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* \brief Downlink interface in form of a NIC session component
* \author Martin Stein
* \date 2016-08-23
* Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <os/session_policy.h>
/* local includes */
#include <component.h>
#include <configuration.h>
using namespace Net;
using namespace Genode;
** Communication_buffer **
Communication_buffer::Communication_buffer(Ram_session &ram,
Genode::size_t const size)
Ram_dataspace_capability(ram.alloc(size)), _ram(ram)
{ }
** Session_component_base **
Session_component_base(Allocator &guarded_alloc_backing,
size_t const guarded_alloc_amount,
Ram_session &buf_ram,
size_t const tx_buf_size,
size_t const rx_buf_size)
_guarded_alloc(&guarded_alloc_backing, guarded_alloc_amount),
_range_alloc(&_guarded_alloc), _tx_buf(buf_ram, tx_buf_size),
_rx_buf(buf_ram, rx_buf_size)
{ }
** Session_component **
Net::Session_component::Session_component(Allocator &alloc,
Genode::Timer &timer,
size_t const amount,
Ram_session &buf_ram,
size_t const tx_buf_size,
size_t const rx_buf_size,
Region_map &region_map,
Mac_address const mac,
Entrypoint &ep,
Mac_address const &router_mac,
Domain &domain)
Session_component_base(alloc, amount, buf_ram, tx_buf_size, rx_buf_size),
Session_rpc_object(region_map, _tx_buf, _rx_buf, &_range_alloc, ep.rpc_ep()),
Interface(ep, timer, router_mac, _guarded_alloc, mac, domain)
bool Session_component::link_state()
warning("Session_component::link_state not implemented");
return false;
void Session_component::link_state_sigh(Signal_context_capability sigh)
warning("Session_component::link_state_sigh not implemented");
** Root **
Net::Root::Root(Entrypoint &ep,
Genode::Timer &timer,
Allocator &alloc,
Mac_address const &router_mac,
Configuration &config,
Ram_session &buf_ram,
Region_map &region_map)
Root_component<Session_component>(&ep.rpc_ep(), &alloc), _timer(timer),
_ep(ep), _router_mac(router_mac), _config(config), _buf_ram(buf_ram),
{ }
Session_component *Net::Root::_create_session(char const *args)
try {
Session_label const label = label_from_args(args);
Session_policy policy(label, _config.node());
Domain_name domain_name(policy.attribute_value("domain", Domain_name()));
Domain &domain =;
size_t const ram_quota =
Arg_string::find_arg(args, "ram_quota").ulong_value(0);
size_t const tx_buf_size =
Arg_string::find_arg(args, "tx_buf_size").ulong_value(0);
size_t const rx_buf_size =
Arg_string::find_arg(args, "rx_buf_size").ulong_value(0);
size_t const session_size =
max((size_t)4096, sizeof(Session_component));
if (ram_quota < session_size) {
throw Root::Quota_exceeded(); }
if (tx_buf_size > ram_quota - session_size ||
rx_buf_size > ram_quota - session_size ||
tx_buf_size + rx_buf_size > ram_quota - session_size)
error("insufficient 'ram_quota' for session creation");
throw Root::Quota_exceeded();
return new (md_alloc())
Session_component(*md_alloc(), _timer, ram_quota - session_size,
_buf_ram, tx_buf_size, rx_buf_size, _region_map,
_mac_alloc.alloc(), _ep, _router_mac,
catch (Session_policy::No_policy_defined) {
error("no matching policy");
catch (Domain_tree::No_match) {
error("no matching domain");
catch (Mac_allocator::Alloc_failed) {
error("failed to allocate MAC address");
catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_attribute) {
error("missing domain attribute in policy");
catch (Pointer<Interface>::Valid) {
error("one session per domain only");
throw Root::Unavailable();