/* * \brief Test for timer service * \author Norman Feske * \author Martin Stein * \date 2009-06-22 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. */ /* Genode includes */ #include #include #include #include using namespace Genode; struct Lazy_test { struct Faster_timer_too_slow : Exception { }; Env &env; Signal_transmitter done; Timer::Connection slow_timer { env }; Signal_handler slow_handler { env.ep(), *this, &Lazy_test::handle_slow_timer }; Timer::Connection fast_timer { env }; Signal_handler fast_handler { env.ep(), *this, &Lazy_test::handle_fast_timer }; Timer::Connection faster_timer { env }; Signal_handler faster_handler { env.ep(), *this, &Lazy_test::handle_faster_timer }; void handle_slow_timer() { log("timeout fired"); done.submit(); } void handle_fast_timer() { throw Faster_timer_too_slow(); } void handle_faster_timer() { set_fast_timers(); } void set_fast_timers() { enum { TIMEOUT_US = 50*1000 }; fast_timer.trigger_once(TIMEOUT_US); faster_timer.trigger_once(TIMEOUT_US/2); } Lazy_test(Env &env, Signal_context_capability done) : env(env), done(done) { slow_timer.sigh(slow_handler); fast_timer.sigh(fast_handler); faster_timer.sigh(faster_handler); log("register two-seconds timeout..."); slow_timer.trigger_once(2*1000*1000); set_fast_timers(); } }; struct Stress_test { enum { DURATION_SEC = 10 }; enum { MAX_SLV_PERIOD_US = 33000 }; struct Starvation : Exception { }; struct Violation_of_timer_rate_limit : Exception { }; struct Slave { enum { DURATION_US = DURATION_SEC * 1000 * 1000 }; enum { MIN_TIMER_PERIOD_US = 1000 }; enum { MAX_CNT_BASE = DURATION_US / MIN_TIMER_PERIOD_US }; enum { MAX_CNT_TOLERANCE = MAX_CNT_BASE / 9 }; enum { MAX_CNT = MAX_CNT_BASE + MAX_CNT_TOLERANCE }; enum { MIN_CNT = DURATION_US / MAX_SLV_PERIOD_US / 2 }; Signal_handler timer_handler; Timer::Connection timer; unsigned long us; unsigned count { 0 }; Slave(Env &env, unsigned us) : timer_handler(env.ep(), *this, &Slave::handle_timer), timer(env), us(us) { timer.sigh(timer_handler); } virtual ~Slave() { } void handle_timer() { count++; timer.trigger_once(us); } void dump() { log("timer (period ", us, " us) triggered ", count, " times (min ", (unsigned)MIN_CNT, " max ", (unsigned)MAX_CNT, ") -> slept ", ((unsigned long)us * count) / 1000, " ms"); /* detect starvation of timeouts */ if (count < MIN_CNT) { error("triggered less than ", (unsigned)MIN_CNT, " times"); throw Starvation(); } /* detect violation of timer rate limitation */ if (count > MAX_CNT) { error("triggered more than ", (unsigned)MAX_CNT, " times"); throw Violation_of_timer_rate_limit(); } } void start() { timer.trigger_once(us); } void stop() { timer.sigh(Signal_context_capability()); } }; Env &env; Signal_transmitter done; Heap heap { &env.ram(), &env.rm() }; Timer::Connection timer { env }; unsigned count { 0 }; Signal_handler handler { env.ep(), *this, &Stress_test::handle }; Registry > slaves; void handle() { if (count < DURATION_SEC) { count++; log("wait ", count, "/", (unsigned)DURATION_SEC); timer.trigger_once(1000UL * 1000); } else { slaves.for_each([&] (Slave &timer) { timer.stop(); }); slaves.for_each([&] (Slave &timer) { timer.dump(); }); done.submit(); } } Stress_test(Env &env, Signal_context_capability done) : env(env), done(done) { timer.sigh(handler); for (unsigned long us_1 = 1; us_1 < MAX_SLV_PERIOD_US; us_1 *= 2) { new (heap) Registered(slaves, env, us_1 - us_1 / 3); new (heap) Registered(slaves, env, us_1); } slaves.for_each([&] (Slave &slv) { slv.start(); }); timer.trigger_once(1000 * 1000); } ~Stress_test() { slaves.for_each([&] (Registered &slv) { destroy(heap, &slv); }); } }; struct Main { Env &env; Constructible test_1; Signal_handler
test_1_done { env.ep(), *this, &Main::handle_test_1_done }; Constructible test_2; Signal_handler
test_2_done { env.ep(), *this, &Main::handle_test_2_done }; void handle_test_1_done() { test_1.destruct(); test_2.construct(env, test_2_done); } void handle_test_2_done() { log("--- timer test finished ---"); env.parent().exit(0); } Main(Env &env) : env(env) { log("--- timer test ---"); test_1.construct(env, test_1_done); } }; void Component::construct(Env &env) { static Main main(env); }