depot_query: support to query <dependencies>

The '<dependencies>' attribute 'path' refers to a depot archive.
Depending on the attributes 'source="no"' and 'binary="no" (defaults
shown), the depot_query component determines the source/binary
dependencies of the given archive. The result has the form of a report
with a sequence of <missing> and <present> nodes, each equipped with the
'path' of the dependency.
This commit is contained in:
Norman Feske 2017-12-18 14:39:29 +01:00 committed by Christian Helmuth
parent b0abfc2dcd
commit 9a671cf8bc

View File

@ -20,11 +20,48 @@
namespace Depot_query {
using namespace Genode;
struct Recursion_limit;
struct Archive;
struct Dependencies;
struct Main;
class Depot_query::Recursion_limit : Noncopyable
class Reached : Exception { };
unsigned const _value;
static unsigned _checked_decr(unsigned value)
if (value == 0)
throw Reached();
return value - 1;
* Constructor
explicit Recursion_limit(unsigned value) : _value(value) { }
* Copy constructor
* \throw Recursion_limit::Reached
Recursion_limit(Recursion_limit const &other)
: _value(_checked_decr(other._value)) { }
struct Depot_query::Archive
typedef String<100> Path;
@ -95,6 +132,88 @@ struct Depot_query::Archive
* Collection of dependencies
* This data structure keeps track of a list of archive paths along with the
* information of whether or not the archive is present in the depot. It also
* ensures that all entries are unique.
class Depot_query::Dependencies
struct Collection : Noncopyable
Allocator &_alloc;
typedef Registered_no_delete<Archive::Path> Entry;
Registry<Entry> _entries;
Collection(Allocator &alloc) : _alloc(alloc) { }
_entries.for_each([&] (Entry &e) { destroy(_alloc, &e); });
bool known(Archive::Path const &path) const
bool result = false;
_entries.for_each([&] (Entry const &entry) {
if (path == entry)
result = true; });
return result;
void insert(Archive::Path const &path)
if (!known(path))
new (_alloc) Entry(_entries, path);
template <typename FN>
void for_each(FN const &fn) const { _entries.for_each(fn); };
Directory const &_depot;
Collection _present;
Collection _missing;
Dependencies(Allocator &alloc, Directory const &depot)
_depot(depot), _present(alloc), _missing(alloc)
{ }
bool known(Archive::Path const &path) const
return _present.known(path) || _missing.known(path);
void record(Archive::Path const &path)
if (_depot.directory_exists(path))
void xml(Xml_generator &xml) const
_present.for_each([&] (Archive::Path const &path) {
xml.node("present", [&] () { xml.attribute("path", path); }); });
_missing.for_each([&] (Archive::Path const &path) {
xml.node("missing", [&] () { xml.attribute("path", path); }); });
struct Depot_query::Main
Env &_env;
@ -105,25 +224,38 @@ struct Depot_query::Main
Root_directory _root { _env, _heap, _config.xml().sub_node("vfs") };
Directory _depot_dir { _root, "depot" };
Signal_handler<Main> _config_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_config };
Reporter _directory_reporter { _env, "directory" };
Reporter _blueprint_reporter { _env, "blueprint" };
Reporter _user_reporter { _env, "user" };
Reporter _directory_reporter { _env, "directory" };
Reporter _blueprint_reporter { _env, "blueprint" };
Reporter _dependencies_reporter { _env, "dependencies" };
Reporter _user_reporter { _env, "user" };
typedef String<64> Rom_label;
typedef String<16> Architecture;
Architecture _architecture;
* Look up ROM module 'rom_label' in the archives referenced by 'pkg_path'
* \throw Directory::Nonexistent_directory
* \throw Directory::Nonexistent_file
* \throw File::Truncated_during_read
* \throw Recursion_limit::Reached
Archive::Path _find_rom_in_pkg(Directory::Path const &pkg_path,
Rom_label const &rom_label,
unsigned const nesting_level);
Recursion_limit recursion_limit);
void _scan_depot_user_pkg(Archive::User const &user, Directory &dir, Xml_generator &xml);
void _query_blueprint(Directory::Path const &path, Xml_generator &xml);
void _query_user(Archive::User const &user, Xml_generator &xml);
void _scan_depot_user_pkg(Archive::User const &, Directory const &, Xml_generator &);
void _query_blueprint(Directory::Path const &, Xml_generator &);
void _collect_source_dependencies(Archive::Path const &, Dependencies &, Recursion_limit);
void _collect_binary_dependencies(Archive::Path const &, Dependencies &, Recursion_limit);
void _query_user(Archive::User const &, Xml_generator &);
void _handle_config()
@ -131,9 +263,10 @@ struct Depot_query::Main
Xml_node config = _config.xml();
_user_reporter .enabled(config.has_sub_node("user"));
_directory_reporter .enabled(config.has_sub_node("scan"));
_blueprint_reporter .enabled(config.has_sub_node("blueprint"));
_user_reporter .enabled(config.has_sub_node("user"));
@ -156,7 +289,31 @@ struct Depot_query::Main
if (_blueprint_reporter.enabled()) {
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(_blueprint_reporter, [&] () {
config.for_each_sub_node("blueprint", [&] (Xml_node node) {
_query_blueprint(node.attribute_value("pkg", Directory::Path()), xml); });
Archive::Path pkg = node.attribute_value("pkg", Archive::Path());
try { _query_blueprint(pkg, xml); }
catch (...) {
warning("could not obtain blueprint for '", pkg, "'");
if (_dependencies_reporter.enabled()) {
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(_dependencies_reporter, [&] () {
Dependencies dependencies(_heap, _depot_dir);
config.for_each_sub_node("dependencies", [&] (Xml_node node) {
Archive::Path const path = node.attribute_value("path", Archive::Path());
if (node.attribute_value("source", false))
_collect_source_dependencies(path, dependencies, Recursion_limit{8});
if (node.attribute_value("binary", false))
_collect_binary_dependencies(path, dependencies, Recursion_limit{8});
@ -173,9 +330,9 @@ struct Depot_query::Main
void Depot_query::Main::_scan_depot_user_pkg(Archive::User const &user,
Directory &dir, Xml_generator &xml)
Directory const &dir, Xml_generator &xml)
dir.for_each_entry([&] (Directory::Entry &entry) {
dir.for_each_entry([&] (Directory::Entry const &entry) {
if (!dir.file_exists(Directory::Path(, "/runtime")))
@ -190,18 +347,12 @@ void Depot_query::Main::_scan_depot_user_pkg(Archive::User const &user,
Depot_query::Main::_find_rom_in_pkg(Directory::Path const &pkg_path,
Rom_label const &rom_label,
unsigned const nesting_level)
Recursion_limit recursion_limit)
if (nesting_level == 0) {
error("too deeply nested pkg archives");
return Archive::Path();
* \throw Directory::Nonexistent_directory
Directory depot_dir(_root, Directory::Path("depot"));
Directory pkg_dir(depot_dir, pkg_path);
Directory pkg_dir(_depot_dir, pkg_path);
* \throw Directory::Nonexistent_file
@ -213,6 +364,9 @@ Depot_query::Main::_find_rom_in_pkg(Directory::Path const &pkg_path,
archives.for_each_line<Archive::Path>([&] (Archive::Path const &archive_path) {
if (result.valid())
* \throw Archive::Unknown_archive_type
@ -225,7 +379,7 @@ Depot_query::Main::_find_rom_in_pkg(Directory::Path const &pkg_path,
Archive::name(archive_path), "/",
Archive::version(archive_path), "/", rom_label);
if (depot_dir.file_exists(rom_path))
if (_depot_dir.file_exists(rom_path))
result = rom_path;
@ -235,8 +389,7 @@ Depot_query::Main::_find_rom_in_pkg(Directory::Path const &pkg_path,
case Archive::PKG:
// XXX call recursively, adjust 'nesting_level'
log(" ", archive_path, " (pkg archive)");
result = _find_rom_in_pkg(pkg_path, rom_label, recursion_limit);
@ -282,9 +435,8 @@ void Depot_query::Main::_query_blueprint(Directory::Path const &pkg_path, Xml_ge
unsigned const max_nesting_levels = 8;
Archive::Path const rom_path =
_find_rom_in_pkg(pkg_path, label, max_nesting_levels);
_find_rom_in_pkg(pkg_path, label, Recursion_limit{8});
if (rom_path.valid()) {
xml.node("rom", [&] () {
@ -308,6 +460,89 @@ void Depot_query::Main::_query_blueprint(Directory::Path const &pkg_path, Xml_ge
void Depot_query::Main::_collect_source_dependencies(Archive::Path const &path,
Dependencies &dependencies,
Recursion_limit recursion_limit)
try { Archive::type(path); }
catch (Archive::Unknown_archive_type) {
warning("archive '", path, "' has unexpected type");
switch (Archive::type(path)) {
case Archive::PKG:
try {
File_content archives(_heap, Directory(_depot_dir, path),
"archives", File_content::Limit{16*1024});
archives.for_each_line<Archive::Path>([&] (Archive::Path const &path) {
_collect_source_dependencies(path, dependencies, recursion_limit); });
catch (File_content::Nonexistent_file) { }
case Archive::SRC:
try {
File_content used_apis(_heap, Directory(_depot_dir, path),
"used_apis", File_content::Limit{16*1024});
typedef String<160> Api;
used_apis.for_each_line<Archive::Path>([&] (Api const &api) {
dependencies.record(Archive::Path(Archive::user(path), "/api/", api));
catch (File_content::Nonexistent_file) { }
case Archive::RAW:
void Depot_query::Main::_collect_binary_dependencies(Archive::Path const &path,
Dependencies &dependencies,
Recursion_limit recursion_limit)
try { Archive::type(path); }
catch (Archive::Unknown_archive_type) {
warning("archive '", path, "' has unexpected type");
switch (Archive::type(path)) {
case Archive::PKG:
try {
File_content archives(_heap, Directory(_depot_dir, path),
"archives", File_content::Limit{16*1024});
archives.for_each_line<Archive::Path>([&] (Archive::Path const &archive_path) {
_collect_binary_dependencies(archive_path, dependencies, recursion_limit); });
} catch (File_content::Nonexistent_file) { }
case Archive::SRC:
dependencies.record(Archive::Path(Archive::user(path), "/bin/",
_architecture, "/",
Archive::name(path), "/",
case Archive::RAW:
void Depot_query::Main::_query_user(Archive::User const &user, Xml_generator &xml)
Directory user_dir(_root, Directory::Path("depot/", user));
@ -317,7 +552,6 @@ void Depot_query::Main::_query_user(Archive::User const &user, Xml_generator &xm
File_content download(_heap, user_dir, "download", File_content::Limit{4*1024});
typedef String<256> Url;
download.for_each_line<Url>([&] (Url const &url) {
log("user url: ", url);
xml.node("url", [&] () { xml.append_sanitized(url.string()); }); });
File_content pubkey(_heap, user_dir, "pubkey", File_content::Limit{8*1024});