/* * \brief Provide a rom-file as block device (aka loop devices) * \author Stefan Kalkowski * \date 2010-07-07 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Genode; namespace Block { class Session_component : public Session_rpc_object { private: /** * Thread handling the requests of an open block session. */ class Tx_thread : public Thread<8192> { private: Session_component *_session; /* corresponding session object */ addr_t _dev_addr; /* rom-file address */ size_t _dev_size; /* rom-file size */ size_t _blk_size; /* block size */ public: /** * Constructor */ Tx_thread(Session_component *session, addr_t dev_addr, size_t dev_size, size_t blk_size) : Thread("block_session_tx"), _session(session), _dev_addr(dev_addr), _dev_size(dev_size), _blk_size(blk_size) { } /** * Thread's entry function. */ void entry() { Session_component::Tx::Sink *tx_sink = _session->tx_sink(); Block::Packet_descriptor packet; /* signal preparedness to server activation */ _session->tx_ready(); /* handle requests */ while (true) { /* blocking-get packet from client */ packet = tx_sink->get_packet(); if (!packet.valid()) { PWRN("received invalid packet"); continue; } /* sanity check block number */ if ((packet.block_number() + packet.block_count() > _dev_size / _blk_size) || packet.block_number() < 0) { PWRN("requested blocks %zd-%zd out of range!", packet.block_number(), packet.block_number() + packet.block_count()); continue; } size_t offset = packet.block_number() * _blk_size; size_t size = packet.block_count() * _blk_size; switch (packet.operation()) { case Block::Packet_descriptor::READ: { /* copy file content to packet payload */ memcpy(tx_sink->packet_content(packet), (void*)(_dev_addr + offset), size); packet.succeeded(true); break; } case Block::Packet_descriptor::WRITE: { PWRN("write attempt on read-only device"); packet.succeeded(false); break; } default: PWRN("unsupported operation"); packet.succeeded(false); continue; } /* acknowledge packet to the client */ if (!tx_sink->ready_to_ack()) PDBG("need to wait until ready-for-ack"); tx_sink->acknowledge_packet(packet); } } friend class Session_component; }; private: Dataspace_capability _tx_ds; /* buffer for tx channel */ Semaphore _startup_sema; /* thread startup sync */ Tx_thread _tx_thread; /* thread handling block requests */ size_t _block_count; /* count of blocks of this session */ size_t _block_size; /* size of a block */ public: /** * Constructor * * \param tx_buf_size buffer size for tx channel * \param dev_addr address of attached file * \param dev_size size of attached file */ Session_component(size_t tx_buf_size, addr_t dev_addr, size_t dev_size, size_t blk_size, Genode::Rpc_entrypoint &ep) : Session_rpc_object(env()->ram_session()->alloc(tx_buf_size), ep), _startup_sema(0), _tx_thread(this, dev_addr, dev_size, blk_size), _block_count(dev_size / blk_size), _block_size(blk_size) { _tx_thread.start(); /* block until thread is ready to handle requests */ _startup_sema.down(); } /** * Signal indicating that transmit thread is ready */ void tx_ready() { _startup_sema.up(); } /***************************** ** Block session interface ** *****************************/ void info(size_t *blk_count, size_t *blk_size, Operations *ops) { *blk_count = _block_count; *blk_size = _block_size; ops->set_operation(Block::Packet_descriptor::READ); } void sync() {} }; /** * Root component, handling new session requests */ class Root : public Root_component { private: Dataspace_capability _file_cap; /* rom-file capability */ addr_t _file_addr; /* start address of attached file */ size_t _file_sz; /* file size */ size_t _blk_sz; /* block size */ Genode::Rpc_entrypoint &_channel_ep; protected: Session_component *_create_session(const char *args) { size_t ram_quota = Arg_string::find_arg(args, "ram_quota" ).ulong_value(0); size_t tx_buf_size = Arg_string::find_arg(args, "tx_buf_size").ulong_value(0); /* * Check if donated ram quota suffices for session data, * and communication buffer. */ size_t session_size = sizeof(Session_component) + tx_buf_size; if (max((size_t)4096, session_size) > ram_quota) { PERR("insufficient 'ram_quota', got %zd, need %zd", ram_quota, session_size); throw Root::Quota_exceeded(); } return new (md_alloc()) Session_component(tx_buf_size, _file_addr, _file_sz, _blk_sz, _channel_ep); } public: /** * Constructor * * \param session_ep session entrypoint * \param md_alloc meta-data allocator * \param file_cap capabilty of file to use as block-device */ Root(Rpc_entrypoint *session_ep, Allocator *md_alloc, Dataspace_capability file_cap, size_t blk_size) : Root_component(session_ep, md_alloc), _file_cap(file_cap), _file_addr(env()->rm_session()->attach(file_cap)), _file_sz(Dataspace_client(file_cap).size()), _blk_sz(blk_size), _channel_ep(*session_ep) { } ~Root() { env()->rm_session()->detach((void*)_file_addr); } }; } /** * Get name of the file we want to provide as block device, * and the block_size. */ static void process_config(char *file, size_t size, size_t *blk_size) { try { config()->xml_node().attribute("file").value(file, size); config()->xml_node().attribute("block_size").value(blk_size); } catch (...) { } } int main() { static char file[64]; static size_t block_size = 512; process_config(file, sizeof(file), &block_size); PINF("Using file=%s as device with block size %zx.", file, block_size); try { enum { STACK_SIZE = 8192 }; static Cap_connection cap; static Rpc_entrypoint ep(&cap, STACK_SIZE, "rom_loop_ep"); static Rom_connection rom(file); static Block::Root blk_root(&ep, env()->heap(), rom.dataspace(), block_size); env()->parent()->announce(ep.manage(&blk_root)); sleep_forever(); } catch (Rom_connection::Rom_connection_failed) { PERR("Cannot open file %s.", file); } return 0; }