/* * \brief Core implementation of the CPU session/thread interfaces * \author Christian Helmuth * \date 2006-07-17 * * FIXME arg_string and quota missing */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ /* Genode includes */ #include #include /* core includes */ #include #include #include using namespace Genode; static constexpr bool verbose = false; void Cpu_thread_component::update_exception_sigh() { if (platform_thread()->pager()) platform_thread()->pager()->exception_handler(_sigh); }; Thread_capability Cpu_session_component::create_thread(size_t weight, Name const &name, addr_t utcb) { unsigned trace_control_index = 0; if (!_trace_control_area.alloc(trace_control_index)) throw Out_of_metadata(); Trace::Control * const trace_control = _trace_control_area.at(trace_control_index); Trace::Thread_name thread_name(name.string()); Cpu_thread_component *thread = 0; if (weight == 0) { PWRN("Thread %s: Bad weight 0, using %i instead.", name.string(), DEFAULT_WEIGHT); weight = DEFAULT_WEIGHT; } if (weight > QUOTA_LIMIT) { PWRN("Thread %s: Oversized weight %zu, using %i instead.", name.string(), weight, QUOTA_LIMIT); weight = QUOTA_LIMIT; } Lock::Guard thread_list_lock_guard(_thread_list_lock); _incr_weight(weight); try { Lock::Guard slab_lock_guard(_thread_alloc_lock); thread = new(&_thread_alloc) Cpu_thread_component( weight, _weight_to_quota(weight), _label, thread_name, _priority, utcb, _default_exception_handler, trace_control_index, *trace_control); /* set default affinity defined by CPU session */ thread->platform_thread()->affinity(_location); } catch (Allocator::Out_of_memory) { throw Out_of_metadata(); } _thread_list.insert(thread); _trace_sources.insert(thread->trace_source()); return _thread_ep->manage(thread); } void Cpu_session_component::_unsynchronized_kill_thread(Thread_capability thread_cap) { Cpu_thread_component *thread; _thread_ep->apply(thread_cap, [&] (Cpu_thread_component *t) { if ((thread = t)) _thread_ep->dissolve(thread); }); if (!thread) return; _thread_list.remove(thread); _trace_sources.remove(thread->trace_source()); unsigned const trace_control_index = thread->trace_control_index(); _decr_weight(thread->weight()); { Lock::Guard lock_guard(_thread_alloc_lock); destroy(&_thread_alloc, thread); } _trace_control_area.free(trace_control_index); } void Cpu_session_component::kill_thread(Thread_capability thread_cap) { Lock::Guard lock_guard(_thread_list_lock); _unsynchronized_kill_thread(thread_cap); } int Cpu_session_component::set_pager(Thread_capability thread_cap, Pager_capability pager_cap) { auto lambda = [&] (Cpu_thread_component *thread) { if (!thread) return -1; auto p_lambda = [&] (Pager_object *p) { if (!p) return -2; thread->platform_thread()->pager(p); p->thread_cap(thread->cap()); return 0; }; return _pager_ep->apply(pager_cap, p_lambda); }; return _thread_ep->apply(thread_cap, lambda); } int Cpu_session_component::start(Thread_capability thread_cap, addr_t ip, addr_t sp) { auto lambda = [&] (Cpu_thread_component *thread) { if (!thread) return -1; /* * If an exception handler was installed prior to the call of 'set_pager', * we need to update the pager object with the current exception handler. */ thread->update_exception_sigh(); return thread->platform_thread()->start((void *)ip, (void *)sp); }; return _thread_ep->apply(thread_cap, lambda); } void Cpu_session_component::pause(Thread_capability thread_cap) { auto lambda = [this] (Cpu_thread_component *thread) { if (!thread) return; thread->platform_thread()->pause(); }; _thread_ep->apply(thread_cap, lambda); } void Cpu_session_component::resume(Thread_capability thread_cap) { auto lambda = [this] (Cpu_thread_component *thread) { if (!thread) return; thread->platform_thread()->resume(); }; _thread_ep->apply(thread_cap, lambda); } void Cpu_session_component::cancel_blocking(Thread_capability thread_cap) { auto lambda = [this] (Cpu_thread_component *thread) { if (!thread) return; thread->platform_thread()->cancel_blocking(); }; _thread_ep->apply(thread_cap, lambda); } Thread_state Cpu_session_component::state(Thread_capability thread_cap) { auto lambda = [this] (Cpu_thread_component *thread) { if (!thread) throw State_access_failed(); return thread->platform_thread()->state(); }; return _thread_ep->apply(thread_cap, lambda); } void Cpu_session_component::state(Thread_capability thread_cap, Thread_state const &state) { auto lambda = [&] (Cpu_thread_component *thread) { if (!thread) throw State_access_failed(); thread->platform_thread()->state(state); }; _thread_ep->apply(thread_cap, lambda); } void Cpu_session_component::exception_handler(Thread_capability thread_cap, Signal_context_capability sigh_cap) { /* * By specifying an invalid thread capability, the caller sets the default * exception handler for the CPU session. */ if (!thread_cap.valid()) { _default_exception_handler = sigh_cap; return; } /* * If an invalid signal handler is specified for a valid thread, we revert * the signal handler to the CPU session's default signal handler. */ if (!sigh_cap.valid()) { sigh_cap = _default_exception_handler; } auto lambda = [&] (Cpu_thread_component *thread) { if (!thread) return; thread->sigh(sigh_cap); }; _thread_ep->apply(thread_cap, lambda); } Affinity::Space Cpu_session_component::affinity_space() const { /* * Return affinity subspace as constrained by the CPU session * affinity. */ return Affinity::Space(_location.width(), _location.height()); } void Cpu_session_component::affinity(Thread_capability thread_cap, Affinity::Location location) { auto lambda = [&] (Cpu_thread_component *thread) { if (!thread) return; /* convert session-local location to physical location */ int const x1 = location.xpos() + _location.xpos(), y1 = location.ypos() + _location.ypos(), x2 = location.xpos() + location.width(), y2 = location.ypos() + location.height(); int const clipped_x1 = max(_location.xpos(), x1), clipped_y1 = max(_location.ypos(), y1), clipped_x2 = max(_location.xpos() + (int)_location.width() - 1, x2), clipped_y2 = max(_location.ypos() + (int)_location.height() - 1, y2); thread->platform_thread()->affinity(Affinity::Location(clipped_x1, clipped_y1, clipped_x2 - clipped_x1 + 1, clipped_y2 - clipped_y1 + 1)); }; _thread_ep->apply(thread_cap, lambda); } Dataspace_capability Cpu_session_component::trace_control() { return _trace_control_area.dataspace(); } unsigned Cpu_session_component::trace_control_index(Thread_capability thread_cap) { auto lambda = [] (Cpu_thread_component *thread) -> unsigned { if (!thread) return 0; return thread->trace_control_index(); }; return _thread_ep->apply(thread_cap, lambda); } Dataspace_capability Cpu_session_component::trace_buffer(Thread_capability thread_cap) { auto lambda = [this] (Cpu_thread_component *thread) { if (!thread) return Dataspace_capability(); return thread->trace_source()->buffer(); }; return _thread_ep->apply(thread_cap, lambda); } Dataspace_capability Cpu_session_component::trace_policy(Thread_capability thread_cap) { auto lambda = [this] (Cpu_thread_component *thread) { if (!thread) return Dataspace_capability(); return thread->trace_source()->policy(); }; return _thread_ep->apply(thread_cap, lambda); } static size_t remaining_session_ram_quota(char const *args) { /* * We don't need to consider an underflow here because * 'Cpu_root::_create_session' already checks for the condition. */ return Arg_string::find_arg(args, "ram_quota").ulong_value(0) - Trace::Control_area::SIZE; } void Cpu_session_component::_transfer_quota(Cpu_session_component * const dst, size_t const quota) { if (!quota) { return; } _decr_quota(quota); dst->_incr_quota(quota); } int Cpu_session_component::transfer_quota(Cpu_session_capability dst_cap, size_t amount) { /* lookup targeted CPU session */ auto lambda = [&] (Cpu_session_component *dst) { if (!dst) { PWRN("Transfer CPU quota, %s, targeted session not found", _label.string()); return -1; } /* check reference relationship */ if (dst->_ref != this && dst != _ref) { PWRN("Transfer CPU quota, %s -> %s, no reference relation", _label.string(), dst->_label.string()); return -2; } /* check quota availability */ size_t const quota = quota_lim_downscale(_quota, amount); if (quota > _quota) { PWRN("Transfer CPU quota, %s -> %s, insufficient quota %zu, need %zu", _label.string(), dst->_label.string(), _quota, quota); return -3; } /* transfer quota */ _transfer_quota(dst, quota); return 0; }; return _session_ep->apply(dst_cap, lambda); } int Cpu_session_component::ref_account(Cpu_session_capability ref_cap) { /* * Ensure that the ref account is set only once * * FIXME Add check for cycles along the tree of reference accounts */ if (_ref) { PWRN("Set ref account, %s, set already", _label.string()); return -2; } /* lookup and check targeted CPU-session */ auto lambda = [&] (Cpu_session_component *ref) { if (!ref) { PWRN("Set ref account, %s, targeted session not found", _label.string()); return -1; } if (ref == this) { PWRN("Set ref account, %s, self reference not allowed", _label.string()); return -3; } /* establish ref-account relation from targeted CPU-session to us */ _ref = ref; _ref->_insert_ref_member(this); return 0; }; return _session_ep->apply(ref_cap, lambda); } Cpu_session_component::Cpu_session_component(Rpc_entrypoint *session_ep, Rpc_entrypoint *thread_ep, Pager_entrypoint *pager_ep, Allocator *md_alloc, Trace::Source_registry &trace_sources, char const *args, Affinity const &affinity, size_t const quota) : _session_ep(session_ep), _thread_ep(thread_ep), _pager_ep(pager_ep), _md_alloc(md_alloc, remaining_session_ram_quota(args)), _thread_alloc(&_md_alloc), _priority(0), /* map affinity to a location within the physical affinity space */ _location(affinity.scale_to(platform()->affinity_space())), _trace_sources(trace_sources), _quota(quota), _ref(0) { /* remember session label */ char buf[Session_label::size()]; Arg_string::find_arg(args, "label").string(buf, sizeof(buf), ""); _label = Session_label(buf); Arg a = Arg_string::find_arg(args, "priority"); if (a.valid()) { _priority = a.ulong_value(0); /* clamp priority value to valid range */ _priority = min((unsigned)PRIORITY_LIMIT - 1, _priority); } } Cpu_session_component::~Cpu_session_component() { _deinit_threads(); _deinit_ref_account(); } void Cpu_session_component::_deinit_ref_account() { /* without a ref-account, nothing has do be done */ if (!_ref) { return; } /* give back our remaining quota to our ref account */ _transfer_quota(_ref, _quota); /* remove ref-account relation between us and our ref-account */ Cpu_session_component * const orig_ref = _ref; _ref->_remove_ref_member(this); /* redirect ref-account relation of ref members to our prior ref account */ Lock::Guard lock_guard(_ref_members_lock); for (Cpu_session_component * s; (s = _ref_members.first()); ) { _unsync_remove_ref_member(s); orig_ref->_insert_ref_member(s); } } void Cpu_session_component::_deinit_threads() { Lock::Guard lock_guard(_thread_list_lock); /* * We have to keep the '_thread_list_lock' during the whole destructor to * prevent races with incoming calls of the 'create_thread' function, * adding new threads while we are destroying them. */ for (Cpu_thread_component *thread; (thread = _thread_list.first()); ) _unsynchronized_kill_thread(thread->cap()); } void Cpu_session_component:: _update_thread_quota(Cpu_thread_component * const thread) const { thread->platform_thread()->quota(_weight_to_quota(thread->weight())); } void Cpu_session_component::_incr_weight(size_t const weight) { _weight += weight; if (_quota) { _update_each_thread_quota(); } } void Cpu_session_component::_decr_weight(size_t const weight) { _weight -= weight; if (_quota) { _update_each_thread_quota(); } } void Cpu_session_component::_decr_quota(size_t const quota) { Lock::Guard lock_guard(_thread_list_lock); _quota -= quota; _update_each_thread_quota(); } void Cpu_session_component::_incr_quota(size_t const quota) { Lock::Guard lock_guard(_thread_list_lock); _quota += quota; _update_each_thread_quota(); } void Cpu_session_component::_update_each_thread_quota() { Cpu_thread_component * thread = _thread_list.first(); for (; thread; thread = thread->next()) { _update_thread_quota(thread); } } size_t Cpu_session_component::_weight_to_quota(size_t const weight) const { return (weight * _quota) / _weight; } /**************************** ** Trace::Source_registry ** ****************************/ unsigned Trace::Source::_alloc_unique_id() { static Lock lock; static unsigned cnt; Lock::Guard guard(lock); return cnt++; }