Fiasco.OC/ARM: fix image creation in run-script

When invoking the bootstrap build in the L4RE build-system to create
a single elf-image containing all needed files to boot a scenario, don't
use the 'ENTRY' variable, but 'E' variable instead. Otherwise 'ENTRY'
might get overridden (dependent on the make-version). Moreover, using
'E' seems to be the way L4Re is expecting it has to be invoked.

Fixes #226
This commit is contained in:
Stefan Kalkowski 2012-06-04 12:05:27 +02:00
parent 28744cebf7
commit 21ffbc0080

View File

@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ proc build_boot_image_arm {binaries} {
close $fh
set gen_img_cmd "cd [l4_dir]/source/pkg/bootstrap/server/src && "
append gen_img_cmd "make O=[l4_dir] ENTRY=genode "
append gen_img_cmd "make O=[l4_dir] E=genode "
append gen_img_cmd "BOOTSTRAP_MODULES_LIST=[pwd]/[run_dir]/modules.list "
append gen_img_cmd "BOOTSTRAP_SEARCH_PATH=[pwd]/[run_dir]:[file dirname [fiasco]]:[l4_dir] "