## # Power on the target machine via magic Wake On Lan packets # # \param --power-on-wol-mac MAC address of target machine # # \param --power-on-wol-dev Outgoing network interface # source [genode_dir]/tool/run/amt.inc proc power_on_wol_mac { } { return [get_cmd_arg_first --power-on-wol-mac ""] } proc power_on_wol_dev { } { return [get_cmd_arg_first --power-on-wol-dev "eth0"] } proc run_power_on { } { if {[power_on_wol_mac] == ""} { puts stderr {wake-on-lan MAC address not specified} exit -1 } if {![have_installed etherwake]} { puts stderr {'etherwake' utitity for using wake-on-lan is not installed} exit -1 } puts "sending magic WOL packet..." exec sudo ip link set [power_on_wol_dev] up exec sudo etherwake -i [power_on_wol_dev] [power_on_wol_mac] return true }