# This file must be included from another "repository" because # the C preprocessor is injecting headers that have the same # filename across "repositories", and if those headers are included # from this "repository", then things break at runtime. Thus the # preprocessor include directories must be set correctly before # this file is included. Do not be fooled into thinking that the # directory structure has significance. : foreach $(BASE_DIR)/src/lib/startup/*.cc |> !cxx |> | $(REP_DIR)/ {obj} ifeq (@(TUP_ARCH),i386) : foreach $(BASE_DIR)/src/lib/startup/spec/x86_32/*.s \ |> !asm |> | $(REP_DIR)/ {obj} endif ifeq (@(TUP_ARCH),x86_64) : foreach $(BASE_DIR)/src/lib/startup/spec/x86_64/*.s \ |> !asm |> | $(REP_DIR)/ {obj} endif ifeq (@(TUP_ARCH),arm64) : foreach $(BASE_DIR)/src/lib/startup/spec/arm_64/*.s \ |> !asm |> | $(REP_DIR)/ {obj} endif