/* * \brief Start command * \author Norman Feske * \date 2013-03-18 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. */ #ifndef _START_COMMAND_H_ #define _START_COMMAND_H_ /* Genode includes */ #include /* local includes */ #include namespace Cli_monitor { class Start_command; } class Cli_monitor::Start_command : public Command { private: typedef Genode::Xml_node Xml_node; typedef Genode::Signal_context_capability Signal_context_capability; typedef Genode::Dataspace_capability Dataspace_capability; Ram &_ram; Genode::Allocator &_alloc; Child_registry &_children; Genode::Pd_session &_ref_pd; Genode::Pd_session_capability _ref_pd_cap; Genode::Ram_session &_ref_ram; Genode::Ram_session_capability _ref_ram_cap; Genode::Region_map &_local_rm; Subsystem_config_registry &_subsystem_configs; List _arguments; Signal_context_capability _yield_response_sigh_cap; Signal_context_capability _exit_sig_cap; void _execute_subsystem(char const *name, Command_line &cmd, Terminal::Session &terminal, Genode::Xml_node subsystem_node) { size_t count = 1; Genode::Number_of_bytes ram = 0; Genode::Number_of_bytes ram_limit = 0; size_t caps = subsystem_node.attribute_value("caps", 0UL); /* read default RAM quota from config */ try { Xml_node rsc = subsystem_node.sub_node("resource"); for (;; rsc = rsc.next("resource")) { if (rsc.attribute("name").has_value("RAM")) { rsc.attribute("quantum").value(&ram); if (rsc.has_attribute("limit")) rsc.attribute("limit").value(&ram_limit); break; } } } catch (...) { } cmd.parameter("--count", count); cmd.parameter("--ram", ram); cmd.parameter("--ram-limit", ram_limit); /* acount for cli_monitor local metadata */ size_t preserve_ram = 100*1024; if (count * (ram + preserve_ram) > _ram.avail()) { tprintf(terminal, "Error: RAM quota exceeds available quota\n"); return; } bool const verbose = cmd.parameter_exists("--verbose"); /* * Determine binary name * * Use subsystem name by default, override with '' declaration. */ char binary_name[128]; strncpy(binary_name, name, sizeof(binary_name)); try { Xml_node bin = subsystem_node.sub_node("binary"); bin.attribute("name").value(binary_name, sizeof(binary_name)); } catch (...) { } for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) { /* generate unique child name */ char label[Child_registry::CHILD_NAME_MAX_LEN]; _children.unique_child_name(name, label, sizeof(label)); tprintf(terminal, "starting new subsystem '%s'\n", label); if (verbose) { tprintf(terminal, " RAM quota: "); tprint_bytes(terminal, ram); tprintf(terminal,"\n"); if (ram_limit) { tprintf(terminal, " RAM limit: "); tprint_bytes(terminal, ram_limit); tprintf(terminal,"\n"); } tprintf(terminal, " binary: %s\n", binary_name); } Child *child = 0; try { child = new (_alloc) Child(_ram, _alloc, label, binary_name, _ref_pd, _ref_pd_cap, _ref_ram, _ref_ram_cap, _local_rm, Genode::Cap_quota{caps}, ram, ram_limit, _yield_response_sigh_cap, _exit_sig_cap); } catch (Genode::Parent::Service_denied) { tprintf(terminal, "Error: could not start child \"%s\"\n", binary_name); return; } catch (Child::Quota_exceeded) { tprintf(terminal, "Error: insufficient memory, need "); tprint_bytes(terminal, ram + Child::DONATED_RAM_QUOTA); tprintf(terminal, ", have "); tprint_bytes(terminal, _ram.avail()); tprintf(terminal, "\n"); return; } catch (Genode::Allocator::Out_of_memory) { tprintf(terminal, "Error: could not allocate meta data, out of memory\n"); return; } /* configure child */ try { Xml_node config_node = subsystem_node.sub_node("config"); child->configure(config_node.addr(), config_node.size()); if (verbose) tprintf(terminal, " config: inline\n"); } catch (...) { if (verbose) tprintf(terminal, " config: none\n"); } _children.insert(child); child->start(); } } Parameter _count_param { "--count", Parameter::NUMBER, "number of instances" }; Parameter _ram_param { "--ram", Parameter::NUMBER, "initial RAM quota" }; Parameter _ram_limit_param { "--ram-limit", Parameter::NUMBER, "limit for expanding RAM quota" }; Parameter _verbose_param { "--verbose", Parameter::VOID, "show diagnostics" }; public: Start_command(Ram &ram, Genode::Allocator &alloc, Genode::Pd_session &ref_pd, Genode::Pd_session_capability ref_pd_cap, Genode::Ram_session &ref_ram, Genode::Ram_session_capability ref_ram_cap, Genode::Region_map &local_rm, Child_registry &children, Subsystem_config_registry &subsustem_configs, Signal_context_capability yield_response_sigh_cap, Signal_context_capability exit_sig_cap) : Command("start", "create new subsystem"), _ram(ram), _alloc(alloc), _children(children), _ref_pd(ref_pd), _ref_pd_cap(ref_pd_cap), _ref_ram(ref_ram), _ref_ram_cap(ref_ram_cap), _local_rm(local_rm), _subsystem_configs(subsustem_configs), _yield_response_sigh_cap(yield_response_sigh_cap), _exit_sig_cap(exit_sig_cap) { add_parameter(_count_param); add_parameter(_ram_param); add_parameter(_ram_limit_param); add_parameter(_verbose_param); } void _for_each_argument(Argument_fn const &fn) const override { /* functor for processing a subsystem configuration */ auto process_subsystem_config_fn = [&] (Genode::Xml_node node) { char name[Parameter::Name::size()]; try { node.attribute("name").value(name, sizeof(name)); } catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_attribute) { PWRN("Missing name in '' configuration"); return; } char const *prefix = "config: "; size_t const prefix_len = strlen(prefix); char help[Parameter::Short_help::size() + prefix_len]; strncpy(help, prefix, ~0); try { node.attribute("help").value(help + prefix_len, sizeof(help) - prefix_len); } catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_attribute) { PWRN("Missing help in '' configuration"); return; } Argument arg(name, help); fn(arg); }; /* scan subsystem config registry for possible subsystem arguments */ _subsystem_configs.for_each_config(process_subsystem_config_fn); } void execute(Command_line &cmd, Terminal::Session &terminal) { char name[128]; name[0] = 0; if (cmd.argument(0, name, sizeof(name)) == false) { tprintf(terminal, "Error: no configuration name specified\n"); return; } char buf[128]; if (cmd.argument(1, buf, sizeof(buf))) { tprintf(terminal, "Error: unexpected argument \"%s\"\n", buf); return; } try { _subsystem_configs.for_config(name, [&] (Genode::Xml_node node) { _execute_subsystem(name, cmd, terminal, node); }); } catch (Subsystem_config_registry::Nonexistent_subsystem_config) { tprintf(terminal, "Error: no configuration for \"%s\"\n", name); } } List &arguments() { return _arguments; } }; #endif /* _START_COMMAND_H_ */