#!/usr/bin/tclsh # # \brief Convert C++ code to html # \author Norman Feske # \date 2008-06-14 # ################################################# ## Read input and fill internal representation ## ################################################# ## # Find location of 'parse_cxx' # # We expect to find 'parse_cxx' in the same directory # as we are located. The question is: Where are we? ## proc parse_cxx_file { } { global argv0 set path $argv0 if {[file type $path] == "link"} { set path [file readlink $path] } set parse_cxx_file "[file dirname $path]/parse_cxx" if {![file exists $parse_cxx_file]} { puts stderr "Error: Could not find 'parse_cxx' in '$path'." exit -1 } return $parse_cxx_file } set input_source [lindex $argv end] if {[catch { if {[info exists input_token_file]} { set tokens [exec cat $input_token_file] } else { set tokens [exec [parse_cxx_file] -format tokens $input_source] } }]} { puts stderr "" puts stderr "Convert C++ code to HTML" puts stderr "\n usage: cxx_to_html \[\]" puts stderr "" puts stderr "The result of the conversion will be written to stdout." puts stderr "" exit -1; } foreach token $tokens { set name [lindex $token 0] set line [lindex $token 1] set text [lindex $token 2] set tok_text($name) "$text" set tok_line($name) $line } if {![info exists tok_text(content0)]} { puts stderr "Error: input contains no root token 'content0'." exit -1 } proc tok_type {token} { regexp {[a-z]+} $token type return $type } proc line_tag {line_num} { set line "$line_num\\\ \\\ " if {$line_num < 1000} { set line "\\\ $line" } if {$line_num < 100} { set line "\\\ $line" } if {$line_num < 10} { set line "\\\ $line" } return "$line" } ## # Output syntax tree as HTML ## proc dump_source {{token content0}} { global tok_text global line_num set output $tok_text($token) set curr_tok_type [tok_type $token] if {$token == "content0"} { set line_num 1 puts -nonewline "\ \ \ 1\ \ " incr line_num } if {$curr_tok_type != "identifier"} { puts -nonewline "" } while {$output != ""} { # consume plain text if {[regexp {^[^§]+} $output plain]} { # perform character substitutions for xml compliance regsub -all {³} $plain "\\\&" plain regsub -all {<} $plain "\\\<" plain regsub -all {>} $plain "\\\>" plain regsub -all "\"" $plain "\\\"" plain # because of a bug in plone/zope, which somehow strips the trailing semicolon # on html output, we cannot use ' #regsub -all "'" $plain "\\\'" plain regsub -all "'" $plain "`" plain regsub -all " " $plain "\\\ " plain regsub -all "\t" $plain "\\\ \\\ \\\ " plain while {[regexp "\n" $plain dummy]} { regsub "\n" $plain "
[line_tag $line_num]" plain incr line_num } regsub -all "\
" $plain "
\n" plain puts -nonewline $plain regsub {^[^§]+} $output "" output } # consume token if {[regexp {§(.+?)°} $output dummy subtoken]} { dump_source $subtoken regsub {§(.+?)°} $output "" output } } if {$curr_tok_type != "identifier"} { puts -nonewline "
" } } # print header puts "
" # print content dump_source # print footer puts "