/* * \brief VirtualBox page manager (PGM) * \author Norman Feske * \date 2013-08-20 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2013 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2. */ /* Genode includes */ #include #include #include /* VirtualBox includes */ #include "PGMInternal.h" /* enable access to pgm.s.* */ #include "EMInternal.h" #include #include #include #include #include /* local includes */ #include "util.h" #include "vmm_memory.h" #include "guest_memory.h" using Genode::Ram_session; using Genode::Rm_session; static bool verbose = false; static bool verbose_debug = false; Vmm_memory *vmm_memory() { static Vmm_memory inst(*Genode::env()->ram_session()); return &inst; } Guest_memory *guest_memory() { static Guest_memory inst; return &inst; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) romwritehandler(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, void *pvPhys, void *pvBuf, size_t cbBuf, PGMACCESSTYPE enmAccessType, void *pvUser) { Assert(!"Somebody tries to write to ROM"); return -1; } int PGMR3PhysRomRegister(PVM pVM, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, RTGCPHYS cb, const void *pvBinary, uint32_t cbBinary, uint32_t fFlags, const char *pszDesc) { if (verbose) PLOG("%s: GCPhys=0x%llx cb=0x%llx pvBinary=0x%p - '%s'", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, (Genode::uint64_t)cb, pvBinary, pszDesc); try { RTGCPHYS GCPhysLast = GCPhys + (cb - 1); size_t size = (size_t)cb; Assert(cb == size); void *pv = vmm_memory()->alloc_rom(size, pDevIns); Assert(pv); memcpy(pv, pvBinary, size); /* associate memory of VMM with guest VM */ vmm_memory()->map_to_vm(pDevIns, GCPhys); guest_memory()->add_rom_mapping(GCPhys, cb, pv, pDevIns); bool fShadowed = fFlags & PGMPHYS_ROM_FLAGS_SHADOWED; Assert(!fShadowed); int rc = PGMR3HandlerPhysicalRegister(pVM, PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE_PHYSICAL_WRITE, GCPhys, GCPhysLast, romwritehandler, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, pszDesc); Assert(rc == VINF_SUCCESS); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_REM REMR3NotifyPhysRomRegister(pVM, GCPhys, cb, NULL, fShadowed); #endif } catch (Guest_memory::Region_conflict) { return VERR_PGM_MAPPING_CONFLICT; } catch (Ram_session::Alloc_failed) { return VERR_PGM_MAPPING_CONFLICT; } catch (Rm_session::Attach_failed) { return VERR_PGM_MAPPING_CONFLICT; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int pgmR3PhysWriteExternalEMT(PVM pVM, PRTGCPHYS pGCPhys, const void *pvBuf, size_t cbWrite) { VM_ASSERT_EMT(pVM); return PGMPhysWrite(pVM, *pGCPhys, pvBuf, cbWrite); } int PGMPhysWrite(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, const void *pvBuf, size_t cbWrite) { VM_ASSERT_EMT(pVM); void *pv = guest_memory()->lookup(GCPhys, cbWrite); if (verbose_debug) PDBG("%s: GCPhys=0x%llx pvBuf=0x%p cb=0x%zx pv=%p", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, pvBuf, cbWrite, pv); if (pv) { void * pvx = vmm_memory()->lookup(GCPhys, cbWrite); Assert(!pvx); memcpy(pv, pvBuf, cbWrite); return VINF_SUCCESS; } PFNPGMR3PHYSHANDLER pfnHandlerR3 = 0; void *pvUserR3 = 0; pv = vmm_memory()->lookup(GCPhys, cbWrite, &pfnHandlerR3, &pvUserR3); if (!pv || !pfnHandlerR3 || !pvUserR3) { PERR("%s skipped: GCPhys=0x%llx pvBuf=0x%p cbWrite=0x%zx", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, pvBuf, cbWrite); return VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } int rc = pfnHandlerR3(pVM, GCPhys, 0, 0, cbWrite, PGMACCESSTYPE_WRITE, pvUserR3); if (rc != VINF_PGM_HANDLER_DO_DEFAULT) { PERR("unexpected %s return code %d", __FUNCTION__, rc); return VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } memcpy(pv, pvBuf, cbWrite); return VINF_SUCCESS; } int PGMR3PhysWriteExternal(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, const void *pvBuf, size_t cbWrite, const char *pszWho) { VM_ASSERT_OTHER_THREAD(pVM); return VMR3ReqPriorityCallWait(pVM, VMCPUID_ANY, (PFNRT)pgmR3PhysWriteExternalEMT, 4, pVM, &GCPhys, pvBuf, cbWrite); } int PGMPhysRead(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, void *pvBuf, size_t cbRead) { VM_ASSERT_EMT(pVM); void *pv = guest_memory()->lookup(GCPhys, cbRead); if (verbose_debug) PDBG("%s: GCPhys=0x%llx pvBuf=0x%p cbRead=0x%zx pv=%p", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, pvBuf, cbRead, pv); if (pv) { void * pvx = vmm_memory()->lookup(GCPhys, cbRead); Assert(!pvx); memcpy(pvBuf, pv, cbRead); return VINF_SUCCESS; } PFNPGMR3PHYSHANDLER pfnHandlerR3 = 0; void *pvUserR3 = 0; pv = vmm_memory()->lookup(GCPhys, cbRead, &pfnHandlerR3, &pvUserR3); if (!pv || !pfnHandlerR3 || !pvUserR3) { PERR("PGMPhysRead skipped: GCPhys=0x%llx pvBuf=0x%p cbRead=0x%zx", (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, pvBuf, cbRead); return VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } memcpy(pvBuf, pv, cbRead); return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int pgmR3PhysReadExternalEMT(PVM pVM, PRTGCPHYS pGCPhys, void *pvBuf, size_t cbRead) { VM_ASSERT_EMT(pVM); PGMPhysRead(pVM, *pGCPhys, pvBuf, cbRead); return VINF_SUCCESS; } int PGMR3PhysReadExternal(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, void *pvBuf, size_t cbRead) { VM_ASSERT_OTHER_THREAD(pVM); return VMR3ReqPriorityCallWait(pVM, VMCPUID_ANY, (PFNRT)pgmR3PhysReadExternalEMT, 4, pVM, &GCPhys, pvBuf, cbRead); } int PGMR3PhysMMIO2Register(PVM pVM, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, uint32_t iRegion, RTGCPHYS cb, uint32_t fFlags, void **ppv, const char *pszDesc) { *ppv = vmm_memory()->alloc((size_t)cb, pDevIns, iRegion); if (verbose) PLOG("PGMR3PhysMMIO2Register: pszDesc=%s iRegion=%u cb=0x%zx -> 0x%p", pszDesc, iRegion, (size_t)cb, *ppv); return VINF_SUCCESS; } int PGMR3PhysMMIO2Deregister(PVM pVM, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, uint32_t iRegion) { PERR("%s: pDevIns %p iRegion=%x", __func__, pDevIns, iRegion); return VINF_SUCCESS; } int PGMR3PhysMMIO2Map(PVM pVM, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, uint32_t iRegion, RTGCPHYS GCPhys) { size_t cb = vmm_memory()->map_to_vm(pDevIns, GCPhys, iRegion); if (cb == 0) { PERR("%s: lookup for pDevIns=%p iRegion=%u failed\n", __func__, pDevIns, iRegion); Assert(cb); } if (verbose) PLOG("%s: pDevIns=%p iRegion=%u cb=0x%zx GCPhys=0x%llx\n", __func__, pDevIns, iRegion, cb, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_REM REMR3NotifyPhysRamRegister(pVM, GCPhys, cb, REM_NOTIFY_PHYS_RAM_FLAGS_MMIO2); #endif return VINF_SUCCESS; } int PGMR3PhysMMIO2Unmap(PVM pVM, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, uint32_t iRegion, RTGCPHYS GCPhys) { if (verbose_debug) PDBG("called phys=%llx iRegion=0x%x", (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, iRegion); RTGCPHYS GCPhysStart = GCPhys; size_t size = 1; bool io = vmm_memory()->lookup_range(GCPhysStart, size); Assert(io); Assert(GCPhysStart == GCPhys); bool INVALIDATE = true; bool ok = vmm_memory()->unmap_from_vm(GCPhys, size, INVALIDATE); Assert(ok); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_REM REMR3NotifyPhysRamDeregister(pVM, GCPhysStart, size); #endif return VINF_SUCCESS; } bool PGMR3PhysMMIO2IsBase(PVM pVM, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, RTGCPHYS GCPhys) { bool res = vmm_memory()->lookup(GCPhys, 1); if (verbose_debug) PDBG("called phys=%llx res=%u", (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, res); return res; } int PGMR3HandlerPhysicalRegister(PVM pVM, PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE enmType, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, RTGCPHYS GCPhysLast, PFNPGMR3PHYSHANDLER pfnHandlerR3, void *pvUserR3, const char *pszModR0, const char *pszHandlerR0, RTR0PTR pvUserR0, const char *pszModRC, const char *pszHandlerRC, RTRCPTR pvUserRC, const char *pszDesc) { if (verbose) PLOG("%s: GCPhys=0x%llx-%llx r3=0x%p enmType=%x - '%s'\n", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhysLast, pfnHandlerR3, enmType, pszDesc); bool ok = vmm_memory()->add_handler(GCPhys, GCPhysLast - GCPhys + 1, pfnHandlerR3, pvUserR3, enmType); Assert(ok); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_REM REMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalRegister(pVM, enmType, GCPhys, GCPhysLast - GCPhys + 1, !!pfnHandlerR3); #endif return VINF_SUCCESS; } int PGMHandlerPhysicalDeregister(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys) { size_t size = 1; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_REM PFNPGMR3PHYSHANDLER pfnHandlerR3 = 0; PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE enmType = PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE_MMIO; void * pv = vmm_memory()->lookup(GCPhys, size, &pfnHandlerR3, 0, &enmType); Assert(pv); if (verbose_debug) PDBG("called phys=%llx enmType=%x", (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, enmType); #endif bool ok = vmm_memory()->add_handler(GCPhys, size, 0, 0); Assert(ok); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_REM bool fRestoreAsRAM = pfnHandlerR3 && enmType != PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE_MMIO; /* GCPhysstart and size gets written ! */ RTGCPHYS GCPhysStart = GCPhys; bool io = vmm_memory()->lookup_range(GCPhysStart, size); Assert(io); REMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalDeregister(pVM, enmType, GCPhysStart, size, !!pfnHandlerR3, fRestoreAsRAM); #endif return VINF_SUCCESS; } int PGMR3PhysRegisterRam(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, RTGCPHYS cb, const char *pszDesc) { if (verbose) PLOG("PGMR3PhysRegisterRam: GCPhys=0x%llx, cb=0x%llx, pszDesc=%s", (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, (Genode::uint64_t)cb, pszDesc); try { /* * XXX Is this function the right place for the allocation? * The lack of allocation-related VERR_PGM_ error codes suggests * so. */ size_t size = (size_t)cb; Assert(cb == size); void *pv = vmm_memory()->alloc_ram(size); guest_memory()->add_ram_mapping(GCPhys, cb, pv); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_REM REMR3NotifyPhysRamRegister(pVM, GCPhys, cb, REM_NOTIFY_PHYS_RAM_FLAGS_RAM); #endif } catch (Guest_memory::Region_conflict) { return VERR_PGM_MAPPING_CONFLICT; } catch (Ram_session::Alloc_failed) { return VERR_PGM_MAPPING_CONFLICT; /* XXX use a better error code? */ } catch (Rm_session::Attach_failed) { return VERR_PGM_MAPPING_CONFLICT; /* XXX use a better error code? */ } return VINF_SUCCESS; } int PGMMapSetPage(PVM pVM, RTGCPTR GCPtr, uint64_t cb, uint64_t fFlags) { if (verbose) PLOG("%s: GCPtr=0x%llx cb=0x%llx, flags=0x%llx", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPtr, (Genode::uint64_t)cb, (Genode::uint64_t)fFlags); return VINF_SUCCESS; } RTHCPHYS PGMGetHyperCR3(PVMCPU pVCpu) { // PDBG("%s %lx", __func__, CPUMGetHyperCR3(pVCpu)); return 1; } int PGMR3Init(PVM pVM) { /* * Satisfy assertion in VMMR3Init. Normally called via: * * PGMR3Init -> pgmR3InitPaging -> pgmR3ModeDataInit -> InitData -> MapCR3 */ for (VMCPUID idCpu = 0; idCpu < pVM->cCpus; idCpu++) { PVMCPU pVCpu = &pVM->aCpus[idCpu]; CPUMSetHyperCR3(pVCpu, PGMGetHyperCR3(pVCpu)); pVCpu->pgm.s.fA20Enabled = true; pVCpu->pgm.s.GCPhysA20Mask = ~((RTGCPHYS)!pVCpu->pgm.s.fA20Enabled << 20); } int rc = PDMR3CritSectInit(pVM, &pVM->pgm.s.CritSectX, RT_SRC_POS, "PGM"); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); return VINF_SUCCESS; } int PGMR3Term(PVM pVM) { if (verbose) PDBG("called"); return VINF_SUCCESS; } int PGMPhysGCPtr2CCPtrReadOnly(PVMCPU pVCpu, RTGCPTR GCPtr, void const **ppv, PPGMPAGEMAPLOCK pLock) { PERR("%s not implemented - caller 0x%p", __func__, __builtin_return_address(0)); Assert(!"not implemented"); return VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } int PGMR3PhysTlbGCPhys2Ptr(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, bool fWritable, void **ppv) { size_t const size = 1; PFNPGMR3PHYSHANDLER pfnHandlerR3 = 0; void *pvUserR3 = 0; PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE enmType; void * pv = vmm_memory()->lookup(GCPhys, size, &pfnHandlerR3, &pvUserR3, &enmType); if (!pv) { /* It could be ordinary guest memory - look it up. */ pv = guest_memory()->lookup(GCPhys, size); if (!pv) { PERR("%s: lookup for GCPhys=0x%llx failed", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys); return VERR_PGM_PHYS_TLB_UNASSIGNED; } *ppv = pv; if (verbose_debug) PDBG("%s: %llx %u -> 0x%p", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, fWritable, pv); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* pv valid - check handlers next */ if (!pfnHandlerR3 && !pvUserR3) { *ppv = pv; return VINF_SUCCESS; } if (enmType == PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE_PHYSICAL_WRITE) { *ppv = pv; return VINF_PGM_PHYS_TLB_CATCH_WRITE; } PERR("%s: denied access - handlers set - GCPhys=0x%llx %p %p %x", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, pfnHandlerR3, pvUserR3, enmType); return VERR_PGM_PHYS_TLB_CATCH_ALL; } void PGMR3PhysSetA20(PVMCPU pVCpu, bool fEnable) { if (!pVCpu->pgm.s.fA20Enabled != fEnable) { pVCpu->pgm.s.fA20Enabled = fEnable; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_REM REMR3A20Set(pVCpu->pVMR3, pVCpu, fEnable); #endif } return; } bool PGMPhysIsA20Enabled(PVMCPU pVCpu) { return pVCpu->pgm.s.fA20Enabled; } template static void PGMR3PhysWrite(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, T value) { VM_ASSERT_EMT(pVM); void *pv = guest_memory()->lookup(GCPhys, sizeof(value)); if (verbose_debug) PDBG("%s: GCPhys=0x%llx cb=0x%zx pv=%p", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, sizeof(value), pv); if (!pv) { PERR("%s: invalid write attempt phy=%llx", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys); return; } /* sanity check */ void * pvx = vmm_memory()->lookup(GCPhys, sizeof(value)); Assert(!pvx); *reinterpret_cast(pv) = value; } void PGMR3PhysWriteU8(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, uint8_t value) { PGMR3PhysWrite(pVM, GCPhys, value); } void PGMR3PhysWriteU16(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, uint16_t value) { PGMR3PhysWrite(pVM, GCPhys, value); } void PGMR3PhysWriteU32(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, uint32_t value) { PGMR3PhysWrite(pVM, GCPhys, value); } template static T PGMR3PhysRead(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys) { void *pv = guest_memory()->lookup(GCPhys, sizeof(T)); if (verbose_debug) PDBG("%s: GCPhys=0x%llx cb=0x%zx pv=%p", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, sizeof(T), pv); if (!pv) { PERR("%s: invalid read attempt phys=%llx", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys); return 0; } /* sanity check */ void * pvx = vmm_memory()->lookup(GCPhys, sizeof(T)); Assert(!pvx); return *reinterpret_cast(pv); } uint64_t PGMR3PhysReadU64(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys) { return PGMR3PhysRead(pVM, GCPhys); } uint32_t PGMR3PhysReadU32(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys) { return PGMR3PhysRead(pVM, GCPhys); } int PGMPhysGCPhys2CCPtrReadOnly(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, void const **ppv, PPGMPAGEMAPLOCK pLock) { void *pv = guest_memory()->lookup(GCPhys, 0x1000); if (verbose_debug) PDBG("%s: GCPhys=0x%llx cb=0x%d pv=%p", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, 0x1000, pv); if (!pv) { PERR("unknown address pv=%p ppv=%p GCPhys=%llx", pv, ppv, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys); guest_memory()->dump(); return VERR_PGM_INVALID_GC_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS; } *ppv = pv; return VINF_SUCCESS; } int PGMHandlerPhysicalReset(PVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys) { size_t size = 1; if (!vmm_memory()->unmap_from_vm(GCPhys, size)) PWRN("%s: unbacked region - GCPhys %llx", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys); return VINF_SUCCESS; } extern "C" int MMIO2_MAPPED_SYNC(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, size_t cbWrite, void **ppv, Genode::Flexpage_iterator &fli, bool &writeable) { using Genode::Flexpage_iterator; using Genode::addr_t; /* DON'T USE normal printf in this function - corrupts unsaved UTCB !!! */ PFNPGMR3PHYSHANDLER pfnHandlerR3 = 0; void *pvUserR3 = 0; void * pv = vmm_memory()->lookup(GCPhys, cbWrite, &pfnHandlerR3, &pvUserR3); if (!pv) return VERR_PGM_PHYS_TLB_UNASSIGNED; fli = Flexpage_iterator((addr_t)pv, cbWrite, GCPhys, cbWrite, GCPhys); if (!pfnHandlerR3 && !pvUserR3) { *ppv = pv; // Vmm::printf("------------------ %s: GCPhys=0x%llx vmm local %p io mem map - no handlers\n", __func__, GCPhys, pv); // return VERR_PGM_PHYS_TLB_UNASSIGNED; /* you may map it */ return VINF_SUCCESS; } if (pfnHandlerR3 && pvUserR3) { int rc = pfnHandlerR3(pVM, GCPhys, 0, 0, cbWrite, PGMACCESSTYPE_WRITE, pvUserR3); if (rc == VINF_PGM_HANDLER_DO_DEFAULT) { *ppv = pv; /* you may map it */ return VINF_SUCCESS; } Vmm::printf("%s: GCPhys=0x%llx failed - unexpected rc=%d\n", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, rc); return rc; } RTGCPHYS map_start = GCPhys; size_t map_size = 1; bool io = vmm_memory()->lookup_range(map_start, map_size); Assert(io); pv = vmm_memory()->lookup(map_start, map_size); Assert(pv); fli = Flexpage_iterator((addr_t)pv, map_size, map_start, map_size, map_start); if (verbose_debug) Vmm::printf("%s: GCPhys=0x%llx - %llx+%zx\n", __func__, (Genode::uint64_t)GCPhys, (Genode::uint64_t)map_start, map_size); *ppv = pv; writeable = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; } void PGMR3Reset(PVM pVM) { VM_ASSERT_EMT(pVM); for (VMCPUID i = 0; i < pVM->cCpus; i++) { // int rc = PGMR3ChangeMode(pVM, &pVM->aCpus[i], PGMMODE_REAL); // AssertRC(rc); } for (VMCPUID i = 0; i < pVM->cCpus; i++) { PVMCPU pVCpu = &pVM->aCpus[i]; VMCPU_FF_CLEAR(pVCpu, VMCPU_FF_PGM_SYNC_CR3); VMCPU_FF_CLEAR(pVCpu, VMCPU_FF_PGM_SYNC_CR3_NON_GLOBAL); VMCPU_FF_SET(pVCpu, VMCPU_FF_TLB_FLUSH); if (!pVCpu->pgm.s.fA20Enabled) { pVCpu->pgm.s.fA20Enabled = true; pVCpu->pgm.s.GCPhysA20Mask = ~((RTGCPHYS)!pVCpu->pgm.s.fA20Enabled << 20); #ifdef PGM_WITH_A20 pVCpu->pgm.s.fSyncFlags |= PGM_SYNC_UPDATE_PAGE_BIT_VIRTUAL; VMCPU_FF_SET(pVCpu, VMCPU_FF_PGM_SYNC_CR3); HMFlushTLB(pVCpu); #endif } } vmm_memory()->revoke_all(); } int PGMR3MappingsSize(PVM pVM, uint32_t *pcb) { if (verbose) PINF("%s - not implemented - %p", __func__, __builtin_return_address(0)); *pcb = 0; return 0; } void PGMR3MemSetup(PVM pVM, bool fAtReset) { if (verbose) PDBG(" called"); } VMMDECL(bool) PGMIsLockOwner(PVM pVM) { return PDMCritSectIsOwner(&pVM->pgm.s.CritSectX); } VMM_INT_DECL(void) PGMNotifyNxeChanged(PVMCPU pVCpu, bool fNxe) { if (verbose) PINF("%s - not implemented - %p", __func__, __builtin_return_address(0)); }