run: disable heuristics for apple gpt in parted

Newer revisions of parted require special privileges due to use of the
dmidecode tool, which logs permission errors to standard error. In these
cases parted still succeeds with its operation, so just ignore the
jabbering and prevent expect to exit.
This commit is contained in:
Christian Helmuth 2018-06-07 12:05:44 +02:00
parent 4630c4b9ff
commit 7d4174bceb
2 changed files with 14 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ source [genode_dir]/tool/run/
proc image_disk_size { } { return [get_cmd_arg --image-disk-size 0] }
# Disable parted heuristics for Apple to prevent error messages
set ::env(PARTED_GPT_APPLE) 0
# Create disk image with the content of the run directory
@ -23,7 +28,7 @@ proc run_image { {unused ""} } {
exec cp [get_grub2_dir]/boot/grub2-head.img [run_dir].header
# remove template partition
exec parted -a none -s [run_dir].header -- rm 3
exec -ignorestderr parted -a none -s [run_dir].header -- rm 3
# calculate size of grub2 header and the size of Genode scenario
set size_header [expr [regsub {\s.*} [exec du -b [run_dir].header] {}]]
@ -58,7 +63,7 @@ proc run_image { {unused ""} } {
set last_sector [expr ((($size_header + ($disk_size_kb * 1024)) / 512) - 1)]
# add free space for the backup gpt at the end of disk
set sector_backup [exec parted -s [run_dir].header 'unit s print']
set sector_backup [exec -ignorestderr parted -s [run_dir].header 'unit s print']
set sector_backup [regexp -all -inline { 1 .*BIOSBOOT} $sector_backup]
set sector_backup [regexp -all -inline {([0-9]+)} $sector_backup]
set sector_backup [lindex $sector_backup 2]
@ -74,8 +79,8 @@ proc run_image { {unused ""} } {
exec rm [run_dir].partition
# create partition table entry pointing to the content
catch { exec parted -a none [run_dir].img -- mkpart Fix GENODE ext2 [expr $first_sector]s ${last_sector}s }
exec parted [run_dir].img -s 'name 3 GENODE'
catch { exec -ignorestderr parted -a none [run_dir].img -- mkpart Fix GENODE ext2 [expr $first_sector]s ${last_sector}s }
exec -ignorestderr parted [run_dir].img -s 'name 3 GENODE'
# create hybrid MBR
exec echo -e "r\no\nh\n1\nn\n\ny\nn\no\nw\ny\n" | gdisk [run_dir].img

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@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ source [genode_dir]/tool/run/
proc image_uefi_size { } { return [get_cmd_arg --image-uefi_size 0] }
# Disable parted heuristics for Apple to prevent error messages
set ::env(PARTED_GPT_APPLE) 0
# Create uefi image
@ -39,7 +43,7 @@ proc run_image { {unused ""} } {
exec cat [run_dir].header [run_dir].partition > [run_dir].img
exec parted -a none -s [run_dir].img -- mklabel gpt mkpart ESP fat32 34s [expr $disk_size * 1024 * 1024 / 512]s set 1 boot on
exec -ignorestderr parted -a none -s [run_dir].img -- mklabel gpt mkpart ESP fat32 34s [expr $disk_size * 1024 * 1024 / 512]s set 1 boot on
exec rm -f [run_dir].header [run_dir].partition