# # \brief Checkout Fiasco.OC and addtional needed tools (sigma0, bootstrap) # \author Stefan Kalkowski # \date 2011-03-31 # VERBOSE ?= @ ECHO = @echo SVN_URI = http://svn.tudos.org/repos/oc/tudos/trunk SVN_REV = 38 CONTRIB_DIR = contrib PATCHES = $(shell find patches -name *.patch) SVN_TARGETS = tools/preprocess \ kernel/fiasco \ l4/conf \ l4/doc \ l4/mk \ l4/tool \ l4/pkg/bootstrap \ l4/pkg/cxx \ l4/pkg/drivers-frst \ l4/pkg/l4sys \ l4/pkg/l4util \ l4/pkg/ldscripts \ l4/pkg/libsigma0 \ l4/pkg/sigma0 \ l4/pkg/uclibc-headers \ l4/pkg/uclibc-minimal \ l4/pkg/uclibc \ l4/pkg/libvcpu # # Print help information by default # help:: # realpath is there to follow symlink; if contrib dir does not exists yet, # create new directory REAL_CONTRIB_DIR := $(realpath $(CONTRIB_DIR)) ifeq ($(REAL_CONTRIB_DIR),) REAL_CONTRIB_DIR := $(CONTRIB_DIR) endif prepare: $(REAL_CONTRIB_DIR)/.svn update_contrib_subdirs apply_patches help:: $(ECHO) $(ECHO) "Check out upstream source code of Fiasco.OC" $(ECHO) $(ECHO) "The source code will be located at the '$(CONTRIB_DIR)/' directory." $(ECHO) $(ECHO) "--- available commands ---" $(ECHO) "prepare - checkout upstream source codes" $(ECHO) "clean - remove upstream source codes" $(ECHO) $(CONTRIB_DIR): $(VERBOSE)mkdir -p $@ # use '.svn' subdirectory as rule to enable the use of a symbolic link as # contrib directory $(REAL_CONTRIB_DIR)/.svn: $(CONTRIB_DIR) $(VERBOSE)svn co -r $(SVN_REV) --depth immediates $(SVN_URI) $(dir $@) $(VERBOSE)svn co -r $(SVN_REV) --depth files $(SVN_URI)/l4 $(dir $@)/l4 $(VERBOSE)svn co -r $(SVN_REV) --depth files $(SVN_URI)/l4/pkg $(dir $@)/l4/pkg # used phony to always update the SVN on 'make prepare' # (before updating, we need to revert our custom patches) update_contrib_subdirs: $(addprefix $(REAL_CONTRIB_DIR)/,$(SVN_TARGETS)) $(ECHO) "updating . to revision $(SVN_REV)" $(VERBOSE)svn revert $(REAL_CONTRIB_DIR) $(VERBOSE)svn up -r $(SVN_REV) -N $(REAL_CONTRIB_DIR)/ $(ECHO) "updating l4 to revision $(SVN_REV)" $(VERBOSE)svn revert $(REAL_CONTRIB_DIR)/l4 $(VERBOSE)svn up -r $(SVN_REV) -N $(REAL_CONTRIB_DIR)/l4 $(ECHO) "updating l4/pkg to revision $(SVN_REV)" $(VERBOSE)svn revert $(REAL_CONTRIB_DIR)/l4/pkg $(VERBOSE)svn up -r $(SVN_REV) -N $(REAL_CONTRIB_DIR)/l4/pkg $(VERBOSE)for i in $(SVN_TARGETS); do \ echo "updating $$i to revision $(SVN_REV)"; \ svn revert -R $(REAL_CONTRIB_DIR)/$$i; \ svn up -r $(SVN_REV) $(REAL_CONTRIB_DIR)/$$i; done # for resolving the dependencies of 'update_contrib_subdirs' $(REAL_CONTRIB_DIR)/%: $(VERBOSE)svn up -r $(SVN_REV) $(SVN_URI)/$* $@ apply_patches: $(ECHO) "applying patches to '$(REAL_CONTRIB_DIR)/'" $(VERBOSE)for i in $(PATCHES); do \ patch -N -d $(REAL_CONTRIB_DIR) -p0 < $$i; done # if $(CONTRIB_DIR) is a symlink, leave $(REAL_CONTRIB_DIR) alone clean:: $(VERBOSE)rm -rf $(CONTRIB_DIR) .NOTPARALLEL: