/* * \brief Linux emulation code * \author Sebastian Sumpf * \author Josef Soentgen * \author Emery Hemingway * \date 2013-08-28 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2. */ /* Genode includes */ #include #include #include /* local includes */ #include #include class Nic_client { private: enum { PACKET_SIZE = Nic::Packet_allocator::DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE, BUF_SIZE = Nic::Session::QUEUE_SIZE * PACKET_SIZE, }; Nic::Packet_allocator _tx_block_alloc; Nic::Connection _nic; Genode::Io_signal_handler _sink_ack; Genode::Io_signal_handler _sink_submit; Genode::Io_signal_handler _source_ack; Genode::Io_signal_handler _link_state_change; void (*_tick)(); void _link_state() { if (_nic.link_state() == false || lxip_do_dhcp() == false) return; Lx::timer_update_jiffies(); /* reconnect dhcp client */ lxip_configure_dhcp(); } /** * submit queue not empty anymore */ void _packet_avail() { Lx::timer_update_jiffies(); /* process a batch of only MAX_PACKETS in one run */ enum { MAX_PACKETS = 20 }; int count = 0; while (_nic.rx()->packet_avail() && _nic.rx()->ready_to_ack() && count++ < MAX_PACKETS) { Nic::Packet_descriptor p = _nic.rx()->get_packet(); net_driver_rx(_nic.rx()->packet_content(p), p.size()); _nic.rx()->acknowledge_packet(p); } /* schedule next batch if there are still packets available */ if (_nic.rx()->packet_avail()) Genode::Signal_transmitter(_sink_submit).submit(); /* tick the higher layer of the component */ _tick(); } /** * acknoledgement queue not full anymore */ void _ready_to_ack() { _packet_avail(); } /** * acknoledgement queue not empty anymore */ void _ack_avail() { while (_nic.tx()->ack_avail()) { Nic::Packet_descriptor p = _nic.tx()->get_acked_packet(); _nic.tx()->release_packet(p); } } public: Nic_client(Genode::Env &env, Genode::Entrypoint &ep, Genode::Allocator &alloc, void (*ticker)()) : _tx_block_alloc(&alloc), _nic(env, &_tx_block_alloc, BUF_SIZE, BUF_SIZE), _sink_ack(ep, *this, &Nic_client::_packet_avail), _sink_submit(ep, *this, &Nic_client::_ready_to_ack), _source_ack(ep, *this, &Nic_client::_ack_avail), _link_state_change(ep, *this, &Nic_client::_link_state), _tick(ticker) { _nic.rx_channel()->sigh_ready_to_ack(_sink_ack); _nic.rx_channel()->sigh_packet_avail(_sink_submit); _nic.tx_channel()->sigh_ack_avail(_source_ack); _nic.link_state_sigh(_link_state_change); /* ready_to_submit not handled */ } Nic::Connection *nic() { return &_nic; } }; static Nic_client *_nic_client; void Lx::nic_client_init(Genode::Env &env, Genode::Entrypoint &ep, Genode::Allocator &alloc, void (*ticker)()) { static Nic_client _inst(env, ep, alloc, ticker); _nic_client = &_inst; } /** * Call by back-end driver while initializing */ void net_mac(void* mac, unsigned long size) { enum { MAC_LEN = 17, ETH_ALEN = 6, }; char str[MAC_LEN + 1]; using namespace Genode; Nic::Mac_address m = _nic_client->nic()->mac_address(); Genode::memcpy(mac, &m.addr, min(sizeof(m.addr), (size_t)size)); unsigned char const *mac_addr = (unsigned char const*)m.addr; for (int i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) { Genode::snprintf((char *)&str[i * 3], 3, "%02x", mac_addr[i]); if ((i * 3) < MAC_LEN) str[(i * 3) + 2] = ':'; } str[MAC_LEN] = 0; Genode::log("Received mac: ", Cstring(str)); } /** * Call by back-end driver when a packet should be sent */ int net_tx(void* addr, unsigned long len) { try { Nic::Packet_descriptor packet = _nic_client->nic()->tx()->alloc_packet(len); void* content = _nic_client->nic()->tx()->packet_content(packet); Genode::memcpy((char *)content, addr, len); _nic_client->nic()->tx()->submit_packet(packet); return 0; /* Packet_alloc_failed */ } catch(...) { return 1; } }