#!/usr/bin/make -f # # \brief Print a list of missing ports for given API/source/raw archives # \author Martin Stein # \date 2019-05-15 # define HELP_MESSAGE Print a list of missing ports for given API/source/raw archives usage: $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) ... The argument denotes the archive to process in the form of a path. The first path element corresponds to the identity of the archive creator, the second element corresponds to the type of the archive, and the third element refers to the recipe of the archive description. E.g., the user 'alan' may have the following archives: alan/api/libc - an API archive for the libc alan/src/zlib - a source archive for the zlib library The following arguments tweak the operation of the tool: VERBOSE= Show individual operations. -j Enable the parallel processing of packages where denotes the level of parallelism. endef export GENODE_DIR := $(realpath $(dir $(MAKEFILE_LIST))/../..) # the missing-ports tool expects archive paths given without the version element BIN_PKG_PATH_ELEMS := 4 include $(GENODE_DIR)/tool/depot/mk/front_end.inc include $(GENODE_DIR)/tool/depot/mk/categorize_args.inc include $(GENODE_DIR)/tool/depot/mk/extract_pre_dependencies.inc include $(GENODE_DIR)/tool/depot/mk/dependencies.inc include $(GENODE_DIR)/tool/depot/mk/extract_post_dependencies.inc $(MAKECMDGOALS): dump_missing_ports_file $(VERBOSE)true dump_missing_ports_file: update_missing_ports_file $(VERBOSE)echo $(call sorted_file_content,$(MISSING_PORTS_FILE))