/* * \brief POSIX thread and semaphore test * \author Christian Prochaska * \author Christian Helmuth * \date 2012-04-04 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. */ /* libc include */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Genode includes */ #include #include #include struct Thread_args { int thread_num; sem_t thread_finished_sem; pthread_t thread_id_self; /* thread ID returned by 'pthread_self()' */ }; struct Thread { Thread_args thread_args; pthread_t thread_id_create; /* thread ID returned by 'pthread_create()' */ }; static void *thread_func(void *arg) { Thread_args *thread_args = (Thread_args*)arg; printf("thread %d: running, my thread ID is %p\n", thread_args->thread_num, pthread_self()); thread_args->thread_id_self = pthread_self(); sem_post(&thread_args->thread_finished_sem); /* * sleep forever * * The thread is going to be cancelled, but cancellation points are * not implemented yet in most blocking libc functions, so * Genode::sleep_forever() is called here for now. */ Genode::sleep_forever(); return 0; } /* * Test self-destructing threads with 'pthread_join()', both when created and * joined by the main thread and when created and joined by a pthread. */ static void self_destruct_helper(void *(*start_routine)(void*), uintptr_t num_iterations) { for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < num_iterations; i++) { pthread_t t; void *retval; if (pthread_create(&t, 0, start_routine, (void*)i) != 0) { printf("error: pthread_create() failed\n"); exit(-1); } pthread_join(t, &retval); if (retval != (void*)i) { printf("error: return value does not match\n"); exit(-1); } } } static void *thread_func_self_destruct2(void *arg) { return arg; } static void *thread_func_self_destruct(void *arg) { /* also test nesting of pthreads */ self_destruct_helper(thread_func_self_destruct2, 2); return arg; } static void test_self_destruct() { printf("main thread: create self-destructing pthreads\n"); self_destruct_helper(thread_func_self_destruct, 100); } static inline void compare_semaphore_values(int reported_value, int expected_value) { if (reported_value != expected_value) { printf("error: sem_getvalue() did not return the expected value\n"); exit(-1); } } static timespec add_timespec(timespec const &a, timespec const &b) { enum { NSEC_PER_SEC = 1'000'000'000ull }; long sec = a.tv_sec + b.tv_sec; long nsec = a.tv_nsec + b.tv_nsec; while (nsec >= NSEC_PER_SEC) { nsec -= NSEC_PER_SEC; sec++; } return timespec { sec, nsec }; } static timespec add_timespec_ms(timespec const &a, long msec) { return add_timespec(a, timespec { 0, msec*1'000'000 }); } struct Test_mutex_data { sem_t main_thread_ready_sem; sem_t test_thread_ready_sem; pthread_mutex_t normal_mutex; pthread_mutex_t recursive_mutex; pthread_mutex_t errorcheck_mutex; Test_mutex_data() { sem_init(&main_thread_ready_sem, 0, 0); sem_init(&test_thread_ready_sem, 0, 0); pthread_mutex_init(&normal_mutex, nullptr); pthread_mutexattr_t recursive_mutex_attr; pthread_mutexattr_init(&recursive_mutex_attr); pthread_mutexattr_settype(&recursive_mutex_attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); pthread_mutex_init(&recursive_mutex, &recursive_mutex_attr); pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&recursive_mutex_attr); pthread_mutexattr_t errorcheck_mutex_attr; pthread_mutexattr_init(&errorcheck_mutex_attr); pthread_mutexattr_settype(&errorcheck_mutex_attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK); pthread_mutex_init(&errorcheck_mutex, &errorcheck_mutex_attr); pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&errorcheck_mutex_attr); } ~Test_mutex_data() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&errorcheck_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&recursive_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&normal_mutex); } }; static void *thread_mutex_func(void *arg) { Test_mutex_data *test_mutex_data = (Test_mutex_data*)arg; /************************** ** test recursive mutex ** **************************/ /* test unlocking unlocked mutex - should fail */ if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&test_mutex_data->recursive_mutex) == 0) { printf("Error: could unlock unlocked recursive mutex\n"); exit(-1); } /* test locking once - should succeed */ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&test_mutex_data->recursive_mutex) != 0) { printf("Error: could not lock recursive mutex\n"); exit(-1); } /* test locking twice - should succeed */ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&test_mutex_data->recursive_mutex) != 0) { printf("Error: could not lock recursive mutex twice\n"); exit(-1); } /* test unlocking once - should succeed */ if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&test_mutex_data->recursive_mutex) != 0) { printf("Error: could not unlock recursive mutex\n"); exit(-1); } /* test unlocking twice - should succeed */ if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&test_mutex_data->recursive_mutex) != 0) { printf("Error: could not unlock recursive mutex twice\n"); exit(-1); } /* test unlocking a third time - should fail */ if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&test_mutex_data->recursive_mutex) == 0) { printf("Error: could unlock recursive mutex a third time\n"); exit(-1); } /* wake up main thread */ sem_post(&test_mutex_data->test_thread_ready_sem); /* wait for main thread - it should have the mutex locked */ sem_wait(&test_mutex_data->main_thread_ready_sem); /* test unlocking mutex which is locked by main thread - should fail */ if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&test_mutex_data->recursive_mutex) == 0) { printf("Error: could unlock recursive mutex which is owned by other thread\n"); exit(-1); } /* wake up main thread */ sem_post(&test_mutex_data->test_thread_ready_sem); /* wait for main thread */ sem_wait(&test_mutex_data->main_thread_ready_sem); /*************************** ** test errorcheck mutex ** ***************************/ /* test unlocking unlocked mutex - should fail */ if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&test_mutex_data->errorcheck_mutex) == 0) { printf("Error: could unlock unlocked errorcheck mutex\n"); exit(-1); } /* test locking once - should succeed */ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&test_mutex_data->errorcheck_mutex) != 0) { printf("Error: could not lock errorcheck mutex\n"); exit(-1); } /* test locking twice - should fail */ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&test_mutex_data->errorcheck_mutex) == 0) { printf("Error: could lock errorcheck mutex twice\n"); exit(-1); } /* test unlocking once - should succeed */ if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&test_mutex_data->errorcheck_mutex) != 0) { printf("Error: could not unlock errorcheck mutex\n"); exit(-1); } /* test unlocking twice - should fail */ if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&test_mutex_data->errorcheck_mutex) == 0) { printf("Error: could unlock errorcheck mutex twice\n"); exit(-1); } /* wake up main thread */ sem_post(&test_mutex_data->test_thread_ready_sem); /* wait for main thread - it should have the mutex locked */ sem_wait(&test_mutex_data->main_thread_ready_sem); /* test unlocking mutex which is locked by main thread */ if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&test_mutex_data->errorcheck_mutex) == 0) { printf("Error: could unlock errorcheck mutex which is locked by other thread\n"); exit(-1); } /* wake up main thread */ sem_post(&test_mutex_data->test_thread_ready_sem); /* wait for main thread */ sem_wait(&test_mutex_data->main_thread_ready_sem); /************************************ ** test normal mutex with timeout ** ************************************/ timespec abstimeout { 0, 0 }; /* lock normal mutex */ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&test_mutex_data->normal_mutex) != 0) { printf("Error: could not lock normal mutex\n"); exit(-1); } /* wake up main thread */ sem_post(&test_mutex_data->test_thread_ready_sem); /* wait for main thread */ sem_wait(&test_mutex_data->main_thread_ready_sem); /* unlock normal mutex */ if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&test_mutex_data->normal_mutex) != 0) { printf("Error: could not lock normal mutex\n"); exit(-1); } /* wake up main thread */ sem_post(&test_mutex_data->test_thread_ready_sem); /* wait for main thread */ sem_wait(&test_mutex_data->main_thread_ready_sem); /* try to lock locked mutex with timeout */ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &abstimeout); abstimeout = add_timespec_ms(abstimeout, 500); if (pthread_mutex_timedlock(&test_mutex_data->normal_mutex, &abstimeout) != ETIMEDOUT) { printf("Error: locking of normal mutex did not time out in test thread\n"); exit(-1); } /* wake up main thread */ sem_post(&test_mutex_data->test_thread_ready_sem); return nullptr; } static void test_mutex() { printf("main thread: testing mutexes\n"); pthread_t t; Test_mutex_data test_mutex_data; if (pthread_create(&t, 0, thread_mutex_func, &test_mutex_data) != 0) { printf("Error: pthread_create() failed\n"); exit(-1); } /* wait for test thread - recursive mutex should be unlocked */ sem_wait(&test_mutex_data.test_thread_ready_sem); /* lock the recursive mutex and let the test thread attempt to unlock it */ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&test_mutex_data.recursive_mutex) != 0) { printf("Error: could not lock recursive mutex from main thread\n"); exit(-1); } /* wake up test thread */ sem_post(&test_mutex_data.main_thread_ready_sem); /* wait for test thread - recursive mutex should still be locked */ sem_wait(&test_mutex_data.test_thread_ready_sem); /* unlock the recursive mutex - should succeed */ if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&test_mutex_data.recursive_mutex) != 0) { printf("Error: could not unlock recursive mutex from main thread\n"); exit(-1); } /* wake up test thread */ sem_post(&test_mutex_data.main_thread_ready_sem); /* wait for test thread - errorcheck mutex should be unlocked */ sem_wait(&test_mutex_data.test_thread_ready_sem); /* lock the errorcheck mutex and let the test thread attempt to unlock it */ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&test_mutex_data.errorcheck_mutex) != 0) { printf("Error: could not lock errorcheck mutex from main thread\n"); exit(-1); } /* wake up test thread */ sem_post(&test_mutex_data.main_thread_ready_sem); /* wait for test thread - errorcheck mutex should still be locked */ sem_wait(&test_mutex_data.test_thread_ready_sem); /* unlock the errorcheck mutex - should succeed */ if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&test_mutex_data.errorcheck_mutex) != 0) { printf("Error: could not unlock errorcheck mutex from main thread\n"); exit(-1); } /************************************ ** test normal mutex with timeout ** ************************************/ timespec abstimeout { 0, 0 }; /* wake up test thread */ sem_post(&test_mutex_data.main_thread_ready_sem); /* wait for test thread - normal mutex should still be locked */ sem_wait(&test_mutex_data.test_thread_ready_sem); /* try to lock locked mutex with timeout */ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &abstimeout); abstimeout = add_timespec_ms(abstimeout, 500); if (pthread_mutex_timedlock(&test_mutex_data.normal_mutex, &abstimeout) != ETIMEDOUT) { printf("Error: locking of normal mutex did not time out in main thread\n"); exit(-1); } /* wake up test thread */ sem_post(&test_mutex_data.main_thread_ready_sem); /* wait for test thread - normal mutex should still be locked */ sem_wait(&test_mutex_data.test_thread_ready_sem); /* lock normal mutex */ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&test_mutex_data.normal_mutex) != 0) { printf("Error: could not lock normal mutex\n"); exit(-1); } /* wake up test thread */ sem_post(&test_mutex_data.main_thread_ready_sem); /* wait for test thread - normal mutex should still be locked */ sem_wait(&test_mutex_data.test_thread_ready_sem); pthread_join(t, NULL); } template struct Mutex { static const char *type_string() { switch (MUTEX_TYPE) { case PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL: return "PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL"; case PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK: return "PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK"; case PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE: return "PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE"; default: break; } return ""; }; pthread_mutexattr_t _attr; pthread_mutex_t _mutex; Mutex() { pthread_mutexattr_init(&_attr); pthread_mutexattr_settype(&_attr, MUTEX_TYPE); pthread_mutex_init(&_mutex, &_attr); pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&_attr); } ~Mutex() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&_mutex); } pthread_mutex_t * mutex() { return &_mutex; } }; template struct Test_mutex_stress { Mutex mutex; struct Thread { pthread_mutex_t *_mutex; sem_t _startup_sem; pthread_t _thread; static void * _entry_trampoline(void *arg) { Thread *t = (Thread *)arg; t->_entry(); return nullptr; } void _lock() { if (int const err = pthread_mutex_lock(_mutex)) Genode::error("lock() returned ", err); } void _unlock() { if (int const err = pthread_mutex_unlock(_mutex)) Genode::error("unlock() returned ", err); } void _entry() { sem_wait(&_startup_sem); enum { ROUNDS = 800 }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < ROUNDS; ++i) { _lock(); if (MUTEX_TYPE == PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE) { _lock(); _lock(); } /* stay in mutex for some time */ for (unsigned volatile d = 0; d < 30000; ++d) ; if (MUTEX_TYPE == PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE) { _unlock(); _unlock(); } _unlock(); } Genode::log("thread ", this, ": ", (int)ROUNDS, " rounds done"); } Thread(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) : _mutex(mutex) { sem_init(&_startup_sem, 0, 0); if (pthread_create(&_thread, 0, _entry_trampoline, this) != 0) { printf("Error: pthread_create() failed\n"); exit(-1); } } void start() { sem_post(&_startup_sem); } void join() { pthread_join(_thread, nullptr); } } threads[10] = { mutex.mutex(), mutex.mutex(), mutex.mutex(), mutex.mutex(), mutex.mutex(), mutex.mutex(), mutex.mutex(), mutex.mutex(), mutex.mutex(), mutex.mutex(), }; Test_mutex_stress() { printf("main thread: start %s stress test\n", mutex.type_string()); for (Thread &t : threads) t.start(); for (Thread &t : threads) t.join(); printf("main thread: finished %s stress test\n", mutex.type_string()); } }; extern "C" void wait_for_continue(); static void test_mutex_stress() { printf("main thread: stressing mutexes\n"); { Test_mutex_stress test_normal; } { Test_mutex_stress test_errorcheck; } { Test_mutex_stress test_recursive; } printf("main thread: mutex stress testing done\n"); }; /* * Test if the main thread resumes sleeping lock holders when it itself is * waiting for the lock. */ template struct Test_lock_and_sleep { sem_t _startup; Mutex _mutex; enum { SLEEP_MS = 500 }; static void *thread_fn(void *arg) { ((Test_lock_and_sleep *)arg)->sleeper(); return nullptr; } void sleeper() { printf("sleeper: aquire mutex\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(_mutex.mutex()); printf("sleeper: about to wake up main thread\n"); sem_post(&_startup); printf("sleeper: sleep %u ms\n", SLEEP_MS); usleep(SLEEP_MS*1000); printf("sleeper: woke up, now release mutex\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(_mutex.mutex()); } Test_lock_and_sleep() { sem_init(&_startup, 0, 0); printf("main thread: start %s test\n", _mutex.type_string()); pthread_t id; if (pthread_create(&id, 0, thread_fn, this) != 0) { printf("error: pthread_create() failed\n"); exit(-1); } sem_wait(&_startup); printf("main thread: sleeper woke me up, now aquire mutex (which blocks)\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(_mutex.mutex()); printf("main thread: aquired mutex, now release mutex and finish\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(_mutex.mutex()); printf("main thread: finished %s test\n", _mutex.type_string()); } }; static void test_lock_and_sleep() { printf("main thread: test resume in contended lock\n"); { Test_lock_and_sleep test_normal; } { Test_lock_and_sleep test_errorcheck; } { Test_lock_and_sleep test_recursive; } printf("main thread: resume in contended lock testing done\n"); } struct Cond { pthread_cond_t _cond; Cond() { pthread_cond_init(&_cond, nullptr); } ~Cond() { pthread_cond_destroy(&_cond); } pthread_cond_t * cond() { return &_cond; } }; struct Test_cond { Mutex _mutex; Cond _cond; enum class State { PING, PONG, SHUTDOWN, END } _shared_state { State::PING }; static void *signaller_fn(void *arg) { ((Test_cond *)arg)->signaller(); return nullptr; } void signaller() { printf("signaller: started\n"); unsigned num_events = 0; bool test_done = false; while (!test_done) { pthread_mutex_lock(_mutex.mutex()); switch (_shared_state) { case State::PING: _shared_state = State::PONG; ++num_events; pthread_cond_signal(_cond.cond()); break; case State::PONG: _shared_state = State::PING; ++num_events; pthread_cond_signal(_cond.cond()); break; case State::SHUTDOWN: printf("signaller: shutting down\n"); _shared_state = State::END; ++num_events; pthread_cond_broadcast(_cond.cond()); test_done = true; break; case State::END: break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(_mutex.mutex()); usleep(1000); } printf("signaller: finished after %u state changes\n", num_events); } static void *waiter_fn(void *arg) { ((Test_cond *)arg)->waiter(); return nullptr; } void waiter(bool main_thread = false) { char const * const note = main_thread ? "(main thread)" : ""; printf("waiter%s: started\n", note); unsigned pings = 0, pongs = 0; unsigned long iterations = 0; bool test_done = false; while (!test_done) { pthread_mutex_lock(_mutex.mutex()); auto handle_state = [&] { unsigned const num_events = pings + pongs; if (num_events == 2000) { printf("waiter%s: request shutdown\n", note); _shared_state = State::SHUTDOWN; } else if (num_events % 2 == 0) { pthread_cond_wait(_cond.cond(), _mutex.mutex()); } }; switch (_shared_state) { case State::PING: ++pings; handle_state(); break; case State::PONG: ++pongs; handle_state(); break; case State::SHUTDOWN: pthread_cond_wait(_cond.cond(), _mutex.mutex()); break; case State::END: test_done = true; break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(_mutex.mutex()); usleep(3000); ++iterations; } printf("waiter%s: finished (pings=%u, pongs=%u, iterations=%lu)\n", note, pings, pongs, iterations); } Test_cond() { printf("main thread: test without timeouts\n"); pthread_t signaller_id; if (pthread_create(&signaller_id, 0, signaller_fn, this) != 0) { printf("error: pthread_create() failed\n"); exit(-1); } pthread_t waiter1_id; if (pthread_create(&waiter1_id, 0, waiter_fn, this) != 0) { printf("error: pthread_create() failed\n"); exit(-1); } pthread_t waiter2_id; if (pthread_create(&waiter2_id, 0, waiter_fn, this) != 0) { printf("error: pthread_create() failed\n"); exit(-1); } waiter(true); pthread_join(signaller_id, nullptr); pthread_join(waiter1_id, nullptr); pthread_join(waiter2_id, nullptr); } }; struct Test_cond_timed { Mutex _mutex; Cond _cond; enum class State { RUN, END } _shared_state { State::RUN }; enum { ROUNDS = 10 }; static void *signaller_fn(void *arg) { ((Test_cond_timed *)arg)->signaller(); return nullptr; } void signaller() { printf("signaller: started\n"); bool loop = true; for (unsigned i = 1; loop; ++i) { usleep(249*1000); pthread_mutex_lock(_mutex.mutex()); if (i == ROUNDS) { _shared_state = State::END; loop = false; } pthread_cond_broadcast(_cond.cond()); pthread_mutex_unlock(_mutex.mutex()); } printf("signaller: finished\n"); } static void *waiter_fn(void *arg) { ((Test_cond_timed *)arg)->waiter(); return nullptr; } void waiter(bool main_thread = false) { char const * const note = main_thread ? "(main thread)" : ""; printf("waiter%s: started\n", note); for (bool loop = true; loop; ) { pthread_mutex_lock(_mutex.mutex()); timespec ts { 0, 0 }; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); int ret; do { if (_shared_state == State::END) { loop = false; break; } ts = add_timespec_ms(ts, 250); ret = pthread_cond_timedwait(_cond.cond(), _mutex.mutex(), &ts); if (ret) printf("waiter%s: pthread_cond_timedwait: %s\n", note, strerror(ret)); } while (ret != 0); pthread_mutex_unlock(_mutex.mutex()); } printf("waiter%s: finished\n", note); } Test_cond_timed() { printf("main thread: test with timeouts\n"); pthread_t signaller_id; if (pthread_create(&signaller_id, 0, signaller_fn, this) != 0) { printf("error: pthread_create() failed\n"); exit(-1); } pthread_t waiter1_id; if (pthread_create(&waiter1_id, 0, waiter_fn, this) != 0) { printf("error: pthread_create() failed\n"); exit(-1); } pthread_t waiter2_id; if (pthread_create(&waiter2_id, 0, waiter_fn, this) != 0) { printf("error: pthread_create() failed\n"); exit(-1); } waiter(true); pthread_join(signaller_id, nullptr); pthread_join(waiter1_id, nullptr); pthread_join(waiter2_id, nullptr); } }; static void test_cond() { printf("main thread: test condition variables\n"); { Test_cond test; } { Test_cond_timed test; } } static void test_interplay() { enum { NUM_THREADS = 2 }; Thread thread[NUM_THREADS]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) { thread[i].thread_args.thread_num = i + 1; printf("main thread: creating semaphore for thread %d\n", thread[i].thread_args.thread_num); if (sem_init(&thread[i].thread_args.thread_finished_sem, 0, 1) != 0) { printf("sem_init() failed\n"); exit(-1); } /* check result of 'sem_getvalue()' before and after calling 'sem_wait()' */ int sem_value = -1; sem_getvalue(&thread[i].thread_args.thread_finished_sem, &sem_value); compare_semaphore_values(sem_value, 1); sem_wait(&thread[i].thread_args.thread_finished_sem); sem_getvalue(&thread[i].thread_args.thread_finished_sem, &sem_value); compare_semaphore_values(sem_value, 0); thread[i].thread_args.thread_id_self = 0; printf("main thread: creating thread %d\n", thread[i].thread_args.thread_num); if (pthread_create(&thread[i].thread_id_create, 0, thread_func, &thread[i].thread_args) != 0) { printf("error: pthread_create() failed\n"); exit(-1); } printf("main thread: thread %d has thread ID %p\n", thread[i].thread_args.thread_num, thread[i].thread_id_create); } printf("main thread: waiting for the threads to finish\n"); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) sem_wait(&thread[i].thread_args.thread_finished_sem); printf("main thread: comparing the thread IDs\n"); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) if (thread[i].thread_args.thread_id_self != thread[i].thread_id_create) { printf("error: thread IDs don't match\n"); exit(-1); } printf("main thread: destroying the threads\n"); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) { void *retval; pthread_cancel(thread[i].thread_id_create); pthread_join(thread[i].thread_id_create, &retval); if (retval != PTHREAD_CANCELED) { printf("error: return value is not PTHREAD_CANCELED\n"); exit(-1); } } printf("main thread: destroying the semaphores\n"); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) sem_destroy(&thread[i].thread_args.thread_finished_sem); } /* * Test cleanup handlers */ static bool cleanup1_executed = false; static bool cleanup2_executed = false; static bool cleanup3_executed = false; static bool cleanup4_executed = false; static void cleanup1(void *) { cleanup1_executed = true; } static void cleanup2(void *) { cleanup2_executed = true; } static void cleanup3(void *arg) { if (arg != (void*)1) { printf("Error: cleanup3(): incorrect argument\n"); exit(-1); } cleanup3_executed = true; } static void cleanup4(void *) { cleanup4_executed = true; } static void *thread_cleanup_func(void *) { pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup1, nullptr); pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup2, nullptr); pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup3, (void*)1); pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup4, nullptr); /* pop 'cleanup4()', don't execute */ pthread_cleanup_pop(0); if (cleanup4_executed) { printf("Error: cleanup4() executed\n"); exit(-1); } /* pop and execute 'cleanup3()' */ pthread_cleanup_pop(1); if (!cleanup3_executed) { printf("Error: cleanup3() not executed\n"); exit(-1); } pthread_exit(nullptr); /* * 'cleanup1()' and 'cleanup2()' are executed by 'pthread_exit()', but * because 'pthread_cleanup_push()' contains opening braces, there must be * corresponding calls to 'pthread_cleanup_pop()' in the same function, * even if they are not executed there. */ pthread_cleanup_pop(0); pthread_cleanup_pop(0); } static void test_cleanup() { printf("main thread: test cleanup handlers\n"); pthread_t t; void *retval; if (pthread_create(&t, 0, thread_cleanup_func, nullptr) != 0) { printf("error: pthread_create() failed\n"); exit(-1); } pthread_join(t, &retval); if (!cleanup1_executed || !cleanup2_executed) { printf("Error: cleanup1() or cleanup2() not executed\n"); exit(-1); } printf("main thread: cleanup handler testing done\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("--- pthread test ---\n"); pthread_t pthread_main = pthread_self(); printf("main thread: running, my thread ID is %p\n", pthread_main); if (!pthread_main) exit(-1); test_interplay(); test_self_destruct(); test_mutex(); test_mutex_stress(); test_lock_and_sleep(); test_cond(); test_cleanup(); printf("--- returning from main ---\n"); return 0; }