
500 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* \brief Component that caches files to be served as ROMs
* \author Emery Hemingway
* \date 2018-04-12
* Copyright (C) 2018 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <os/path.h>
#include <file_system_session/connection.h>
#include <file_system/util.h>
#include <rom_session/rom_session.h>
#include <region_map/client.h>
#include <rm_session/connection.h>
#include <base/attached_ram_dataspace.h>
#include <base/session_label.h>
#include <base/heap.h>
#include <base/component.h>
/* local session-requests utility */
#include "session_requests.h"
** ROM service **
namespace Cached_fs_rom {
using namespace Genode;
typedef Genode::Path<File_system::MAX_PATH_LEN> Path;
typedef File_system::Session_client::Tx::Source Tx_source;
class Rom_file;
typedef Genode::Id_space<Rom_file> Rom_files;
class Session_component;
typedef Genode::Id_space<Session_component> Sessions;
struct Packet_handler;
struct Main;
typedef File_system::Session::Tx::Source::Packet_alloc_failed Packet_alloc_failed;
class Cached_fs_rom::Rom_file final
Env &_env;
Rm_connection &_rm_connection;
File_system::Session &_fs;
Rom_files &_roms;
Constructible<Rom_files::Element> _roms_elem { };
* Name of requested file, interpreted at path into the file system
Path const _file_path;
* Handle of associated file opened during read loop
Constructible<File_system::File_handle> _file_handle { };
* Size of file
File_system::file_size_t const _file_size;
* Read offset of file handle
File_system::seek_off_t _file_seek = 0;
* Allocate space in the File_system packet buffer
* \throw Packet_alloc_failed
File_system::Packet_descriptor _alloc_packet()
size_t chunk_size = min(_file_size, _fs.tx()->bulk_buffer_size()/4);
return _fs.tx()->alloc_packet(chunk_size);
* Packet space used by this session
File_system::Packet_descriptor _raw_pkt = _alloc_packet();
* Dataspace to read into
Attached_ram_dataspace _file_ds { _env.pd(), _env.rm(), (size_t)_file_size };
* Read-only region map exposed as ROM module to the client
Region_map_client _rm { _rm_connection.create(_file_ds.size()) };
Region_map::Local_addr _rm_attachment { };
Dataspace_capability _rm_ds { };
* Reference count of ROM file, initialize to one and
* decrement after read completes.
int _ref_count = 1;
void _submit_next_packet()
using namespace File_system;
packet(_raw_pkt, *_file_handle,
_raw_pkt.size(), _file_seek);
* Constructor
* \param fs file-system session to read the file from
* \param filename requested file name
* \param sig_rec signal receiver used to get notified about changes
* within the compound directory (in the case when
* the requested file could not be found at session-
* creation time)
Rom_file(Env &env,
Rm_connection &rm,
File_system::Session &fs,
File_system::File_handle handle,
size_t size,
Rom_files &cache,
Path const &file_path)
_env(env), _rm_connection(rm), _fs(fs), _roms(cache),
_file_path(file_path), _file_size(size)
* invert the file handle id to push the element to
* the opposite end of the space
_roms_elem.construct(*this, _roms, Rom_files::Id{~handle.value});
* Destructor
if (_file_handle.constructed())
if (_rm_attachment)
Path const &path() const { return _file_path; }
bool completed() const { return _rm_ds.valid(); }
void inc_ref() { ++_ref_count; }
void dec_ref() { --_ref_count; }
bool unused() const { return (_ref_count < 1); }
* Return dataspace with content of file
Rom_dataspace_capability dataspace() const {
return static_cap_cast<Rom_dataspace>(_rm_ds); }
* Called from the signal handler.
void process_packet(File_system::Packet_descriptor const packet)
if (packet.position() != _file_seek || _file_seek >= _file_size) {
error("bad packet seek position for ", _file_path, "!");
throw ~0;
} else {
size_t const n = min(packet.length(), _file_size - _file_seek);
_fs.tx()->packet_content(packet), n);
_file_seek += n;
if (_file_seek >= _file_size) {
_roms_elem.construct(*this, _roms);
/* attach dataspace read-only into region map */
enum { OFFSET = 0, LOCAL_ADDR = false, EXEC = true, WRITE = false };
_rm_attachment = _rm.attach(
_file_ds.cap(), _file_size, OFFSET,
LOCAL_ADDR, (addr_t)~0, EXEC, WRITE);
_rm_ds = _rm.dataspace();
} else {
class Cached_fs_rom::Session_component final : public Rpc_object<Rom_session>
Rom_file &_rom_file;
Sessions::Element _sessions_elem;
Session_component(Rom_file &rom_file,
Sessions &sessions,
Sessions::Id id)
_sessions_elem(*this, sessions, id)
** ROM session interface **
Rom_dataspace_capability dataspace() override {
return _rom_file.dataspace(); }
void sigh(Signal_context_capability) override { }
bool update() override { return false; }
struct Cached_fs_rom::Main final : Genode::Session_request_handler
Genode::Env &env;
Rm_connection rm { env };
Rom_files rom_cache { };
Sessions rom_sessions { };
/* Heap for local allocation */
Heap heap { env.pd(), env.rm() };
/* allocate sessions on a simple heap */
Sliced_heap sliced_heap { env.pd(), env.rm() };
Allocator_avl fs_tx_block_alloc { &heap };
File_system::Connection fs { env, fs_tx_block_alloc };
Session_requests_rom session_requests { env, *this };
Io_signal_handler<Main> packet_handler {
env.ep(), *this, &Main::handle_packets };
* Return true when a cache element is freed
bool cache_evict()
Rom_file *discard = nullptr;
rom_cache.for_each<Rom_file&>([&] (Rom_file &rf) {
if (discard) return;
if (rf.unused()) discard = &rf;
if (discard) {
destroy(heap, discard);
return true;
return false;
* Open a file handle
File_system::File_handle open(Path const &file_path)
using namespace File_system;
Path dir_path(file_path);
Path file_name(file_path);
Dir_handle parent_handle = fs.dir(dir_path.base(), false);
Handle_guard parent_guard(fs, parent_handle);
return fs.file(
parent_handle, file_name.base() + 1,
File_system::READ_ONLY, false);
* Open a file with some exception management
File_system::File_handle try_open(Path const &file_path)
using namespace File_system;
try { return open(file_path); }
catch (Lookup_failed) { error(file_path, " not found"); }
catch (Invalid_handle) { error(file_path, ": invalid handle"); }
catch (Invalid_name) { error(file_path, ": invalid nme"); }
catch (Permission_denied) { error(file_path, ": permission denied"); }
catch (...) { error(file_path, ": unhandled error"); }
throw Service_denied();
* Create new sessions
void handle_session_create(Session_state::Name const &name,
Parent::Server::Id pid,
Session_state::Args const &args) override
if (name != "ROM") throw Service_denied();
** Enforce sufficient donation for RPC object **
size_t ram_quota =
Arg_string::find_arg(args.string(), "ram_quota").ulong_value(0);
size_t session_size =
max((size_t)4096, sizeof(Session_component));
if (ram_quota < session_size)
throw Insufficient_ram_quota();
** Find ROM in cache **
Session_label const label = label_from_args(args.string());
Path const path(label.last_element().string());
Sessions::Id const id { pid.value };
Rom_file *rom_file = nullptr;
/* lookup the Rom_file in the cache */
rom_cache.for_each<Rom_file&>([&] (Rom_file &rf) {
if (!rom_file && rf.path() == path)
rom_file = &rf;
if (!rom_file) {
if (!fs.tx()->ready_to_submit()) {
Genode::warning("File_system packet queue is congested, defering read of ", path);
File_system::File_handle handle = try_open(path);
size_t file_size = fs.status(handle).size;
/* alloc-or-evict loop */
do {
try {
new (heap)
Rom_file(env, rm, fs, handle, file_size, rom_cache, path);
/* session is ready when read completes */
catch (Packet_alloc_failed) {
Genode::warning("File_system packet buffer is congested, defering read of ", path);
* There is an assumption that failure to allocate
* will implicitly trigger a resource request to the
* parent. If this behavior changes in the base library
* then this local mechanism cannot be expected to work.
catch (Quota_guard<Ram_quota>::Limit_exceeded) { }
catch (Quota_guard<Cap_quota>::Limit_exceeded) { }
} while (cache_evict());
/* eviction failed */
warning("insufficient resources for '", label, "'"
", stalling for upgrade");
if (!rom_file->completed())
** Create new RPC object **
try {
Session_component *session = new (sliced_heap)
Session_component(*rom_file, rom_sessions, id);
env.parent().deliver_session_cap(pid, env.ep().manage(*session));
catch (Sessions::Conflicting_id) {
Genode::warning("session request handled twice, ", args);
void handle_session_close(Parent::Server::Id pid) override
Sessions::Id id { pid.value };
id, [&] (Session_component &session)
destroy(sliced_heap, &session);
env.parent().session_response(pid, Parent::SESSION_CLOSED);
void handle_packets()
Tx_source &source = *fs.tx();
while (source.ack_avail()) {
File_system::Packet_descriptor pkt = source.get_acked_packet();
if (pkt.operation() != File_system::Packet_descriptor::READ) continue;
bool stray_pkt = true;
/* find the appropriate session */
Rom_files::Id{~(pkt.handle().value)}, [&] (Rom_file &rom)
if (rom.completed())
stray_pkt = false;
if (stray_pkt)
Main(Genode::Env &env) : env(env)
/* process the requests when more resources are made available */
/* process any requests that have already queued */
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env)
static Cached_fs_rom::Main inst(env);
* XXX This workaround can be removed with the eager creation of the
* the env log session.
Genode::log("--- cached_fs_rom ready ---");