let pinnedNixpkgs = import (builtins.fetchGit { url = "https://gitea.c3d2.de/ehmry/nixpkgs.git"; ref = "genode"; }); in { localSystem ? "x86_64-linux", crossSystem ? "x86_64-genode" , nixpkgs ? pinnedNixpkgs, self ? { }, dhall-haskell ? null }: let nixpkgs' = if builtins.isAttrs nixpkgs then nixpkgs else nixpkgs { inherit localSystem crossSystem; }; inherit (nixpkgs') buildPackages llvmPackages; sourceForgeToolchain = nixpkgs'.buildPackages.callPackage ./toolchain.nix { }; stdenvLlvm = let inherit (nixpkgs') stdenv; in assert stdenv.cc.isClang; stdenv; stdenvGcc = let env = nixpkgs'.stdenvAdapters.overrideCC nixpkgs'.stdenv sourceForgeToolchain; in assert env.cc.isGNU; env; inherit (stdenvLlvm) lib targetPlatform; specs = with targetPlatform; [ ] ++ lib.optional is32bit "32bit" ++ lib.optional is64bit "64bit" ++ lib.optional isAarch32 "arm" ++ lib.optional isAarch64 "arm_64" ++ lib.optional isRiscV "riscv" ++ lib.optional isx86 "x86" ++ lib.optional isx86_32 "x86_32" ++ lib.optional isx86_64 "x86_64"; toTupConfig = env: attrs: let tupArch = with env.targetPlatform; if isAarch32 then "arm" else if isAarch64 then "arm64" else if isx86_32 then "i386" else if isx86_64 then "x86_64" else abort "unhandled targetPlatform"; attrs' = with env; { TUP_ARCH = tupArch; } // attrs; in with builtins; env.mkDerivation { name = "tup.config"; nativeBuildInputs = with nixpkgs'.buildPackages; [ binutils pkgconfig which ]; text = let op = config: name: '' ${config}CONFIG_${name}=${getAttr name attrs} ''; in foldl' op "" (attrNames attrs); passAsFile = [ "text" ]; preferLocalBuild = true; buildCommand = let subst = let vars = [ "AR" "NM" ]; f = other: var: other + '' echo CONFIG_${var}=`which ''$${var}` >> $out ''; in foldl' f "" vars; utils = let vars = [ "pkg-config" "objcopy" ]; f = other: var: other + '' echo CONFIG_${var}=`which ${var}` >> $out ''; in foldl' f "" vars; in '' cp $textPath $out ${subst} ${utils} ''; }; tupConfigGcc = let f = env: let prefix = bin: env.cc.targetPrefix + bin; in { CC = prefix "gcc"; CXX = prefix "g++"; LD = prefix "ld"; OBJCOPY = prefix "objcopy"; RANLIB = prefix "ranlib"; READELF = prefix "readelf"; STRIP = prefix "strip"; PKGCONFIG = "${nixpkgs'.buildPackages.pkgconfig}/bin/pkg-config"; IS_GCC = ""; LINUX_HEADERS = buildPackages.glibc.dev; }; in toTupConfig stdenvGcc (f stdenvGcc); tupConfigLlvm = let f = env: let prefix = bin: "${env.cc}/bin/${env.cc.targetPrefix}${bin}"; in { CC = prefix "cc"; CXX = prefix "c++"; LD = prefix "ld"; OBJCOPY = prefix "objcopy"; OBJDUMP = prefix "objdump"; RANLIB = prefix "ranlib"; READELF = prefix "readelf"; STRIP = prefix "strip"; PKGCONFIG = "${nixpkgs'.buildPackages.pkgconfig}/bin/pkg-config"; IS_LLVM = ""; LIBCXXABI = llvmPackages.libcxxabi; LIBCXX = llvmPackages.libcxx; LIBUNWIND_BAREMETAL = llvmPackages.libunwind.override { isBaremetal = true; }; LIBUNWIND = llvmPackages.libunwind; LINUX_HEADERS = buildPackages.glibc.dev; }; in toTupConfig stdenvLlvm (f stdenvLlvm); buildRepo = { env, repo, repoInputs, filter }: let in env.mkDerivation { name = "genode-" + repo; inherit repo specs; src = builtins.filterSource filter ./.; nativeBuildInputs = repoInputs; # This is wrong, why does pkg-config not collect buildInputs? propagatedNativeBuildInputs = repoInputs; depsBuildBuild = with buildPackages; [ llvm pkgconfig tup ]; tupConfig = if env.cc.isGNU then tupConfigGcc else if env.cc.isClang then tupConfigLlvm else throw "no Tup config for this stdenv"; configurePhase = '' # Configure Tup set -v install -m666 $tupConfig tup.config echo CONFIG_NIX_OUTPUTS_OUT=$out >> tup.config echo CONFIG_NIX_OUTPUTS_DEV=$out >> tup.config # Disable other repos for R in repos/*; do [ "$R" != "repos/$repo" ] && find $R -name Tupfile -delete done # Scan repository and generate script tup init tup generate buildPhase.sh # Redirect artifacts to Nix store mkdir -p $out/lib $out/include ln -s $out out ln -s $out dev ''; buildPhase = '' test -d repos/$repo/src/ld && cp -rv repos/$repo/src/ld $out/ pushd . set -v source buildPhase.sh set +v popd ''; installPhase = '' # Populate the "dev" headers if [ -d "repos/$repo/include" ]; then for DIR in repos/$repo/include; do for SPEC in $specs; do if [ -d $DIR/spec/$SPEC ]; then cp -r $DIR/spec/$SPEC/* $out/include rm -r $DIR/spec/$SPEC fi done rm -rf $DIR/spec cp -r $DIR $out/ done fi touch $out/.genode for pc in $out/lib/pkgconfig/*.pc; do sed -e "s|^Libs: |Libs: -L$out/lib |" -i $pc done ''; meta = with env.lib; { description = "The Genode operation system framework (${repo} repository)."; homepage = "https://genode.org/"; license = licenses.agpl3; maintainers = [ maintainers.ehmry ]; }; }; buildRepo' = { ... }@args: buildRepo ({ env = stdenvGcc; } // args); #builtins.throw "create the tup config file in the stdenv environment, replacing CC/CXX with environmental variables" in rec { packages = let hasPrefix = pre: with builtins; let pre' = "${toString ./.}/${pre}"; preLen = stringLength pre'; in path: let pathLen = stringLength path; in substring 0 preLen path == substring 0 pathLen pre'; hasSuffix = suf: with builtins; let sufLen = stringLength suf; in path: let pathLen = stringLength path; in substring (pathLen - sufLen) pathLen path == suf; filterBaseRepo = name: with builtins; let match = [ (hasPrefix "Tup") (hasPrefix "repos/Tup") (hasPrefix "repos/base/") (hasPrefix "repos/base-${name}") ]; skip = [ (hasSuffix "/run") (hasSuffix "/recipes") (hasSuffix ".gitignore") (path: hasPrefix "repos/base/" path && hasSuffix "Tupfile" path) ]; in path: type: let f = f': f' path; in any f match && !any f skip; filterRepo = repo: with builtins; let reposDir = toString ./repos; skip = [ (hasSuffix "/run") (hasSuffix "/recipes") (hasSuffix ".gitignore") ]; match = [ (hasPrefix "Tup") (hasPrefix "repos/Tup") (hasPrefix "repos/${repo}") (hasPrefix "repos/base/src/ld") ]; in path: type: let f = f': f' path; in any f match && !any f skip; in rec { NOVA = nixpkgs.callPackage ./NOVA { }; base = buildRepo' { repo = "base"; repoInputs = [ ]; filter = with builtins; let match = [ (hasPrefix "Tup") (hasPrefix "repos/Tup") (hasPrefix "repos/base/") ]; skip = [ (hasSuffix "/run") (hasSuffix "/recipes") (hasSuffix ".gitignore") ]; in path: type: let f = f': f' path; in any f match && !any f skip; }; base-linux = buildRepo' { repo = "base-linux"; repoInputs = [ base ]; filter = filterBaseRepo "linux"; }; base-nova = buildRepo' { repo = "base-nova"; repoInputs = [ base ]; filter = filterBaseRepo "nova"; }; os = buildRepo' { repo = "os"; repoInputs = [ base ]; filter = filterRepo "os"; }; gems = buildRepo' { repo = "gems"; repoInputs = [ base os ]; filter = filterRepo "gems"; }; inherit stdenvGcc stdenvLlvm tupConfigGcc tupConfigLlvm; }; defaultPackage = packages.base-linux; devShell = packages.base; checks = packages; }