/* * \brief Configurable print functionality for network packets * \author Martin Stein * \date 2017-09-27 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2017 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. */ /* local includes */ #include using namespace Genode; using namespace Net; template <> void Packet_log::print(Output &output) const { using Genode::print; /* print header attributes */ switch (_cfg.dhcp) { case Packet_log_style::COMPREHENSIVE: print(output, "\033[32mDHCP\033[0m"); print(output, " op ", _pkt.op()); print(output, " htyp ", (uint8_t)_pkt.htype()); print(output, " hlen ", _pkt.hlen()); print(output, " hps ", _pkt.hops()); print(output, " xid ", _pkt.xid()); print(output, " sec ", _pkt.secs()); print(output, " flg ", Hex(_pkt.flags())); print(output, " ci ", _pkt.ciaddr()); print(output, " yi ", _pkt.yiaddr()); print(output, " si ", _pkt.siaddr()); print(output, " gi ", _pkt.giaddr()); print(output, " ch ", _pkt.client_mac()); print(output, " srv ", _pkt.server_name()); print(output, " file ", _pkt.file()); print(output, " mag ", _pkt.magic_cookie()); print(output, " opt"); _pkt.for_each_option([&] (Dhcp_packet::Option &opt) { print(output, " ", opt); }); break; case Packet_log_style::COMPACT: print(output, "\033[32mDHCP\033[0m ", _pkt.client_mac(), " > ", _pkt.siaddr(), " cmd ", _pkt.op()); break; case Packet_log_style::SHORT: print(output, "\033[32mDHCP\033[0m"); break; default: ; } } void Dhcp_packet::Option::print(Output &output) const { using Genode::print; print(output, _code, ":", _len); if (!len()) { return; } print(output, ":"); for (unsigned j = 0; j < len(); j++) { print(output, Hex(_value[j], Hex::OMIT_PREFIX, Hex::PAD)); } } template <> void Packet_log::print(Output &output) const { using Genode::print; /* print header attributes */ switch (_cfg.arp) { case Packet_log_style::COMPREHENSIVE: print(output, "\033[32mARP\033[0m"); print(output, " hw ", _pkt.hardware_address_type()); print(output, " prot ", _pkt.protocol_address_type()); print(output, " hwsz ", _pkt.hardware_address_size()); print(output, " protsz ", _pkt.protocol_address_size()); print(output, " op ", _pkt.opcode()); if (_pkt.ethernet_ipv4()) { print(output, " srcmac ", _pkt.src_mac()); print(output, " srcip ", _pkt.src_ip()); print(output, " dstmac ", _pkt.dst_mac()); print(output, " dstip ", _pkt.dst_ip()); } else { print(output, " ..."); } break; case Packet_log_style::COMPACT: print(output, "\033[32mARP\033[0m ", _pkt.src_mac(), " ", _pkt.src_ip(), " > ", _pkt.dst_mac(), " ", _pkt.dst_ip(), " cmd ", _pkt.opcode()); break; case Packet_log_style::SHORT: print(output, "\033[32mARP\033[0m"); break; default: ; } } template <> void Packet_log::print(Output &output) const { using Genode::print; /* print header attributes */ switch (_cfg.eth) { case Packet_log_style::COMPREHENSIVE: print(output, "\033[32mETH\033[0m"); print(output, " src ", _pkt.src()); print(output, " dst ", _pkt.dst()); print(output, " typ ", (Genode::uint16_t)_pkt.type()); break; case Packet_log_style::COMPACT: print(output, "\033[32mETH\033[0m ", _pkt.src(), " > ", _pkt.dst(), " "); break; case Packet_log_style::SHORT: print(output, "\033[32mETH\033[0m"); break; default: ; } /* print encapsulated packet */ switch (_pkt.type()) { case Ethernet_frame::Type::ARP: print(output, " ", packet_log(*_pkt.data(), _cfg)); break; case Ethernet_frame::Type::IPV4: print(output, " ", packet_log(*_pkt.data(), _cfg)); break; default: ; } } template <> void Packet_log::print(Output &output) const { using Genode::print; /* print header attributes */ switch (_cfg.ipv4) { case Packet_log_style::COMPREHENSIVE: print(output, "\033[32mIPV4\033[0m"); print(output, " hdrlen ", _pkt.header_length()); print(output, " ver ", _pkt.version()); print(output, " dsrv ", _pkt.diff_service()); print(output, " ecn ", _pkt.ecn()); print(output, " len ", _pkt.total_length()); print(output, " id ", _pkt.identification()); print(output, " flg ", _pkt.flags()); print(output, " frgoff ", _pkt.fragment_offset()); print(output, " ttl ", _pkt.time_to_live()); print(output, " prot ", (uint8_t)_pkt.protocol()); print(output, " crc ", _pkt.checksum()); print(output, " src ", _pkt.src()); print(output, " dst ", _pkt.dst()); break; case Packet_log_style::COMPACT: print(output, "\033[32mIPV4\033[0m ", _pkt.src(), " > ", _pkt.dst(), " "); break; case Packet_log_style::SHORT: print(output, "\033[32mIPV4\033[0m"); break; default: ; } /* print encapsulated packet */ switch (_pkt.protocol()) { case Ipv4_packet::Protocol::TCP: print(output, " ", packet_log(*_pkt.data(), _cfg)); break; case Ipv4_packet::Protocol::UDP: print(output, " ", packet_log(*_pkt.data(), _cfg)); break; default: ; } } template <> void Packet_log::print(Output &output) const { using Genode::print; /* print header attributes */ switch (_cfg.tcp) { case Packet_log_style::COMPREHENSIVE: print(output, "\033[32mTCP\033[0m"); print(output, " src ", _pkt.src_port()); print(output, " dst ", _pkt.dst_port()); print(output, " seqn ", _pkt.seq_nr()); print(output, " ackn ", _pkt.ack_nr()); print(output, " doff ", _pkt.data_offset()); print(output, " flg ", _pkt.flags()); print(output, " winsz ", _pkt.window_size()); print(output, " crc ", _pkt.checksum()); print(output, " urgp ", _pkt.urgent_ptr()); break; case Packet_log_style::COMPACT: print(output, "\033[32mTCP\033[0m ", _pkt.src_port(), " > ", _pkt.dst_port(), " flags '"); break; case Packet_log_style::SHORT: print(output, "\033[32mTCP\033[0m"); break; default: ; } } template <> void Packet_log::print(Output &output) const { using Genode::print; /* print header attributes */ switch (_cfg.udp) { case Packet_log_style::COMPREHENSIVE: print(output, "\033[32mUDP\033[0m"); print(output, " src ", _pkt.src_port()); print(output, " dst ", _pkt.dst_port()); print(output, " len ", _pkt.length()); print(output, " crc ", _pkt.checksum()); break; case Packet_log_style::COMPACT: print(output, "\033[32mUDP\033[0m ", _pkt.src_port(), " > ", _pkt.dst_port(), " "); break; case Packet_log_style::SHORT: print(output, "\033[32mUDP\033[0m"); break; default: ; } /* print encapsulated packet */ if (Dhcp_packet::is_dhcp(&_pkt)) { print(output, " ", packet_log(*_pkt.data(), _cfg)); } }