INC_DIR += $(PRG_DIR) SOURCES_FILTERED = $(filter-out $(SOURCES_FILTER_OUT), $(SOURCES)) HEADERS_FILTERED = $(filter-out $(HEADERS_FILTER_OUT), $(HEADERS)) # add sources defined in qmake project files SRC_CC += $(SOURCES_FILTERED) # add generated sources SRC_CC_QT_GENERATED = $(addprefix moc_,$(notdir $(HEADERS_FILTERED:.h=.cpp))) \ $(addprefix qrc_,$(notdir $(RESOURCES:.qrc=.cpp))) SRC_CC += $(SRC_CC_QT_GENERATED) # handle relative paths in the 'HEADERS' variable vpath %.h $(abspath $(addprefix $(PRG_DIR)/,$(sort $(dir $(HEADERS_FILTERED))))) # handle relative paths in the 'RESOURCES' variable vpath %.qrc $(abspath $(addprefix $(PRG_DIR)/,$(sort $(dir $(RESOURCES))))) $(addsuffix .o,$(basename $(SRC_CC))): $(addprefix ui_,$(FORMS:.ui=.h)) LIBS += libc # QtCore ifeq ($(findstring core, $(QT)), core) QT_DEFINES += -DQT_CORE_LIB LIBS += qt5_core endif # QtGui ifeq ($(findstring gui, $(QT)), gui) QT_DEFINES += -DQT_GUI_LIB LIBS += qt5_gui qt5_qpa_nitpicker qt5_qjpeg endif # QtWidgets ifeq ($(findstring widgets, $(QT)), widgets) QT_DEFINES += -DQT_WIDGETS_LIB LIBS += qt5_widgets endif # QtNetwork ifeq ($(findstring network, $(QT)), network) LIBS += qt5_network endif # QtPrintSupport ifeq ($(findstring printsupport, $(QT)), printsupport) LIBS += qt5_printsupport endif # QtQuick ifeq ($(findstring quick, $(QT)), quick) LIBS += qt5_quick endif # QtScript ifeq ($(findstring scriptclassic, $(QT)), scriptclassic) LIBS += qt5_scriptclassic else ifeq ($(findstring script, $(QT)), script) # qt5_script does dot work very well at this time, so qt5_scriptclassic gets used in any case LIBS += qt5_scriptclassic endif endif # QtTest ifeq ($(findstring testlib, $(QT)), testlib) LIBS += qt5_test endif # QtXml ifeq ($(findstring xml, $(QT)), xml) LIBS += qt5_xml endif # Qml ifeq ($(findstring qml, $(QT)), qml) LIBS += qt5_qml endif # QtUiTools # Qt documentation says: CONFIG += uitools ifeq ($(findstring uitools, $(CONFIG)), uitools) LIBS += qt5_ui_tools endif # Qt5 documentation says: QT += uitools ifeq ($(findstring uitools, $(QT)), uitools) LIBS += qt5_ui_tools endif # QtWebKit ifeq ($(findstring webkit, $(QT)), webkit) LIBS += qt5_webcore qt5_webkit qt5_webkitwidgets endif