New VFS plugin for emulating POSIX pipes

Add a new plugin for creating pipes between pairs of VFS handles. It is
intended to replace the libc_pipe plugin, one of the last remaining libc

In contrast to the libc_pipe plugin, this plugin defers cross-handle
notification until I/O signal handling rather than block and unblock
readers using a semaphore. This is a performance regression in the case
of multiple threads blocking on a pipe, but shall be an intermediate
mechanism pending renovations within the libc VFS and threading layers.
As a side effect, threads blocked on a pipe might not be resumed until
the main thread suspends and dispatches I/O signals.

The "test-libc_pipe" test has been adjusted to use the VFS pipe plugin
and tests both local pipes and pipes hosted remotely in the VFS server.

Merge adaptations (such as EOF handling, adjustment to VFS/libc
interface changes) by Norman Feske.

Fix #2303
This commit is contained in:
Ehmry - 2019-07-09 14:16:46 +02:00 committed by Christian Helmuth
parent 9b7915facb
commit c51b4b5742
15 changed files with 780 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
vpath $(REP_DIR)/src/lib/vfs/pipe

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
MIRROR_FROM_REP_DIR := lib/mk/ src/lib/vfs/pipe

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
2019-06-04 ecacc703584c04e70085ad12628ee40885e9e50c

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
The VFS pipe plugin exposes a control file for creating pipes and a set of pipe
directories. Opening and reading the "/new" returns a relative path to a
directory. That directory represents a pipe and contains an "in" and "out" file
for writing and reading respectively to the pipe.
Reads and writes are non-blocking and will complete short operations without
error, with the exception of reads on an empty pipe, which return READ_QUEUED.
The read and write capacity of a pipe may be queried by stat'ing the size of
"out" and "in" files.
When all "in" and "out" handles on a pipe as well as the initial handle on "new"
are closed, the pipe is destroyed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
* \brief VFS pipe plugin
* \author Emery Hemingway
* \date 2019-05-29
* Copyright (C) 2019 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
#include <vfs/file_system_factory.h>
#include <os/path.h>
#include <os/ring_buffer.h>
#include <base/registry.h>
namespace Vfs_pipe {
using namespace Vfs;
typedef Vfs::Directory_service::Open_result Open_result;
typedef Vfs::File_io_service::Write_result Write_result;
typedef Vfs::File_io_service::Read_result Read_result;
typedef Genode::Path<32> Path;
enum { PIPE_BUF_SIZE = 8192U };
typedef Genode::Ring_buffer<unsigned char, PIPE_BUF_SIZE+1> Pipe_buffer;
struct Pipe_handle;
typedef Genode::Fifo_element<Pipe_handle> Handle_element;
typedef Genode::Fifo<Handle_element> Handle_fifo;
typedef Genode::Registry<Pipe_handle>::Element Pipe_handle_registry_element;
typedef Genode::Registry<Pipe_handle> Pipe_handle_registry;
class Pipe;
typedef Genode::Id_space<Pipe> Pipe_space;
struct New_pipe_handle;
class File_system;
struct Vfs_pipe::Pipe_handle : Vfs::Vfs_handle, private Pipe_handle_registry_element
Pipe &pipe;
Handle_element io_progress_elem { *this };
Handle_element read_ready_elem { *this };
bool const writer;
Pipe_handle(Vfs::File_system &fs,
Genode::Allocator &alloc,
unsigned flags,
Pipe_handle_registry &registry,
Pipe &p)
Vfs::Vfs_handle(fs, fs, alloc, flags),
Pipe_handle_registry_element(registry, *this),
writer(flags == Directory_service::OPEN_MODE_WRONLY)
{ }
virtual ~Pipe_handle();
Write_result write(const char *buf,
file_size count,
file_size &out_count);
Read_result read(char *buf,
file_size count,
file_size &out_count);
bool read_ready();
bool notify_read_ready();
struct Vfs_pipe::Pipe
Genode::Allocator &alloc;
Pipe_space::Element space_elem;
Pipe_buffer buffer { };
Pipe_handle_registry registry { };
Handle_fifo io_progress_waiters { };
Handle_fifo read_ready_waiters { };
unsigned num_writers = 0;
Genode::Signal_context_capability &notify_sigh;
bool new_handle_active { true };
Pipe(Genode::Allocator &alloc, Pipe_space &space,
Genode::Signal_context_capability &notify_sigh)
: alloc(alloc), space_elem(*this, space), notify_sigh(notify_sigh) { }
~Pipe() { }
typedef Genode::String<8> Name;
Name name() const
return Name(;
* Check if pipe is referenced, if not, destroy
void cleanup()
bool alive = new_handle_active;
if (!alive)
registry.for_each([&alive] (Pipe_handle&) {
alive = true; });
if (!alive)
destroy(alloc, this);
* Remove "/new" handle reference
void remove_new_handle() {
new_handle_active = false; }
* Detach a handle
void remove(Pipe_handle &handle)
if (handle.io_progress_elem.enqueued())
if (handle.read_ready_elem.enqueued())
* Open a write or read handle
Open_result open(Vfs::File_system &fs,
Path const &filename,
Vfs::Vfs_handle **handle,
Genode::Allocator &alloc)
if (filename == "/in") {
*handle = new (alloc)
Pipe_handle(fs, alloc, Directory_service::OPEN_MODE_WRONLY, registry, *this);
return Open_result::OPEN_OK;
if (filename == "/out") {
*handle = new (alloc)
Pipe_handle(fs, alloc, Directory_service::OPEN_MODE_RDONLY, registry, *this);
return Open_result::OPEN_OK;
return Open_result::OPEN_ERR_UNACCESSIBLE;
* Use a signal as a hack to defer notifications
* until the "io_progress_handler".
void submit_signal() {
Genode::Signal_transmitter(notify_sigh).submit(); }
* Notify handles waiting for activity
void notify()
io_progress_waiters.dequeue_all([] (Handle_element &elem) {
elem.object().io_progress_response(); });
read_ready_waiters.dequeue_all([] (Handle_element &elem) {
elem.object().read_ready_response(); });
Write_result write(Pipe_handle &handle,
const char *buf, file_size count,
file_size &out_count)
file_size out = 0;
bool notify = buffer.empty();
while (out < count && 0 < buffer.avail_capacity()) {
out_count = out;
if (out < count)
if (notify)
return Write_result::WRITE_OK;
Read_result read(Pipe_handle &handle,
char *buf, file_size count,
file_size &out_count)
bool notify = buffer.avail_capacity() == 0;
file_size out = 0;
while (out < count && !buffer.empty()) {
*(buf++) = buffer.get();
out_count = out;
if (!out) {
if (num_writers == 0)
return Read_result::READ_OK; /* EOF */
return Read_result::READ_QUEUED;
if (notify)
return Read_result::READ_OK;
Vfs_pipe::Pipe_handle::~Pipe_handle() {
pipe.remove(*this); }
Vfs_pipe::Pipe_handle::write(const char *buf,
file_size count,
file_size &out_count) {
return Pipe_handle::pipe.write(*this, buf, count, out_count); }
Vfs_pipe::Pipe_handle::read(char *buf,
file_size count,
file_size &out_count) {
return*this, buf, count, out_count); }
Vfs_pipe::Pipe_handle::read_ready() {
return !pipe.buffer.empty(); }
if (!read_ready_elem.enqueued())
return true;
struct Vfs_pipe::New_pipe_handle : Vfs::Vfs_handle
Pipe &pipe;
New_pipe_handle(Vfs::File_system &fs,
Genode::Allocator &alloc,
unsigned flags,
Pipe_space &pipe_space,
Genode::Signal_context_capability &notify_sigh)
: Vfs::Vfs_handle(fs, fs, alloc, flags),
pipe(*(new (alloc) Pipe(alloc, pipe_space, notify_sigh)))
{ }
Read_result read(char *buf,
file_size count,
file_size &out_count)
auto name =;
if (name.length() < count) {
memcpy(buf, name.string(), name.length());
out_count = name.length();
return Read_result::READ_OK;
return Read_result::READ_ERR_INVALID;
class Vfs_pipe::File_system : public Vfs::File_system
Pipe_space _pipe_space { };
* XXX: a hack to defer cross-thread notifications at
* the libc until the io_progress handler
Genode::Io_signal_handler<File_system> _notify_handler;
Genode::Signal_context_capability _notify_cap { _notify_handler };
void _notify_any()
_pipe_space.for_each<Pipe&>([] (Pipe &pipe) {
pipe.notify(); });
File_system(Vfs::Env &env)
: _notify_handler(env.env().ep(), *this, &File_system::_notify_any) { }
const char* type() override { return "pipe"; }
** Directory service **
Genode::Dataspace_capability dataspace(char const*) override {
return Genode::Dataspace_capability(); }
void release(char const*, Dataspace_capability) override { }
Open_result open(const char *cpath,
unsigned mode,
Vfs::Vfs_handle **handle,
Genode::Allocator &alloc) override
Path path(cpath);
if (path == "/new") {
if ((Directory_service::OPEN_MODE_ACCMODE & mode) == Directory_service::OPEN_MODE_WRONLY)
return Open_result::OPEN_ERR_NO_PERM;
*handle = new (alloc)
New_pipe_handle(*this, alloc, mode, _pipe_space, _notify_cap);
return Open_result::OPEN_OK;
if (!path.has_single_element())
return Open_result::OPEN_ERR_UNACCESSIBLE;
Pipe_space::Id id { ~0UL };
if (!ascii_to(path.last_element(), id.value))
return Open_result::OPEN_ERR_UNACCESSIBLE;
Open_result result = Open_result::OPEN_ERR_UNACCESSIBLE;
try {
_pipe_space.apply<Pipe&>(id, [&] (Pipe &pipe) {
Path filename(cpath);
result =*this, filename, handle, alloc);
catch (Pipe_space::Unknown_id) { }
return result;
Opendir_result opendir(char const *cpath, bool create,
Vfs_handle **handle,
Allocator &alloc) override
/* open dummy handles on directories */
Path path(cpath);
if (path == "/") {
*handle = new (alloc)
Vfs_handle(*this, *this, alloc, 0);
return OPENDIR_OK;
Opendir_result result { OPENDIR_ERR_LOOKUP_FAILED };
if (path.has_single_element()) {
Pipe_space::Id id { ~0UL };
if (ascii_to(path.last_element(), id.value)) try {
_pipe_space.apply<Pipe&>(id, [&] (Pipe&) {
*handle = new (alloc)
Vfs_handle(*this, *this, alloc, 0);
result = OPENDIR_OK;
catch (Pipe_space::Unknown_id) { }
return result;
void close(Vfs::Vfs_handle *vfs_handle) override
Pipe *pipe = nullptr;
if (Pipe_handle *handle = dynamic_cast<Pipe_handle*>(vfs_handle)) {
pipe = &handle->pipe;
if (handle->writer)
} else
if (New_pipe_handle *handle = dynamic_cast<New_pipe_handle*>(vfs_handle))
pipe = &handle->pipe;
destroy(vfs_handle->alloc(), vfs_handle);
if (pipe)
Stat_result stat(const char *cpath, Stat &out) override
Stat_result result { STAT_ERR_NO_ENTRY };
Path path(cpath);
out = Stat { };
if (path == "/new") {
out = Stat {
.size = 1,
.type = Node_type::TRANSACTIONAL_FILE,
.rwx = Node_rwx::wo(),
.inode = Genode::addr_t(this),
.device = Genode::addr_t(this),
.modification_time = { }
return STAT_OK;
if (path.has_single_element()) {
Pipe_space::Id id { ~0UL };
if (ascii_to(path.last_element(), id.value)) try {
_pipe_space.apply<Pipe&>(id, [&] (Pipe &pipe) {
out = Stat {
.size = 2,
.type = Node_type::DIRECTORY,
.rwx = Node_rwx::rwx(),
.inode = Genode::addr_t(&pipe),
.device = Genode::addr_t(this),
.modification_time = { }
result = STAT_OK;
catch (Pipe_space::Unknown_id) { }
} else {
/* maybe this is /N/in or /N/out */
if (!path.has_single_element())
/* too many directory levels */
return result;
Pipe_space::Id id { ~0UL };
if (ascii_to(path.last_element(), id.value)) try {
_pipe_space.apply<Pipe&>(id, [&] (Pipe &pipe) {
Path filename(cpath);
if (filename == "/in") {
out = Stat {
.size = file_size(pipe.buffer.avail_capacity()),
.type = Node_type::CONTINUOUS_FILE,
.rwx = Node_rwx::wo(),
.inode = Genode::addr_t(&pipe) + 1,
.device = Genode::addr_t(this),
.modification_time = { }
result = STAT_OK;
} else
if (filename == "/out") {
out = Stat {
.size = file_size(PIPE_BUF_SIZE
- pipe.buffer.avail_capacity()),
.type = Node_type::CONTINUOUS_FILE,
.rwx = Node_rwx::ro(),
.inode = Genode::addr_t(&pipe) + 2,
.device = Genode::addr_t(this),
.modification_time = { }
result = STAT_OK;
catch (Pipe_space::Unknown_id) { }
return result;
Unlink_result unlink(const char*) override {
Rename_result rename(const char*, const char*) override {
file_size num_dirent(char const *) override {
return ~0UL; }
bool directory(char const *cpath) override
Path path(cpath);
if (path == "/") return true;
if (!path.has_single_element())
return Open_result::OPEN_ERR_UNACCESSIBLE;
Pipe_space::Id id { ~0UL };
if (!ascii_to(path.last_element(), id.value))
return false;
bool result = false;
try {
_pipe_space.apply<Pipe&>(id, [&] (Pipe &) {
result = true; });
catch (Pipe_space::Unknown_id) { }
return result;
const char* leaf_path(const char *cpath) override
Path path(cpath);
if (path == "/") return cpath;
if (path == "/new") return cpath;
char const *result = nullptr;
if (!path.has_single_element()) {
/* maybe this is /N/in or /N/out */
if (!path.has_single_element())
/* too many directory levels */
return nullptr;
Path filename(cpath);
if (filename != "/in" && filename != "/out")
/* not a pipe file */
return nullptr;
Pipe_space::Id id { ~0UL };
if (ascii_to(path.last_element(), id.value)) try {
/* check if the pipe directory exists */
_pipe_space.apply<Pipe&>(id, [&] (Pipe &) {
result = cpath; });
catch (Pipe_space::Unknown_id) { }
return result;
** File I/O service **
Write_result write(Vfs_handle *vfs_handle,
const char *src, file_size count,
file_size &out_count) override
if (Pipe_handle *handle = dynamic_cast<Pipe_handle*>(vfs_handle))
return handle->write(src, count, out_count);
Read_result complete_read(Vfs_handle *vfs_handle,
char *dst, file_size count,
file_size &out_count) override
if (Pipe_handle *handle = dynamic_cast<Pipe_handle*>(vfs_handle))
return handle->read(dst, count, out_count);
if (New_pipe_handle *handle = dynamic_cast<New_pipe_handle*>(vfs_handle))
return handle->read(dst, count, out_count);
bool read_ready(Vfs_handle *vfs_handle) override
if (Pipe_handle *handle = dynamic_cast<Pipe_handle*>(vfs_handle))
return handle->read_ready();
return true;
bool notify_read_ready(Vfs_handle *vfs_handle) override
if (Pipe_handle *handle = dynamic_cast<Pipe_handle*>(vfs_handle))
return handle->notify_read_ready();
return false;
Ftruncate_result ftruncate(Vfs_handle*, file_size) override {
Sync_result complete_sync(Vfs_handle*) override {
return SYNC_OK; }
extern "C" Vfs::File_system_factory *vfs_file_system_factory(void)
struct Factory : Vfs::File_system_factory
Vfs::File_system *create(Vfs::Env &env, Genode::Xml_node) override
return new (env.alloc())
static Factory f;
return &f;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
TARGET = dummy-vfs_pipe
LIBS = vfs_pipe

View File

@ -2,4 +2,6 @@ _/src/init

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@ -2,40 +2,71 @@
<timeout meaning="failed" sec="30" />
<log meaning="succeeded">child "test-libc_pipe" exited with exit value 0</log>
<log meaning="succeeded">child "sequence" exited with exit value 0</log>
<log meaning="failed">Error: </log>
<rom label=""/>
<rom label=""/>
<rom label=""/>
<rom label=""/>
<rom label=""/>
<rom label=""/>
<rom label="sequence"/>
<rom label="test-libc_pipe"/>
<rom label="vfs"/>
<rom label=""/>
<rom label=""/>
<service name="ROM"/>
<service name="IRQ"/>
<service name="IO_MEM"/>
<service name="IO_PORT"/>
<service name="PD"/>
<service name="RM"/>
<service name="CPU"/>
<service name="LOG"/>
<service name="Timer"/>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
<default caps="100"/>
<start name="test-libc_pipe">
<default caps="256"/>
<start name="pipes_fs">
<binary name="vfs"/>
<provides> <service name="File_system"/> </provides>
<resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
<vfs> <dir name="dev"> <log/> </dir> </vfs>
<libc stdout="/dev/log" stderr="/dev/log"/>
<vfs> <pipe/> </vfs>
<default-policy root="/" writeable="yes"/>
<start name="sequence">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
<start name="libc_pipe_local">
<binary name="test-libc_pipe"/>
<dir name="dev">
<dir name="pipe"> <pipe/> </dir>
<libc stdout="/dev/log" stderr="/dev/log" pipe="/dev/pipe"/>
<start name="libc_pipe_remote">
<binary name="test-libc_pipe"/>
<dir name="dev">
<dir name="pipe"> <fs/> </dir>
<libc stdout="/dev/log" stderr="/dev/log" pipe="/dev/pipe"/>

View File

@ -1,11 +1,2 @@
SRC_DIR = src/test/libc_pipe
include $(GENODE_DIR)/repos/base/recipes/src/
MIRROR_FROM_REP_DIR := include/libc-plugin \
lib/mk/ \

View File

@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ class Libc::Vfs_plugin : public Plugin
Constructible<Genode::Directory> _root_dir { };
Vfs::Io_response_handler &_response_handler;
Update_mtime const _update_mtime;
bool const _pipe_configured;
* Sync a handle and propagate errors
@ -102,6 +103,14 @@ class Libc::Vfs_plugin : public Plugin
template <typename FN>
void _with_info(File_descriptor &fd, FN const &fn);
static bool _init_pipe_configured(Xml_node config)
bool result = false;
config.with_sub_node("libc", [&] (Xml_node libc_node) {
result = libc_node.has_attribute("pipe"); });
return result;
Vfs_plugin(Libc::Env &env,
@ -114,7 +123,8 @@ class Libc::Vfs_plugin : public Plugin
if (config.has_sub_node("libc"))
@ -134,6 +144,7 @@ class Libc::Vfs_plugin : public Plugin
bool supports_access(const char *, int) override { return true; }
bool supports_mkdir(const char *, mode_t) override { return true; }
bool supports_open(const char *, int) override { return true; }
bool supports_pipe() override { return _pipe_configured; }
bool supports_poll() override { return true; }
bool supports_readlink(const char *, char *, ::size_t) override { return true; }
bool supports_rename(const char *, const char *) override { return true; }
@ -167,6 +178,7 @@ class Libc::Vfs_plugin : public Plugin
int ioctl(File_descriptor *, int , char *) override;
::off_t lseek(File_descriptor *fd, ::off_t offset, int whence) override;
int mkdir(const char *, mode_t) override;
int pipe(File_descriptor *pipefdo[2]) override;
bool poll(File_descriptor &fdo, struct pollfd &pfd) override;
ssize_t read(File_descriptor *, void *, ::size_t) override;
ssize_t readlink(const char *, char *, ::size_t) override;

View File

@ -166,6 +166,13 @@ namespace Libc {
char const *string() const { return _value.string(); }
char const *config_pipe() __attribute__((weak));
char const *config_pipe()
static Config_attr attr("pipe", "");
return attr.string();
char const *config_rng() __attribute__((weak));
char const *config_rng()
@ -1599,6 +1606,65 @@ int Libc::Vfs_plugin::munmap(void *addr, ::size_t)
int Libc::Vfs_plugin::pipe(Libc::File_descriptor *pipefdo[2])
Absolute_path base_path(Libc::config_pipe());
if (base_path == "") {
error(__func__, ": pipe fs not mounted");
return Errno(EACCES);
Libc::File_descriptor *meta_fd { nullptr };
Absolute_path new_path = base_path;
meta_fd = open(new_path.base(), O_RDONLY, Libc::ANY_FD);
if (!meta_fd) {
Genode::error("failed to create pipe at ", new_path);
return Errno(EACCES);
char buf[32] { };
int const n = read(meta_fd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1);
if (n < 1) {
error("failed to read pipe at ", new_path);
return Errno(EACCES);
buf[n] = '\0';
auto open_pipe_fd = [&] (auto path_suffix, auto flags)
Absolute_path path = base_path;
File_descriptor *fd = open(path.base(), flags, Libc::ANY_FD);
if (!fd)
error("failed to open pipe end at ", path);
return fd;
pipefdo[0] = open_pipe_fd("/out", O_RDONLY);
pipefdo[1] = open_pipe_fd("/in", O_WRONLY);
if (!pipefdo[0] || !pipefdo[1])
return Errno(EACCES);
return 0;
bool Libc::Vfs_plugin::poll(File_descriptor &fd, struct pollfd &pfd)
if (fd.plugin != this) return false;

View File

@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
ssize_t bytes_written = write(pipefd[1], buf, BUF_SIZE);
if (bytes_written != BUF_SIZE) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error writing to pipe\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Error writing to pipe (bytes_written=%zd, BUF_SIZE=%zd)\n",
bytes_written, (size_t)BUF_SIZE);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
TARGET = test-libc_pipe
LIBS = base posix libc_pipe
LIBS = base posix

View File

@ -72,6 +72,10 @@ namespace Vfs {
.writeable = false,
.executable = false }; }
static Node_rwx wo() { return { .readable = false,
.writeable = true,
.executable = false }; }
static Node_rwx rw() { return { .readable = true,
.writeable = true,
.executable = false }; }