_64" ++ lib.optional isRiscV "riscv" ++ lib.optional isx86 "x86" ++ lib.optional isx86_32 "x86_32" ++ lib.optional isx86_64 "x86_64"; buildRepo = { repo, repoInputs }: let tupArch = with stdenv.targetPlatform; if isAarch32 then "arm" else if isAarch64 then "arm64" else if isx86_32 then "i386" else if isx86_64 then "x86_64" else abort "unhandled targetPlatform"; toTupConfig = attrs: with builtins; let op = config: name: "${config}CONFIG_${name}=${getAttr name attrs} "; in foldl' op "" (attrNames attrs); in stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "genode-${repo}-${version}"; outputs = [ "out" "dev" ]; inherit src repo specs version; setupHook = ./setup-hooks.sh; nativeBuildInputs = repoInputs; # This is wrong, why does pkg-config not collect buildInputs? propagatedNativeBuildInputs = repoInputs; depsBuildBuild = with buildPackages; [ llvm pkgconfig tup ]; tupConfig = toTupConfig { LIBCXX = llvmPackages.libcxx; LIBCXXABI = llvmPackages.libcxxabi; LIBUNWIND = llvmPackages.libunwind; LIBUNWIND_BAREMETAL = llvmPackages.libunwind.override { isBaremetal = true; }; LINUX_HEADERS = buildPackages.glibc.dev; OLEVEL = "-O2"; TUP_ARCH = tupArch; VERSION = version; }; configurePhase = '' # Configure Tup echo $tupConfig | tr ' CONFIG_' '\nCONFIG_' > tup.config echo CONFIG_NIX_OUTPUTS_OUT=$out >> tup.config echo CONFIG_NIX_OUTPUTS_DEV=$dev >> tup.config # Disable other repos for R in repos/*; do [ "$R" != "repos/$repo" ] && find $R -name Tupfile -delete done find repos/gems -name Tupfile -delete # Scan repository and generate script tup init tup generate buildPhase.sh # Redirect artifacts to Nix store mkdir -p $out/lib $dev/include ln -s $out out ln -s $dev dev ''; buildPhase = '' test -d repos/$repo/src/ld && cp -rv repos/$repo/src/ld $dev/ pushd . set -v source buildPhase.sh set +v popd ''; installPhase = '' # Populate the "dev" headers if [ -d "repos/$repo/include" ]; then for DIR in repos/$repo/include; do for SPEC in $specs; do if [ -d $DIR/spec/$SPEC ]; then cp -r $DIR/spec/$SPEC/* $dev/include rm -r $DIR/spec/$SPEC fi done rm -rf $DIR/spec cp -r $DIR $dev/ done fi touch $dev/.genode for pc in $dev/lib/pkgconfig/*.pc; do sed -e "s|^Libs: |Libs: -L$dev/lib |" -i $pc done ''; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "The Genode operation system framework (${repo} repository)."; homepage = "https://genode.org/"; license = licenses.agpl3; maintainers = [ maintainers.ehmry ]; }; shellHook = '' export PROMPT_DIRTRIM=2 export PS1="\[\033[1;30m\]Genode-dev [\[\033[1;37m\]\w\[\033[1;30m\]] $\[\033[0m\] " export PS2="\[\033[1;30m\]>\[\033[0m\] " if [ -e "configs/.gitignore" ]; then local CFG=configs/${targetPlatform.config}.config echo $tupConfig | tr ' CONFIG_' '\nCONFIG_' > $CFG tup variant $CFG fi ''; }; in rec { base = buildRepo { repo = "base"; repoInputs = [ ]; }; base-linux = buildRepo { repo = "base-linux"; repoInputs = [ base ]; }; base-nova = buildRepo { repo = "base-nova"; repoInputs = [ base ]; }; os = buildRepo { repo = "os"; repoInputs = [ base ]; }; gems = buildRepo { repo = "gems"; repoInputs = [ os ]; }; }