/* * \brief Genode specific VirtualBox SUPLib supplements * \author Alexander Boettcher * \author Norman Feske * \author Christian Helmuth */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Oracle Corporation * Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2. */ /* Genode includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Genode's VirtualBox includes */ #include "EMInternal.h" /* enable access to em.s.* */ #include "vmm.h" #include "vcpu.h" #include "vcpu_svm.h" #include "vcpu_vmx.h" /* libc memory allocator */ #include /* Genode libc pthread binding */ #include /* libc */ #include #include /* sched_yield */ #include "mm.h" /* VirtualBox includes */ #include #include extern "C" void PGMUnmapMemoryGenode(void *, RTGCPHYS, ::size_t); extern "C" void PGMFlushVMMemory(); enum { VERBOSE_PGM = false }; /* * Tracking required to fulfill VMM allocation requests of VM memory */ enum { CHUNKID_PAGE_START = 1, CHUNKID_PAGE_END = 2, CHUNKID_START = CHUNKID_PAGE_END + 1, ONE_PAGE_SIZE = 4096, PAGES_SUPERPAGE = GMM_CHUNK_SIZE / ONE_PAGE_SIZE, HANDY_PAGES = PAGES_SUPERPAGE * (CHUNKID_PAGE_END - CHUNKID_PAGE_START + 1), MAX_VM_MEMORY = 16ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, /* 16 Gb */ MAX_CHUNK_IDS = MAX_VM_MEMORY / GMM_CHUNK_SIZE, }; typedef Genode::Bit_allocator Page_ids; typedef Genode::Bit_array Free_ids; class Chunk_ids: public Genode::Bit_allocator { public: void reserve(Genode::addr_t bit_start, size_t const num) { _reserve(bit_start, num); }; }; static Page_ids page_ids; static Chunk_ids chunk_ids; struct Region : Genode::List::Element { Genode::uint64_t vmm_local; Genode::uint64_t size; Genode::Ram_dataspace_capability cap; Region(uint64_t gp, uint64_t gs, Genode::Ram_dataspace_capability c) : vmm_local(gp), size(gs), cap(c) { } bool contains(Genode::uint64_t p) { return (vmm_local <= p) && (p < vmm_local + size); } }; static Genode::List regions; static Genode::Allocator & heap() { static Genode::Heap heap(genode_env().ram(), genode_env().rm()); return heap; } static Sub_rm_connection &vm_memory(Genode::uint64_t vm_size = 0) { /* memory used by the VM in any order as the VMM asks for allocations */ static Sub_rm_connection vm_memory(genode_env(), vm_size); if (!vm_size) return vm_memory; using namespace Genode; /* create iterator for aligned allocation and attachment of memory */ addr_t const vmm_local = vm_memory.local_addr(0); Flexpage_iterator fli(vmm_local, vm_size, 0, ~0UL, 0); /* start iteration */ Flexpage memory = fli.page(); while (memory.valid()) { addr_t const memory_size = 1UL << memory.log2_order; addr_t allocated = 0; addr_t alloc_size = 128 * 1024 * 1024; if (alloc_size > memory_size) alloc_size = memory_size; while (allocated < memory_size) { Ram_dataspace_capability ds = genode_env().ram().alloc(alloc_size); addr_t to = vm_memory.attach_executable(ds, memory.addr + allocated - vmm_local, alloc_size); Assert(to == vm_memory.local_addr(memory.addr + allocated - vmm_local)); allocated += alloc_size; regions.insert(new (heap()) Region(to, alloc_size, ds)); if (memory_size - allocated < alloc_size) alloc_size = memory_size - allocated; } /* request next aligned memory range to be allocated and attached */ memory = fli.page(); } /* reserve chunkids which are special or unused */ chunk_ids.reserve(0, CHUNKID_START); addr_t const unused_id = CHUNKID_START + vm_size / GMM_CHUNK_SIZE; addr_t const unused_count = MAX_CHUNK_IDS - unused_id - 1; chunk_ids.reserve(unused_id, unused_count); return vm_memory; } static Genode::Vm_connection &vm_connection(long prio = 0) { static Genode::Vm_connection vm_session(genode_env(), "VBox vCPUs", prio); return vm_session; } /* * VCPU handling */ static Genode::List &vcpu_handler_list() { static Genode::List _inst; return _inst; } static Vcpu_handler *lookup_vcpu_handler(unsigned int cpu_id) { for (Vcpu_handler *vcpu_handler = vcpu_handler_list().first(); vcpu_handler; vcpu_handler = vcpu_handler->next()) if (vcpu_handler->cpu_id() == cpu_id) return vcpu_handler; return 0; } HRESULT genode_setup_machine(ComObjPtr machine) { ULONG memory_vbox; HRESULT rc = machine->COMGETTER(MemorySize)(&memory_vbox); if (FAILED(rc)) return rc; /* * Extra memory because of: * - first chunkid (0) can't be used (VBox don't like chunkid 0) * - second chunkid (1..2) is reserved for handy pages allocation * - another chunkid is used additional for handy pages but as large page */ size_t const vmm_memory = 1024ULL * 1024 * (memory_vbox + 16) + (CHUNKID_START + 1) * GMM_CHUNK_SIZE; HRESULT ret = genode_check_memory_config(machine, vmm_memory); if (ret == VINF_SUCCESS) vm_memory(vmm_memory); return ret; }; /* Genode specific function */ Genode::Xml_node platform_rom() { static Genode::Attached_rom_dataspace const platform(genode_env(), "platform_info"); return platform.xml().sub_node("hardware"); } void SUPR3QueryHWACCLonGenodeSupport(VM * pVM) { try { Genode::Xml_node const features = platform_rom().sub_node("features"); pVM->hm.s.svm.fSupported = features.attribute_value("svm", false); pVM->hm.s.vmx.fSupported = features.attribute_value("vmx", false); if (pVM->hm.s.svm.fSupported || pVM->hm.s.vmx.fSupported) { Genode::log("Using ", pVM->hm.s.svm.fSupported ? "SVM" : "VMX", " virtualization extension."); return; } } catch (...) { /* if we get an exception let hardware support off */ } Genode::warning("No virtualization hardware acceleration available"); } /* VirtualBox SUPLib interface */ int SUPR3QueryVTxSupported(void) { return VINF_SUCCESS; } int SUPR3CallVMMR0Fast(PVMR0 pVMR0, unsigned uOperation, VMCPUID idCpu) { switch (uOperation) { case SUP_VMMR0_DO_HM_RUN: Vcpu_handler *vcpu_handler = lookup_vcpu_handler(idCpu); Assert(vcpu_handler); return vcpu_handler->run_hw(pVMR0); } return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } int SUPR3PageAllocEx(::size_t cPages, uint32_t fFlags, void **ppvPages, PRTR0PTR pR0Ptr, PSUPPAGE paPages) { Assert(ppvPages); Assert(!fFlags); using Genode::Attached_ram_dataspace; Attached_ram_dataspace * ds = new (heap()) Attached_ram_dataspace(genode_env().ram(), genode_env().rm(), cPages * ONE_PAGE_SIZE); Genode::addr_t const vmm_local = reinterpret_cast(ds->local_addr()); regions.insert(new (heap()) Region(vmm_local, cPages * ONE_PAGE_SIZE, ds->cap())); *ppvPages = ds->local_addr(); if (pR0Ptr) *pR0Ptr = vmm_local; if (!paPages) return VINF_SUCCESS; for (unsigned iPage = 0; iPage < cPages; iPage++) { paPages[iPage].uReserved = 0; paPages[iPage].Phys = vmm_local + iPage * ONE_PAGE_SIZE; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } enum { MAX_TRACKING = 4 }; static struct { Free_ids free; unsigned freed; unsigned chunkid; } track_free[MAX_TRACKING]; static void partial_free_large_page(unsigned chunkid, unsigned page_id) { unsigned pos = 0; /* lookup if already exist */ for (; pos < MAX_TRACKING; pos++) { if (track_free[pos].chunkid == chunkid) break; } /* if not exist find free place */ if (pos >= MAX_TRACKING) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TRACKING; i++) { if (track_free[i].chunkid) continue; track_free[i].chunkid = chunkid; track_free[i].freed = 0; pos = i; break; } /* too many chunkids in use ? */ Assert (pos < MAX_TRACKING); if (pos >= MAX_TRACKING) return; } try { /* mark as in use */ track_free[pos].free.set(page_id, 1); track_free[pos].freed += 1; if (track_free[pos].freed >= 512) { /* slow ? optimize ? XXX */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < 512; i++) { if (!track_free[pos].free.get(i, 1)) throw 1; track_free[pos].free.clear(i, 1); } track_free[pos].chunkid = 0; track_free[pos].freed = 0; chunk_ids.free(chunkid); } } catch (...) { Genode::error(__func__," ", __LINE__, " allocation failed ", pos, ":", chunkid, ":", page_id); throw; } } int SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(PVMR0 pVMR0, VMCPUID idCpu, unsigned uOperation, uint64_t u64Arg, PSUPVMMR0REQHDR pReqHdr) { switch (uOperation) { case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_CREATE_VM: { genode_VMMR0_DO_GVMM_CREATE_VM(pReqHdr); GVMMCREATEVMREQ &req = reinterpret_cast(*pReqHdr); SUPR3QueryHWACCLonGenodeSupport(reinterpret_cast(req.pVMR3)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_REGISTER_VMCPU: genode_VMMR0_DO_GVMM_REGISTER_VMCPU(pVMR0, idCpu); return VINF_SUCCESS; case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_SCHED_HALT: { uint64_t const u64NowGip = RTTimeNanoTS(); uint64_t const ns_diff = u64Arg > u64NowGip ? u64Arg - u64NowGip : 0; if (!ns_diff) return VINF_SUCCESS; using namespace Genode; if (ns_diff > RT_NS_1SEC) warning(" more than 1 sec vcpu halt ", ns_diff, " ns"); Vcpu_handler *vcpu_handler = lookup_vcpu_handler(idCpu); Assert(vcpu_handler); vcpu_handler->halt(u64NowGip + ns_diff); return VINF_SUCCESS; } case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_SCHED_WAKE_UP: { Vcpu_handler *vcpu_handler = lookup_vcpu_handler(idCpu); Assert(vcpu_handler); vcpu_handler->wake_up(); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* called by 'vmR3HaltGlobal1Halt' */ case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_SCHED_POLL: return VINF_SUCCESS; case VMMR0_DO_VMMR0_INIT: return VINF_SUCCESS; case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_DESTROY_VM: case VMMR0_DO_VMMR0_TERM: case VMMR0_DO_HM_SETUP_VM: return VINF_SUCCESS; case VMMR0_DO_HM_ENABLE: return VINF_SUCCESS; case VMMR0_DO_GVMM_SCHED_POKE: { PVM pVM = reinterpret_cast(pVMR0); Vcpu_handler *vcpu_handler = lookup_vcpu_handler(idCpu); Assert(vcpu_handler); if (vcpu_handler) vcpu_handler->recall(pVM); return VINF_SUCCESS; } case VMMR0_DO_GMM_ALLOCATE_PAGES: { /* * VMM is asking for some host virtual memory pages without * allocating the backing store actually. The backing store allocation * takes place via VMMR0_DO_GMM_MAP_UNMAP_CHUNK. The assignment of the * guest addresses is known at this point. */ static_assert(PGM_HANDY_PAGES * ONE_PAGE_SIZE == GMM_CHUNK_SIZE, "Don't do that - you're going to waste tons of memory"); Assert(pReqHdr->u32Magic == SUPVMMR0REQHDR_MAGIC); /* XXX VMM/VMMR0/GMMR0.cpp check there XXX */ PGMMALLOCATEPAGESREQ req = reinterpret_cast(pReqHdr); for (unsigned i = 0; i < req->cPages; i++) { RTHCPHYS guest_addr = req->aPages[i].HCPhysGCPhys; unsigned long page_idx = 0; unsigned long chunk_id = 0; try { page_idx = page_ids.alloc(); chunk_id = CHUNKID_PAGE_START + page_idx / PAGES_SUPERPAGE; } catch (...) { Genode::error(__func__," ", __LINE__, " allocation failed"); throw; } Assert (page_idx <= GMM_PAGEID_IDX_MASK); req->aPages[i].idPage = (chunk_id << GMM_CHUNKID_SHIFT) | page_idx; req->aPages[i].HCPhysGCPhys = vm_memory().local_addr((chunk_id * GMM_CHUNK_SIZE) | (page_idx * ONE_PAGE_SIZE)); Assert(vm_memory().contains(req->aPages[i].HCPhysGCPhys)); #if 0 Genode::log("cPages ", Genode::Hex(req->cPages), " " "chunkID=", req->aPages[i].idPage >> GMM_CHUNKID_SHIFT, " " "pageIDX=", req->aPages[i].idPage & GMM_PAGEID_IDX_MASK, " " "idPage=", Genode::Hex(req->aPages[i].idPage), " " "GCPhys=", Genode::Hex(guest_addr), " " "HCPhys=", Genode::Hex(req->aPages[i].HCPhysGCPhys), " " "(", Genode::Hex(chunk_id * GMM_CHUNK_SIZE), " " "| ", Genode::Hex(page_idx * ONE_PAGE_SIZE), ") pageidx=", page_idx, " " "start_vm=", vm_memory().local_addr(0)); #endif } return VINF_SUCCESS; } case VMMR0_DO_GMM_MAP_UNMAP_CHUNK: { PGMMMAPUNMAPCHUNKREQ req = reinterpret_cast(pReqHdr); Assert(pReqHdr->u32Magic == SUPVMMR0REQHDR_MAGIC); Assert(req->idChunkUnmap == NIL_GMM_CHUNKID); Assert(req->idChunkMap != NIL_GMM_CHUNKID); Genode::addr_t local_addr_offset = (uintptr_t)req->idChunkMap << GMM_CHUNK_SHIFT; Genode::addr_t to = vm_memory().local_addr(local_addr_offset); req->pvR3 = reinterpret_cast(to); return VINF_SUCCESS; } case VMMR0_DO_GMM_QUERY_MEM_STATS: { PGMMMEMSTATSREQ req = reinterpret_cast(pReqHdr); req->cAllocPages = 0; req->cMaxPages = 0; req->cBalloonedPages = 0; return VINF_SUCCESS; } case VMMR0_DO_PGM_ALLOCATE_HANDY_PAGES: { /* * VMM is asking for some host virtual memory pages without * allocating the backing store actually. The backing store allocation * takes place via VMMR0_DO_GMM_MAP_UNMAP_CHUNK. The assignment of the * guest addresses to these host pages is unknown at this point. */ PVM pVM = reinterpret_cast(pVMR0); /* based on PGMR0PhysAllocateHandyPages() in VMM/VMMR0/PGMR0.cpp - start */ uint32_t iFirst = pVM->pgm.s.cHandyPages; uint32_t cPages = RT_ELEMENTS(pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages) - iFirst; uint32_t cPagesToUpdate = cPages; uint32_t cPagesToAlloc = cPages; /* based on PGMR0PhysAllocateHandyPages() in VMM/VMMR0/PGMR0.cpp - end */ /* based on GMMR0AllocateHandyPages in VMM/VMMR0/GMMR0.cpp - start */ unsigned iPage = 0; for (; iPage < cPagesToUpdate; iPage++) { AssertMsgReturn( ( pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].HCPhysGCPhys <= GMM_GCPHYS_LAST && !(pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].HCPhysGCPhys & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)) || pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].HCPhysGCPhys == NIL_RTHCPHYS || pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].HCPhysGCPhys == GMM_GCPHYS_UNSHAREABLE, ("#%#x: %RHp\n", iFirst + iPage, pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].HCPhysGCPhys), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertMsgReturn( pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].idPage <= GMM_PAGEID_LAST /*|| pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].idPage == NIL_GMM_PAGEID*/, ("#%#x: %#x\n", iFirst + iPage, pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].idPage), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertMsgReturn( pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].idPage <= GMM_PAGEID_LAST /*|| pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].idSharedPage == NIL_GMM_PAGEID*/, ("#%#x: %#x\n", iFirst + iPage, pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].idSharedPage), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } for (; iPage < cPagesToAlloc; iPage++) { AssertMsgReturn(pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].HCPhysGCPhys == NIL_RTHCPHYS, ("#%#x: %RHp\n", iFirst + iPage, pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].HCPhysGCPhys), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertMsgReturn(pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].idPage == NIL_GMM_PAGEID, ("#%#x: %#x\n", iFirst + iPage, pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].idPage), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertMsgReturn(pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].idSharedPage == NIL_GMM_PAGEID, ("#%#x: %#x\n", iFirst + iPage, pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + iPage].idSharedPage), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } Genode::uint64_t chunkid = 0; try { chunkid = chunk_ids.alloc(); } catch (...) { Genode::error(__func__," ", __LINE__, " allocation failed"); throw; } if (cPagesToAlloc != GMM_CHUNK_SIZE / ONE_PAGE_SIZE) Genode::log("special chunkid=", chunkid, " " "toupdate=", cPagesToUpdate, " " "toalloc=", cPagesToAlloc, " " "virt=", Genode::Hex(vm_memory().local_addr(chunkid << GMM_CHUNK_SHIFT))); for (unsigned i = 0; i < cPagesToUpdate; i++) { if (pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + i].idPage != NIL_GMM_PAGEID) { pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + i].idPage = NIL_GMM_PAGEID; pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + i].HCPhysGCPhys = NIL_RTHCPHYS; } if (pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + i].idSharedPage != NIL_GMM_PAGEID) AssertMsgReturn(false, ("%s %u - not implemented", __func__, __LINE__), VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < cPagesToAlloc; i++) { Assert(pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + i].HCPhysGCPhys == NIL_RTHCPHYS); Assert(pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + i].idPage == NIL_GMM_PAGEID); Assert(pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + i].idSharedPage == NIL_GMM_PAGEID); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < cPagesToUpdate; i++) { unsigned reverse = i; //cPagesToUpdate - 1 - i; Assert (pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + i].HCPhysGCPhys == NIL_RTHCPHYS); { pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + i].idPage = (chunkid << GMM_CHUNKID_SHIFT) | (iFirst + reverse); pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + i].idSharedPage = NIL_GMM_PAGEID; pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[iFirst + i].HCPhysGCPhys = vm_memory().local_addr((chunkid << GMM_CHUNK_SHIFT) | ((iFirst + reverse) * ONE_PAGE_SIZE)); } } /* based on GMMR0AllocateHandyPages in VMM/VMMR0/GMMR0.cpp - end */ /* based on PGMR0PhysAllocateHandyPages() in VMM/VMMR0/PGMR0.cpp - start */ pVM->pgm.s.cHandyPages = RT_ELEMENTS(pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages); i++) { Assert(pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[i].idPage != NIL_GMM_PAGEID); Assert(pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[i].idPage <= GMM_PAGEID_LAST); Assert(pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[i].idSharedPage == NIL_GMM_PAGEID); Assert(pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[i].HCPhysGCPhys != NIL_RTHCPHYS); Assert(!(pVM->pgm.s.aHandyPages[i].HCPhysGCPhys & ~X86_PTE_PAE_PG_MASK)); } /* based on PGMR0PhysAllocateHandyPages() in VMM/VMMR0/PGMR0.cpp - end */ return VINF_SUCCESS; } case VMMR0_DO_PGM_ALLOCATE_LARGE_HANDY_PAGE: { /* * VMM is asking for some host large virtual memory pages without * allocating the backing store actually. The backing store allocation * takes place via VMMR0_DO_GMM_MAP_UNMAP_CHUNK. The assignment of the * guest addresses to these host pages is unknown at this point. */ PVM pVM = reinterpret_cast(pVMR0); Assert(pVM); Assert(pVM->pgm.s.cLargeHandyPages == 0); try { Genode::uint64_t chunkid = chunk_ids.alloc(); pVM->pgm.s.aLargeHandyPage[0].idPage = (chunkid << GMM_CHUNKID_SHIFT); pVM->pgm.s.aLargeHandyPage[0].HCPhysGCPhys = vm_memory().local_addr(chunkid << GMM_CHUNK_SHIFT); pVM->pgm.s.cLargeHandyPages = 1; } catch (...) { Genode::error(__func__," ", __LINE__, " allocation failed"); throw; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } case VMMR0_DO_GMM_BALLOONED_PAGES: case VMMR0_DO_GMM_RESET_SHARED_MODULES: case VMMR0_DO_PGM_FLUSH_HANDY_PAGES: { PVM const pVM = reinterpret_cast(pVMR0); PVMCPU const pVCpu = &pVM->aCpus[idCpu]; /* if not in VM shutdown - complain - bug ahead */ if (pVCpu->em.s.enmState != EMSTATE_TERMINATING) Genode::error("unexpected call of type ", uOperation, ", " "em state=", (int)pVCpu->em.s.enmState); return VINF_SUCCESS; } case VMMR0_DO_GMM_FREE_PAGES: { if (u64Arg) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; PVM pVM = reinterpret_cast(pVMR0); PGMMFREEPAGESREQ pReq = reinterpret_cast(pReqHdr); AssertPtrReturn(pVM, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pReq, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertMsgReturn(pReq->Hdr.cbReq >= RT_UOFFSETOF(GMMFREEPAGESREQ, aPages[0]), ("%#x < %#x\n", pReq->Hdr.cbReq, RT_UOFFSETOF(GMMFREEPAGESREQ, aPages[0])), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertMsgReturn(pReq->Hdr.cbReq == RT_UOFFSETOF(GMMFREEPAGESREQ, aPages[pReq->cPages]), ("%#x != %#x\n", pReq->Hdr.cbReq, RT_UOFFSETOF(GMMFREEPAGESREQ, aPages[pReq->cPages])), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); uint32_t cPages = pReq->cPages; PGMMFREEPAGEDESC paPages = &pReq->aPages[0]; GMMACCOUNT enmAccount = pReq->enmAccount; AssertPtrReturn(paPages, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertMsgReturn(enmAccount > GMMACCOUNT_INVALID && enmAccount < GMMACCOUNT_END, ("%d\n", enmAccount), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertMsgReturn(cPages > 0 && cPages < RT_BIT(32 - PAGE_SHIFT), ("%#x\n", cPages), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); for (unsigned iPage = 0; iPage < cPages; iPage++) AssertMsgReturn( paPages[iPage].idPage <= GMM_PAGEID_LAST /*|| paPages[iPage].idPage == NIL_GMM_PAGEID*/, ("#%#x: %#x\n", iPage, paPages[iPage].idPage), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); for (uint32_t last_chunk = ~0U, iPage = 0; iPage < cPages; iPage++) { uint32_t const idPage = paPages[iPage].idPage; uint32_t const page_idx = idPage & GMM_PAGEID_IDX_MASK; uint32_t const chunkid = idPage >> GMM_CHUNKID_SHIFT; if (last_chunk != chunkid) { /* revoke mapping from guest VM */ PGMUnmapMemoryGenode(nullptr, (0UL + chunkid) << GMM_CHUNK_SHIFT, GMM_CHUNK_SIZE); last_chunk = chunkid; } if (CHUNKID_PAGE_START <= chunkid && chunkid <= CHUNKID_PAGE_END) { try { page_ids.free((chunkid - CHUNKID_PAGE_START) * PAGES_SUPERPAGE + page_idx); } catch (...) { Genode::error(__func__," ", __LINE__, " clearing failed"); throw; } } partial_free_large_page(chunkid, page_idx); paPages[iPage].idPage = NIL_GMM_PAGEID; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } case VMMR0_DO_GMM_INITIAL_RESERVATION: return VINF_SUCCESS; case VMMR0_DO_GMM_UPDATE_RESERVATION: return VINF_SUCCESS; default: Genode::error("SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex: unhandled uOperation ", uOperation, " ", (int)VMMR0_DO_PGM_ALLOCATE_HANDY_PAGES, " ", (int)VMMR0_DO_GMM_QUERY_MEM_STATS); return VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } } /** * Various support stuff. */ uint64_t genode_cpu_hz() { static uint64_t cpu_freq = 0; if (!cpu_freq) { try { platform_rom().sub_node("tsc").attribute("freq_khz").value(&cpu_freq); cpu_freq *= 1000ULL; } catch (...) { Genode::error("could not read out CPU frequency"); Genode::Lock lock; lock.lock(); } } return cpu_freq; } void PGMUnmapMemoryGenode(void *, RTGCPHYS guest_phys, ::size_t size) { vm_connection().detach(guest_phys, size); } extern "C" void PGMFlushVMMemory() { /* XXX PGMUnmapMemoryGenode on vm_session does not flush all caps */ PGMUnmapMemoryGenode(nullptr, 0, MAX_VM_MEMORY); } extern "C" int sched_yield(void) { static unsigned long counter = 0; if (++counter % 50000 == 0) Genode::warning(__func__, " called ", counter, " times"); return -1; } bool create_emt_vcpu(pthread_t * thread, ::size_t stack_size, void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *arg, Genode::Cpu_session * cpu_session, Genode::Affinity::Location location, unsigned int cpu_id, const char * name, long prio) { Genode::Xml_node const features = platform_rom().sub_node("features"); bool const svm = features.attribute_value("svm", false); bool const vmx = features.attribute_value("vmx", false); if (!svm && !vmx) return false; Vcpu_handler *vcpu_handler = 0; if (vmx) vcpu_handler = new (heap()) Vcpu_handler_vmx(genode_env(), stack_size, location, cpu_id, vm_connection(prio), heap()); if (svm) vcpu_handler = new (heap()) Vcpu_handler_svm(genode_env(), stack_size, location, cpu_id, vm_connection(prio), heap()); vcpu_handler_list().insert(vcpu_handler); Libc::pthread_create(thread, start_routine, arg, stack_size, name, cpu_session, location); return true; } static int _map_memory(Genode::Vm_connection &vm_session, RTGCPHYS const GCPhys, RTHCPHYS const vmm_local, size_t const mapping_size, bool writeable) { for (Region *region = regions.first(); region; region = region->next()) { if (!region->contains(vmm_local)) continue; bool retry = false; do { Genode::addr_t const offset = vmm_local - region->vmm_local; try { vm_session.with_upgrade([&]() { vm_session.attach(region->cap, GCPhys, { .offset = offset, .size = mapping_size, .executable = true, .writeable = writeable }); }); } catch (Genode::Vm_session::Region_conflict) { /* XXX PGMUnmapMemoryGenode on vm_session does not flush caps */ vm_session.detach(GCPhys, mapping_size); if (retry) { Genode::log("region conflict - ", Genode::Hex(GCPhys), " ", Genode::Hex(mapping_size), " vmm_local=", Genode::Hex(vmm_local), " ", region->cap, " region=", Genode::Hex(region->vmm_local), "+", Genode::Hex(region->size)); size_t detach_size = mapping_size; while (detach_size) { size_t const size = 4096; vm_session.detach(GCPhys + (mapping_size - detach_size), size); detach_size -= detach_size > size ? size : detach_size; } return VERR_PGM_DYNMAP_FAILED; } if (!retry) { retry = true; continue; } } retry = false; } while (retry); return VINF_SUCCESS; } Genode::error(" no mapping ?"); return VERR_PGM_DYNMAP_FAILED; } class Pgm_guard { private: VM &_vm; public: Pgm_guard(VM &vm) : _vm(vm) { pgmLock(&_vm); } ~Pgm_guard() { pgmUnlock(&_vm); } }; #include "PGMInline.h" int Vcpu_handler::map_memory(Genode::Vm_connection &vm_session, RTGCPHYS const GCPhys, RTGCUINT vbox_fault_reason) { _ept_fault_addr_type = PGMPAGETYPE_INVALID; PPGMRAMRANGE const pRam = pgmPhysGetRangeAtOrAbove(_vm, GCPhys); if (!pRam) return VERR_PGM_DYNMAP_FAILED; RTGCPHYS off = GCPhys - pRam->GCPhys; if (off >= pRam->cb) return VERR_PGM_DYNMAP_FAILED; unsigned iPage = off >> PAGE_SHIFT; PPGMPAGE pPage = &pRam->aPages[iPage]; _ept_fault_addr_type = PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage); /* * If page is not allocated (== zero page) and no MMIO or active page, allocate and map it * immediately. Important do not do this if A20 gate is disabled, A20 gate * is handled by IEM/REM in this case. */ if (PGM_PAGE_IS_ZERO(pPage) && !PGM_PAGE_IS_ALLOCATED(pPage) && !PGM_PAGE_HAS_ACTIVE_ALL_HANDLERS(pPage) && !PGM_PAGE_IS_SPECIAL_ALIAS_MMIO(pPage) && PGM_A20_IS_ENABLED(_vcpu)) { Pgm_guard guard(*_vm); pgmPhysPageMakeWritable(_vm, pPage, GCPhys); } if (PGM_PAGE_HAS_ACTIVE_ALL_HANDLERS(pPage) || PGM_PAGE_IS_SPECIAL_ALIAS_MMIO(pPage) || PGM_PAGE_IS_ZERO(pPage)) { if (PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage) != PGMPAGETYPE_MMIO && !PGM_PAGE_IS_ZERO(pPage)) { Genode::log(__LINE__, " GCPhys=", Genode::Hex(GCPhys), " ", PGM_PAGE_HAS_ACTIVE_ALL_HANDLERS(pPage), " ", PGM_PAGE_IS_SPECIAL_ALIAS_MMIO(pPage), " ", PGM_PAGE_IS_ZERO(pPage), " " " vbox_fault_reason=", Genode::Hex(vbox_fault_reason)); Genode::log(__LINE__, " GCPhys=", Genode::Hex(GCPhys), " " "host=", Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_HCPHYS(pPage)), " " "type=", Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage)), " " "writeable=true " "state=", Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_STATE(pPage))); } return VERR_PGM_DYNMAP_FAILED; } if (!PGM_PAGE_IS_ALLOCATED(pPage)) Genode::log("unknown page state ", Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_STATE(pPage)), " GCPhys=", Genode::Hex(GCPhys)); Assert(PGM_PAGE_IS_ALLOCATED(pPage)); if (PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage) != PGMPAGETYPE_RAM && PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage) != PGMPAGETYPE_MMIO2 && PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage) != PGMPAGETYPE_ROM) { if (VERBOSE_PGM) Genode::log(__LINE__, " GCPhys=", Genode::Hex(GCPhys), " " "vbox_fault_reason=", Genode::Hex(vbox_fault_reason), " " "host=", Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_HCPHYS(pPage)), " " "type=", Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage)), " " "state=", Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_STATE(pPage))); return VERR_PGM_DYNMAP_FAILED; } Assert(!PGM_PAGE_IS_ZERO(pPage)); /* write fault on a ROM region */ if (PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage) == PGMPAGETYPE_ROM && vbox_fault_reason & VMX_EXIT_QUALIFICATION_EPT_DATA_WRITE) { Genode::warning(__func__, " - write fault on ROM region!? gp=", Genode::Hex(GCPhys)); return VERR_PGM_DYNMAP_FAILED; } /* nothing should be mapped - otherwise we get endless overmap loops */ Assert(!(vbox_fault_reason & VMX_EXIT_QUALIFICATION_EPT_ENTRY_PRESENT)); bool const writeable = PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage) != PGMPAGETYPE_ROM; PPGMPHYSHANDLER handler = pgmHandlerPhysicalLookup(_vm, GCPhys); if (VERBOSE_PGM && PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage) == PGMPAGETYPE_MMIO2 && !handler) Genode::log(__LINE__, " GCPhys=", Genode::Hex(GCPhys), " ", "type=", Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage)), " " "state=", Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_STATE(pPage)), " " "- MMIO2 w/o handler"); if (PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage) == PGMPAGETYPE_MMIO2 && handler) { PFNPGMPHYSHANDLER pfnHandler = PGMPHYSHANDLER_GET_TYPE(_vm, handler)->CTX_SUFF(pfnHandler); if (!pfnHandler) { Genode::log(__LINE__, " GCPhys=", Genode::Hex(GCPhys), " " "type=", Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage))); return VERR_PGM_DYNMAP_FAILED; } void *pvUser = handler->CTX_SUFF(pvUser); if (!pvUser) { Genode::log(__LINE__, " GCPhys=", Genode::Hex(GCPhys), " " "type=", Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage))); return VERR_PGM_DYNMAP_FAILED; } PGMACCESSTYPE access_type = (vbox_fault_reason & VMX_EXIT_QUALIFICATION_EPT_DATA_WRITE) ? PGMACCESSTYPE_WRITE : PGMACCESSTYPE_READ; VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict = pfnHandler(_vm, _vcpu, GCPhys, nullptr, nullptr, 0, access_type, PGMACCESSORIGIN_HM, pvUser); if (rcStrict != VINF_PGM_HANDLER_DO_DEFAULT) { Genode::log(__LINE__, " nodefault GCPhys=", Genode::Hex(GCPhys), " " "type=", Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage)), " " "pfnHandler=", pfnHandler); return VERR_PGM_DYNMAP_FAILED; } } /* if (VERBOSE_PGM) Genode::log(Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_HCPHYS(pPage)), "->", Genode::Hex(GCPhys), " type=", PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage), " state=", PGM_PAGE_GET_STATE(pPage), " pde_type=", PGM_PAGE_GET_PDE_TYPE(pPage), PGM_PAGE_GET_PDE_TYPE(pPage) == PGM_PAGE_PDE_TYPE_PDE ? "(is pde)" : "(not pde)", " iPage=", iPage, " range_start=", Genode::Hex(pRam->GCPhys), " range_size=", Genode::Hex(pRam->cb), " pages=", pRam->cb >> PAGE_SHIFT ); */ if (PGM_PAGE_GET_PDE_TYPE(pPage) != PGM_PAGE_PDE_TYPE_PDE) return _map_memory(vm_session, GCPhys, PGM_PAGE_GET_HCPHYS(pPage), 4096, writeable); /* one page mapping */ Genode::addr_t const superpage_log2 = 21; Genode::addr_t const max_pages = pRam->cb >> PAGE_SHIFT; Genode::addr_t const superpage_pages = (1UL << superpage_log2) / 4096; Genode::addr_t const mask = (1UL << superpage_log2) - 1; Genode::addr_t const super_gcphys = GCPhys & ~mask; RTGCPHYS max_off = super_gcphys - pRam->GCPhys; if (max_off > pRam->cb) return _map_memory(vm_session, GCPhys, PGM_PAGE_GET_HCPHYS(pPage), 4096, writeable); /* one page mapping */ Genode::addr_t const super_hcphys = PGM_PAGE_GET_HCPHYS(pPage) & ~mask; unsigned const i_s = max_off >> PAGE_SHIFT; if (i_s + superpage_pages > max_pages) return _map_memory(vm_session, GCPhys, PGM_PAGE_GET_HCPHYS(pPage), 4096, writeable); /* one page mapping */ if (VERBOSE_PGM) Genode::log(Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_HCPHYS(pPage)), "->", Genode::Hex(GCPhys), " - iPage ", iPage, " [", i_s, ",", i_s + superpage_pages, ")", " " "range_size=", Genode::Hex(pRam->cb)); /* paranoia sanity checks */ for (Genode::addr_t i = i_s; i < i_s + superpage_pages; i++) { PPGMPAGE page = &pRam->aPages[i]; Genode::addr_t const gcpage = pRam->GCPhys + (i << PAGE_SHIFT); if (!(super_hcphys == (PGM_PAGE_GET_HCPHYS(page) & ~mask)) || !(super_gcphys == (gcpage & ~mask)) || !(PGM_PAGE_GET_PDE_TYPE(page) == PGM_PAGE_PDE_TYPE_PDE) || !(PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(page) == PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage)) || !(PGM_PAGE_GET_STATE(page) == PGM_PAGE_GET_STATE(pPage))) { if (VERBOSE_PGM) Genode::error(Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_HCPHYS(pPage)), "->", Genode::Hex(GCPhys), " - iPage ", iPage, " i ", i, " [", i_s, ",", i_s + superpage_pages, ")", " " "range_size=", Genode::Hex(pRam->cb), " " "super_hcphys=", Genode::Hex(super_hcphys), "?=", Genode::Hex((PGM_PAGE_GET_HCPHYS(page) & ~mask)), " " "super_gcphys=", Genode::Hex(super_gcphys), "?=", Genode::Hex((gcpage & ~mask)), " ", (int)(PGM_PAGE_GET_PDE_TYPE(page)), "?=", (int)PGM_PAGE_PDE_TYPE_PDE, " ", (int)(PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(page)), "?=", (int)PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage), " ", (int)(PGM_PAGE_GET_STATE(page)), "?=", (int)PGM_PAGE_GET_STATE(pPage)); return _map_memory(vm_session, GCPhys, PGM_PAGE_GET_HCPHYS(pPage), 4096, writeable); /* one page mapping */ } } /* XXX revoke of old mappings required ? */ /* super page mapping */ return _map_memory(vm_session, super_gcphys, super_hcphys, 1UL << superpage_log2, writeable); } Genode::uint64_t * Vcpu_handler::pdpte_map(VM *pVM, RTGCPHYS cr3) { Pgm_guard guard(*_vm); PPGMRAMRANGE pRam = pgmPhysGetRangeAtOrAbove(pVM, cr3); Assert (pRam); RTGCPHYS off = cr3 - pRam->GCPhys; Assert (off < pRam->cb); unsigned iPage = off >> PAGE_SHIFT; PPGMPAGE pPage = &pRam->aPages[iPage]; /* if (VERBOSE_PGM) Genode::log(__LINE__, " gcphys=", Genode::Hex(cr3), " host=", Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_HCPHYS(pPage)), " type=", Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_TYPE(pPage)), " state=",Genode::Hex(PGM_PAGE_GET_STATE(pPage))); */ Genode::uint64_t *pdpte = reinterpret_cast(PGM_PAGE_GET_HCPHYS(pPage) + (cr3 & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK)); Assert(pdpte != 0); return pdpte; } static PFNRTTIMER rttimer_func = nullptr; static void * rttimer_obj = nullptr; enum { UPDATE_HZ = 1000, UPDATE_US = 1000 * 1000 / UPDATE_HZ, UPDATE_NS = UPDATE_US * 1000, }; PSUPGLOBALINFOPAGE g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage; class Periodic_gip { private : void update() { /** * We're using rdtsc here since timer_session->elapsed_ms produces * instable results when the timer service is using the Genode PIC * driver. */ Genode::uint64_t tsc_current = Genode::Trace::timestamp(); /* * Convert tsc to nanoseconds. * * There is no 'uint128_t' type on x86_32, so we use the 128-bit type * and functions provided by VirtualBox. * * nanots128 = tsc_current * 1000*1000*1000 / genode_cpu_hz() * */ RTUINT128U nanots128; RTUInt128AssignU64(&nanots128, tsc_current); RTUINT128U multiplier; RTUInt128AssignU32(&multiplier, 1000*1000*1000); RTUInt128AssignMul(&nanots128, &multiplier); RTUINT128U divisor; RTUInt128AssignU64(&divisor, genode_cpu_hz()); RTUInt128AssignDiv(&nanots128, &divisor); SUPGIPCPU *cpu = &g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage->aCPUs[0]; /* * Transaction id must be incremented before and after update, * read struct SUPGIPCPU description for more details. */ ASMAtomicIncU32(&cpu->u32TransactionId); cpu->u64TSC = tsc_current; cpu->u64NanoTS = nanots128.s.Lo; /* * Transaction id must be incremented before and after update, * read struct SUPGIPCPU description for more details. */ ASMAtomicIncU32(&cpu->u32TransactionId); /* call the timer function of the RTTimerCreate call */ if (rttimer_func) rttimer_func(nullptr, rttimer_obj, 0); for (Vcpu_handler *vcpu_handler = vcpu_handler_list().first(); vcpu_handler; vcpu_handler = vcpu_handler->next()) { vcpu_handler->check_time(); } } public: Timer::Connection _timer; Genode::Signal_handler _timer_handler; Periodic_gip(Genode::Env &env) : _timer(env), _timer_handler(env.ep(), *this, &Periodic_gip::update) { _timer.sigh(_timer_handler); _timer.trigger_periodic(UPDATE_US); } }; struct Attached_gip : Genode::Attached_ram_dataspace { Attached_gip() : Attached_ram_dataspace(genode_env().ram(), genode_env().rm(), PAGE_SIZE) { g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage = local_addr(); /* checked by TMR3Init */ g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage->u32Version = SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE_VERSION; g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage->u32Magic = SUPGLOBALINFOPAGE_MAGIC; g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage->u32Mode = SUPGIPMODE_SYNC_TSC; g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage->cCpus = 1; g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage->cPages = 1; g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage->u32UpdateHz = UPDATE_HZ; g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage->u32UpdateIntervalNS = UPDATE_NS; g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage->cOnlineCpus = 0; g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage->cPresentCpus = 0; g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage->cPossibleCpus = 0; g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage->idCpuMax = 0; g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage->u64CpuHz = genode_cpu_hz(); /* evaluated by rtTimeNanoTSInternalRediscover in Runtime/common/time/timesup.cpp */ g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage->fGetGipCpu = SUPGIPGETCPU_APIC_ID; SUPGIPCPU *cpu = &g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage->aCPUs[0]; cpu->u32TransactionId = 0; cpu->u32UpdateIntervalTSC = genode_cpu_hz() / UPDATE_HZ; cpu->u64NanoTS = 0ULL; cpu->u64TSC = 0ULL; cpu->u64CpuHz = genode_cpu_hz(); cpu->cErrors = 0; cpu->iTSCHistoryHead = 0; cpu->u32PrevUpdateIntervalNS = UPDATE_NS; cpu->enmState = SUPGIPCPUSTATE_ONLINE; cpu->idCpu = 0; cpu->iCpuSet = 0; cpu->idApic = 0; /* schedule periodic call of GIP update function */ static Periodic_gip periodic_gip(genode_env()); } }; int RTTimerCreate(PRTTIMER *pptimer, unsigned ms, PFNRTTIMER func, void *obj) { if (pptimer) *pptimer = NULL; /* used solely at one place in TM.cpp */ Assert(!rttimer_func); /* * Ignore (10) ms which is too high for audio. Instead the callback * handler will run at UPDATE_HZ rate. */ rttimer_func = func; rttimer_obj = obj; return VINF_SUCCESS; } int RTTimerDestroy(PRTTIMER) { rttimer_obj = nullptr; rttimer_func = nullptr; return VINF_SUCCESS; } int SUPR3Init(PSUPDRVSESSION *ppSession) { static Attached_gip gip; return VINF_SUCCESS; } int SUPR3GipGetPhys(PRTHCPHYS pHCPhys) { /* * Return VMM-local address as physical address. This address is * then fed to MMR3HyperMapHCPhys. (TMR3Init) */ *pHCPhys = (RTHCPHYS)g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage; return VINF_SUCCESS; }