content: src/noux-pkg/tcl src/noux-pkg/tclsh LICENSE README PORT_DIR := $(call port_dir,$(REP_DIR)/ports/tcl) TCL_CONTENT := unix generic compat libtommath PORT_LIB_FILES := \ clock.tcl dde/pkgIndex.tcl http/pkgIndex.tcl http1.0/pkgIndex.tcl init.tcl \ msgcat/msgcat.tcl msgcat/pkgIndex.tcl opt/pkgIndex.tcl package.tcl \ platform/pkgIndex.tcl reg/pkgIndex.tcl tcltest/pkgIndex.tcl tm.tcl \ tzdata/Etc/UTC tzdata/UTC tclIndex src/noux-pkg/tcl: mkdir -p $@/library cp -a $(addprefix $(PORT_DIR)/src/noux-pkg/tcl/,$(TCL_CONTENT)) $@ $(VERBOSE)tar -C $(PORT_DIR)/src/noux-pkg/tcl/library -cf - $(PORT_LIB_FILES) | tar -C $@/library -xf - src/noux-pkg/tclsh: mkdir -p $@ cp -a $(REP_DIR)/src/noux-pkg/tclsh/* $@ LICENSE: cp $(PORT_DIR)/src/noux-pkg/tcl/license.terms $@ include $(REP_DIR)/ports/tcl.port README: ( echo "This archive is a stripped-down version of the Tcl source archive"; \ echo "that merely contains the source codes needed to build tclsh for Genode."; \ echo "For the original source archive, refer to:"; \ echo "${URL(tcl)}" ) > $@