/* * \brief Socket-based IPC implementation for Linux * \author Norman Feske * \author Christian Helmuth * \date 2011-10-11 * * The current request message layout is: * * long server_local_name; * int opcode; * ...payload... * * Response messages look like this: * * long scratch_word; * int exc_code; * ...payload... * * All fields are naturally aligned, i.e., aligend on 4 or 8 byte boundaries on * 32-bit resp. 64-bit systems. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ /* Genode includes */ #include #include #include #include #include /* base-internal includes */ #include #include #include /* Linux includes */ #include #include #include using namespace Genode; /***************************** ** IPC marshalling support ** *****************************/ void Ipc_ostream::_marshal_capability(Native_capability const &cap) { if (cap.valid()) { _write_to_buf(cap.local_name()); _snd_msg->append_cap(cap.dst().socket); } else { _write_to_buf(-1L); } } void Ipc_istream::_unmarshal_capability(Native_capability &cap) { long local_name = 0; _read_from_buf(local_name); if (local_name == -1) { /* construct invalid capability */ cap = Genode::Native_capability(); } else { /* construct valid capability */ int const socket = _rcv_msg->read_cap(); cap = Native_capability(Cap_dst_policy::Dst(socket), local_name); } } namespace Genode { /* * Helper for obtaining a bound and connected socket pair * * For core, the implementation is just a wrapper around * 'lx_server_socket_pair()'. For all other processes, the implementation * requests the socket pair from the Env::CPU session interface using a * Linux-specific interface extension. */ Native_connection_state server_socket_pair(); /* * Helper to destroy the server socket pair * * For core, this is a no-op. For all other processes, the server and client * sockets are closed. */ void destroy_server_socket_pair(Native_connection_state const &ncs); } /****************************** ** File-descriptor registry ** ******************************/ Genode::Ep_socket_descriptor_registry *Genode::ep_sd_registry() { static Genode::Ep_socket_descriptor_registry registry; return ®istry; } /******************************************** ** Communication over Unix-domain sockets ** ********************************************/ enum { LX_EINTR = 4, LX_ECONNREFUSED = 111 }; /** * Utility: Return thread ID to which the given socket is directed to * * \return -1 if the socket is pointing to a valid entrypoint */ static int lookup_tid_by_client_socket(int sd) { /* * Synchronize calls so that the large 'sockaddr_un' can be allocated * in the BSS rather than the stack. */ static Lock lock; Lock::Guard guard(lock); static sockaddr_un name; socklen_t name_len = sizeof(name); int ret = lx_getpeername(sd, (sockaddr *)&name, &name_len); if (ret < 0) return -1; struct Prefix_len { typedef Genode::size_t size_t; size_t const len; static int _init_len(char const *s) { char const * const pattern = "/ep-"; static size_t const pattern_len = Genode::strlen(pattern); for (size_t i = 0; Genode::strlen(s + i) >= pattern_len; i++) if (Genode::strcmp(s + i, pattern, pattern_len) == 0) return i + pattern_len; struct Unexpected_rpath_prefix { }; throw Unexpected_rpath_prefix(); } Prefix_len(char const *s) : len(_init_len(s)) { } }; /* * The name of the Unix-domain socket has the form -/ep-. * We are only interested in the part. Hence, we determine the length * of the -/ep- portion only once and keep it in a static * variable. */ static Prefix_len prefix_len(name.sun_path); unsigned tid = 0; if (Genode::ascii_to(name.sun_path + prefix_len.len, tid) == 0) { PRAW("Error: could not parse tid number"); return -1; } return tid; } namespace { /** * Message object encapsulating data for sendmsg/recvmsg */ struct Message { public: enum { MAX_SDS_PER_MSG = Genode::Msgbuf_base::MAX_CAPS_PER_MSG }; private: typedef Genode::size_t size_t; msghdr _msg; sockaddr_un _addr; iovec _iovec; char _cmsg_buf[CMSG_SPACE(MAX_SDS_PER_MSG*sizeof(int))]; unsigned _num_sds; public: Message(void *buffer, size_t buffer_len) : _num_sds(0) { Genode::memset(&_msg, 0, sizeof(_msg)); /* initialize control message */ struct cmsghdr *cmsg; _msg.msg_control = _cmsg_buf; _msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(_cmsg_buf); /* buffer space available */ _msg.msg_flags |= MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC; cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&_msg); cmsg->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(0); cmsg->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET; cmsg->cmsg_type = SCM_RIGHTS; _msg.msg_controllen = cmsg->cmsg_len; /* actual cmsg length */ /* initialize iovec */ _msg.msg_iov = &_iovec; _msg.msg_iovlen = 1; _iovec.iov_base = buffer; _iovec.iov_len = buffer_len; } msghdr * msg() { return &_msg; } void marshal_socket(int sd) { *((int *)CMSG_DATA((cmsghdr *)_cmsg_buf) + _num_sds) = sd; _num_sds++; struct cmsghdr *cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&_msg); cmsg->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(_num_sds*sizeof(int)); _msg.msg_controllen = cmsg->cmsg_len; /* actual cmsg length */ } void accept_sockets(int num_sds) { struct cmsghdr *cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&_msg); cmsg->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(num_sds*sizeof(int)); _msg.msg_controllen = cmsg->cmsg_len; /* actual cmsg length */ } int socket_at_index(int index) const { return *((int *)CMSG_DATA((cmsghdr *)_cmsg_buf) + index); } unsigned num_sockets() const { struct cmsghdr *cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&_msg); if (!cmsg) return 0; return (cmsg->cmsg_len - CMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(cmsghdr)))/sizeof(int); } }; } /* unnamed namespace */ /** * Utility: Extract socket desriptors from SCM message into 'Genode::Msgbuf' */ static void extract_sds_from_message(unsigned start_index, Message const &msg, Genode::Msgbuf_base &buf) { buf.reset_caps(); /* start at offset 1 to skip the reply channel */ for (unsigned i = start_index; i < msg.num_sockets(); i++) { int const sd = msg.socket_at_index(i); int const id = lookup_tid_by_client_socket(sd); int const associated_sd = Genode::ep_sd_registry()->try_associate(sd, id); buf.append_cap(associated_sd); if ((associated_sd >= 0) && (associated_sd != sd)) { /* * The association already existed under a different name, use * already associated socket descriptor and and drop 'sd'. */ lx_close(sd); } } } /** * Send request to server and wait for reply */ static inline void lx_call(int dst_sd, Genode::Msgbuf_base &send_msgbuf, Genode::size_t send_msg_len, Genode::Msgbuf_base &recv_msgbuf) { int ret; Message send_msg(send_msgbuf.buf, send_msg_len); /* * Create reply channel * * The reply channel will be closed when leaving the scope of 'lx_call'. */ struct Reply_channel { enum { LOCAL_SOCKET = 0, REMOTE_SOCKET = 1 }; int sd[2]; Reply_channel() { sd[LOCAL_SOCKET] = -1; sd[REMOTE_SOCKET] = -1; int ret = lx_socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0, sd); if (ret < 0) { PRAW("[%d] lx_socketpair failed with %d", lx_getpid(), ret); throw Genode::Ipc_error(); } } ~Reply_channel() { if (sd[LOCAL_SOCKET] != -1) lx_close(sd[LOCAL_SOCKET]); if (sd[REMOTE_SOCKET] != -1) lx_close(sd[REMOTE_SOCKET]); } int local_socket() const { return sd[LOCAL_SOCKET]; } int remote_socket() const { return sd[REMOTE_SOCKET]; } } reply_channel; /* assemble message */ /* marshal reply capability */ send_msg.marshal_socket(reply_channel.remote_socket()); /* marshal capabilities contained in 'send_msgbuf' */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < send_msgbuf.used_caps(); i++) send_msg.marshal_socket(send_msgbuf.cap(i)); ret = lx_sendmsg(dst_sd, send_msg.msg(), 0); if (ret < 0) { PRAW("[%d] lx_sendmsg to sd %d failed with %d in lx_call()", lx_getpid(), dst_sd, ret); throw Genode::Ipc_error(); } /* receive reply */ Message recv_msg(recv_msgbuf.buf, recv_msgbuf.size()); recv_msg.accept_sockets(Message::MAX_SDS_PER_MSG); ret = lx_recvmsg(reply_channel.local_socket(), recv_msg.msg(), 0); /* system call got interrupted by a signal */ if (ret == -LX_EINTR) throw Genode::Blocking_canceled(); if (ret < 0) { PRAW("[%d] lx_recvmsg failed with %d in lx_call()", lx_getpid(), ret); throw Genode::Ipc_error(); } extract_sds_from_message(0, recv_msg, recv_msgbuf); } /** * for request from client * * \return socket descriptor of reply capability */ static inline int lx_wait(Genode::Native_connection_state &cs, Genode::Msgbuf_base &recv_msgbuf) { Message msg(recv_msgbuf.buf, recv_msgbuf.size()); msg.accept_sockets(Message::MAX_SDS_PER_MSG); int ret = lx_recvmsg(cs.server_sd, msg.msg(), 0); /* system call got interrupted by a signal */ if (ret == -LX_EINTR) throw Genode::Blocking_canceled(); if (ret < 0) { PRAW("lx_recvmsg failed with %d in lx_wait(), sd=%d", ret, cs.server_sd); throw Genode::Ipc_error(); } int const reply_socket = msg.socket_at_index(0); extract_sds_from_message(1, msg, recv_msgbuf); return reply_socket; } /** * Send reply to client */ static inline void lx_reply(int reply_socket, Genode::Msgbuf_base &send_msgbuf, Genode::size_t msg_len) { Message msg(send_msgbuf.buf, msg_len); /* * Marshall capabilities to be transferred to the client */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < send_msgbuf.used_caps(); i++) msg.marshal_socket(send_msgbuf.cap(i)); int ret = lx_sendmsg(reply_socket, msg.msg(), 0); /* ignore reply send error caused by disappearing client */ if (ret >= 0 || ret == -LX_ECONNREFUSED) { lx_close(reply_socket); return; } if (ret < 0) PRAW("[%d] lx_sendmsg failed with %d in lx_reply()", lx_getpid(), ret); } /***************** ** Ipc_ostream ** *****************/ /* * XXX This class will be removed soon. */ void Ipc_ostream::_prepare_next_send() { PRAW("unexpected call to %s (%p)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, this); } Ipc_ostream::Ipc_ostream(Native_capability dst, Msgbuf_base *snd_msg): Ipc_marshaller(snd_msg->buf, snd_msg->size()), _snd_msg(snd_msg), _dst(dst) { } /***************** ** Ipc_istream ** *****************/ /* * XXX This class will be removed soon. */ void Ipc_istream::_prepare_next_receive() { PRAW("unexpected call to %s (%p)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, this); } Ipc_istream::Ipc_istream(Msgbuf_base *rcv_msg) : Ipc_unmarshaller(rcv_msg->buf, rcv_msg->size()), Native_capability(Dst(-1), 0), _rcv_msg(rcv_msg) { } Ipc_istream::~Ipc_istream() { } /**************** ** Ipc_client ** ****************/ void Ipc_client::_prepare_next_call() { /* prepare next request in buffer */ long const local_name = Ipc_ostream::_dst.local_name(); _write_offset = 0; _write_to_buf(local_name); /* prepare response buffer */ _read_offset = sizeof(long); _snd_msg->reset_caps(); } void Ipc_client::_call() { if (Ipc_ostream::_dst.valid()) lx_call(Ipc_ostream::_dst.dst().socket, *_snd_msg, _write_offset, *_rcv_msg); _prepare_next_call(); } Ipc_client::Ipc_client(Native_capability const &srv, Msgbuf_base *snd_msg, Msgbuf_base *rcv_msg, unsigned short) : Ipc_istream(rcv_msg), Ipc_ostream(srv, snd_msg), _result(0) { _prepare_next_call(); } /**************** ** Ipc_server ** ****************/ void Ipc_server::_prepare_next_reply_wait() { /* skip server-local name */ _read_offset = sizeof(long); /* prepare next reply */ _write_offset = 0; long local_name = Ipc_ostream::_dst.local_name(); _write_to_buf(local_name); /* XXX unused, needed by de/marshaller */ /* leave space for exc code at the beginning of the msgbuf */ _write_offset += align_natural(sizeof(int)); /* reset capability slots of send message buffer */ _snd_msg->reset_caps(); } void Ipc_server::_wait() { _reply_needed = true; /* * Block infinitely if called from the main thread. This may happen if the * main thread calls 'sleep_forever()'. */ if (!Thread_base::myself()) { struct timespec ts = { 1000, 0 }; for (;;) lx_nanosleep(&ts, 0); } try { int const reply_socket = lx_wait(_rcv_cs, *_rcv_msg); /* * Remember reply capability * * The 'local_name' of a capability is meaningful for addressing server * objects only. Because a reply capabilities does not address a server * object, the 'local_name' is meaningless. */ enum { DUMMY_LOCAL_NAME = -1 }; typedef Native_capability::Dst Dst; Ipc_ostream::_dst = Native_capability(Dst(reply_socket), DUMMY_LOCAL_NAME); _prepare_next_reply_wait(); } catch (Blocking_canceled) { } } void Ipc_server::_reply() { try { lx_reply(Ipc_ostream::_dst.dst().socket, *_snd_msg, _write_offset); } catch (Ipc_error) { } _prepare_next_reply_wait(); } void Ipc_server::_reply_wait() { /* when first called, there was no request yet */ if (_reply_needed) lx_reply(Ipc_ostream::_dst.dst().socket, *_snd_msg, _write_offset); _wait(); } Ipc_server::Ipc_server(Native_connection_state &cs, Msgbuf_base *snd_msg, Msgbuf_base *rcv_msg) : Ipc_istream(rcv_msg), Ipc_ostream(Native_capability(), snd_msg), _reply_needed(false), _rcv_cs(cs) { Thread_base *thread = Thread_base::myself(); /* * If 'thread' is 0, the constructor was called by the main thread. By * definition, main is never an RPC entrypoint. However, the main thread * may call 'sleep_forever()', which instantiates 'Ipc_server'. */ if (thread && thread->native_thread().is_ipc_server) { PRAW("[%d] unexpected multiple instantiation of Ipc_server by one thread", lx_gettid()); struct Ipc_server_multiple_instance { }; throw Ipc_server_multiple_instance(); } if (thread) { _rcv_cs = server_socket_pair(); thread->native_thread().is_ipc_server = true; } /* override capability initialization performed by 'Ipc_istream' */ *static_cast(this) = Native_capability(Native_capability::Dst(_rcv_cs.client_sd), 0); _prepare_next_reply_wait(); } Ipc_server::~Ipc_server() { Genode::ep_sd_registry()->disassociate(_rcv_cs.client_sd); /* * Reset thread role to non-server such that we can enter 'sleep_forever' * without getting a warning. */ Thread_base *thread = Thread_base::myself(); if (thread) thread->native_thread().is_ipc_server = false; destroy_server_socket_pair(_rcv_cs); _rcv_cs.client_sd = -1; _rcv_cs.server_sd = -1; }